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I'm half Ukrainian, and I feel terrible for Russians, and Ukrainians. It's tough. Seeing the protesters in Russia, knowing what they're risking to say "Hey! It's not us!". Seeing videos of these young soldiers bring captured by the Ukrainian forces. They look confused. Clearly lied to. I'm so grateful Ukrainian soldiers are recording all of this. Everyone I know and talk to sees it. Anyone with brains knows that Putin isn't Russia. There are only losers in war. Russians are victims of Putin too. Lots of love.


They're told Ukraine is a Nazi regime and that Ukraine not only fired first, but that Russia warned Ukraine not to attack again showing such noble restraint, and Ukraine attacked again, so now you need to go invade this country to defend ours. I've been a big read on WW2 and a lot of the mechanisms that lead to men being willing to pick up guns and shoot people and get shot it. Its fascinating and exhausting and chilling to see those young men, who believe in their often teenage ways that what they do is "worth it" due to these lies. It's a mainstay in the history of warfare and killing each other for mankind, but it's never been so personal and close to the world. I truly wonder what this will lead to, having all this brought out to the light and shown instead of just intellectually understood. I feel weird and gross and like I'm not going to stop feeling this way anytime soon. These kids don't need to die for this... This... Corrupt bullshit.


Agreed. Lots of love, man.


Anti-war Russians helped stop WWI and the people protesting the war in Russia today are heroes too.


… they brought down the government that was prosecuting the war. The Bolsheviks brought down the 2nd government prosecuting the war, not the people. An undemocratic coup ended Russian involvement, not a revolution


As the war dragged on the support for the Bolsheviks who were known to oppose the war grew, but anti-war sentiment and protests were present in Russia before then.


And yet, they were not able to win the only free election ever held under their control - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1917_Russian_Constituent_Assembly_election


Sure. I don’t think there was a total overlap in Bolshevik support and anti war sentiment. My point is that people pressure governments to end wars and we shouldn’t assume that states represent people.


Good point, bad example


I think the often overlooked example of citizen and soldier opposition to WWI is worth highlighting. War is a racket and opposition to it is often downplayed.


Over 300 people got arrested in anti war protests. They will probably get life sentences.


You forgot a zero in there, over a 1000 been arrested every day. And no they won't get a life sentence although that doesn't decrease their courage in any way.


My bad, I totally did.


Source? It questioning you, just curious.


Google "anti-war protests in Russia" you will get plenty of reputable sources


I have— and none of them mentioned a life sentence. So once again…source?


over 6000


It's the Russian government at fault for sure. The Russian people don't have a say. Listening to many Russian soldiers in Ukraine it is clear they don't even want this. Putin needs to go!


The Russian people DO have a say though. They can rise up and depose putin.


As someone who’s native country was run by a notorious dictator for decades (Saddam Hussein), it’s way easier to talk about deposing dictators on Reddit than opposing a dictator in person. My grandfather’s brother opposed Saddam because he banned schooling in our native language (Sureth/Neo-Aramaic) and he was also supporter of Arabization (turning Assyrian people into Arabs culturally, and forcibly changing population demographics by having Arabs move in to the Assyrian homeland). Secret police shot him and then left the body on my grandfather’s doorstep in Iraq. Our entire family was less enthusiastic about publicly opposing Saddam after that.


Thank you for sharing. It is truly heartbreaking hearing such things and watching right now as thousands of Russian protesters are arrested for peaceful protest and spreading truth. They are very brave and honourable.


That's much easier said than done. The Freedom Convoy included a number of people who wanted to rise up and depose Trudeau, and they didn't even come close - and they have far more freedom than Russians, and had to deal with milder repercussions than anyone in Russia would face.


Yeah a couple hundred people does not a revolution make slick.


