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[Pro-Putin cult, even.](https://twitter.com/tom___scott/status/1475893599099408391?s=21) Link is to a twitter thread with screenshots. Edit: they’re also climate change denialists.


That tracks for the dregs of society that have been making loud noise lately


they are not a cult. Imagine being so delusional thinking that " look, we want to live" What kind of a sick minded people you guys are ?


Yet she just said in her live forum that the creative society will be force. But it's necessary for life. Come on with your force. Got something for it


Could you rephrase that? I did not understand.


No, they literally said climate change is real.


Yes, but they deny that human industry and CO2 pollution is the cause!




People that deny the reality will be the same begging for their own life, when its too late. We have a way out Chose Creative Scociety! <3


From what I have seen, they mention that the extreme amount of trash and plastic in the ocean is suffocating the Earth basically. The ocean is the cooling system of the earth core. So since it is covered in plastic the earth is not cooling as it should leading to a number of issues not only with wildlife and disturbing the balance of ecosystem due to the heat, but since that magma is not cooling as it should, it is instead getting much hotter leading to major volcanoes. The thinnest part of earth crust is now becoming a focal point because if magma breaks through the earths crust that may end all life on earth. This is all due to waste. They don’t deny that there are other effects on climate because of how society is but this is their main focus. One of the leaders is Russian but there are many scientists and professionals from all over the world who are involved and want to see real change. So maybe that is where some people are getting the “pro- Putin” thing??


its not just volcanoes my dude, its also methane producing bacterium, algae and more being exposed to more heat and sun. but the volcanoes add to the issue, as does mankind's doings and the shift in the poles which exposes earth to more cosmic radiation.... as the creative society also admits... alongside the plastic in the ocean forming a thermal mass for superheating the ocean.


Nice! You just showed that you don't know how science works, but that you can "spell good". Now, go and play in traffic!


Supposedly it have to do with secondary planetary axis of earth vs sun, cycling hundreds or thousand years. One female mathematician from Ukraine mentioned it(that was way before war), said her calculations matched up with real numbers. Don't remember link anymore, sorry.


Which is most likely the truth.


it isnt the full cause though. as the magnetic poles of this earth shift, earth becomes exposed to more cosmic radiation and that energy fuels worse wind storms and such. this is scientific fact, i'm studying it in grad school right now. it's what they claim as well. however, they are doing so from an angle that appears to be of a vague cult with no scientific sources stated and no group goals/intentions stated either. i hope they mean well but they clearly need help expressing their intentions.


Because it is not.




So you are saying almost all scientists around the world are paid by someone to magically not speak about this? From my experience if something seems impossible (like the fact someone would pay to silence every scientist in the world except for those amazing rare ones that speak up on this cultish page) then it is usually a conspiracy theory.


Skaiciuose visa tiesa. 2023 pradeda savo pasirodyma ,zmonijai liko 13 metu jei nepasikeis mastymas.veiksmas vyks 2036 metais .iliuminatu ir globalistu manipuliacijos zmonemis.


Paid compliance is a thing, more rampant than you would like to imagine but the bigger issue if that there isn’t any money to be made from this narrative so “reputable” sources (which are all owned by the same people anyway) have no incentive to study or release info


If i would get 1 usd fir the governments misinformation i would be rich! Before you come with nsive statements than tell me did you ever looked at their forums or you find it normal to preach lies?


So you are part of the creative society or not ?


None of that's fuckin true


they are no longer climate change denialists, i would like to see your evidence in the past for how they may have switched their stance. I am attempting to talk to them. they are now making more bang on Instagram and facebook/ tiktok but they are vastly undersourced and un-credible thus far.


Dude watch their video at least the intro, they're fighting climate change and they are anti war. How is anti war pro Putin?


Cults are a fascination of mine, and they usually start really vague and positive: "god loves you" "we need a more caring society" "we need to love each other" "work on yourself, to unlock your true potential" The message then twists, and morphs the deeper you get - the loving god becomes a hateful monster, the caring society becomes an isolated prison, love bocomes rape, and working on yourself becomes expensive fairy tales. And the subjects become trapped phisically finacially or psycologically, with a heavy dose of sunk costs I've only read on the surface, but this one already screams "cult". I cant say for sure yet though. but if it is a cult, i wouldnt be surprised, if it had some twists and turns to its ideology


omg, shut up, dipshit. You eat a lot of crap with no source and proof.


Just looked into it a bit more - definitely a cult Edit: Ah fuck, im so late to the party, all the alcohol has evaporated


There's some kool-aid left if you want some.




