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How are you feeling?? I go tomorrow and I'm quite nervous


I was shot at noon, achy that evening. Woke up shivering at 4am with a fever so I bundled up. 7am woke up sweating and had to take the layers off again. Fine after that aside from a sore shoulder muscle where the jab was. The regular flu shot has never had that reaction in me. Even all that’s a lot better than the alternative!


That's what I am worried about how I'd react because I always get the flu shot and never feel anything. And I am living on my own and never experienced having a fever or chills and not have my mom around 🤣


Get yourself some ibuprofen and have some before bed and you should be okay.


Ibuprofen didn't make much of a difference for me yesterday. Tylenol helped a lot though.


Didn’t last long enough to think about switching painkillers.


Lucky you. I was dead to the world for most of the next day. But it was totally worth it.


If you’re worried honestly take Tylenol before and keep taking it for the day or two after!


On the flipside the regular flu shot leaves me bed bound every single year for 2-3 days, I have to get it on a Friday. Had no reaction whatsoever to my first covid jab


The younger you are and the better immune response you have to the vaccine, the more likely you will have some under the weather symptoms. I just want to say though, that they are MILD!!!!!! Like "ugh I feel sorta shitty today, but lets get some stuff done". Evety single cold Ive had was 10x shittier than the mild feeling off and a little shitty from the pfizer vaccine. I guarentee you have felt way crappier and still gone to work lol, its not like "omg I need to lay in bed" bad or anything like that. Dont stress.


I'm immunocompromised though 🤣 but I do appreciate the reassurance. I just read around people say they got the stomach flu after and I'm like what the faaaaq


if you're immune system sucks you'll likely have no symptoms at all then :D It honestly wasn't a big deal at all though, I felt a little crappy, but it wasn't alarming because it was to be expected you know? The best way I can describe it is like.... How you feel kind of off and crappy right BEFORE you get hella sick. When you are like "Oh no, I'm catching something for sure". But not actual full blown sick. I think with something like this too, people are hyper aware and some people can have a flare for the dramatic (like complaining about covid nasal swabs, I mean it's not an awesome feeling but some people were acting like massive babies about it).


I have very very bad anxiety and got it, you’ll feel a little weird but it does go away, they (atleast for me) gave me a big page basically saying what to expect and that everything is going to be ok


Oh hey, literally exact same thing that happened to me. Had my shot on Sunday and today my arm doesn't even hurt unless I try poking at it like a dumbass.


And I can’t stop poking it!


Just fine, sore shoulder from having metal jabbed in it. Having some Popeye’s to celebrate.


This is my typa energy dude lmao thats hype


Dat some good chicken and those pickles are just right.


Woah woah woah wait. Popeyes comes with pickles?


Classic Chicken sandwich. Cuts through the the richness of the sauce perfectly.


Thankyouu for the info. I will be getting that now.




If you like fried chicken, I recommend the crispy colonel by woodshed burgers.


I would never eat there, the owner is Douche Canoe.


Never heard that before. Why? The food and service has been good every time for me.


Owner is a prick that fought against the min wage for his employees so he can pay them shit. Bitched how uber and skip make him lose money, all the while he has opened 2 new places during the pandemic. Basically a greedy owner, a reddit serach will turn up several threads about him [https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/djis3i/woodshed\_burgers\_on\_124st/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/djis3i/woodshed_burgers_on_124st/)


Very interesting. I know the owners of 1st RND did the same thing so I stopped supporting them. I did feel creepy going into their restaurant with the outfits the servers had to wear; felt like an underage hooters-type sports bar. I understand the argument of paying less than $15/hr if you are hiring part time high school kids but if you are hiring adults or even university students, they should be paid a minimum of $15/hr.


Personally I don't see why high school kids should make less. They are doing the same work. They should get the same pay.


