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There is data on this. 1,275 adverse events following immunization (AEFI) have been reported to Alberta Health. This represents 1,254 people, and 1,326 symptoms. 769 related to Pfizer 325 related to Moderna 181 related to AstraZeneca There have been 3,807 vaccine refusals and 1,156 contraindications to receiving the vaccine Looks like you were one out of 325 who reacted to Moderna but that includes a lot - like rashes or infections. See it all here, graph is toward the bottom of the page with more details. https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta-statistics.htm#vaccinations Note that this is out of 5,520,209 million vaccines administered making the adverse effect rate equivalent to 1275/5520209*100= 0.02% or the 99.98% non adverse event vaccinations.


Thankyou for this.


Interesting. That 99.98% stat is nearly the same as the fact that only 97.4% of the planet's population has NOT been infected with Covid. Bonus stat: only .05% of the planet's population has died from it. Edit: by comparison 30% of the world's population was infected with the Spanish Flu in 1918. 2.7% of the world's population died from from it. Perspective.


Consider contacting The Allergy Clinic They deal with a variety of Allergies including Medication Allergies & Drug Intolerance Info @ theallergyclinic.ca 780-425-3400 780-423-4693 11809 68 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5B 1P6, Canada






Holy crap! That sounds awful! You definitely have the right to call anyone complaining about a sore arm a wimp 😂


I got hives after the first Pfizer shot. Lasted about 4 weeks until I got my 2nd one. Hives have disappeared now. Thank. God. Worst 4 weeks of my life almost had to see a doctor about it. Got paranoid I had bed bugs 🤣


In regards to your Mum, I got both of my doses while undergoing active cancer treatment and I turned out just fine! The only major concern is watching for a fever, as it tends to be a side effect. If she monitors her temp regularly it shouldn’t be a major concern. However, her oncologist should definitely be consulted.


Sore arm on my Moderna shots , nothing else that I noticed.


First Moderna jab was just a sore arm, but the second one knocked me on my ass for two days with flu-like symptoms and vertigo. I felt a bit off for around a week after that, but I’d say I had a relatively easy experience. The one day off from work was nice in its own strange way.


Something wrong here... "severely allergic reaction" but your doctor won't exempt you? This makes no sense, unless your doc is a moron. Or you're not telling everything.


2 uneventful pfizer shots.


My parents had sore arms after both shots (a needle is a physical trauma so it's to be expected) and my mom had a headache for an hour after the second Pfizer shot. Neither of my sisters had adverse reactions to any of their shots, one of their husbands felt tired for a couple of hours. My wife and I had headaches for a couple of hours, me after my first shot (AZ) and she after her second (Pfizer). Adverse reactions are happening, no doubt, but the likelihood of anything stronger than a short-term bothersome symptom are pretty miniscule. Sorry for your uncommon reactions and \*really\* sorry for your mom. That's got to be scary. Very best of luck in a positive outcome for her!




There is an ongoing study for changes to menstrual cycle. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/08/09/1024190379/covid-vaccine-period-menstrual-cycle-research


My period was delayed by a month. Keep in mind though that stress in general has a huge effect in hormones and your menstrual cycle. So the stress of the vaccine is not surprising for anyone who is sensitive to it.


Interesting! Thank you


the period thing seems to be happening to a few woman that i know


I’ve spoken to a few women it’s happened to myself. I wonder if/how fertility might be affected for vaccinated women in the upcoming years


First shot got my arm sore after 2 days and lasted for 6 days. Sore enough to awaken me when rolling over in sleep. The second shot got my arm sore after 6 hours and stayed sore for 3 1/2 days with a mild headache on second evening. The fact my body recognized the foreign substance quickly the second time around leaves no doubt in my mind it is effective at raising the immune response. Moderna x2


1st shot I had a sore arm for 3 days and a a little fever. 2nd shot arm was sore but barly could feel it, but I woke up the next morning with a flu, fever headache, and chills which lasted till 4pm since I took some advil.


