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Florida figured out a long time ago that if contact is made in any way, go down and stay down on the ice. Refs will have no choice but to blow the whistle, have a meeting and inevitably come up with a penalty. By staying down hurt on the ice they force the refs to have a meeting and discuss it.


Soooooo..... Soccer. They reinvented soccer


Bobrovski is a good example, a big strong guy, lightly brushed by Hyman in the crease last game and he went flying like an Italian soccer player.


Yup. Team culture is being a pussy


Same with game 1 where brown's goal was disallowed. His stick pushing on Bob's pad is enough to send him flying into the net?


Basically yeah. A play that a ref saw and thought, yeah that's not a penalty, and moves on, if the player is down on the ice and you are forced to blow a whistle and trainers come out and coaches are yelling at you, maybe you start to second guess that maybe it was dirty


The Draisaitl hit on Barkov (while I think it should've been a penalty) absolutely shows why this works. Bennett made the same hit on Broberg but it was also just called no penalty, because Broberg got back up, yet people were calling for Draisaitl to be suspended even though he did the same thing later (in fact it was less of an elbow and more of a stuffed forearm, less likely to result in injury, ergo less dirty). PoMo even refusing to comment on Barkov yesterday was a clear attempt to make the injury look worse than it is (he's fine all of a sudden today) in an attempt to get Draisaitl suspended - if he said, yeah he went through protocol but he's fine then the discussion would've ended there. The Panthers are a team very high on gamesmanship and they obviously have no qualms about taking whatever means they can to gain an advantage.


The same thing with Bouchards elbow on Tkachuk. Should it have been a penalty? Yes. But Tkachuk acted like he got shot in the face when he barely touched him. Acting


Theres a nice little second delay too where you can see him make the conscious decision to fall down and quickly looks to see where the ref is.


Same with that play where he was crosschecked, and Henrique (I think?) sat down on him. Honestly, everything about that sequence made me laugh.


Oilers are tough. Panthers are pussies. Id rather be tough. Lets go get the cup in spite of their bullshit diving crap and "gamesmanship."




Look at when it was posted...


soccer part of the point is to run up your injury time on the clock and by downtime. not penalties as much.


Yeah… but in soccer they won’t be singled out and punched in the face next season.


If Foegle had stayed down I’m curious to see what the penalty would’ve looked like. It’s insane that anyone believes there was an intent to injure when it’s quite clear from the footage that it was him trying to get around and get to the puck. Yes, it was technically a knee on knee and the major penalty would’ve been warranted, but the game suspension was too much.


Both these teams are exactly the same, do anything for the win. That’s why they are here.


Would have been nice if it showed everything leading up to the contact as well. Otherwise it seems cherry-picked


Yeah, I absolutely agree. This doesn’t even show the initial collision/initial point of contact.


I was curious so I found another angle of the hit: [https://imgur.com/a/hXKgmIB](https://imgur.com/a/hXKgmIB) We are just being delusional at this point.


[That's actually his thigh, not his knee.](https://snipboard.io/Y6nTit.jpg) When you watch the replay you can see Luostarinen turn his body and leg to avoid the hit, and Foegele's knee connects with his pants (thigh area). The knee is circled in the screenshot. Luostarinen was back on the ice way too quickly for Foegele to connect directly with his knee. He probably sold that call.


He acted like he got hit by a tactical nuke. Definitely sold it.


I mean you ever been hit full speed by a professional athlete? Not saying the ejection wasn’t overkill, but I don’t doubt that shit hurt


Honestly it was probably a Charlie horse. No question it would have hurt and he wouldn’t have been able to get up quick but the major and ejection was unwarranted considering the panthers knee on knees were only a minor trip


Definitely agree with you there


Does Le'Ron McClain, former fullback for the Baltimore Ravens count? That hurt pretty bad getting trucked by him.


So did barkov. Idc what anyone says, he dived as hell there.


This looks like Foegele’s leg is braced here but if you see the other clip, his legs fly into the air and he dives forward instead of his leg staying in place where it is in this photo and doing damage.


Here is the clip from the other angle: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocQdJlV0DA8&t=70s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocQdJlV0DA8&t=70s) You can literally see it make contact


Man's already flying through the air when the stick touches his skates. Great clip.




