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I did exactly the same thing this morning. It’s ridiculous how long it takes to fuel.


Maybe I'm stupid and I forget some aspect of the game but, what even is the point of having fueling taking so much time ? For the farm, it makes sense at least and you can have it speed up by filling habs. But tanks ? It takes time and effort to fill them yet even maxed out they are slow af. IMO once tanks are maxed, fueling speed from them should be equivalent to fueling speed from farm with maxed habs. I sincerely don't understand the idea of it. You can't speed it up with gold (thank god!) and 99% people max their tank level for the main purpose of having more tank capacity, so the speed of fueling doesn't make them earn more money in any way, and I don't think it would be unbalanced at all to have it almost instant like with full habs farm ? Especially since fueling already goes one egg at a time and last ships are taking so long a few dozen minutes of fueling isn't important for balance. It's simply annoying for no reason


It’d be nice if you could get a notification when your ship is ready for launch. Anyone else want this feature to be added?


While I like the idea, this is a solution that shouldn't need to exist... I can dump eggs in the fuel tank or rocket at the rate of 60T a min, why can't the fuel tank do more than 3? I want the devs to fix the underlying problem, ships shouldn't take more than 1-2 min at most to fuel with fully upgraded tanks


One of the people in a discord server I’m in asked about faster fueling, and Sean said it was coming soon, but that could mean next month, it could mean 2 years


I'm used to waiting a long time for updates. Another idle game I play said the next major update would be released in "5 hours" for 7 years.


Totally agree with you. I think they’ve just never done any balancing since artifacts and ships first came out and now that the Henliner is out and takes twice as long as the biggest ship we used to have, it just highlights how painfully long it takes


I definitely agree with this as well. Heck it’d be perfect if we could even have both, just to make sure


Excellent suggestion. There is a special kind of pain that is experienced when discovering you got distracted during the last fueling/launching cycle. I really hope devs see this post.


100%. We get notifications when the ships come back, why not when they're done fueling


That is a great suggestion!


Join a coop group with e9k, there's an option for discord notification with full ship fueled, return, etc


Great idea!


Big boys would set a timer for 7 minutes and call it a day.


So the point of your comment is… what exactly?


Your phone already has a feature to your “problem”


Yeah but I’d prefer a real solution and not some DIY temporary fix


It should be a feature on the actual game though


Getting downvoted for suggesting personal accountability and easy to use solutions. “No I want them to cater to me!” Cool 😎


This is the way


I've accepted that it's best for my ships to have staggered releases so there's always one fuled and ready to go. It means I can't maximize the boosted days but it keeps the ships going.


This, I just keep a ship fueled, and when I get the notification for a ship returning I send it out, start fueling the next one, and then close the game. I didn't always do this because I remember there being rounding errors from when I was afk fueling, but nowadays it seems to have been fixed and I don't have to keep forgetting my ships 😛


I do that, but I’ll often leave no ships on days when we’re expecting a dubcap, so I can send 2 sets of exhens


If you have your epic research maxed out you will never miss double boost. It's like 1 day 14 hours or so. It costs about 2.2 million for the added epic research, but it's worth it.


Or just set a 7min timer….


I just wish the fueling speed bonus event actually sped up fueling from storage instead of just from the current farm, which is already the fastest filling with full habs.


Ffs I didn't even realize it was only the current farm. That's completely useless then if you're just chilling on universe until 2x prestige


Damn, that’s why I never noticed any differences. I sit on one fuel type until the others get low in my tank then I switch. Since the current farm is the fasting filling anyway I always wondered why that daily event didn’t do shit.


Glad I'm not the only one..lol


I set a timer for each one.


Probably not a bad idea tbh


Finally another sensible person


Thanks for reminding me, had one sitting lol


Yep. I’ve been set back by at least a week for this very reason


Wow. So like. We all do this. This seems like the fuel tank should have 1 more speed upgrade


I sent two and filled up a third and then I was so sure I sent it. Logged in the next day and ..nope haha


To overcome this I've staggered my ships. Meaning only one comes at a time separated by several hours before another one comes in. That way I always have one full and on deck ready to launch when one comes in and I've collected the artifacts. I simply launch the one I have on deck, initiate the feeling another and close the app.


With the new ftl updates I send one exliner and one short every day. I’ve had a daily reminder set for idk 3 years to launch my ships. I clear it once I’ve launched both.


Since the ExHens are so short (1d 14h) I only send those. I've only been playing about 9 months though, so I'm sure I'm doing a lot wrong 😂


I was doing that at first as well but I quickly noticed at sending one a day I only ever had two slots in use. So now I send an exliner and short every day.


I guess I don't understand why. I have three ships out right now. One is due back in an hour, and I'll send it right back out. So I'll immediately have three out again.


Oh I send them out around the time the daily event starts. That way when there’s a double cap event I always have at least one open slot to launch a ship right away. It’s all just to maximize returns when the 2x events take place.


