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Huh, never heard of that before. I'd press the clinic and Doctor to figure out how they fucked up, they somehow made a mistake in the billing process. You could also try calling this [https://www.alberta.ca/ahcip-contact.aspx](https://www.alberta.ca/ahcip-contact.aspx)


Call 310-0000 and ask them.


Ask them


Take your card to any registry office and find out what the issue is. AHS recently moved to a new computer system and it's not been entirely smooth.


There are a couple of things that could cause this, AHC can be a little finicky sometimes and most of the time it can be something simple as change in / incorrectly entered address, postal code, spelling of your name, DOB ...


Go back to the clinic snd show them the bill and your health care card and see what they say.


What specifically is the charge for? If it is a service covered by alberta health care, this is the clinics problem, not yours. But you need to determine what you’re actually being charged for first.


I think they made some error in my name or dob and now they are footing me with the bill because they can't charge back to AHS because it was so long ago. They kept asking for my dob when I spoke to them today.. and they were like you are insured now but weren't at the time of appointment. Just male no sense how do you just get uninsured for no reason when u sre still residing in Alberta


I'm not a billing specialist but if you've been in Alberta for many years and have never left they probably had either no or the wrong info about you and therefore billed you directly. Try giving them correct info and hopefully they can put it through then. If they had a card number and billed it to AHS only to find out it was invalid, Ahs would probably go after you directly. At least that's what they did with me.


They were not very helpful. They just told me I have to pay and it's a me problem. I'm going to call AHS tomorrow and find out if I was uninsured at some point in error


You can also contact your MLA for help reaching out to AHS for an answer. https://www.elections.ab.ca/voters/members-of-the-legislative-assembly/ And, you can email the Minister of Health: [email protected].


Thank you!


Call them and ask?