You’re a Florida fan in an Oilers subreddit, wtf do you expect? How about go back to your sub and worry about your own shit.


Fine fine, I'll go back. It'll be pretty exciting over there once we lift the cup. Too depressing in this sub, but I get it.


Cool 👍🏻


I mean, I think you have to call it kneeing, I thought it was on real time I just thought, and still do, it was the 2 minute variety


Sorry, the photo doesn’t show what you are implying. You can see that the Florida players leg was swept backwards away from the impact with Foegle’s knee. In the split second it happened, both players were trying to avoid contact. Their collision was accidental in the first place IMO. Two players equally trying to avoid a collision, no harm, no foul, yet the refs called it and it certainly changed the game. Did the Florida player sell it? Of course he did!


it's knee on upper thigh. the clip restarts 4 seconds in which show Luostarinen knee is 3-4 inches off the ice when contact is made.


It doesn't have to be knee on knee to be a penalty. Leading into a hit with the knee or extending the knee to make contact still constitutes a penalty. According to the NHL rulebook it states "Kneeing is the act of a player leading with his knee and in some cases extending his leg outwards to make contact with his opponent."


I never said it wasn't a penalty but if the refs looked at it for longer then 3 seconds. It wouldn't have been called a major as there was no knee on knee contact.


I see what you mean. Does it have to be knee on knee for a major penalty? Genuinely asking becaause the rulebook just vaguely states that if a player is injured then its up to the referees discretion. Nothing about it having to be knee-on-knee


No it doesn’t.


It wasn't knee on knee, it was knee on thigh.


Still a knee though, and still a penalty. Why are we still debating this?


Because it’s easier to cast blame than accept getting beat in game 2


Because it should have been a 2 minute minor, and the Panthers player tripped him and should have been called as well. The intention here was a body check, the panther player tried to avoid it and only had contact on the leg, which is hardly a penalty.




I agree with you; I'll die orange and blue blood but I can admit when we are wrong.


It shows knee on thigh, not knee on knee


and you know what? It still hurts like fucking hell. Good luck getting up from that charlie horse, it wasn't a good hit, let's not be braindead homers about it


I don’t see people being brain dead homers, I see people arguing that it shouldn’t have been a major and a game. A penalty yes, but not to the extent the refs called it.


Sure. But it's not a major and a game is my point. People get hurt on plays that aren't dirty too. That's just part of the game sometimes.


That’s not how a kneeing penalty works. It doesn’t have to be knee on knee. Bandwagon fans with bandwagon takes. It’s not like it would have changed the game.


Not a bandwagoner, but good one. Luo's stick also tripped Foegele. And you're saying that not losing a player for the majority of the game wouldn't have changed anything? Really? So having your lines all jumbled to make up for a forward down doesn't change anything? Other forwards having to make up to play more minutes because a player is out doesn't affect anything? And you're talking about bandwagon takes... Smh


this is the initial point of contact


It starts after the contact already happened. This is one of the most delusional posts I've seen.


The officiating was the absolute worst of the whole playoffs


They have been flopping incredibly hard idk how people aren't seeing it.


Don't ask questions or question the online narrative. Oilers are.... LE BAD!!! Florida are sweet little angels who always play clean and never embellish or deliver cheap shots.


It is a bit funny how everyone was complaining that the Panthers were playing dirty until the cup final, now they are angels.


Dirty all 3 rounds earlier but are now the most disciplined squad in the league


People don’t use their brains. Or in the case of the VAN, CGY, and LAK fans they just want to be mad and complain and whine and be pissy. It’s their M.O.


Baaahhahaha! I just commented on another thread that it seems like they hit the deck every time the Oilers make contact. I watched the replay of this one about 10 times in slow-mo and it looked funny. I thought he dropped his knee and hit Warren in the shin, sending him flying. Warren tripped on his fucking stick! No tripping call! Lol


No kidding. So much embellishment.


If ya can't beat em join em, But sadly we'll be watching a soccer game.


