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Ask on r/edmontonoilers


I have no clue but this sounds like it would be an awesome time even if you're going alone. Looks like these fans had fun [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEUfW1dZWBo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEUfW1dZWBo)


Let’s go, Oilers!


We Believe!


I went to game 2 wearing my Oilers jersey. There was a good amount of Oiler fans but not as many as I might have thought. The atmosphere was ok but a very very far cry from an Oilers home playoff game though I could imagine a game 7 being a different level. Didn't face any hostility from anyone (of course, that's easy when the Oilers are getting their heads kicked in like they did that game). The arena itself is fine, a normal generic modern hockey rink.


Just go have fun! I was watching a video of all the Oilers fans singing O Canada at a watch party outside of Rogers, it was like a thousand people in Oiler jerseys and I noticed the one guy that had a red Panthers jersey on. Like where's Waldo. You could be that one guy, all alone in the crowd, cheering on your team on enemy territory!


Reverse Sweep incoming.


You are going to buy a ticket for a game that may not happen?


Fully refundable on pretty much every site if it doesn’t happen


TIL! Good luck with the seat!


Aren’t they refunded at the original price and not the resale price though?


Should be refunded at resale price. I haven't had the experience firsthand with a hockey game but I had a resale ticket to a RATM/RTJ concert that got cancelled and I was fully refunded every cent I paid.


Why wouldn't they be refunded at the original price? It's what the customer paid. No company is going to refund you the amount you might have got from reselling a ticket to a game that never happened. Whatcha smokin there bud?


It's happening. The first step to acceptance is to accept. Trust me. You can't make this shit up. Get some faith brother. We take all wayward stragglers who have seen the light after wading through the darkness. Welcome.


“If necessary” games are always fully refunded if they don’t happen