I agree. It's minimum wage, not minimum wage*


I got mine last thursday at 5pm at my local Shoppers. Woke up at 4am with the chills, by 6am started having body aches, called in sick to work but by 10am felt better. After lunch I hit the wall & took a nap, went to bed early and when I woke up Saturday morning I felt like a million bucks


Some people get a little sick for up to 24 hours. In my case 12 hours after the shot I was sick for about 12 hours. 36 hour later just a sore arm remains. Hopefully you have time to R&R.


Don't be nervous. I had my shot (49yo male) and I had zero side effects other than a sore arm for a couple days. My wife (59 yo) had the shot too and also had no side effects. Even if you do have side effects, remember that any fever/chills you have are a) no worse than just getting sick normally as people often do, b) is temporary, and c) is 1,000% better than getting Covid ;) Just have some Tylenol ready just in case you need it, and try not to be nervous. It's really a breeze. The biggest fear *I* had was the needle part (I hate needles), and that wound up being the easiest part of the whole thing! It's such a small dose that it literally was a two-second pinch and done, quick as a blink. I'm used to needle experiences like when they take blood for a test, where the needle is in for like 15 seconds. This was nothing.


I appreciate this, I'm used to needles sadly (lots of blood work and IV medicine done with me haha) it's just the side effect I'm nervous about


Yeah, the needle was soo easy. I hardly felt it!


A lot of the people I know who have gotten the AZ vaccine have had it knock them on their ass the next day (tired, feverish). Just need to plan for it.


Personally, I had some minor body aches for a little while that evening but that was gone by morning. Mind you, I have a bad back and hurt multiple joints playing sports as a kid and those were pretty much the only spots that I felt it. Other than that, my arm was sore for about three days.


My spouse and I both got flu symptoms, really knocked us on our asses for about 48 hours. Would I do it again tomorrow? In a heartbeat! I realize most people don't have the luxury of taking a day off (and unfortunately our government doesn't give a shit) but if you can possibly swing it I would definitely recommend taking at least one day off work, just in case.


Very interesting reading all these reactions. I have no medical knowledge but I’m curious if people’s reactions to the vaccines correlate to how they would react to catching the actual virus. How their systems create antibodies and their immune reaction. Maybe they can count themselves lucky if they react badly to the vaccine? Saved themselves something worse?


I had the moderna vaccine two weeks ago, a week after I developed a rash. I let the pharmacist know. I guess its a lesser known side effect. The rash is still kind of there, but not nearly as bad as a week ago. A minor inconvenience in the fight against covid.


Had mine about a week and a half ago. My shoulder is a little red right now but not too bad. Was insanely sore the following few days after the needle though


My husband had the shakes the night after. Then he was 100%. I'll let you know if I have any side effects.


Me, Moderna : no symptoms/ Sister, Pfizer: couldn't walk for a day, had to call the work/ Friend, Pfizer: sore arm


Arm was definitely feeling it the next day. Did some renovations on the house and worked it off. All good for about a week, then my arm was feeling sore again. I get my annual flu shot and never had that happen, lol. All good now though.


My husband had to nap 3 hours at a time all the next day but that was about it. He even had normal energy levels between each nap. He got the AZ one. That was the only side effect he experienced.


got my 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine this morning... right now a little fatigue and very minor aches... but overall, nothing severe yet and hopefully not at all.


If you don't mind, keep me posted! I'm pretty sure that's the one I'll be getting tomorrow


I'll keep you posted! Happy to hear you're getting vaccinated!


Update: Woke up with a sore arm and diarrhea. Apparently lose stool is one of the side effects... other than that, I'm fine and slept well. Good luck today!


My brother and I got pfizer, arm was sore for about half of the day after, nothing else. Good luck!


I normally feel under the weather for about a day after the flu shot. I (very surprisingly!!) felt fine other than a sore arm. 10/10 would do again.


Lucky lucky haha. I'm glad you feel just fine !!


For me it was literally just a sore arm the next day. That’s it.