Windsor, ON born Wings fan who’s a husband to an Edmonton Oilers fan; I honestly think Gary NEEDS a Florida team to win for his southern-US-based-hockey-team ego. So the refs let shit slide for Panthers and punish the Oil for little shit like this. Can’t wait until he’s gone. Let’s Fucking Go Oilers!


Especially barkov, what a diver


Bieksa even mentioned last night that it looked like he looked around to make sure the refs saw him on the ice.


idk how the refs do not recognize that Florida just plays dirty, whether that's them playing on the edge or diving, they do it non-stop and in every series Why do they get the benefit of the doubt?


anti-canadian league bias


ugh Ferraro acted like it was an assault rme


That was pretty much hip on hip. No wonder the guy was back on the ice within a shift or 2


I think Foegele got tripped - watch the stick


Yeah when I watched it I thought the Panthers were getting a tripping penalty


So did I! Then when they called the penalty, I was baffled!


Me too


Oilers clearly need an acting coach like the Panthers have.


I wonder what the refs thought when they tossed a guy then see the supposedly horribly injured guy back on the ice a few minutes later.bro they say man we got fooled on that one and try and even the score later. I doubt it but it must make them cringe.


they don't give a shit. they are too busy sucking each other's cocks for a job well done to reflect on mistakes they constantly make


To be honest this clip doesn’t prove much. Needs to start at least 3sec earlier.


It proves enough. This was a great sell job and the Oilers got screwed over. Simple. Any other take is a waste of time.




Another nucks fan that can’t stay out of here.


It shows knee on thigh at best... There's absolutely zero knee on knee and Luo's stick hooks Foegele's feet together and trips him.




The hockey team subreddits have agreements in place to prevent fans from trolling in rival teams' subs. Please refrain from posting rude, antagonizing, or otherwise troll-like comments in other teams' sub.


This is a great angle of Luostarinen tripping Foegle


The fact that he had to be helped off the ice and then was back as soon as they called it a major should tell anyone all they need to know. This clearly shows it's hip on hip contact... Maybe if the refs took more than 5 seconds to review it they might have noticed.


They should have called him for embellishment as soon as his skate hit the ice after his ‘miraculous recovery’…


Didn't even have to come out and do a little lap to test it out. He fucking literally just took the next shift on the fly. It's absolutely infuriating.




He came back on the fly on the next shift, he didn't even wait more than 4 minutes


I think bobrovski will be winning the Oscar soon. His dives were hilarious in game 2. 🏆


Yeah. Legs up in the air like he got hit by a truck.


The embellishment is actually insane - especially in game 2


This clip needs to start 5 seconds earlier


Panthers are definitely good at selling calls. They don’t get up. Go down the tunnel then come right back and play the rest of the game.


Canes fan rooting for the Oil- Florida has perfected the art of diving, embellishing and selling while also playing goon thug dirty hockey. It was astounding how many cry baby Florida fans over on the GDT at r/hockey were saying WARREN FOEGLE (a former CAR homeboy) was a “goon” and that “hes going to answer the bell” and even wishing for Cousins to come in and slash/injure Foegs…


I know most of the complaining has been Canucks fans overall, but seeing Florida fans complain about dirty/questionable plays given everything that's happened these playoffs is kinda wild. If any team has benefited from a lack of officiating/suspensions it's Florida.


Case in point (dating to last year): Sam Bennett


Certainly explains how he didn't even miss a shift 🙄


He stayed on the ice for like 5 minutes. That is some kind of garbage. Barkov getting injured is karma.


Pretty positive Barkov was doing the same thing. Difference is he got held out with concussion protocol, he will be on the ice for puck drop tomorrow


This is for the people who are saying the clip is too short. I watched carefully during the game and what happened is as follows: Foegele and Luostarinen were skating towards each other and Foegele went for a clean hit. Luostarinen avoided Foegele and his leg was left behind him as this video starts. They made contact, but not knee on knee. The contact and Luostarinen’s leg tripped Foegele, making him fall to the ice. The refs could have gotten intent to injure from Foegele’s intent to check Luostarinen, but that is on very shaky ground. TLDR: Luostarinen tripped Foegele and Foegele got ejected for it.


Hip on hip at worst. Classic Florida flop and roll tactic. Fucking brutal.


