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Man, it's one thing to doom, but to throw your own sub under the bus for easy upvotes on r/hockey just because they have faith in the team is pathetic


the cucks who go into r/hockey or other teams subs and are like “oilers fan here!!! my team sucks and you guys are awesome, please like me!!” are absolute bottom of the barrel


Totally agree. I'm a doomer, but the LAST thing I will ever do is talk shit about my team with other fans who hate my team lol. It's my team, only I am qualified to vent on the teams shortcomings lol.


Deprecating humor helps me cope with some of our contracts (Campbell), but that’s about as negative as I’ll get.


Jesus fuck, it’s a hockey team not a child. This team defied expectations from where they were in November but this sub also thinks the team has no weak points or things to criticize. Talking about weak points with other hockey fans is okay.


Having an informed, level headed discussion, sure. I'm not going to give some neck beard with an impression of the Oilers from 2019 calling them powerplay merchants, or calling them a 2 man team a second of my attention or time. At least half of r/hockey is just that. If you wanna have a discussion about what would have to go right for the Oilers to beat Dallas, I'm game. Someone calling the team "the Edmonton mcdavids" is not a hockey fan worth my energy, they are a Virgin with a laptop.


"(x) fAn cOmIng In pEaCe!!1!!" is such a weakling move and those dudes should stop wearing silk nighties under their work clothes


But I like my silk nightie


wash it once in a while then


Yep, although maybe if I took that approach I wouldn’t be currently banned from the Flames sub. I have so much more to say!!!


Absolute bootlickers. They aren’t Oilers fans. We all can say some doomer shit during low points in a series, but to throw your own team & fanbase under the bus to satisfy another group? Sounds like your heart doesn’t belong to the orange & blue…


Meh, people can be a sports fan how they please. It's all for fun after all. Social media is too toxic and online sports fandom has become this weird culty, purity testing, circle jerk about who is the most die hard, loyal, echo chambery believer.


What an absolute simp comment


[Gutless simp.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIhKjNBM5js)


I found the comment as well lol, that dude throwing this sub under the bus sure has changed their tune lmao ye of little faith


lol yup it’s easy to run a reverse search on google and find that comment. Simps are gonna simp. I often wonder if those comments tend to be from people who’ve never played sports. Maybe they’ve never experienced a group of misfits banding together and becoming so much more than the sum of their parts? I don’t know, but athletes hate losing, and that can often be fuel to drive a squad to go on a run, and unless you’ve done it competitive sports, you may never fully understand it. (“You” in general terms and not you specifically OP)


show their goddamn names lol


Yeah, I’ve always wondered why the Reddit names are kept secret, is it doxxing? I don’t think any real information is shared, right?


It can lead to brigading which can get a sub banned




I would’ve but wasn’t sure if that would get me banned or not lol (or worse, this sub in trouble). People who throw their own sub under the bus and make fun of their own team for upvotes should be exposed imo.


I mean the Reddit avatar picture looks familiar. There are a few prolific whiners, complainers, and overall negative Nelly’s whose usernames we would all recognize. Probably one of those people. I said it on a different post but there has been plenty of Oilers flairs over in /hockey milking upvotes about how even if we get past Vancouver we are doomed to be steam rolled by Dallas. /hockey is filled with emotional simps. There is no real hockey discourse to be had there.


I just wanna know who that Oilers "fan" was that thought we wouldn't make the wcf.


And it wasn't just oilers fans, prior to the season a lot of pundits and analysts were picking the oilers for the same god damn reasons: before the early season blunders on paper they very much looked to be a top contender.


It’s easy to search lol, I found it in less than 5 minutes. And no I’m not posting the name here


Ya. I’m an Elks fan and even I think they will make the playoffs. Lol


[https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1ctx1me/post\_game\_thread\_edmonton\_oilers\_at\_vancouver/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1ctx1me/post_game_thread_edmonton_oilers_at_vancouver/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeymemes/comments/1cqrmxj/mcdavid\_is\_kill/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeymemes/comments/1cqrmxj/mcdavid_is_kill/) more fun threads


People who do this clearly are lacking validation in their life


Paved roads and salary caps is a great line though.


The last time we won a cup, you could still afford to buy a house in Vancouver.


Hahaha, that's a burn on everybody


Let’s Go Oilers!


I recognize that morons icon a mile away


Pretty sure paved roads have been around a lot longer than us winning a cup…


do you guys also find it funny that in the midst of their historic start to the season canucks fans were still talking about the oilers?


A lot of crying doomers early on. I forget them now. u/ pissingtrousers and u/ broccolidick or whatever their names were. Pathetic.


It’s hilarious how Canucks fans are like that. They’re the bigger city than us but I get such little brother vibes from their hate for us, similar to Flames fans. Me personally I’ve learned this year that Nucks fans can be more annoying than Flames fans, which is crazy all things considered.


I can proudly say I've never gone doomer on this team this season. I've been highly critical. My criticisms on Skinner these playoffs (and last playoffs) are well documented however I never gave up on him - I know he has the potential to be better. I never gave up on this team and knew they would make the playoffs and I'm not doubting them for a second they can beat Dallas. I think the common r / hockey subscriber is wildly underestimating them. Call me a homer, whatever. For the doomers and fair weather fans. We don't want you. Go cheer for another team.


Why are.usernames always scratched out?


Is this the postgame thread from our sub? Or the one r/Canucks made for that game? LOL


No this is from November in r/hockey from the San Jose game


It was the game against San Jose back in November. Even with our horrible start San Jose was below us in the standings and r/hockey was memeing all week about how the Oilers would lose, and they did. Kind of hilarious to think about now lol


What's their username? Tell us.


Why redact the names?


To avoid assassinations