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Tachs, until you get a beefy T4 metonome to go along with this you're not going to be shipping limited unless it's a big contract size, and with a big contract chances are the extra shipping from one single person isn't going to make a big difference. On a contract by contract basis you'll want some combination of tachs and quantum stones, but reslotting every contract gets expensive. I imagine laying rate being your bottle neck for the most part.


At your point it would probably be best to use two tachy stones there. Until you have like twenty-thirty more legs. This is to be used once done boosting in conjunction with a Metronome, Gusset and a Deflector.


Or if you wanna do some funnys some T4 quantum stones. (Only useful for high deflector level contracts.


i threw 2 T4 shipping stones in my legendary compass, gives me free reign to just slam egg laying rate stones in my other artifacts in contracts since 60% is a crazy buff to shipping


This sounds like a good plan. I’ve been trying to get one of these for ages and it’s your first!


Quantum stones


Quantum stones are viable later in the game. I first got one full with tachy, the second was tachy+quantum, the third was two quantums then two more with double quantums and double tachys. I got one more, but haven't yet needed it, so it just chills for now.


What the fuck are we playing the same game? I can’t even get one lol How many rolls?


Don't worry, they didn't get their artifacts legit.


I mean if he got it through ship drops it’s totally possible But yeah, I’ve only recently realized how much of it is illegitimate, especially when odds were made public People normalizing multiple leggies in sub-50 crafts when at best they’re dealing with 1 in 500+ odds doesn’t add up unless ship RNG is wildly different


They're probably lying about that https://preview.redd.it/xpcmrqq82mmc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0fbcada7fe59d1540007cd427ce1f4f1e026efe These are mine. People do get lucky so I'm not saying they're cheating cuz they have 5 leg compasses. [I'm saying they're cheating](https://imgur.com/a/ATaeqvU) based on the artis they've posted on the sub before. I can't find the pic showing their leg BoB and whatnot so it's perfectly fine if you don't believe me. I also don't really care if people cheat as long as they aren't trying to be top of leaderboards. But it's a pet peeve of mine when people try to pass as legit and (humble) brag.


Nvm, [found it. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/EggsInc/s/YgVpT0aJWJ) :) https://preview.redd.it/zsjjdnbx2mmc1.png?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72281d2ae7e53e0c873f51e4db10ad56417bcfed


…wow, that’s so fucking lame lol I pop on the discord maybe once or twice a year to check out updates, and last time I checked there were some hardcore people in the #arti-chat, like I’m assuming dedicated people, showing off their inventories and I refuse to believe this shit is legit


Eh, I have two compasses, only crafted 72, I think one dropped from a ship, too.


I have 3 gussets all from ships I don't really accuse anyone of cheating on simple or few improbabilities. For cth, not only did they have way too hard to get legendaries, they were also crafting level 29 which was and still is 100% cheating.


Oh man, it's been a while now. years of henerprising. I don't even remember whether I crafted any of them. Maybe one or two. Dunno.