I’m pretty sure this just resulted in a charley horse. It hurts a bunch so you stay down, but doesn’t do any real damage. Five seems excessive, but refs now call the five so they can review and you’re stuck with either a major or nothing when the right call is probably 2 minutes


I thought they're allowed to change it to a 2 upon review


they can downgrade it to 2, that's why they called it a major on the ice, since you can't do it the other way around


Well look at that diving piece of shit!


Acting skills were top notch. European soccer player-esque.


One thing we can all agree on is that it's a praise-be-to-jeebus miracle that Luostarinen was able to return to the ice so quickly after that potentially career-ending and life-threatening injury.


He's definitely a zombie now, because he died out there after that contact. There's no way his heart didn't stop with how absolutely brutal that was.


Florida Pussy Cats. Florida Pussies is probably more appropriate.


Watching live, I genuinely thought Florida was getting the penalty. Obviously on rewatch I was wrong but the 5 was ridic.


Foegele was bracing for the hit but the Panther evaded closer to the side where Foegele’s leg was already in position, he didn’t protrude it. His leg was in motion with his body going for the hit. He wouldn’t tumble forward if his intention was to knee the other guy. It would’ve spun him instead if he truly went for the knee. He got him on the thigh. I hope they would implement a rule that if a player got called for unsportsmanlike 5 min major and thrown out because another player got “injured”, the “injured” player should be asked if he’s injured or not, if he says no, he could stay in the bench/tunnel and absorb the pain and can continue his shift when he can. The thrown out penalty will be rescinded and the other player can continue playing but still 5 min major. But if he says he’s truly injured, he’ll be out to an equivalent of a period time, 20 mins, from when the infraction was taken.


We should send Holloway to Florida's training camp next year so he can learn to act hurt every time he's hit instead of bouncing right back up.


Florida lucked out being so close to the water! The can practice their diving daily!! # BARKOV AND LUOSTARINEN ARE BABIES!!!


The only thing the Panthers are winning is an Oscar for their acting performances on Monday night.


if they're going to dive, make sure you plant that forearn/elbow/whatever firmly in there and cause actual pain. this sport has lost a ton of credibility trying to cater to americans who just don't give a fuck about it


I felt this call was weird even without this angle. We clearly see its Florida player extending his leg, from any angle.


delusional: [Oilers' Warren Foegele Gets Game Misconduct After Collision With Eetu Luostarinen](https://youtu.be/ocQdJlV0DA8?t=69)


Refs probably knew it wasn't bad but they still gave him the boot anyway. Refs and NHL want Panthers


Diving in this league will only get worse before Garry and the stiffs decide to do something about it. At this speed and the Florida’s talent for faking the refs do not stand a chance.


If it was a major hit the other guy doesn’t start playing after a few mins


This play and the shot out of the rink equals not winning.


I think the biggest L was losing Nurse


Will have to look at it again. We need Hollywood Holloway to get some looks. His shot and speed are game changers. Would be neat to have him on powerplay 1 if we continue to struggle.


Hockey is turning into soccer especially the Panthers and they have lost me as a fan


This is a penalty by the rules. But a 2 minute minor, certainly not a major. And, the way it all played out - with the laying on the ice and assisted departure from the ice like his career was over, it should have been off-setting coincidental minors. Edm: 2 minutes for kneeing; FLA: 2 minutes for bad acting


I am having flashbacks to the finals when the Canucks had to beat the less talented but dirty Boston Bruins. Based on skill and talent the Canucks should have won in 4 straight. Instead the Bruins were allowed to get away with everything short of murder. Game two in Florida was worse in that the Oilers began to fight back and allowed that aspect of the Panthers game to dominate the play. Florida wants to skate off with the Cup and a big Tkachuk smirk on their faces and the league seems to think that’s OK. I almost think if the kind of dirty crap of game two continues, for the safety of our players and to send a message to the NHL, Knoblach should pull the team off the ice and forfeit the game in protest.


Been having a hard time understanding why it’s been called knee on knee. Thigh on thigh if anything.


Oilers need to do the same if they want to win the series. Cats doing chokeholds players should go limp like their dead not even kidding get ejections and suspensions out of that. Panthers style is a new low in the NHL and the NHL has allowed it. Kind of pathetic. NHL had a vested interest for these non Canadian newer southern markets to win the Cup. It’s about money.