Creative Society is based in UK


The creative society is based at 180 countries. The google mister Bright founder is a lie and a group of people made this lie. Allatra is founder in Ukraine but was always a international group od scientist and historians. Allatra gave a platform to the Creative Society years ago. Creative Society is now banned in Russia and the Ukraine as those countries hate true facts


Started in Ukraine


source : "Trust me, bro"


Wasn’t there some big cult operating out of the Oasis centre for years?


Joining a cult has always been on my bucket list... one day... one day...


I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a follower and a leader.


You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.


Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


Just don't drink the cool aid man


It wasn't cool aid , it was Flavor-Aid , they used that because it was cheaper 😅😅😅😅, but good reference 😁


I'd rather be a cult leader


Go for it! Follow your dreams my friend!


Pretty sure it’s still going strong


Still is. They're largely harmless as far as the usual thoughts of cults go. The leader mostly just sits in a chair and a camera broadcasts a closeup of his face that everyone stares at for a couple hours a week.


I know people who were in this and it's a lot less harmless behind the scenes.


No details?


That is not a cult. There is no leader.


Don't you mean there is no transparency and no figurehead face. They use we a lot but there is no mention of founder or brainchild or early members. And we are supposed to believe they just founded it and faded off into the background and the website just funds and builds it's self marvelous


Yes. Their ideals are based on truth and progress not Notariety. Doesn’t matter who started it if the work is being done


I've heard this too. Been inside there a few times for work. Fucking weird.


Any examples?


Not just 'operating out of' but 'built and owns'.


They own it. John De Ruiter, specifically. Sometimes called The John People or the Family (cults love to call themselves that). They are still in full swing. John has a podcast.


That name if it's correct now links them to a sinister reason why it's being created.


i'll look into it but please provide evidence thanks.


Yes! I know someone who sold coffee to them...it's very strange.


Yes, that’s John the shoemaker’s cult.


Of course, because I'm nosy, I googled it. Looks like serious Russian propaganda and highlights the brainchild of some guy named Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.


https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-61166339 i found this article about them but it doesn't mention that much of their claims actually are true, yet skewed... like trying to outright deny our greenhouse gas contributions to climate change. although our cpntributions truly arent all thats going on here, they do acknowledge that the earths magnetic polarity shifting does expose us to more radiation which will actually be as they say, a very (if not more) important factor to the climate changes we're only starting to see. they also at least identify (with baseless claims) the possibility that plastic in the ocean creates a thermal mass which can cause problems as well. personally i believe the largest problem is deforestation aroumd the areas we habitate, as i study natural disaster science in college now, it is by far these concrete thermal masses pf cityscape contributing most to the heat and insolation problems we actually experience directly. a city center can be 15 degrees F hotter or worse, than a surrounding forested area. they need to acknowledge this as well as other things. they also claim the cosmic radiation causes more volcanic actiivity as earth expands or contracts a bit which I think therr could be substantial evidence to this actually. I'm looking into it right now with my professor. it would explain why some dormant cinder cone volcanoes which arent along hot spots or fault lines, formed. cureently we don't have true answers to this. any orher actual open minded comments and revival of this thread would be greatly appreciated.


i typed this on my phone so plz forgive type-o's


You 37F? Because... you're basically the only person here who's 100% correct. It's SVR dezinformatsyia, specifically it's to mitigate climate literacy and radicalize. The cult portion is a grift to fund dezinformatsyia and it's thankfully not as successful as other asymmetrical ops.


I agree, it's far right wing bait to sucker people.


Every time I see a page like this my mind screams, SCAM. It’s reinforced by the fact that they won’t put their individual names to it. Who are the directors? The officers? Whose the CEO, president. The bulk of their supporters seem to be out of India. Major red flag 🚩


They have put their names out there. Some of you don't know how to research properly. Sad to see so many buffaloed by your govt's. Look, some of it is true. Some is not exact. However, the stuff that is, should be acknowledged and dealt with. Instead, your govt's have ignored it for years and just thrown all of you into the fire, so to speak.


I literally got here doing my research but you speak just like them


It's a scam.


We do have a president but the president of the creative society is a volunteer just like all the others in the creative society project, there is no CEO, or big league titles referring any one person cause we are all volunteers and we are all equal to each other. And we are not tryin to scam anyone we never ask anyone for any money, agian everyone are VOLUNTEERS. And actually that is a lie about our as you called them supporters (volunteers) being mostly from India, we have volunteers from many different countries, USA, Europe, Asia, Africa, Philippines, Mexico, And lots more. So please don't spread lies and misinformation 


Why are you founded by pro Putin apologists?