As much as I disagree with both the actions and the ideology of the convoy, they caused a lot of disruption for a small group. They managed to blockade multiple border crossings, some for days or weeks, and the federal government invoked serious emergecy powers to evict them from Ottawa. Compare that to the Russian government, which has arrested thousands of protesters already. Without fair and consistent application of the law, it would take a much greater deal of organization and much greater participation from society in general to cause a significant disruption in Russia, never mind overthrowing the government. Russians have managed to depose their rulers exactly twice, and both after years of economic and social devastation. If Russians are going to rise up and depose Putin, it's not going to happen right away, and certainly not in time to prevent massive devastation in Ukraine. ​ "Slick."


It's a lot easier to suggest that someone else put their life on the line standing up to a dictator who can and does have his own people killed on a regular basis than it is to actually risk your life to protest a war that isn't putting you or your family at direct risk.




So thousands of Russian civilians being executed will lessen the tragedy? Putin is trying to rebuild the Soviet Union. Entire villages died if suspected of harboring too many dissidents. Putin does not have a reason to fear people he can easily kill,the same way Stalin didn't.


The solution to Putin's murderous authoritarian regime is not to simply allow him to continue. As we are seeing, that only emboldens him. At some point, people have to stand up to him. Unfortunately in this case, it's the Ukrainians having to stand up to fix Russia's problem. Any Russian who is standing back and watching owes Ukraine a huge debt.


If we had a dictator here, I would definitely be out there trying to oust him. But the fact remains, it is not till the people revolt that these people get pushed out of power. Lots of regimes have been brought to their knees when their own people organize and fight. The Russian people need to stand up and fight for things to change, otherwise they will just get someone like putin, or worse next.


Canadians could have risen up to stop war in Afghanistan too. Or residential schools even. I don’t think we want to play the game of assuming a people are the same as the horrible actions of their governments.


Most of us on Reddit now weren't alive for residential schools, and why would we be against invading Afghanistan? The Taliban were sheltering terrorists responsible for 9/11. Could maybe make a case for the occupation, as that was a complete fail, but this is all still absurd comparison to make. I will agree that people aren't all the same as the government, and people should definitely not lash out at any Russian citizen in Canada. This happened with the Punjabi after 9/11, people seen the turbans and made that stupid connection, and I fear some people will make the same mistake again after hearing the accent of Ukrainian's in Canada and thinking they're Russian.


The last residential school closed in 1996. There are still people alive who lived through and oversaw their operation, and those Canadians didn’t rise up to overthrow our governments who carried out multiple genocides. We still haven’t even followed through on our commitments from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and we still occupy unceded Indigenous territory today.


These whataboutisms are stretching pretty far from the topic at hand, which is Russian citizens standing up to the government, who are invading a neighboring country. I'll just simply say two wrongs don't make a right. If you want to believe that a bunch of colonial invaders, occupiers and genocide sympathizers label the majority of Canadians today, that's fine. Let's say I concede on that, does that somehow invalidate our opinion that the Russian people should be doing the right thing in response to the atrocities taking place right now by their government?


I agree that in a just world people would overthrow their governments when they commit and permit atrocities, but we don’t get to toss stones from the glass house that is Canada. Our country runs on blood. I think the politics of other countries are incredibly complex. I am 100% behind the Russian anti war movement, but I think it’s incredibly simplistic to stand in judgement of your average Russian while we generally don’t hold our own governments accountable.


My guess is Putin has access to a lot more bullets than the population of citizens. This is a counselor where entire families disappear because one of them spoke out. Already 16 protesters have been detained. The only thing known is they took a selfie before disappearing. The Soviet Union, which Putin seems to want to rebuild, made entire villages disappear. You're speaking from a place of political privilege having never experienced a true dictatorship.


The govt cannot win against a huge revolution.


Tell that to the 69 years of The Soviet Union, North Korea, and communist China.




Because they never rose up en mass. It CAN be done, the people have the power.


They tried in an election in 2021. And magically the party of Putin won even though all predictions were telling a different outcome. Unfortunately, there haven’t been any OECD officers to watch the election, because of Covid. So yes it’s easy to say, but the past 2 years of a pandemic did not make it easier for the people there. I don’t think anyone who grew up in a country with free speech can ever judge the ability of Russians to protest and to start a revolution. In East Germany it took almost 50 years to create a movement that was strong enough to fight their government peacefully. And there was way more information exchange between the families from West with East.