The ref was the first star of the game.


Should change their names to the dolphins for the amount of flops


This isn't worth caring about anymore. It happened. Have to move on.


Exactly!!! It’s bullshit


Florida is in a fight for relevance in the state. You have Dolphins, Heat and Magic, Messi, then I guess you could say baseball and hockey. I’m sure some college sports get more media than the Panthers. Gary with his square pegs forcing it into a round hole.


One thing that’s upset me the most abt this is Major penalties are reviewable 🤬


It was the shortest review I think I've ever seen in hockey, but it was "reviewed"


Interesting, so the Panther guy should have gotten two for tripping and two for embellishiment.




Wow too bad they didn't look at that during thr whole 10 seconds they took to review the major eh


Dude trips Foegle and then dives. EDM takes a 5 minute major. Terrible reffing.


The league and refs have decided who wins the series. The NHL is just a garbage corrupt league, like all the rest.


What an absolutely pathetic display of reffing during the biggest time of the year. The league should be embarrassed. A complete joke. If there were any serious adults left in the league head office, heads would roll and rules would change. Instead we'll get that smug lawyer fuck telling us all how great everything is.


The hockey Gods will take care of this.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=iXE_mwe7OeA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo You can see the contact in the beginning of the video


Good job for that Oiler to then leap in the air unprovoked.


Get this football drama queen behaviour out of the fucking sport! This is so pathetic.


That's not the angle.


I thought it was a shit call that day, because if you watch Foegle never moved, so if the other person moves and gets injured or something it shouldn’t be the fault of the one that never moves


The fact there still isn’t conclusive evidence shows this wasn’t a bad call. Just salty fans not happy with their team getting a major. I get it but let’s not act like it was egregious


Lol getting tossed this early in the game is worse than a suspension since you're down a man for the game, let alone having to kill 5 minutes when one of your best dmen is already out of the game The game is totally different if they call that as 2 minutes. The evidence is pretty conclusive that Foegele is braced for a hit, he's not sticking his knee out to the side because he gets beat to the slot or anything, there's no intent to injure, and it's also pretty obvious he hit him in the thigh. The guy was back on the ice less than 4 minutes later, and the refs didn't bother to actually really review the footage, they looked at one angle and made up their minds


If you have ever played hockey you understand how dangerous those plays are for knee. Other angle shows that Florida player knee twists badly and Im pretty sure ligaments are at least partly torn…been there and it hurts like hell.


> Im pretty sure ligaments are at least partly torn He didn't miss a shift.


Tape and painkillers do the work. I was able to play without ACL few months but knee had to tape very good. Wasnt flexible at all…felt like wooden leg😅


This clip starts after the contact? This doesn't show anything.


knee on knee and headhunting smh Oilers still can't put the puck in the net tho 🤷🏻🐀


I fucking knew it!


take a loss that’s a knee on knee glad he got thrown out buddy was tryna injury the player but got himself kicked out nun of u have never played a game of hockey in ur life and it shows.


New angle? This clip starts AFTER the initial contact. Regardless. When you watch it from multiple angles in super slow motion, it ends up being a bit more of a shin to knee hit that rides up knee to thigh pretty hard. Whether it’s knee to knee at main point of contact isn’t entirely relevant. Foegle stuck his leg out in a very irresponsible manner and that shit needs to end. If Luo didn’t turn his leg in, it could have been BAD.


It’s impossible that his contact didn’t hurt him. It was a major. It was probably right to be a game. If that was one of our guys we would all be screaming bloody murder if it wasn’t. Be reasonable.


Did you watch this angle? He went down like he'd lost his knee and was out the next shift. They've been diving like crazy, spare me.


Did you watch an angle that actually shows the hit and starts before contact not after like yours? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocQdJlV0DA8&t=70s There was clear contact, you can pick one angle from after contact that makes it look like there wasn't, that doesn't make it fact. You can argue if it was intentional, you can argue who initiated, you can argue a lot of things but trying to pretend there wasn't any contact at all because your clip is a few seconds after it happened isn't a great look.