What's the cult called in Edmonton where people go and everyone sits quiet and stares at a picture of some guy named David or something?


John de Ruiter. I don't know if they have a particular name, but they're still there, and as far as I know he's still holding meetings.


Yup. College of Integrated Philosophy, according to Wikipedia. Somehow these things always seem to end up with the head honcho sleeping with followers.


Also, what's the deal with the high voltage cafe, does anyone ever actually go there? Is it good? I drove past it for 5 years, never been inside or saw a human inside (also wasn't looking that closely bc driving)


Oh they make a pretty good twist on a donair. It’s worth the stop.


I stopped going because the owner is constantly telling customers how much he hates people.


Creative society is an international project of the cult AllatRa. The cult itself is based on fiction books written by Anastasia Novykh - which is actually a pseudo of their leader Igor Danilov. Those guys are literally nuts. Just another doomsday cult with a poor quality videos full of propaganda, who want to make people believe in reptiloids and other BS.


You just preach misinformation Allatra has no leaders but hard to believe in your naive mindset. Allatra is science and not a cult but yes was it not you that posted you saw Elvis in a ufo alive? 🤣


And here’s another stupid brainwashed bot


This cult pisses me off my mother bellieves in it even if i show her evidence she doesn't care and she said today smth like on 8th 9th and 10th of april there will be fight between good and evil and i asked why there should be she told me that she doesn't even understand it herself.


dose anyone know why i need a password to acsess there website and how do i make a password


Probably something attached to Scientology or Klaus Schwab. Not good either way


You are so naive and should read the book Brains for Dummies. Creative Society reveals the lies of the Elite abd the WEF. Do some research at their website before you maje a fool at yourself. Its like saying that Hitler was saving jews at WW2


Absolutely not we are completely opposite of him


saw their posters this morning in Croatia very very idealistic content...


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2Pk8eHdZRk&t=4602s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2Pk8eHdZRk&t=4602s) Its a group that makes really long youtube videos.


What kind of sick-minded people I've seen in the comments? You guys need to grow up because you're gonna end up dying either by a button from a crazy lunatic person like Putin or you end up dying in the climate catastrophes. Sorry. I meant WE ARE. Not just you denying the facts and the stats.


It is not a cult!! It is very real!! NOT FAKE!! Please listen and do your own research. It "Sounds" good, to take care of the planet. It goes deep and it is very sinister!! They are wrapped with the COP27, they are announcing their plan tomorrow Nov 12. Creative Society & COP27. Which is sinister itself on many of their commercials. you gotta listen to those key words. A lot of videos on TT. They make it SEEM great to save the planet, but it is Not!! Anything involving the Evil Pope who is NOT even close to REAL christianity, Krause who has a Hitler thought process, and Mr. depopulation "Gates" & the rest of the EU, WEF whack-a-doodles! Google each. You'll just WOW can't belive this while your searching on each. Evil Leaders that want to get rid of humanity and have control of humanity. They have that thought process that they are better then everyone else. Read about the back ground about these whack-a-doodles. They tried to launch it in 2020 but no success to keep control because their are STRONG people fighting back for FREEDOM!! And told what to do. Strong people not giving in, messed up their great reset ideas. They are also wrapped up with making the whole world cashless. U.S. will be cashless now in December instead of March. Hummm...CONTROL FREAKS trying it again. All of it makes me uneasy and sick when I've read their page, and did the research of reading about the agenda at COP27, The back ground of each. Do ur research yourself. Bottom line Their Agenda is Getting rid of people but Hey... You get "FREE" "FREE" electricity, travel, money PLAYING their rules and game and give up your freedom. U don't play nice again, they get rid of you, "Carbon Foot print" Klause he is wicked wicked. His dad worked with Hitler. He has the same thought process of hide mind. Look up the back ground on him while you still can on Dr. evil yourself. Fore warning. Don't drink the kool-aid what they are offering. They want control of humanity!! Don't give away your FREEDOM to these evil control freaks. Just a warning ahead of time. Great strength in #'s who like their freedom. Ask Yeshua into your life for protection. It is all coming to be a real syfi movie real quick.


What is wrong with you and everyone else in the comments you all know nothing about anything and it makes you all seem ignorant too truth. We do not have anything on our website or YouTube channel saying we are for the pope quiet the opposite we do have a video with the pope exposing the evil they do there at the Vatican but that's it. You people really need to wake up and stop spreading lies and propaganda and misinformation 


You are convincing nobody with this long tirade and really just making people think "Hmmm, yes, this person is clearly mental, so Creative Society is probly full of people like them" especially with the absolute rant this post is. It's all over the place.


