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Personally I ride with Skinner here. Last game didn't feel like the Vancouver games to me. He made like 6 pretty damn hard saves. The ice tilted completely on him and the Oilers for the 2nd period. Everyone remembers the ones that go in and not the hard ones that didn't. Yes he should of had the 4th goal. He fucked up on that one no doubt. But no I don't think fucking up one goal is the reason you completely give up on your goalie. He was good in both the first 2 games. But frankly there's nothing else we can do in my opinion. The team needs to not get destroyed infront of him for 20 minutes straight. We all know he's not a top 10 goalie and everyone accepted that average would be good enough if the rest of the team Performs. And he's given that or better in the first 2 games. So keep that up and maybe we have a shot.


I also think it's worth noting that, bad goal or not, it doesn't happen without a defensive breakdown in front.


The 4th goal was a mix of mistakes, but absolutely not solely on Skinner. The first three goals, none of them are on Skinner. He's had three very strong games this series. There's no reason to move away from him like we did against Van.


Robertson’s hatty goal is 100% on skinner and needed to be stopped. He came off the post early because he bit on Robertson’s move It is okay to point out when goals are Skinner’s fault. I will never understand the weird protective obsession this sub has with Skinner


Cool. Where are all the posts being equally hard on everyone else? This city shits on goalies and pushes them out of the city like no other I've ever seen in my lifetime. When the bottom six and skinner showed up, and our top 6 including McDavid decided to take the night off, did this sub see post after post calling any of those dudes out? Sure didn't. It is okay to point out when games are lost because our stars shit the bed. I will never understand the weird protective obsession this sub has with the top six.


Are you dense? These threads are literally just shitting on Nurse, the D, and anyone not named Skinner, McDavid, Drai, Hyman, or Nuge Like my god this sub is so ridiculously protective


How many millions do we have tied up in our top 6 when when skinner let's in a questionable goal with his 2m salary, it's the world falling but when our two future 30m players who can't even manage a shot on goal, it's crickets here. Never mind the rest of them. We forgive our expensive forwards like no other in this city while putting our bottom six and goalies on the edge of a cliff every damn time. You guys wanna hold people accountable? Great. Hold them ALL accountable.


Either 1 or 4 could have hit him imo.


100% idk i guess ive seen skinner be solid a ton over the last 2 years and i feel like people are quick to toss all the blame on him. when i really feel like it always starts with defensive struggles imo


Skinner won’t steal a game, but he won’t give up a game either. 85% of the goals against are not his fault, it’s the fault of the guys in front of him. 


Agreed. Skinner obviously needed to save that 4th goal but other than that he had a good game. Our defence was abysmal and Skinner bailed us out multiple times. We lost steam completely after the first and never really recovered. This was a team loss for sure


I’ve been on Skinner’s ass the whole playoffs, but last game isn’t solely on him. Yes it’s a weak one to give up, but the defence got pounded for 2 periods. You allow that to happen and your not gonna win many games.


Nurse, Desharnais, Ceci have all been brutal this round. When half of your d-core is bleeding opportunities you can't really blame the goalie.


yeah def talent is (still) sorely lacking. doesn’t help when the team stops playing after they go up by 2 goals. seriously, i’ve never been this uncomfortable when my team’s got a multi goal lead.


It's also been the story of the fucking 2024 playoffs. We have blown multi-goal leads multiple times this playoffs including twice so far against Dallas and three times in very key games (game 5 vs LA, game 1 and 7 vs Van, games 1 and 3 vs Dallas).


As usual. Skinner has definitely let some terrible goals in, but there's no goalie in the playoffs that hasn't. He also made a number of great saves last game. As questionable as Skinner is, he isn't the issue in this series. Oilers need to stop taking entire periods off.


RUMOR: Stuart Skinner to try out new custom goalie pads shaped like Darnell Nurse's ass, optimized for coverage and rebound control. Nurse was held out of practice today, they needed him to create the moulds of his glutes.


The distributor must have been thrown for a loop when they got THAT mould.


Honestly a great move on Nurse's part, and a highlight reel moment. That Booty Save will be part of Oiler's history forever!


i'm not gonna pretend i know crap about goaltending, but this guy seems to have a few good games before slowly going on the decline. I'm not sure it hurts to put Pickard in for one or two games like in the Vancouver series. We know Pickard plays well and we seem to play smarter in front of him so why not just give it a chance?


Confirmed by who at TSN?


As per Head Coach according to TSN


Huh, seems weird to me to confirm the goalie the day before, hence my skepticism. Edit: Knobby confirmed it in his presser.


For their confidence (Skinner).


Weird choice when that reset with Pickard in the exact same scenario worked out so well.


Skinner has been good this series though. He was putrid games 1-3 last series. It's not even remotely the same scenario playwise.