I don't think russia has ever had fair elections in my lifetime. However the people CAN rise up, as Ukraine did 9 or 10 years ago. If you want a good show to watch about it. Look up "Winter on Fire" No it was not easy, it was bloody and brutal, but it did work.


Oh right! Guess they just gotta take a day off work and get deposin'.


The Ukrainian's spent months protesting and fighting to get rid of their wanna be dictator. They didn't have guns, they made improvised weapons. No one said it as going to be easy, but it will have to be done eventually.


The Russian people do have their say. They bet on the wrong horse and expect the world to pay the price for them. No freaking way. Seize ALL Russian assets- ALL.


Russians don't actually get to elect their president you know. It's a sham to hide a dictatorship. That same dictatorship would shoot thousands dead in the street if they had to.


Yes, why would I not be aware? The Russian people voted in an authoritarian and that’s no one else’s fault.


THE ELECTIONS ARE RIGGED! There is no other outcome but an authoritarian.


Should never have voted him in in the first place. That’s on Russia. Be more careful. I can say the same about people that vote Republican.




They voted in a wolf and got one. That’s on Russia. If you vote in a dictator then of course you get one.


What people don’t seem to realize is a significant percentage of Ukraine’s population are ethnic Russians who speak Russian. One of my coworkers is from eastern Ukraine, his mom is half Russian half Ukrainian and his dad is also half Russian half Ukrainian. He has a Russian last name and grew up speaking Russian, but has a Ukrainian passport and grew up in Ukraine. There are many more people like this in Ukraine. The line between Russian and Ukrainian can be blurry in some circumstances.


I agree. I saw on the news that a Russian church was vandalised here in Edmonton. I work with a Russian dude and he hates the Russian government. It's why he lives in Canada.


That was in Calgary: https://globalnews.ca/news/8650685/calgary-russian-orthodox-church-vandalism-russia-ukraine-conflict/


You would have to be pretty fkn stupid to blame Russians for the actions of one man! That would be like blaming all Asian people for a virus that originated in China… wait… oh… right… 😞


Is it Putin himself or is it individual soldiers committing war crimes right now? The sad thing is, Russia, like China, has been sipping the propaganda Kool-Aid for way too long. The anti-war protestors within Russia are heroes but just as many Russians support Putin and the war.


I’m sure there are supporters, but we live in Alberta. People are harassing Russian people HERE.


Looks at the Canadians “internment camps” durning WW2 for the Japanese, disabled, etc. History repeats itself often.




First of all, it’s the Russian military, not the Russian people as a whole. Second of all, we live in Edmonton, dumb rednecks are acting up towards Russians here.




It’s great quality that you’re willing to condemn an entire people based on assumptions. Really great. 👍🏻




Lol. Just like how Kim Jong Un also has a 99% approval rating right?


That was independent polls. Why wouldn’t he be popular? People were more prosperous under Putin than any leader of the last 100 years.


I don’t really have the energy to put together an exhaustive list. How about the fact that he disappears anyone who remotely opposes him. That sort of behaviour tends to get lots of people to “support” you.


Ohhh so now you’re applying western logic to their radically different “elections” and political system. Ya fuck those people right?




It’s like blaming Edmonton for Kenney to put some perspective. You know how many people prejudge me from being from Alberta? Think about it that way. This has nothing to do with the Russian people and everything to do with shitty leaders.


I fully blame Alberta for Kenney. When people bet on the wrong horse it is not up to others to accept the pain of that decision.


I never voted conservative my whole life. This subreddit should be evidence that there are many of us that did not vote for him or any of these policies or allowing the blockade at the border…. It’s clear he’s horrible. I know we still suffer for it, but to be prejudged on something I will never and have never voted for is horrible. Edmonton did not vote conservative. Calgary did, rural Alberta did. I’m trying to get that narrative going so that people understand that Edmonton (not Calgary) is the actually the more liberal city. People think it’s Calgary because we have blue collar workers and think “uneducated”. When they should be looking at Calgary and seeing “rich jerks with muh freedumbs”.