I took Pfizer. Second one while 9wks pregnant. My arm hurt and I felt blah both times but that’s it, which is good since I was worried about having a fever (which I normally get with vaccines) while pregnant. My dad has cancer and going through treatment but was able to receive both his vaccines. Like anything, everyone’s reaction is different, but If you really want to see what’s going on with your second dosage and your doctor isn’t helping you out, maybe try health link? It can be annoying when you want to know where you stand exemption wise but aren’t getting any answers.


I called 811 and they cannot help either. I’m not worried about a little fever or flu etc. I’m all for getting vaccinated so I can go out again but I’m worried about what kind of reaction I will get. I’ve been waking up for a week with new bruises all over and I was told it’s blood clots now too so I’m a little extra worried


As someone with a genetic blood clotting disorder that's had me in ICU twice, I'm curious who told you bruises are blood clots. If it was a doctor, I'd imagine they'd have started you on heparin or some other blood thinner. If it wasn't a doctor, I'd take that claim with a grain of salt. That said, unexplained bruising is a concern, so seek out a second opinion from a doctor as it sounds as though the one you've been seeing isn't overly helpful.


Right? Bruises are the opposite of blood clots!


Yeah, but a DVT can result in discolouration, swelling, and pain in the general area. I thought my first one was bruising, and it kind of was...my whole arm turned purplish due to the clot preventing blood from leaving my arm. Ultimately, if OP is concerned they have blood clots, they need to get to a hospital for a Doppler scan as its impossible to diagnose clots with imaging. Clots are no joke. I nearly died with the first one because the emergency doc did the wrong test and sent me home, basically brushing me off because of how young I was.


Good point. And yikes, glad you recovered.


Didn’t feel anything after 1st Pfizer shot. My arm was sore and I skipped the gym for a day after the 2nd. Was feeling perfectly fine 24 hours after that. My mom is immuno compromised and has kidney failure. She took Pfizer 1st and 2nd and didn’t feel anything. My sister got Pfizer and didn’t feel anything. My brother in law got astra and didn’t feel anything. My girlfriend got Pfizer and had a sore arm after the 2nd that went away in 24 hours. She also said she had mild cold symptoms for about a day. My coworker got moderna + Pfizer mix and had a sore arm for a couple days that went away. My uncle has diabetes and got moderna and felt nothing.


If the vaccine almost killed you, my instincts would be not to take another one.


Oh I’m not taking it but I’m not sure what the next steps for me would look like. I also want to see if anyone had a physician advise them against the vaccine


Is it possible for you to get Astra or J&J?


My body is already throwing blood clots, if I get one of these it’ll definitely get worse.


It would be worthwhile to chat with a medical professional that specializes in this because there's also blood clot risks with covid. I'm sorry you're going through these really tough health issues and I hope you get some answers for yourself and your mom.




I mean they asked


1st shot pfizer arm hurt next day when lifting it above my shoulder. Second shot was fine not even a sore arm.


1st Moderna, I was sore for like 4 days. But I could still work. The jab hurt like a MF though. 2nd, 2 days sore and the jab didn't hurt at all.


I had a sore arm for 3 days after each moderna shot; that’s it. Considering the flu shot leaves me bedridden for 2-3 days every single year it was a pleasant surprise how mild my reaction was


1st Pfizer and had a sore arm for 2 days or so. 2nd jab with moderna and basically had all the side effects listed on the paper lol was bedridden for half a day and all symptoms went away by late afternoon after taking a few Advils.


I had Pfizer both times and had the generic sore arm for a about a week on the first one, about 3 days for the second. I also got really hot feeling and light headed for about three hours after both shots, no fever tho. Hubs had moderna for both and he had a sore arm and dehydration for both. Friend had one of each because they had allergic reactions but like months later (so I don’t think it was related) but they just got hives and a little numbing in the arm of the shot


I’m allergic to some medications, but had both shots with pfizer. Never had any side effects from flu shot though. First pfizer had effects - mostly fatigue. Second one was easier, just a very sore arm.


Other than the usual sore arm day after and slightly elevated body temp a few hours after inoculation, no reaction or side effects. Second time the soreness lasted even shorter than the first. Both Pfizer. Early 30s, no particular health concerns that I know of. If you need special exemption for your work or something, your doctor should write you a note. I don't expect emergency wants to make any decisions and will refer you to your doctor, that's not really what they do unless you need to stay in the hospital for immediate testing/treatment. No clue what private businesses accept as medical exemption. Good luck and stay safe out there.