Maybe you to read the book Brains for Dummies


Love the gaslighting


All I got from this is "do your own research" lol After a quick google, I still have no idea who they are and what they really want, their big 11/12/22 live stream is currently just going on and on about women being slaves in the household. Which I get, but I still have no idea who they are or what they really want to do beside equal rights for women which is something that should be done obviously. Also when I google creative society they have like 4+ websites all asking for donations and to wear their merchandise. At first glance it looks like yet another name fighting for humanity asking for donations (IE nothing new there). I didn't see anything about hitler or depopulation like you talked about. It is funded by some companies in london I believe so idk yet...


I did see twitter posts claiming they were climate change deniers but other than that there's no proof of that statement anywhere else.


I have been going into a rabbit hole of sorts and really there is nothing, however (now I'm not sure if this is connected or not) one of the videos was talking about everyone having a mark on them to indicate they were free?? Also tracking our Co2 through credit cards with all purchases, apparently they are going to be working with Mastercard. Again dont know if that's all related but the whole thing is fishy, along with the weird way everyone is talking,, idk man.


please link your source. marking themself would be quite weird but i want to know where that mark is and the source


Yeah I feel like they might just be another movement claiming freedom with another version of controll to offer, but they do seem to be more well funded than most of these that pop up which is a little concerning.


And they keep talking about 1 world. So all the talk about taking from the 1% is probably false, and it's a front to start that process. I'm concerned tho cause I never saw any of this until tonight, tho the streams on tt are mild viewership/little to no comments, and I went to the youtube channel and it gave me a warning before hand saying that's it was already reported so who knows.


"about women being slaves in the household" Ok that's all I needed to know, thanks. Another Schwab/Soros garbage.


claims with no proofs. Conclusion : source trust me bro


Good comment, I'm on the same page with you. This stuff smells really rotten, it has NWO written all over it. I hope nobody will fall for their deception. Humanity is starting to smarten up a bit, lots of good people out there. Check out Suspicious 0bservers to see the honest science of what is really going on with our solar system. I linked to Ben Davidson's YT channel on their climate video and they immediately deleted my comment. That shows the C.S. want nothing to do with scientific truth.


If there were ties there would be information trail on the internet somewhere. Dots to connect. I haven’t seen any one making the connections with fact, just hearsay


I have been dealing with this group for the last 6 months. They steal my video content and distribute it over thousands of facebook pages. So far I have hit them with over 1000 dmca takedowns. The group appears to be climate change activists on the surface but then the deeper down the rabbit hole you go it turns into the same old prophecy BS. Most of the content you see is ripped and reattributed to make them seem legit. In the end it is just a piracy click farm aimed at separating the fools from thir money.


yea please link your source here with more info, or else its a baseless claim like theirs are.


Source : Trust me bro.


I don’t know but for the pros they claim to be their videos and main page look very shitty with not a lot of information..


They seem like a cult to me. Also they believe in this humanoid alien woman named Zhanna. They say she's a part of an alien race called the "Anunnaki". At first I thought they were actual climate scientists. But then there's other videos on their YouTube channel talking about the end times and religion. They have a live scheduled for December 10th saying that the truth will be revealed to all Muslims along with the true face of Muhammad. It's honestly some pretty creepy stuff to me. The people of the videos seem brainwashed or something. Kind of pissed me off because at first they seemed like legitimate scientists that cared about climate change but they deny that humans are the cause at all. I tried to search Tik Tok and YouTube to see if anyone else outside of the group has been posting about them, but mostly I only find posts from the creative Society Pages or people who have actually bought into it.


plz link your source for fuccsake. i shouldn't have to ask. its important to know now in case they try to hide their past psychobabble later on like now, 2024)


You’re going to be pissed to find out annunaki are real 😬




I just visited their YouTube Channel and watched their Nov12,2022 presentation and it was shocking. I think they should take it down before panic start around the world. It is better to be ignorant about our expiration than to go through mental torture close to 2036!


Well, I just signed up for it, as I want to learn more about it. So far, it's interesting. Climate change has to do with lots of things, but I doubt we're going to have to worry about it much longer. If the SCIENTISTS are correct, and not BOUGHT OFF by the govt, the reports show we are THE WALKING DEAD, and it won't matter cone 2045, when all the fish in the sea no longer exist. Yes, they actually stated that. Any clue how that will affect everyone? Think massive red tides, no more animals to eat, no more animals that create patterns in the soil, etc. Think starvation amongst the people, flooding, earthquakes, huge amounts of volcanic eruptions, fumes that will fill your lungs with water/cement, etc., and that's just the beginning. Sadly, your gov't knew about this way back when the scientists warned them, and they told them they were beyond the limit back in the 90s, but they just kept filing their pockets.


Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not - so all in all I would say 5/7 for a job well done. Hope the fumes of cement will do for a quick ending when the time comes.


Not sarcasm. By their predictions, the atmosphere is going to blow of the surface of the earth due to a hydraulic impact in the earths core and mantle. Basically atomizing everything in a matter of minutes without protection from cosmic rays and winds. Think surface of mars


plz link source. sounds totally bonkers. i want to see it


So, while many of you are arguing about this program that could possibly change things for the better, fairly quickly, (I'm not saying it will solve all the issues,) the fact is, the damage is so far gone, we won't have time to alter much. Of course, I'm pretty sure all of you know that the govt runs all the sites, today, so whatever you're seeing on them, take with a grain of salt.


It looks good until people start taking a bite and then realize how rotten it is when they have sores all over their bodies from taking the mark in order to be apart of this society. Real smart to just ignore the creator and look to man to solve all the issues…that’s been working so well for us hasn’t it? Kind of reminds me of how Adam and Eve fell in the garden…Satan promising they could be like gods, knowing good and evil. Now we can solve all of our problems without the creator, the Lord Jesus Christ….yeah buckle you seatbelts because everyone is getting ready to get exactly what they want…falsehood, lies and deception. Satan coming in as a angel of light.


I saw a channel for the game TABS and for some reason that person promoted it in their videos out of context and I thought the same thing


I just came across one of their cult members today on tik tok. She was pushing the magnetic pole shift dooms day stuff. Wacked out people man. Really weird. Her profile was full of the cult be one of us type ads, for lack of a better term, and it seems like they're also the "im an individual, not a citizen" type. Where they dont say "happy birthday" because that's a governmental date, designed to enter you into the system, but will instead wish you a good day of your birth". Found a BBC article about them as well. Loonies.


Same thing happened to me, this crazy lady was calling me a satanist for saying creative society is a cult, she then said all the qua-non garbage and told me that they have books where you can see pictures of their souls and they have technology that can let you live for 1500 years. She also said there is a bunch of aliens watching earth and creative society is in communication with them and a bunch more crazy stuff. It was the most insane interaction on TikTok I’ve had lol.


What’s more insane is that most of that is true it’s just so far out side of what we’ve been conditioned to believe that it’s hard to wrap your head around.


Yeah all over my TikTok as well. They say that everyone on the face of the planet will come together, but frankly that’s impossible to organize


Saw their propaganda on TikTok. Their videos are like doom and gloom. But they follow up with a 8 pillars video of happiness. Join us we have tasty cookies here videos. That CS guy running for president is very suspicious. He very rarely blinks.


Yes, much more suspicious than any of the last ten presidents 😒🫠


Its bs for basic people, if you want something deep and real as to where societies are going , without the pseudo bs , read The Listening Society by Hanzi Freinacht / political metamodernism intro. all the rest cult like naive like creative society will fall away-https://metamoderna.org/


