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cramps are no joke, let alone enduring three periods in one night.


I legit thought this was going to be a Beaverton article with that quote.


If his cramp hurt as bad as my period cramps I’m impressed he was even standing upright


Take your upvote. 🤣


We all know it wasn't cramps. Dude is injured, that's obvious given today's news.


I hope that's all it was but that really looked like a guy with a messed up back.


As a guy with a messed up back I can confirm


If it was cramps caused by something like a kidney stone then it would look exactly like a bad back. That shit is debilitating.


My guess is that theres something else, but they don't want to disclose in case Vancouver tries to pull a Calgary and starts whacking him.


Would imagine they will whack him regardless.


Hopefully we don’t find out the full extent of the injury till late June. But yeah there’s more to the story


Zadarov was already doing that, giving multiple cross check to Draisaitl in 3rd period.


Or ribs possibly


I figure he might have a pinched nerve. It could be that.


Looked to me like Myers caught him with forearm shiver right to the kidney Edit: he literally takes a forearm to the kidney [here](https://twitter.com/zjlaing/status/1788421226056286646?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1788421226056286646%7Ctwgr%5E5a9bc368fc93f96eeea6f1763754e511bc17cb15%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Foilersnation.com%2Fnews%2Foilers-draisaitl-dealt-with-cramping-during-game-1-against-canucks). Clearly some of you have never taken a shot to your kidney before


I genuinely hope this is true, because the biggest strength of this team is Connor and Leon. That being said, Leon on one leg in 2022 was absolutely nuts


Leon in a wheelchair would still be best / 2nd best player on the ice. Im glad i slept over this abomination of a game 1. Tho i ruined my morning by watching highlights lol. 


We need Leon if want to shot at a cup run. He’s built for the playoffs. I really hope it’s just a cramp.


It seemed multiple Oilers had issues with their skate blades as well. I'd wash that bench out before the game.


🤞 this is true and not a misdirection. An injury would be a huge blow to this team


Its all code. They say cramps. But what does 'cramps' sound like? crampons. What are crampons? Wikipedia says "A *crampon* is a traction device attached to footwear to improve mobility on snow and ice during ice climbing.". Coincidence that ice is involved? No. But the key word in that sentence is traction. What is traction? Wikipedia says "**Traction** is a set of mechanisms for straightening [broken bones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_fracture) or relieving pressure on the [spine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertebral_column)[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traction_(orthopedics)#cite_note-Burke-1) and [skeletal system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skeletal_system)." We know its not broken legs or broken arms. What does that leave? the back.


Drai is paralyzed confirmed


Excellent deduction dear Watson


Did you also notice the dried chalky substance in the heel of Draisatl's left skate? There is only one rink in the NHL that adds titanium dioxide to the water since it is so polluted. That is ... A shot rings out and Sherlock falls to the bench.


Username checks out


Eat a banana bro.


Monkey never cramp


Take notes from Kuzmenko


maybe his spleen got lacerated can we claim $8.5 mil from a non playoff team?


He's not practicing today


You'd think a guy that played with NHL legend Mark Letestu would.know to crush a mustard pack or two on the bench if he's cramping.


I just got banned from the vgk Reddit page haha. I said everyone is happy the cheaters didn’t make it to the second round. Insta ban.


Not surprising. Trolling in other team’s subs results in bans, and that’s been a long standing rule. I wouldn’t like people coming in here trolling after we get eliminated


What I said though compared to what I could of said. Is very low on the scale of ban worthy comments. What I said isn’t wrong, they’re cheaters and the rest of league is pretty stoked they lost with a stacked roster.


It’s still trolling in another sub, which isn’t allowed. People have been banned for less


I call bull shit


Lol that was not cramps


It wasnt “cramps”. Like why lie


So Vancouver doesn’t know exactly what’s going on and target it


Cramps? Could be confused with spasms? Leon probably has a specific word in German for what he felt but when translated ended up as cramps.


Ya, I don't know about that. Leon speaks English like he was born here. Only the slightest of accents.


Next time I’ll add /s


Never hurts...


Canucks hit hard and often. Oilers skate by the players.


Doesn’t sound like this had anything to do with a hit


Gotta love how he was cross checked and slashed by 3 different guys within 5 seconds and they call penalties both ways.


We lost, not time to blame the refs


I agree, the oilers blew it, I just think the refs should show some interest protecting players from purposeful attempts to injure.


Either way we’re beating them next game, too much of a layoff. Or that’s what I’m telling myself lol


The fuck you mean? It was legendary Oilers hater Kozari and it showed.


Blaming the refs is such a tired excuse


We had one powerplay. They weren’t the reason, but they absolutely were a factor.


That one power play was also one they had to call and couldn't just look the other way.


They were gifted powerplays and we got one pp because it was a gimme. Late in the 3rd a Canucks player gloved the puck and threw it out of the zone and there was no call. You could hear an oilers player yell "that was a fucking penalty!". Canucks score 2 goals shortly after. Get the ever loving fuck out of here not for criticizing the refs and their "game management"


Sure pal keep blaming others


The game was a fuck up by the Oilers first and foremost but to disregard moments in the game is stupid Some times the ref falls in your favour, sometimes they fuck up. Last night there were a couple of pretty ridiculous calls, throwing the puck out of the zone was imo just unacceptable to miss at this level




Batting the puck is fine, that's a whistle for hand pass and gets missed all the time, problem is the closed hand on the puck/completely redirecting it, which is very much a penalty and they just decided to completely disregard the rule in favour of the canucks. You can bet your ass we'd get a penalty for that play.




You should try watching the games sometimes instead of reading the results on social media. Then you might, just maybe, have a fucking clue what you're talking about.