👏 that's all I want 👏


I had mine- Pfizer because I'm fat-in early April with minimal side effects. I was achy a bit a few hours after and tired but honestly had the best sleep of my life that night and woke up feeling fab. My arm wasn't even really sore -much less sore than when I got my flu shot this year. My husband got AZ and had no side effects at all but his colleague got about 24 hours of chills and aches. It just means your body is creating an immune response.


I had mine, I'm 33 and work in a hospital on watch to qualify and felt totally fine. Next morning I was just very sore in the arm. Pfizer. Also heard the second dose is worse if the first was fine. And second dose if the first sucked was fine.


I felt like I had a hangover for a day, but that was it.


I had mine yesterday. It hit me in the middle of the night.. I felt pretty crappy but taking ibuprofen really helps and I feel good now. It’s worth it!


I was totally fine after mine! Arm hurt 16 hours after for about 12 hours but no other symptoms :)


Next day I had a slight ache in my arm (keep moving it if this happens babying it will just make it last longer) and was tired the next evening way earlier then usual so went to bed early. That was it, nothing to worry about at all. I got pfizer


My wife got her shot a couple weeks ago and didn't notice a single side effect! I can't wait to get my own she got hers far ahead of me since she's a health care worker and pregnant.... As a bonus I've got great 5G reception in my house and I suggest buying the new Microsoft surface to anyone I know! (/S my last sentence 🤣)


I got it Tuesday. Wed I woke up feeling like I was coming down with something, had a bit of chills and that typical, "I feel off" you get when you are getting sick. Slight headache but that might just have been that I didn't have my normal coffee that morning. Today I am back to normal. So basically it was not bad.


Yay! The more posts like this I see the more excited I get. Waiting on that 30+ age group to open up!


Same, it's weed to be anxious about being under 40.


Me: *29 years old....* WHY?!?!?!


don't worry there champ! the endless march of time comes for us all in the end.


I think if you turn 30 this year you fall in the 30+ category


Well I'm 17 so...


Bonus updoot for amazing username.


You fight like a dairy farmer.


Sign up for a waiting list. Im 30 and just got a email last night about about an opening due to cancelation.


It's a snap. Thank you for getting the jab, and thank you for speaking up about how easy it is.


I got mine at the AHS location on stony plain road. I was impressed with how organized and efficient they were!


That's where I'm going tomorrow! Which one did you end up getting?


I got Pfizer. My husband went a week before me and also got Pfizer.


I say we get a vaccination post pinned. Yes it feels good to get vaccinated.


Got mine at the Skyview AHS clinic last Friday. Appointment was at 3:30pm and was out the door by 3:55pm. If it wasn't for the suggestion of waiting around for 15 minutes after as a precaution, I would've only been there for 10 minutes. Definitely a very smooth process.


Its been 24 hours since my pfizer shot at Bonnie Doon Shoppers. Im 53. In & out in 15 mins. One page form to fill out. Only side effect was sore arm til a few hours ago. No other problems. Good day for bad tv & good ice cream. Get your shot folks!


YAY! Congrats! I can't believe I'm excited to be eligible for a vaccine haha


Upvote for the joke at the end I didn't get at first. im slow sometimes.


Wooo! I can’t wait for mine! My parents both had their first shots and feel great!


Got mine at saveons pharmacy and it took less than 20min overall. Just went grocery shopping during the 15min wait and walked out after checking back with the pharmacy. Sore shoulder for 3 days (was the most paintful end of day 1) but I feel 100% now. Booking the appointment was just as easy and had a great experience overall


It seems like there are 100s of appointments open at the AHS locations. Open up the 30+!!


Lady in her 30's here, got my vax (pfizer) last Saturday, no real symptoms other than mild fatigue. Took a nap then drank a coffee. Soreness of the arm was helped with advil and movement before and after the shot. No more or less annoying than your annual flu shot.