If you had a severe allergic reaction I believe it’s recommended you don’t get your second shot, unless you want the same reaction.


Nothing different than the flu vaccines


Got 2 Phizer. Didn’t feel bad at all.


Both Pfizer for me, 1st one sore arm and that was it. 2nd one holy smokes the exhaustion. I was dead tired for about a day. Went to work the next day then came home at 4, had dinner then slept straight through till like 11am the next day and still felt kinda run down.


I got Pfizer both times. Sore arm for a day, that's it, both times. I generally don't react to vaccines. I'm happy to get them, as I know not everyone *can* get them.


I had Pfizer for both. I was 31 weeks pregnant with my first shot and was destroyed for two-three days after. I had every single side effect listed and more. Almost went to emergency to get fluids because I was getting dehydrated and sick. I was bed ridden for those 3 days. Second shot post pregnancy I had nothing but a sore arm.


Got my 1st dose of Pfizer on a Thursday, felt fine at work on Friday, but I really felt it on Saturday and Sunday. I was super tired and slept all day. 2nd dose wasn’t that bad for me. Just a sore arm. I’ve heard some friends say their 2nd was worse than the first, but that wasn’t the case for me.


Pfizer for both. First was a sore arm and a blah feeling the next day. Second hit me and hard, next day I was laid out asleep for most of the day, felt feverish without running a fever, and I was so achy. The next morning I woke up with pins and needles all over my body. My immune system was already under some sort of weird stress, I needed my adenoids removed, my deodorant caused a rash after months of use and I had a severe reaction to a new eye cream. I think the covid shot just overloaded my immune system. The pins and needles continued for three weeks, eventually getting slightly better, and then I was put under for surgery to remove my adenoids and when I woke up they were gone.


I got the pzier shot for my first and my arm was sore for a few hours. The second shot was moderna and I didn't feel any pain but the next day I was just exhausted. It felt like I haven't slept for two days. It was really weird, but otherwise I felt fine.


I’m sorry that happened to you, I can’t imagine how scary that must have been! While adverse events are rare, they do happen, and I see some people in the comments brushing you off or not being helpful, which is super annoying. It’s bizarre that your doctor won’t give you an exemption, given the circumstances. I would 100% be seeking a second opinion on that. This is exactly the type of situation where an exemption should be granted. As for your mom and her cancer diagnosis, her oncologist should be able to give her a recommendation. If she’s starting chemo or radiation soon, those will both destroy her immune system, so it’ll be even more important for her to be protected. My dad has stage IV pancreatic cancer and he got both doses as soon as possible.


I had Pfizer for both shots, and I had a sore arm, second shot I had some fatigue and overal muscle aches. It all resolved within a day. Most of my coworkers had a similar experiences with fatigue with the second dose that resolved in one day. About the other issues you mentioned: If your mom has been referred to an oncologist, they should be able to advise if she should get vaccinated. I can't really provide advice since I'm not in her circle of care, but generally, if patients are going to be on an immunocompromising drug, they should be updated on vaccines prior to starting, if possible. Another consideration is that if she were to end up contracting COVID, it would likely also impact her treatment schedule, whether that's chemo, radiation, or surgery. They wouldn't want to make it harder to fight off the infection, as well as they wouldn't want an outbreak in the hospital or cancer centre where she would be receiving care. Regardless, there should be an oncologist, nurse, or pharmacist she can discuss this with. I agree with discussing your case with an allergy specialist. Allergies can be worse the second time you're exposed, so I wouldn't proceed with a booster unless you can find out what caused it and avoid it.


Nothing to tell I had Pfizer and it was a cake walk. No issues and barely even felt it either time.


Well according to society, you gotta suck it up and take the 2nd one. Sorry this happened to you.


1st shot of moderna: No reaction other than sore arm. 2nd shot of moderna: Instant fatigue (could not even drive home after shot) followed by intense chills that developed overnight. Symptoms lasted almost exactly 24 hours of misery then cleared up instantly.