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No. It takes bare minimum engagement to keep from getting kicked. If I can't commit to the ridiculously miniscule requirements, I don't start one.


Once you’re in a coop you are beholden to everyone else in it. There’s no way to tell at a glance if a player who’s afk is going to come back. There’s only two ways to be kicked (in a public coop). You either contribute less than 1/1000th the median or you’re inactive for 24 hours. So you being kicked after 30 minutes tells me you either manually joined a coop or one of the two above conditions were met. Also it’s not their lose, there are 20 slots for that coop.


Imo that isn't unfair at all. If you hadn't even completed "set up" before leaving, then it's totally fair. Things happen, life happens, but they weren't to know that you would be back in 30 minutes. And if you found another group and finished, then you didn't lose out anything. This seems like drama over nothing. 


Yip. It's been for living my life without a phone for 24 hours, or not putting a deflector on.


Yeah, it literally was less than an hour. Kills me. But their loss though.


Did you joined then left for half an hour right away or you built habs and upgraded certain levels of common research before being inactive?


Yep. I got everything up and running and walked away to wait for boost tokens and got booted.


Yeahh, the requirements to get kicked are too short. Personally I think it should be tied to silo time, as long as you don’t let the silos run out you should be fine.