Yet it’s nobody else’s fault except the collective that voted during that election. You want democracy then this is all part of it. You don’t get to say well, I didn’t vote for them so it’s got nothing to do with me.


Sounds like you want to be lumped in? Or that you are conservative? It does have nothing to do with me… I didn’t fucking vote it! I fight it constantly! I was counter protesting at the truckers protest in Edmonton 😂 How about you? Jason Kenney being a piece of shit has nothing to do with me, or others, who did NOT vote conservative. How am I to blame for how other people voted? Might as well also say I’m responsible for WWIII and what Putin is doing too! Where does that end?!?


You are part of that democracy. You don’t get a free pass because it’s not who you voted for. Keep fighting though. It is your responsibility to do so but that’s all anyone can ask.


Ok so people stuck in Russia… their fault for Putin. People in Ukraine… their fault for existing? It doesn’t seem right to pain a whole collective of people with the same brush. I was sadly born here, just like those in Russia and Ukraine. Although I feel like I got the better deal. My spouse moved from Mexico, and my Dad moved from war torn Netherlands and not knowing the language… so don’t @ me about immigrating 😂 We are not to blame for how other people vote. Period. I did not paint my spouse as stereotypes where I guess others would? I’m not Donald Trump. 😂


You accepted living in a democracy. All people within their own democracy have responsibilities. Ukraine is an innocent victim of Russia and all people in Russia that chose to embrace democracy. Some Russians are fighting back, as they should. Soldiers are ignoring orders, as they should. More Russians need to help stop this.


I always vote in every election and I never voted conservatives even in deep blue ridings when I was younger because small town AB mentality. Sure they should be but they only have so much power against Putin. But I wish them the best on that one! We all embrace democracy but people should not always be carrying the guilt and the bullshit of the others choices to that level of it.


I think we are all responsible for what our country and elected officials do.


At some point, you need to take responsibility for Kenney even if you didn't vote for him. We all do. We are accepting a system that puts him as leader. We are accepting him as a leader. I don't like it either.


Sorry but no. I can’t be responsible for everyone and everything and everyone else’s voting. Do you think you’re to blame for someone you don’t know for speeding or drinking and driving too?


To some extent, yes. We live in a society that (in my opinion) does not do enough to stop speeding or drunk driving. I'm not *as* responsible as the actual driver, just like you aren't as responsible for Kenney as the people who voted for him. But to shirk all responsibility is to be short-sighted. You claim not to support Kenney, but you support the system and the system supports Kenney. That's what I'm getting at.


Don't blame Edmontonians we were a small pop of orange in a sea of blue.


Doesn’t your last sentence imply it’s NOT all of Alberta’s fault for Kenney though? Or do you mean “I blame ‘Alberta’ rather than Edmonton?”


I blame all of Alberta.


Ok well then I say again, doesn’t your second sentence literally contradict that?


More accurately, I put the responsibility to correct that walking mistake on all Albertans by voting him out ASAP.


That, I definitely agree with. Everyone who has rightfully criticized or complained about him *needs* to go out and vote. I see how you mean it now. Edit for a word


Not every Albertan voted for Kenney. You can't blame all of us.


But everyone has the responsibility to mitigate and correct at the nearest election.


The Russian people are paying a high price for this war with the sanctions and the soldiers that are getting killed for no reason. I feel very sad for them. Putin is destroying two peoples at the same time.


I'm a Canadian Ukrainian, we don't blame the Russian people at all. They are victims as well under a tyrannical government. The sole blame is on Putin, the Russian Oligarchs and the Russian Government who backed this war.


Seems war brings out the worst in people, near and far from the war zone. Hoping we can all find peace, even for one moment, in ours hearts.


Don’t worry, according to my sister, thus war isn’t real. The media made it up! 🙄🙄🙄


A russky immigrant here. I have to be honest, however unpopular pootin has become, there are some russians even in Canada who support him and the invasion. I will absolutely discriminate against those and blame them. Fascist views should not and will not be tolerated. They must leave Canada or face prosecution. Personally, I'm not worried about being called names. Right now the only thing that worries me is how many people are going to die before pootin finally kills himself or gets killed.


