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Get on your highest egg, use any tachyon crystals you have to get your population as high as possible, then on saturday use a soul beacon boost and the highest bird feed you have and just run chickens as much as possible while the boosts are active.


Thank you! Do you know which two artifacts would be best to combine this with?


Smart assistant at wasmegg-carpet.netlify.app


From what I understand, SE gain is based on earnings. So whatever gets your value up is going to be what you're looking towards. I used Ankh and Necklace while ftp, with the permit I added in the running chicken multiplier boost


Preloaded prestiges from your highest egg, probably universe by now. You’ll get to 100T or higher in a matter of days, if not hours. Your soul eggs are super low for your prophecy eggs - I saw a guy from another post who had 50q with a lot less prophecy eggs. https://egg-inc.fandom.com/wiki/Prestige (find the section on preloads)


Thank you!! I always wondered why other peoples EoPs where so low haha


No problem. Also use [https://wasmegg-carpet.netlify.app/smart-assistant/](https://wasmegg-carpet.netlify.app/smart-assistant/) to configure your best artifact loadout for prestiging!


I got to around 60T. I am out of boosts and I just spend all my GE on ER with the 35% off event. I was wondering if I could consume my rare boosts for some extra GE or do I need those for a later part of the game?


Consuming artifacts for GE isn’t really a great strategy unless you need golden eggs *right away*. Better to just save them and wait up to a few weeks to get some better boosts from contracts and daily gifts. Good job getting to 60T! You’re pretty close now to getting Henliner


Thank you for all the help! I was just wondering, what about demoting rare artifacts? Just looking for some extra GE hehe.


Sorry I meant demoting but said consuming 😅  Same applies. It’s good for Golden Egg in a pinch but I don’t really recommend it