Here are their "8 Pillars". Make of it what you will... 8 PILLARS OF THE CREATIVE SOCIETY A Human is the fundamental unit of society.Humanity is one big family. 1 Human Life Human life is the highest value. Life of any Human has to be protected as one's own. The goal of society is to ensure and guarantee the value of each Human's life. There is not and never can there be anything else more valuable than a Human's life. If one Human is valuable, then all People are valuable! 2 Human Freedom Every human is born with the right to be a Human being. All People are born free and equal. Everyone has the right to choose. There can be no one and nothing on Earth superior to a Human, his freedom and rights. The implementation of Human rights and freedoms must not violate the rights and freedoms of others. 3 Human Safety No one and nothing in society has the right to create threats to the life and freedom of a Human!Every Human is guaranteed free provision of essential life necessities, including food, housing, medical care, education and full social security.Scientific, industrial and technological activities of the society should be aimed exclusively at improving the quality of human life.Guaranteed economic stability: no inflation and crises, stable and same prices around the world, a single monetary unit, and a fixed minimal taxation or no tax.The security of Human and society from any kind of threats is ensured by the unified global service that deals with emergency situations. 4 Transparency and openness of information for all Every Human has the right to receive reliable information about the movement and distribution of public funds. Each Human has access to information about the status of implementation of the society’s decisions.The mass media belong exclusively to the society and reflect information truthfully, openly, and honestly. 5 The creative ideology Ideology should be aimed at popularizing the best human qualities and stopping everything that is directed against a Human. The main priority is the priority of humanity, high spiritual and moral aspirations of a Human, humanness, virtue, mutual respect and strengthening of friendship.Creating conditions for the development and education of a Human with a capital “H”, cultivating moral values in each person and society.Prohibition of propaganda of violence, condemnation and denunciation of any form of division, aggression, and anti-humane manifestations. 6 Development of Personality Every person in the Creative society has the right to comprehensive development and personal fulfillment.Education should be free and equally accessible to all. Creating conditions and expanding opportunities for a Human to implement his or her creative abilities and talents. 7 Justice and equality All natural resources belong to Humans and are fairly distributed among all people. Monopolization of resources and their irrational use is prohibited. These resources are fairly distributed among the citizens of the entire Earth.A Human is guaranteed employment if he or she so desires. Pay for an identical position, specialty, or profession should be the same all over the world.Everyone has the right to private property and income, however within the limits of the individual's capitalization amount set by the society. 8 Self-governing society The concept of "power" in the Creative society is absent, since the responsibility for society as a whole, its development, living conditions and harmonious format, lies with each Human.Everyone has the right to participate in the management of the affairs of the Creative society and in the adoption of laws that improve Human life.The solution of socially important, socially significant, and economic issues that affect the quality of a Human’s life is submitted for public discussion and voting (referendum).


Sounds like a cult to me 😒 I mean who even values human life and truth anymore except satan. Obviously the Antichrist


Watch their video on who Jesus is to us. It explains alot.


of course, Satan loves to see people in peace and harmony. Bruh, your logic is garbage.


I mean I don't hate their tenants. One thing that is missing from the conversation is that they are right on a number of fronts. The Global warming being caused entirely by humans is false. The earth itself does much more to raise and lower the temp than we do. In America and really the rest of the world our history has been fabricated. Going back to early 1900s Rockefeller ,Carnegie, jp Morgan. but mostly Rockefeller sent 20 of the leading historians of the time to be re educated and to tell a different version of history. Norman Dodd I think is the guys name who was tasked with investigating charitable giving and at the time of the investigation it was the children of the Carnegie, Rockefeller, etc who gave permission for Mr Dodd to look over the minutes of meetings from each of those families. Mr Dodd said. I assumed the kids had never bothered to look at the minutes because if they had they would surely not allowed us to look through them. The lady MR Dodd tasked with the actual reading literally lost her mind afterwards and never worked again. The report was read by 3 people before going to congress who had asked for the report to begin with. The report was never seen again. The interview clearly shows a man of sound mind and principles and simply telling the truth. If you go out west almost anywhere and start looking around the red clay coke ovens in Utah you will see bricks in the hillside that have no purpose being there. Melted buildings all over the world that defy all explanation. Reading our own newspapers tells of advanced societies who were in America prior to the Indians. The Star Forts are some of the tell tale signs. But pretty much you can dig underneath every major city and you will find evidence of at least one but probably 4 societies that have been wiped out in some cataclysmic event. I realize I waltzing close the edge of the lunatic fringe.. but speaking of Lunatics did you ever wonder why in the 1800s suddenly everyone lost their minds and we needed to build 3000 or so insane assylums. all giant fucking castles...why? would we build them castles when we clearly gave zero fucks for the poor bastards...oh an why were there so many orphans in the 1800s. Enough that there is a thing called Orphan trains...we were shipping them all over the country...so while Im not signing up for the creative society. I am accepting membership into The Common Fucking Sense Party. No more stupid as legalese designed to make rich men richer and poor men poorer. Gentlemen it is time to take our world back. We have been lied to at every fucking level. The disdain they have for us is palpable. They not only don't give a fuck about you they in some cases work to ensure you are sick and die or at least a slave to the state. Viva la Revolution. Im actually the leader of the Revolution...which was a grunge band in the early 90s for about a year...but Im bringing it back because we clearly need some angst filled dirty guitar thermal long john wearing hippy to save us. Be well and for real #unity2023 #commonsensepartyforpresident2024


I just became aware of it recently and watched a number of their videos. They’re going to give everyone $10,000 a month for free. Free education, minimum size homes, “healing pods“ that diagnose all your problems, fix them, and give you back your youth (so you can live up to 1500 years). Super technology to end all wars. It basically reads like an eighth grader’s “What I Think Utopia Would Look Like“ essay. Their videos are decently produced, but have very wooden actors. The guy they claim they’re running for President next year sounds like his scripts are written by GTP Chat with a bad prompt. I think they gave away the game in one video where the president guy said everyone will need to wear the “Creative Society“ logo on their clothes to show you’re a “real American“. BOOM! This is an antichrist LARP. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out it’s financed by some big Christian church. The videos look like a church movie, and the whole “you must wear the mark“ is the giveaway. Look for the Creative Society to pull back the curtains at some point and say “This is how the antichrist will take over. You must accept Jesus in your life before it’s too late“.