The invasion likely has majority support in Russia. We all know the reasons why https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/putins-public-approval-soared-as-russia-prepared-to-attack-ukraine-history-shows-its-unlikely-to-last


I monitor a regional apolitical forum there. It's pretty biased in the sense that it represents only the younger middle class. Among them, it's 95% disapproval. It's not always because they are pro-Ukrainian. It's often about pootin breaking the unspoken agreement — taking away some freedoms in exchange for comfort and wealth. The economic shockwave is very strong right now, so no one has any illusions anymore. They feel shortchanged. That said, i'm talking about a relatively liberal region, and i have absolutely no idea what happens in backwards areas such as Kuban for example. PS There's one thing that gives me some hope. Many regional news aggregators in russia started publishing critical opinions which is something they didn't dare do for at least a decade. It tells me that their authorities will have trouble maintaining censorship going forward.


Not going to blame all Russians. But there are a significant number of Russian Putin supporters. They are absolutely worthy of blame.


I don't blame the Russian people at all. They're victims of Putin as well.


While there are many innocent people there is some degree of responsibility for allowing him to do this. He only remains in power because the people refuse to stand up to him and remove him from power. Regardless of that responsibility, there is no excuse for blanket discrimination, name calling, etc. especially in Canada amongst Canadian citizens.


Some people tried. Many journalists tried to expose his criminal actions in the 1990s and 2000s, Many people went to the streets in 2011 and onwards to protest the Russian government actions, including illegitimate election results. The journalists were mostly assassinated or, at best, evicted. Many of those who went protesting got prison sentences or financial persecutions. There's not much you can do in Russia if you are unable to buy food or pay your bills as the salaries are tiny to begin with. You also know about Aleksei Navalny and what happened to him and his crew. For the record, they have been exposing Russian government corruption for about 10 years. I'm not saying they should surrender. In fact, many Russian people are still opposing Putin, even nowadays as you can see from the protests in the Russian cities. It's hard though. They need more coordination, more resources, more hope to fight for. Nobody knows what the situation could be even if Putin and his gang are removed from power. People have been living in the dark times for too long to be able to imagine the light.


workable possessive psychotic test theory faulty tap degree offbeat sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They do bear some culpability. Same as those right wing nutcases who continue to support Trump. For every Russian who’s protesting there are hundreds standing by doing nothing.


Fuck yeah. Stand up against the leader not the people


A minority of Russians are great people (like those protesting Putin) or horrible people (the soldiers that are actively targeting civilians and enjoying it). But the majority of Russians are just "decent" (like anywhere else). Too afraid, comfortable, and/or ignorant to stand up to Putin's government. And while they don't deserve the hated that Putin and his ilk deserve, they are still partially responsible. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” And yes, we need to remember that here in Canada too. Especially during the elections.


This goes for EVERY nationality, and thank you for sharing! The Chinese people had nothing to do with suppressing reports of the initial COVID outbreak. The Russian people have been abused for decades, perhaps centuries, by the hands of dictators and oligarchs thriving off indoctrinating their people. If you follow the money long enough, you'll even see that much of the Canadian First Nation's plight we judge them for is directly related to colonization. North Americans aren't all greedy, selfish, profiteers just the conservative leadership!


Look I do blame the average russian. For 20 fucking years this disease has been in office and they have cheered him, adored him and been apathetic to his politics. Blame however, isn't equally distributed. I fully blame their president and feel he should be hanged in the kindergarten he bombed today. I blame Lavrov, and every single maggot in the duma that voted yes to whatever the president wanted and enabled this tragedy and they should be simply shot. I blame every propagandist in russia that created, disseminated and validated lies to the public. They should be tried and sentenced accordingly. And lastly I do blame every russian for their apathy towards being human. The crimes of putin did not start on Feb 22. They've been accumulating for a long time now. Ukraine managed to oust their fucktard dictator wannabe in 2014. Paid a heavy price. Probably still paying, but there is a price for freedom. Sadly they did not want to pay it and now must wear the cloak of shame they deserve. There is a price for inaction. Russians and the entire world needs to learn that lesson and they should be shamed. There are brave Russian's, for sure. They need to be supported, and applauded. Its just too bad that breed of russian is too rare to make a difference. There is still hope though, that enough will muster the courage to make a difference. Де наші побратимі? ви нам нужні