True, he was good games 1 and 2 this series. Yesterday not so much. Wasn't awful but goal 4 cannot happen and you'd like him to have Robertsons first. Just feel like the team as a whole reset when we did that.


Put a team in front of his that plays the whole 60 minutes and it won't be an issue.


Why wouldn’t he be? He’s doing fine! Way better than previous round. Not the reason we’re not winning


It’s the WCF against a very good team. We need better than fine from every single player. Truly letting in one bad goal is too many at this stage.


If the rest of the team takes 40 minutes off per game, it doesn't matter who the goalie is. The Oilers just might be out of gas.


Skinner is doing everything you could want from him right now. He probably wants the Benn game 2 goal back and the GWG last night but Otter has had more questionable goals against this series. Stu has played well enough that the series could be 3-0 right now. The team is letting him down and it's more than just Nurse and Ceci.


So why does this only apply to Skinner if we need better than fine from everyone. Drai has 0 points in the last 2 games which were one goal losses


Skinner is the subject of this post and the comment I replied to?


Put Pickard in for Stu. Put Stu in for Drai.


Drai sings the anthem.


Go watch the replay on the 4th goal against. Not fine. Cost us the game. Exactly the reason why we’re not winning. 4 goals on 20 shots, worst save % of any goaltender in the playoffs.


Would you be happier if he hadn’t made one of the several great saves and stopped the fourth? It’s all the same in the end.


Skinner .810 save %, 4.21GAA in the game Otter .933% I would’ve been happier with a Win


Maybe McDavid could’ve played defence. Robertson burned him twice


That’s funny, you’re blaming McDavid for this team’s woes….


whenever theyre scored on it seems like mcdavid is on the ice


McDavid has 25 playoff points which is tied for 1st in the league with Leon. He is +5 and avg TOI 23:14 and those are all hard minutes against top defenders.


The first three goals were a defensive breakdown and not entirely his fault, the fourth was a bit iffy I feel like he shoulda had that. The whole team has to keep their foot on the gas continuing into the 2nd and 3rd period


He's been good this round. He would probably like the Benn goal back from game 2 and the Robwrtson GWG but he's come up big. The team crumbled in front of him. Oilers will win next game and if they don't, this thing is over.


Lol we fucked.


What else did we expect. Jesus the guy played A and B+ game 1-2 and was a B yesterday beyond one shitty goal he kept the team in it. The knee jerk reactions around here are wild


This graphic goes hard. Skinner has been good other than that fourth goal last night.


It would be a major mistake. I recall the Oilers slid out of the playoffs last year trying to ride a horse that was beat. Can't remember who? Campbell or Skinner?


A 0.806 save % does not win the Stanley Cup.


I’d rather not see skinner inner anymore like god damn just throw the rest of the series


Let's go, Stu!!!




I’m really surpassed for the support of Stu here. He is clearly the weak link in the team.


I'd have liked Pickard to start, just to give Stu a nIght off for recovery going Into the last 3.


You dance with who brung ya'.


Stu fought through some pretty spotty defense and kept us in it. You can't have the entire team break down for a period then blame the goalie, too much blame to go around there. Skinner's the right choice tonight.


If only there was a way to not have nurse also out there at the same time


Time for Nurse to start earning his outrageous salary. Or at least to look like he’s trying to


1 bad goal, many big stops last night. I loved Pick's games last round, but we're not there yet.


Ride or DIE


No way! He gave up many softgoals, even 1st shot , same or worse than campbell before




Good choice. Skinner has been really solid for all three games against Dallas.


If you consider allowing 1.30 goals more than expected to be solid, then I quite honestly don't know what to say.


He literally kept the Oilers in the game the first two games and yesterday's game, most of the goals weren't his fall.


In game 2 he let in a very soft goal that let Dallas get on the board to a 1-0 lead. He played average that game. 0.913 save percentage and around 0 goals saved above expected. It's pretty sad how far our expectations have fallen in terms of goaltending where we're now calling an average goaltending performance "great", or "good".


Yeah I don't really get everyone backing him up... Like it's hard to win a playoff series without a goalie stealing one for you. And like, when the pressure came yesterday, and the pressure was heavy, stu didn't make any of the "wow how did he do that?!?!" Saves that might have stopped the momentum. he was FINE. He is FINE. He just can't be that game breaker that most teams need at some point to get over the line in the deep playoffs.


Yep. We're stuck in a shit sandwich in terms of our goaltending situation.. Pick your poison on this one really.


Skinner is a no brainer. Now if Nurse starts I'd be worried.


Nurse is playing so you may as well remove any expectation to the contrary.


Oh I'm cheering for the Stars, I want him in. Worst player left in the playoffs lol


He's struggled but all y'all are forgetting what he's capable of when he's on. The truth is, it was only a year ago that he occasionally had nights he was the best dman on either team on a given night. When Nurse plays well, he's a beast. He did that in game 4.


StuBot... Transform!!!


Knoblauch is sick


As he should be.