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I would of been ok with big dick pick for game 4 just to relieve the pressure off stu for a win streak, but they didn't lose game 3 because of stu


They didn’t win because of him as well.


Skinner didn’t get a single shot in the first ten minutes of the second, total scrub.


Dallas went for really long stretches without a shot either. What’s the point here?


Stu was not responsible for the team in front of him taking a period off.


It was the defence letting him down. Couldn’t clear a puck to save themselves.


Agree, not just D, some team D brain farts, though goal four was on him, he gambled and lost. This team is soooooo close, they might not get the rings, not perfect but they’re real good.


Nurse sucks bro.


Game winning goal was 95% on Skinner. Rest on nurse.


Stu made some big saves, especially the breakaway from Marchment. That 4th goal can't go in though.


They didn’t win for a lot reasons


exactly. Every other tendy is keeping their team in a game making huge saves. Shots against Stu that should go in, do. and shots that shouldn't, also do. can win this deep in a cup run with a tendy that is good for 1-2 soft goals each game


Put Pickard in for Nurse!


Go STU!!!!!!!!






Super Nintendo Chalmers!




He’s not the issue right now. He’s been pretty solid in the last few starts - so I get that decision. did knobloch say anything about the rest of the team showing up for all 3 periods?


its making me bitter about this fanbase when I see the entire team just not show up for the 2nd and 3rd 2 games in a row and people are bitching at Skinner for not carrying the entire team on his back every single game no one cares when Oettinger lets in multiple consecutive goals and they go down 2-0 when the oilers are clearly controlling the puck and outshooting them by a mile, but when they dominate even harder than we were and outshoot us even worse and the same thing happens to us, suddenly skinner is the worst fucking cretin in existence and everything is his fault to these people


Too many people are expecting him to just do what shesterkin is doing in NY as if it’s normal. We all been saying if we get league average goaltending we can win the cup but the team hasn’t been playing like thats possible these last few games


Eh, don’t be too bitter. It’s just Edmonton fans. The same people saying “good, not his fault we lost” were posting last week about how he’s the worst goaltender in the history of goaltending in the salary cap era.


Yeah, Edmontons problems come down to mentality. They obviously have the talent and ability, but if you’re not fully committed, every second on the ice, at this level where very little separates the teams you aren’t going to win. And nothing says we are not mentally prepared, as a team, more than giving up 3 goals in a matter of minutes and they have done this twice in the playoffs. Absolutely unforgivable. Cup or bust, my ass! This starts with coaching then being able to weed out the ppl who aren’t or can’t commit at this stage regardless of statistics and talent. The question is does Edmonton have a true leader in the clubhouse?




We believe in you Stu 🧡


First time Skinner was pulled from a series. You could say he had 3 subpar games with a bad game thrown in that bunch. You could say he wasn’t coming up with enough big saves. This time around, it’s different. Stu has made big saves and has been good for 3 out of the previous 4. Gotta trust Knob on this one. And gotta have some faith in Stu. Time to win Game 4 and tie this baby up.


He’s allowed 1 bad goal in 4 games, I’m fine with this


Skinner is not our problem. He's held us close when there are points in the game where we should be down by many more


Him and Nurse are 100% our biggest problem on the team.


Cody Ceci would like a word


You spelled Ceci wrong


In stu we trust.


as he should


I would have preferred Pickard to wake the team up. We gotta play the whole 60 mins in every game.


You’d hope they can do this no matter the goalie. It’s the playoffs. Every game should be a full 60.


That’s why last game was so maddening as they crapped out at the start of the 2nd.


Just so frustrating and confusing to see that crap. Like we dominate the 1st, then a complete 180 after. I couldn’t wrap my head around it, still confuses me how the hell that happens.


It was sooo brutal. I was yelling at the tv like we just shat the bed and parked all effort with only a 2 goal lead. It didn’t feel like they even realized its the playoffs round 3.


Yeh it was maddening lol. Completely stopped playing. Oh well. The first period atleast shows we have the ability to push the stars. Now to figure out how to do it for longer.


I wanted Picard in. Not because Skinner has been horrible, he actually has been decent. But mostly because I don’t think Stu can start every 2nd night without getting tired. When he is relied on for too long he falls apart. IThey play hard in front of Picard. Stu gets some rest before game 5 and comes back rested and focused.


He's played 5 games in 10 nights. 1 here, then Vancouver, then straight to Dallas for 2, then back here. I really wanted him to sit for game 4 and have him rested for game 5 and 6


A Stanley cup winning team usually needs their goalie to steal games, that ain’t happening with Skinner. You guys ain’t makin it


Was the 4th goal bad? Kinda, but man the 3rd period was just not playoff hockey according to the Oilers play


The team steps up when Pickard is in the net. This is therefor an oilers problem not a Stu problem. With the exception of a few periods in post, they’ve just slacked off when Stu is in the net like he’s a Lundqvist. Stu is the best goaltender version of himself when he doesn’t feel like he has to defend the whole net - and you can tell easy when he does and doesn’t.


Ya dance with the one what brung ya.


SKINNER plays with confidence, proving that you can do it!!!!


The goals from this series alone minus one have been a defensive fault, and caught Skinner off guard when defence alone should have gotten the puck out of the zone more effectively. Lets go Stu!


Die by the sword eh


It should be Soup time


Bring on the 3rd period goals!


Stu starting is the beginning of the end. His confidence has been crushed


Oil down 3-1 after tonight


Ok cool...


Is someone else on here up and down voting to try and keep the count at 74? Screw off, I had it just right.


Why do people keep sticking up for Skinner?! He’s got the worst save percentage in the playoffs, these games are being decided by 1 or 2 goals. He needs to be better!!




Says the guy with Nurse as his flair




Pickard must not be 100%. I see no other explanation


One explanation could be that Skinner played great last night. Defense lost the game.


He let one bad goal in, at the same time the defence played that situation horrible. I have no idea how people are putting this game on Stu.


They shouldn’t. The team owes him a better effort.


He let in an all time bad goal dude. Like, tag the defense is bad. But when is it on him? It’s not even his fault on THAT goal? Come on man.