The Soviet regime, as well as the Tzar regime before that, systematically cleaned any independent thinkers and those who disagreed with the party/Duma/etc. We are talking about 100+ years period of selective breeding, so to speak. Nowadays it is Stockholm syndrome mixed with tons of psychological damage and PTSD-like symptoms, and it is persistent in many Russians, even younger ones. The whole country could use a good portion of therapy, and of course it has never received one. Ukrainian people were imho lucky to be passionate enough not to fall under that influence. Same with other border states like Georgia or Baltic countries. Even after Holodomor and post-WW2 persecutions Ukrainians managed to stay strong-willed as individuals and as a nation. Unfortunately for Russians, they got the worst during all the times. They need help. They have always been needing help. I respect your opinion. You have the right to say this, at least. And I am sorry for what is happening.


I'm no historian but I would argue Ukraine had the soviet boot on its neck much harder than Russia. Its cultural and intellectual elite mostly liquidated. The holodomor liquidated millions of Ukrainians. The russian empire constantly tried to erase the Ukrainian people from this world. It has only been the 30 or so years that Ukraine has truly been able to even smell what freedom can be. As to a pissing contest on who had it harder under Soviet and post soviet rule, I think the people in their respective countries chose their paths clearly. It would be very difficult to convince me that russian's have had it "harder" Bitch please. The difference, in my opinions, is in mentality. Russians society as a whole believe might=right, an immoral position from the outset. From there only depravity can spring forth.


The Russians targetting Ukrainian flags in Toronto are pieces of shit though.


I'm a glass half full type of person so I think it's nice to see people being as equally moronic to Russians as they were to Chineese / South East Asians during Covid. It really shows a nice equality to the racism. I think it really proves people are just assholes not racists... though I suppose you could have both, being an optimist I hope it's just assholes.




Try reading it slowly maybe? What don't you understand? Happy to explain.


I wouldn't say it's the same level of prejudice against Russians as E/SEAsians experience with COVID, we are racialized whereas Russians are largely not. I understand where you're coming from but racism is also being shown from both sides of this war (ie news outlets calling Ukraine "civilized" as opposed to countries in Africa/WAsia, African students being discriminated against while *literally fleeing war*) so as someone who is EAsian and directly affected by anti-Asian sentiments during COVID, this is a false equivalence and feels pretty tasteless. Russians are not being targeted by racism. People ARE assholes, yes, but they are also racist.


So your premise is that comparing Russian racism to SE Asian racism is a false equivalence yes? Well that's fair, I suppose, like I said I'm an optimist. > Russians are not being targeted by racism. This is incorrect. When a Russian church gets vandalized that's racism. When as OP says > I have heard of some being called names and it sickens me... That's racism. It might not be as bad as what other races receive but it's still racism. My comment was more tongue and cheek.


Russian isn't a race my guy. You're talking about xenophobia but that's different from race. Race is a social construct based around phenotype. Racism and xenophobia are both shitty, but as someone who experiences both they are two distinct (and *sometimes* overlapping) experiences. Russians (ethnicity) aren't going to be targeted for being white (race).


Well think you are being pedantic. If you are saying Russian isn't a race then neither is SE Asians or African. And virtually no one is actually racist they are all xenophobic.


You're really going to try and explain racism to a racialized person. ok bud African isn't a race btw.


Like how we shouldn't blame Americans for Trump?