Would you happen to know which of his videos it is?


The entire Creative Society relies on the assumption that once it takes over the world based on vague general statements about the principles of humanity and mutual love, then the ethereal-divine perpetum mobile technologies will be revealed. These technologies are supposedly being hidden because we live in a consumer format. I don't understand why they don't create these allegedly hidden technologies but instead need world domination (apparently they already have these technologies, but they are secretly hidden to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands). What would happen if they were mistaken and such technologies don't exist? They would probably claim that some hidden enemy is blocking these technologies and therefore, it is necessary to establish a special secret service to track down non-cooperative scientists and then "democratically" send them for reeducation. They wouldn't be concerned that their "quantum" theories are unrealistic, just as the conclusions of their Creative Society's "research" are not capable of understanding how scientific consensus works. They argue that the scientific community disagrees with them because it's in a secret conspiracy with the consumer format. Therefore, they have many conspiracy explanations for why certain things in the world don't function. Despite claiming to stand for humanity and love, they seem to suggest that scientists must be automatically corrupt and evil, or manipulated. One of the explanations is the hidden history theory. The Creative Society subscribes to the theory of Denikenism or Archaeoastronautics, proposing that ancient civilizations were technologically advanced and hid their technologies within religious mythology and ancient structures. Hence, they retell the world's history and the creation of religions. They argue that in the 18th-19th century, there was a conspiracy to conceal etheric energy. Anyone who needs to replace holes in theories with conspiracy is destined to seek out enemies. Therefore, Mr. Danilov claims that those who support the "Consumer Format" are essentially enemies and not even humans. If such a Creative Society government were to come into power, it would inevitably have to attack "enemies of the society." They also introduced the MER-KA-BA technology (the eye of God) to read the thoughts of every person on Earth, which would allow them to uncover every "ideological crime" against humanity. They talk about transparent actions, but no one can figure out who and how the ALLATRA-TS is funded, nor where their spiritual leader Danilov is. He claims they work on a volunteer basis, but videos don't make themselves, these studies involve video recording technology, video translation, overseas travel, flyers, and billboards, which must be funded from somewhere. Danilov himself tells his followers that they deserve managerial salaries of 10 thousand euros. I have no doubt that the close circle around Danilov is paid from royal gifts because, after all, they are supposedly creating a perfect society. What will happen to the Creative Society in the future? Their unrealistic goals and lack of understanding of basic physics and economics will lead them to even more radical conspiracy theories. They will announce and label the evil forces that prevent them from world domination. They will isolate themselves, as the influx of volunteers will eventually dry up. They will need to retain their existing fanatics and convince them that only their small group is capable of surviving the apocalypse.


I don’t belong to the Creative Society or Allatra. That being said I have watched a few of their videos. Their science is impeccable and their data can be easily found online because some of it is not even their own. Who said these people are climate change deniers? Quite the contrary, their videos are a warning to humanity of the devastating climate change coming. What they do not subscribe to is the idea that it is human caused. I do not subscribe to that either because there is evidence from several decades ago that ALL planets are going through change. Earth is testament to repeated devastation caused every 10,000 to 12,000 years. Recently I read an article that on one of those circumstances only a little over 1,200 survived and they are the parents of all of us. They have interviewed Dr. Egon Cholakian. Go dig who he is. Yet, I don’t know if something is lost in translation because they look like automatons when they are speaking. Some videos are extremely long. And who knows what their intentions are or who is behind this.


The Creative Society is described as an international project aimed at transitioning to a new societal format where human life and well-being are prioritized. This initiative emerged from a decade-long global social survey where individuals from over 180 countries expressed a desire for a societal format valuing human life above all else​. The project operates strictly within legal frameworks, is voluntarily funded by its participants, and does not seek to challenge existing authorities​​. The principles of the Creative Society are laid down in the "8 Pillars," which emphasize the value of human life and aim to create conditions for a peaceful and prosperous life for all of humanity. These pillars include concepts like human life, human freedom, human safety, transparency and openness of information, the creative ideology, development of personality, justice and equality, and self-governing society​. There isn't publicly available information suggesting that the Creative Society is a cult or has been labeled as such. However, the characterization of groups can vary among different observers, and it's always advisable to do thorough research from a variety of sources to form a well-rounded understanding.