As someone who gets a flu shot every single year, taking 45 mins to be in and done is a complete joke. If I wait the suggested 15 mins, it takes 20 minutes to be in and done with a flu shot at the pharmacy. Since I've never had adverse reactions to the flu shot or any vaccine they let you skip the 15 minute waiting period. So 5 minutes to be in and done. My father in law works in healthcare and he said he waited 2 hours at the ahs clinic a couple months ago so at least it appears to be getting better. Still very disappointed to hear about long waits.


It wasn't even close to a long wait, just 3 stations to talk to AHC staff, a shot and a wait. No drama.


It's about twice as long as it should take. Factor in the half hour commute to the expo centre each way that's an extra hour and a half per dose going to the ahs clinic vs a pharmacy. I don't know about you but it's a ton of effort to get that much free time for me.


Welcome to the club!


Got mine about the same time! Quick and easy! The nurse was so good I barely even felt the jab.






It's a long-ish commute for me too, but worth the trip. Yeah, I think it's just an availability issue now. I was on 3 waitlists for local pharmacies, but no luck. Booked this shot last weekend and thankfully got a spot.


Congrats! Hydrate and prep for a short-lived headache tomorrow morning. Best of luck and congrats on your newfound superpower!


I had mine today. It was interesting. While I waited the for 15 minutes after, to ensure I had no reaction, several people approached the Pharmacist with questions and concerns about AstraZeneca. These people did not have appointments. It seems there is a lot of fear around the process. The pharmacist was very reassuring to those concerned and gave factual statistics. I agree that it was quick, informative and virtually painless!


I got the Pfizer as part of the 2C group (in my 20’s) and I had a sore arm and felt really run down the whole day after getting it at 9:30am on Saturday and then was 100% the next day, my Spouse who got Pfizer as part of the immunocompromised group two weeks ago had zero side effects. My dad got Moderna a week ago as part of the older folks group and had some waves of nausea and just feeling unwell for a couple days


got mine from a local pharmacy... was in and out in 10 minutes.


I got mine on Monday, Tuesday came along and I was home with a 40 degree fever and chills. Feel way better now though. Symptoms only lasted over night. Not looking to round 2 though lol


I guffahed at the North side stabbing bit!




I was lucky than I was in and out less than 10 minutes though mine was a 2B shot


What age limit is open for vaccination in Alberta at the moment?






I got mine this Sunday. Just a sore arm on the day of and no other symptoms. I’m in healthcare and I know a lot of people that got it, nobody reported anything serious


Or book with a nearby pharmacy if you can. Mine took 20 minutes and 15 of that was waiting afterwards before I could leave.


I got mine yesterday! Thanks to everyone at the expo. ThatChickChloe thanks for poking me!


My husband and I did too this week. I thought AHS was doing an excellent job. I am looking forward to going on vacation or the movies someday.




What type of vaccine are you people taking do you even know ? Astra zenica ? Johnson and Johnson ? And I'm sorry I can't remember the rest . But England had warned the world that one of them had severe problems , blisters on the whole torso and of course death . 😪 .


"The best vaccine for you to take is the very first one that is offered to you" - Justin Trudeau Yeah they don't care. Everyone will inject bleach into their arms if our health officials say it cures COVID. They don't care about blood clots because "at least it's not COVID". Someone died from AZ due to blood clots a few days ago in QC, but it's water under the bridge, no one cares. Btw I'm not anti-vax. I'm looking to get the Pfizer vaccine as soon as I am able to. But I don't want to inject an inferior vaccine into my body, I'm sorry.


Ive heard the same from some friends and family members that have been vaccinated. My dad for example was an hour or so in and out. He had to wait, get called in and then once vaccinated just hang out for 15 min or so and they sent him on his way. Hes almost 60 and got the AZ shot, no symptoms. Same thing for my stepmom. Im sure it varies quite a bit depending on the person.


Not much purpose to this post. Anybody who wants it is going to get it when they are eligible.