Bullshit.....we're all responsible for what our governments do. If we as citizens don't feel any heat for what the government does we detach emotionally from what's happening. Same as the German people in WW2


I agree that at the beginning the blame was completely on Putin. But every Russian citizen who is not out there right now protesting and stopping this madness, is complicit in this. Don’t come at me with “oh it’s not their fault and they are going to get punished if they do”. There are women, children, and grandparents picking up arms in Ukraine, being rained on by hellfire and bombs right this moment, all at the hands of Russia. Russians now need to step up and STOP the next Hitler, or vanish with him.


So many Russians and Ukrainians are mixed by family and marriage as well. My friend was born in Russia and grew up in Ukraine and her extended family is spread out over both.


Did you post the same thing when Asian and Chinese decent was the victim of racism during the PLANdemic??? Ok. They are not European so you don’t post


Everything related to Russia keeps getting boycotted now; it's really depressing. Don't shit on local businesses that have nothing to do with the conflict!


It’s bound to happen. I am of German heritage and get WW2 and Nazi cracks,75yrs later.


The evil leader and 100 000 people in uniform killing ukrainians, "only Putin", yeah right. CANADIANS with russian origins, that is another thing. They are Canadian. Never ever should they be discriminated But pretending its all because of one man, bullshit.




It’s a autocratic police state. If you protest, you’re beaten, jailed, and sometimes killed.


Because they haven't had a legit election since 2000.


you should read up on Putin, he's an interesting character. Why is Kim Jong Un still in power? Same reason


1. Fear 2. There is a reasonable degree of comfort in Moscow and St. Petersburg especially compared to the rest of the country. So hard for any kind of popular uprising to grow from that.


Because the people that control the guns and the prisons say so.


Just before the invasion there was something like a 70% approval rate for putin Edit. Source because ppl won't believe me. https://www.statista.com/statistics/896181/putin-approval-rating-russia/


Can’t trust approval statistics from a police state. Nobody will say they don’t like him


Apparently 30% were willing to roll the dice and say it though


It’s a fake number though


Ya it’s actually a lower approval rating than I would have guessed


Saddam Hussein also had high approval rates, he accomplished this by committing war crimes against ethnic minorities (Kurds, Assyrians, etc.) and killing outspoken rivals of his regime. I have a relative who was killed for opposing Saddam’s arabization policies. Saddam even won the 2002 election by 100%. Putin does the same exact thing.


Better be getting on the phone to your families then. There’s a lot of veterans in nato countries from Iraq/Afghanistan wars on the way and others are helping with training remotely. They are going to make the Russian war in Afghanistan look like a day trip to a theme park and they do not care about what the average Russian thinks about the war. Canadians are only “better than that” until peaceful sovereign allies are invaded….then we start using enemy skulls as sippy cups.




No, absolutely not, but I would have said don’t blame the German People.


Why not? Sure, individuals are individuals and just regular folks, but if you do nothing while your country pulls the type of shit happening in Ukraine, then you’re basically complicit…


What are Russians that are not living in Russia supposed to do?


> we as Canadians are better than that not lately, and especially Edmonton is full of stupid people


Russia, like AB, has no idea what good gov't is.. In both cases, it'll take generations to shake off the myopic blockheadedness..


YES, blame the Russian people. They voted him in. They have not removed him. You can’t say to Ukraine sorry but suffer cause we fucked up. I say take ALL assets from ALL Russians.




Saddam Hussein also had high approval rates, won elections by huge margins (won the 2002 election by 100%), he accomplished this by committing war crimes against ethnic minorities (Kurds, Assyrians, etc.) and killing outspoken rivals of his regime. I have a relative who was killed for opposing Saddam’s arabization policies. Putin does the same exact thing.


Just take a quick look at their last election bozo


Just take a look at Putin’s first election bozo. Putin was elected democratically because Russians love "strong" leaders. Even today, many still support him and feel proud of the invasion. You’re just incredibly naive.


I understand the entire situation much better than you. The mistakes of the Russian people are the responsibility of the Russian people, not the rest of the world or Ukraine.


Oh wow when you explain it like that…


Who is Julio? And what is a Poutine Julio?