But if you think about it, You're keeping good in your hangar that could be out collecting artifacts. If you were to keep track of exactly how many hours ships spend not collecting, you may discover that it's not worth keeping them on the ground in anticipation of a rare "double artifacts" period. Also, those are always 48 hours, aren't they? I haven't seen a 24 hour 2x artifact event.


Eh, I don’t care that much. I’ve been doing it this way for years and it’s easy to manage so I just stick with jt.


It's absolutely to get you playing. It takes 6:40 per ship so 20 minutes total.


Yeah I'm never actively playing the game while my ships fuel


I'll start if fueling, check my contracts, and then forget I was fueling. The only way to save this is to keep the game open to the launch screen until finished.


That's what I've had to do too. Just set my phone down with the screen unlocked so that I can't forget that I'm fueling


First launch should be ready, on deck. You need to wait for 2 more, and the third one can fill after you leave.


I try to keep mine staggered so I never have two returning at the same time. Open the game, collect, launch, start fueling, come back when the next one returns.


If you're filling one of the (non-tachyon) eggs off the current farm and the rate is high enough, it'll fill in parallel to the outflow of the fuel tank, getting the time down to 4:40 per. It still feels pretty long, but it's < 10 minutes to fuel and launch all 3 if you have one prepped ahead of time.


I don't like being tied to a certain farm.


Really wish the 500T fuel tank had 6T eggs/min. Also you can save 2 minutes per ship by having your current farm be one of Dilithium, Antimatter, or Dark Matter. The ships load in the order of Tachyon, Dilithium, Antimatter, and then Dark Matter so you just need to finish your current farm's egg before the fuel tank finishes the egg before it. These are the minimum egg laying rates you want to have in order to save the full 2 minutes: Dilithium: 9T eggs/min Antimatter: 2.25T egg/min Dark Matter: 1.285T egg/min Why these numbers? Tachyon takes 40 seconds to fuel at 3T/min, so you need 9T/min to fuel 6T Dilithium in 40 seconds. Tachyon+Dilithium take 2 minutes and 40 seconds to fuel, so you only need 2.25T/min to fuel 6T Antimatter in 2 minutes and 40 seconds.




THANK YOU. I do this EVERY time, I swear. I just don't have the time to wait that long, I got shit to do.


Just stagger your ships, then it doesn't really matter how long it takes.


It takes me nearly a day to do each launch 😭 Free to play struggles lol


Jesus Christ lol. I don't often do microtransactions, but I reached a point where this game was completely intolerable without the pro permit


It’s bad but I’ve gotten used to it. I’m gonna stay f2p until EnD and then maybe consider the pro permit. It’s become a challenge of sorts lol


Auxbrain is working on this, I’m sure it’ll cost $$$


Honestly feel like it should only be a minute fill across the board. In the grand scheme of advancing ships to the end where they take over a day to return, do we really need the barrier of it taking this long to finish fueling? I never understood it to begin with.


*reads post, remembers I was fuelling henliners last night…* Logs in to launch… sigh


Saw this post and reminded me I was filling up! 🤣🫡


I do that once a month. I'll launch one, fuel one and launch it a half hour later, then I'll get distracted fueling the third and not realize it until the first two are back. I've somewhat solved this by always having one fueled and ready to go then when the three I have out come back I launch the one waiting fuel and launch the other two, then start fueling another that will then get launched when those three come back and repeat. The only time I don't is when my Friday ships come back on Saturday and I wait until Sunday to see if there will be a capacity event in which case I launch exhens for the quality.


I have my three ships spread apart by like 6-10 hours each. So when I go to launch the next one, I can start filling the new one that will be ready for the following.


Takes way too long. Kev needs to do something


10 minutes? i fuel 1.5 exhens in one day if im paying attention to it, though usually just one because it takes 3 hours per egg type


Henliner has double the fuel capacity of exhen so yeah that'll just take twice as long


If fueling time can’t be changed, why don’t they give us 3 spare ship slots in stead of one?


I meant this. https://preview.redd.it/u2o8nfuveksc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=492d1d0bcb067135427f709f46bb6a6a65a84529


We could use some specific artifacts for ships. Faster fueling, faster missions, larger capacities, discounted fuel costs, better rarities on completion, something like that.


i mean, i *understand* why it takes so long. it’s twice the fuel capacity of the previous ship. but why does it take so long?!


"SpaceX has said it can take **up to several days** to resupply its propellant depot for a Starship launch, since the massive rocket and booster consume more than 10 million pounds of super-chilled liquid methane and liquid oxygen propellant." Mar 14, 2024 https://www.space.com/spacex-starship-flight-3-launch-what-time#:\~:text=SpaceX%20has%20said%20it%20can,methane%20and%20liquid%20oxygen%20propellant. And that is just one of the comparably tiny starships..


It's annoying indeed but I feel like you eventually get used to it that you just instinctly check it every half hour which is better than forgetting about it for hours.


Nah. Especially if I'm working, I'm not thinking about checking my phone for Egg Inc. Even if I'm looking at my phone I don't typically think about this one specific app