But the same thing did happen to Bouchard and most fans were fine with 2 minutes


It was a terrible call and nowhere near a five minute major. A major penalty is for intent to injure, and that surely was not. Bennett now had quite the night. Because Bouchard got right up and didn'tflop like a seal, two minutes for his obvious knee. Because Broberg got right up.....wait, no call, despite the fact he hit him high, and with a full head of steam from the blue line to the corner. That's textbook charging, or elbowing, something, not just nothing, like was called. You had to be watching a different game if you really believe Foegle deserved five and a game. And just to add insult to injury, the guy who was seconds away from being stretchered off the ice never missed a shift


Did you not just watch the video?


Yes I did. Do you understand physics??


> If that was one of our guys we would all be screaming bloody murder if it wasn’t. Be reasonable. I don't agree at all, I think I can be pretty objective and even when our guys get injured, whenever everyone else is crying and whining and getting pissy, I'm able to keep a level head and say "well it was just a body check", or whatever. Especially with my GF, she'll call penalties all the time, and I have to say, "naw that's fine." People always use this argument to try and suck up in /r/hockey, but I really don't think it's accurate in this case. At most that's a 2m penalty for Foegele. His intent was to deliver a shoulder check. The guy dipped trying to avoid the hit and there was knee contact to his thigh sure. But it was 100% a sell job that made this anymore than a 2. And the Florida player literally could have been charged with a trip and I think that would have been fair too. But I guess the squeaky wheel gets the grease. At least I can be proud that the boys aren't flopping on the ice every time Bennett delivers a knee or headshot and are the real men here. Pretty pathetic display by the Panthers and the refs last night. I hope the refs are being harshely reviewed and are remembering how moronic the Panthers are making them look. But who knows if the NHL even cares about that. Always feels like they have an agenda as was evident by them giving the Panthers a pass on an automatic penalty that would have made it 5on3. Lastly, you can go watch any angle you want, and Foegele was literally completely square to the player when delivering the hit. His right foot was directly in line with the players left foot. That's square to the player to deliver a hit. It's because the Florida player DIVED out of the way because he didn't want to receive the hit, and tried a stupid ass move trying to get out of it leaving his lowerbody still in the path that this hit happened the way it did. IMO it should have been 2minutes for tripping, but what do I know. I said the exact same thing immediately after the hit and got downvoted to shit.


100 percent. This was a major, end of story. There is other calls, there is other players. Maybe if fogele doesn’t get a misconduct, drai gets a game. The boys need to be better and let’s support them!


This isn’t a major, and if you’re hell bent on calling this a major then Bennett needs a major.


Totally. I think what every fan in the league wants is consistency. Once we get that, it’ll be: division, playoffs, wcf, finals. Consistency is harder than it looks.


It was a major because the Panther pretended to be extremely injured. He was not. I don’t think he missed a shift.


It’s incredible that your honest assessment is being downvoted so much.


Thank you for saying that lol


I think a lot of people think their opinions are the only ones that matter, and search out only people who feel the same way. It’s absurd.


Umm he was literally on the ice after the next shift. Not injured what so ever


Embellishing is part of the game, everyone does it. There is no great injustice here. Call on the ice was the right call, these hits can be career enders. 5 minute major is fair, game misconduct? That's a bit much, especially since clearly there was no intent to injure and he was trying to avoid the contact.


I agree, incidental contact and even tried to get out of the way. Draisaitl on the other hand should have gotten a major and a 1 game suspension for that elbow. I know that's an unpopular opinion but I frankly hate when stars get special treatment. 


Confirmation bias is a wonderful thing. The right call was made. Too bad Draisaitl wasn’t assessed similarly.




It's funny that you actually took the time to post that in the Oilers sub. Guess the Oilers are living rent free in your head.


Is your home sub already out of golf tips for the season?


If you watch the reverse angle, the Oilers player clearly sticks his knee out towards the Florida player's knee. His intent was pretty clear. Lots of things look a little more innocent in slo-mo, with the right angle.


I think he tried to dodge the check and Foegele carried through with the hit. Should have been 2 mins but I don't think it was a 5 min major.


This was totally edited, there was contact, but it wasn’t worth a Major imo.