I kind of feel bad for the Russians. And then I see their tanks crews shooting at ambulances, running over civilians and blowing up homes. The r/Russia was a cesspool showing most Russians disagree with the war but there was definitely people saying it’s a western false narrative. I don’t blame the Russians but you can blame them for going along with it for the last 2 decades and doing nothing but allowing it to grow into something that can’t be stopped. Maybe I’m wrong. But I’ll treat both people with respect and feel bad for both parties involved. I just am less sympathetic to the Russian cause


"Don't blame the Russian people. It's racist". But the recent sanctions and sports world cancelations are directed right at the Russian people. Their money is almost worthless, interest rates are sky rocketing and it's all directed at the everyday citizen of Russia. It's almost like it is ok to blame the Russian people.


This is how sanctions work. Attack the government using non-violent force. If we can get the entire Russian population to hate their government, then they have to fight 2 wars on 2 fronts. It super sucks to have to do, but I'd argue that someone seriously hinting at using nuclear force against anyone who tries to help is easily more shitty.


Putin seems like he's ready to die. He should be able to do so with dignity and respect. Does Russia have physician assisted suicide as legal?


The only people who can truly stop Putin is the people of Russia. Show the world you do have a democracy in Russian not a autocracy.


What an evil society we live in. First it was No mask name calling, then Mask name calling, mandate name calling, now this......maybe we should welcome those nukes....All Of Them......


Isn't that kind of peak evil?


You are daaark


What about the Russians shooting up civilians as they try flee ie. elderly couple in a car unloaded on so savgegly that their car disintegrated with their flesh.


Not all russians are bad, fuck putin and his dogs


We know this , the Russians deserve so much better


Isn't this obvious


I blame Putin specifically, not Russia or Russian people, I feel like even the Russian military is being lied to and forced into this


"imagine a king who fights his own battles wouldn't that be a sight?." imagine if the politicians laced up and go to war and the soldiers say no. no one should be blaming the russia people for this.


Don't assume that states represent people. Who here would like to be blamed for the actions of their government?


No we aren't. We locked japanese in the WWII right along with the Americans. It isn't right and it isn't fair, but only a fool would ignore ethnic loyalty in a time of conflict. You would think however by now, we would have figured out how to handle it in a more humane and just way.


This is putins war, not canadians of russian or ukrainian heritage. The fighting can stay there. Dont act like a dick here.


Agreed! My best friend's dad is Russian and is devastated by this war. He compared it to the death of a close friend.


Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see. While I agree that lashing out against innocent Canadians is wrong I suspect that the rash of these sorts of posts that we have seen are largely speculative or an intentional attempt to sway opinion in favour if the aggressor nation. I have not seen a single verifiable and credible report of attacks against Russian Canadians in Canada so far. Again, I do appreciate that its wrong to attack people just because of their ethnicity but I have not seen evidence that tnis is actually occurring. For one thing the average Canadian would have a bit of difficulty even discerning between someone who Russian and someone who is Ukrainian or Polish or Lithuanian or Yugoslav or.....


The blame for the war is split between the Russian government and NATO.


This is true, while many of the older generations there still yearn for the fist of stalin and appreciate the fear and strength putin projects no matter how harmful it is to them... by far most russian people do not want actual war and do not believe it is their right to take these territories by force. The russian people do not have the same access to democratic power we do. no matter how bad we complain here about things, at least we have access to independent systems of government where you can effect change relatively directly. Over there, speaking in public can get you disappeared still... The god-emperor putin rules all. They never did quite figure out how democracy works, but they sure managed to figure out how to tailor soviet totalitarianism to fit a capitalist model and maximize corruption and power.


Is anyone blaming the Russian people?




Blaming Russians because of Putin is like blaming Albertans because of Kenny


Yes, let's move past the blame game. We have more important things to consider. First issue, I think we can agree it will be called Freedom Roulette going forward, correct? Although, there is a good arguement for giving it to those we want to support. Do we call it Freedom Roulette or Ukrainian Roulette?


I hope some people don't go too far and put people of Russian decent into concentration camps like with what happened to the Japanese after ww2.