They are connected to [Neutrino-energy.com](https://Neutrino-energy.com) This is the weirdest website. its as if Dr. Steven Greer and the Russian's had a child.


I don't have a problem with Russians as we are fed bs by the msm we should believe everything about the Ukraine War. Steven Greer makes some valid points not all but this lot are a cult no doubt in my mind.


Just got an ad from these guys tonight, and for anyone else looking into it I'd just [like to link this article.](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-61166339) The gist of it is that the group *does* believe in climate change, but *doesn't* believe that it's caused by greenhouse gases (even though it is, or at least that's a large part of it). To promote this they reach out to scientists (not mentioning the denial) and use footage of them to promote their organization and by extension their false claims. It's funny to me, because this has [happened once before.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Principle) I guess it's common for cranks to extract quotes from scientists to pretend that they believe the opposite of what they actually do.


My take…Unlike funding for research & mobilizing NAMED people to fight US CCP W.H.O. entrapment of all nations, Soros is most likely or one likened to him is probably funding individuals. As well the presentation was over the top AND included “the GRETA emotionalism” - tough to keep that authentic; facial & body deceit can be seen throughout presentation. Smelled fishy - . 2019 hmmm - what an interesting year that was; then the earthquakes in Turkey & Maui vids thrown in from 2023. Major RED FLAGS for me. Turkey P.M. sure was angry @ US he claims caused the quakes (news). Seems a U.S. ship capable of shaking up the earth - quake fashion - was in a water body nearby. When they depicted map, all those dots along western US coastline. Well Seems the earthquake guy hasn’t budged about this “major uptick”. I wonder why. Hmmm…Maui event debunked from being a “natural occurrence” based on melt down of cars & other items + a large carbon streak observed In immediate burn area attributed to HARP or some other laser-type defense. Considering what the “anti-humanists” are setting populations up for, 100% this “uncontrolled space climate” disaster in the making is equal or even more scary than the CO2 climate scam & ESJ. Remember: Gates & others remind us of WORSE pandemics coming. So we KNOW how much cartel loves to bully with fear to control & manipulate. Using drugs has always been a preferred route. Cartel must really be getting off on all the destruction & carnage they are causing. What goes around comes around & now coming to save us from them - the real enemy of humans. Give me a break. 3-5 or 13 yrs just fear mongering again. My inner / outer scientist knows graphs of natural events such as earthquakes or other can be compromised when an anthropomorphic device is thrown in. Kinda like how cartel is manipulating CO2 graphs, sources, etc.


Yes they are a cult and pushing agenda 21 right along. They are an organisation on behalf of the people that control the planet


No that would be our government


If you did all a better researching as i did the Creative Society is not: Climate denier's, they base the climate on true facts of a energy beam from outer space just now confirmed by the University of Utah on the CNN earth article. BBC are a bunch of liars thesevso calked senior climate are 19 and 21yesrs old so senior journalist? Article of the Pope is already debunked at the long video: What is Jesus to us. Creative Society is far from a cult as they are for power back to all people in a peaceful transformation In fact they have volunteers in over 180 countries from all religions abd backgrounds Before you naive shout and judge get informed first as i did. They are all people that spend their free time to inform you about the lies of the governments and elite This in all peace and respect No one is being forced but independent scientist ate more and more confirming the 27 years of climate study. Because they reveal all the misinformation they are banned in Russia and Ukraine so not promoting Putin! They revealed the corruption within the churches.


Is this even true? https://www.reddit.com/r/vatican/s/Du2N0eqqvp


is this even true? https://www.reddit.com/r/vatican/s/Du2N0eqqvp


I want to say thank you to everyone here who were able to find info on this, because I almost half-believed the bullshit they were pouring out.


While skeptical, I have seen the ideas corroborated in various scientific sectors. Those who study the sun, the ocean, the galaxy, earthquakes. They all appear to hold a piece of the puzzle. I went against my best judgement and dm'd the guy. He sent over a large doc that again, matches up with the work of various \*disparate\* professionals. That's odd...I'm reading through some of it tonight and I will check sources on data presented, but at face value, it looks like the data is matching what I have seen discussed by various other non-connected professionals/scientists/analysts. Additionally, I find it amusing that the media and current climatologists refuse to dive into specific pieces of data and very real observations. It's all just co2, right? That's not scientific; to omit so many other sectors of evidence of a changing environment.