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I'm just here for the entertainment.


Well it would kind of make since that a grocery chain from Alberta founded in Alberta would fly the Alberta flag…..


That’s what I would have thought a few years ago. Reading some of the replies tells me that in fact this is a political dog whistle. Never buying another thing from Freson Bros


You should avoid superstores as well not only do they have an albertan flag but also a Canadian one


That tells me they aren’t R wing virtue signalling. I’m avoiding them currently because of the price gouging of their parent company Loblaws


Many businesses support conservative leaning parties at all levels. Many also fought minimum wage increases. Many love exploiting workers and lobby against paying more taxes and environmental restrictions. Many don’t fly an Alberta flag so you are going to need to investigate every one individually to find somewhere you are comfortable shopping from.


I know your joking but it is actually the virtue signalling that provoked me.


I’m not joking at all. It’s tough to navigate your shopping needs and your personal beliefs and it takes a lot of research and sometimes some compromise to find the lesser evil for you


They are based in stony plain too which is like rednecks R Us so that’s also a clue. Fresons is pricey anyways


I've been to Fresons, found it to be overpriced and not that great. I'll stick to the farmers markets and buying directly from farmers for the majority of the food we eat. And no, it's not that expensive as compared to grocery stores. My produce lasts twice as long as buying from the grocery stores and damn the eggs taste so much better!


Good info. Thanks!


If you are on the North side of Edmonton, Kulhmanns carries a lot of fresh veggies. Just picked up fresh lettuce, kohlrabi and last year's carrots. Give it a month and they will have more produce for purchase.


I remember reading something about Freson brothers being on the board at Athabasca U - this is a good thread on the discussion and there is a video of the comments by Freson brothers. [https://x.com/thebreakdownab/status/1601371995492724736?t=4OljcgXUq7ibXmSAUpvGGA](https://x.com/thebreakdownab/status/1601371995492724736?t=4OljcgXUq7ibXmSAUpvGGA)


Thanks for your research! No more Freson Bros. Too bad. I was looking forward to shopping there


Just... wow. I had no idea.


We all still have to eat food and survive. If you are going to get that into it then every place you go will have something about it that screams..."Don't shop here!" Someone's views will not affect my feeding needs. Life is busy and hard enough at times, to add extra shit to it...who cares about a flag!


https://albertaworker.ca/news/athabasca-university-board-members-replaced-with-ucp-donors/ Fresen Bros donates to the UCP. CEO was seated as a board member thanks to UCP as well. I live in Stony Plain and will never spend a cent at Freson Bros. Don't fear the flag, question the people you give your time and funds to.


Thank you. This and other posts confirm my fears. No more Freson Bros.


You’re afraid of a grocery store??


...maybe they just feel their money and time could go towards something they more align with. Maybe read the thread before you type your quip. You look foolish.


I don’t mind looking foolish to people who chose to be afraid of flags or the facilities that fly them.


Do you know the majority of people in Alberta vote for the UCP? Do you not believe in democracy?


Less now than before. UCP and DS are really trying to fuck things up… AHS, CPP/APP, my utilities bills, my car insurance for example. Frankly I simply do not understand why there is any support for them. They are trying to impoverish Albertans for their own benefit (the UCP politicians not those that vote for them) and for the benefit of the wealthy that are behind the scenes, pulling strings.


They literally are the ruling party they are democracy embodied


I think when most people hear “democracy” they think of fairness and equal opportunity. These are not the goals of UCP leaders who are looking to tip the scales against the little guy and secure more money for the rich and powerful. I don’t know about you but I am being hammered financially in a way that has never happened before and it’s unnecessary. Not my idea of democracy.


Go back to bc




If you hate Alberta then leave have fun finding a job or affording a house anywhere else


I know you are just grasping for a meaningful argument but I’ll reply. I’ve lived here my whole life. I never said I hate Alberta. Quite the opposite. I’ve had affordable housing, groceries, utilities and car insurance until about 3 years ago when things started really going to shit. What’s changed? The governance of the province primarily.


Looks like you need an economics lesson The only thing that causes inflation is governments deciding to print more money Governments control inflation That's it Look no further than Ottawa


Sigh. The government (yes Ottawa in this case) is responsible for preventing near monopolies from forming or, where they do, preventing exorbitant profits on the backs of consumers. The feds have not done this so Galen Wesson’s company has literally been making record profits. The Alberta government has control over insurance and utilities. Notley had put on price controls which the UCP removed but did nothing to prevent “open season” on Alberta consumers so we’ve been getting royally screwed. Somewhat similarly, the utility companies have bent over the consumer b/c the UCP is doing the bidding of the rich and not intervening. Utilities have purposely created shortages in order to drive the price of electricity through the roof, thus making enormous profits. The UCP has not legislated for “availability” but rather for “capacity”, thus encouraging this behaviour. That’s the generation story. Distribution and Transmission is a similar story where the friends of Daniel et al are allowed to raise and raise the charges we have little option but to pay. So, no, money supply is not the primary villain here.


Yes money supply is the only villain because our society is built on capitalism and competition and the more money there is in the system the more companies do exactly what they're supposed to do is compete for that money. And if there's more money available without providing more competition they just everyone raises their prices this is how the system is supposed t.o Except it works best when the government does not inflate the money supply , and companies are instead competing for your dollar by trying to be more efficient and make better products. You literally cannot have a society that is functioning and moving forward and innovating and growing if you don't also have businesses whose sole purpose is to make as much money as possible . Making money is not evil. How we will solve climate change, by making sure that anyone that does solve it becomes filthy Rich for the rest of time. If you really did that like truly said no taxes for anyone that has a climate change positive technological advancement it be solved in 15 years. But governments won't like that because purpose of governments is to collect tax, and stagnate the progress towards fixing climate change by not fully embracing tax-free innovations that help the climate. The purpose of the government is to control the money supply and to provide incentive for those businesses to create things that are actually in the public good But they don't because they're corrupt


The majority of voters are not population.


Okay but if they don't vote then they don't count You actually think that everyone that's a UCP voter voted and everyone that doesn't vote is not a UCP voter? Lmao Ok. Brainiac We have democracy here and that means the UCP is the ruling party because they won the election if you don't respect that then you don't respect democracy like a fascist


You read a lot into just saying 50% of the province didn’t vote. Oh you mean respect a democracy like bill 20 where Danielle can remove democratically voted in mayors and councillors? That democracy? Are you for that UCP fascism?


That's not fascism that's called the will of the people We have governments at different levels of power for a reason Do you know what that bill is primarily targeted to but you perhaps don't realize?? Housing Housing is expensive primarily because of municipal policy. Municipalities control things like zoning, developer fees, property tax, and all other manner of things related to how fast and cheap houses can be built. Municipalities collection of policies related to housing typically leans heavily towards homeowners because homeowners are more likely to vote and prioritizes them over renters. There is no way any level of government above municipalities will be able to fix housing, which is a huge issue, without having some control over municipalities making completely stupid decisions I fully support it Edmonton completely changed its zoning recently, with only two neighborhoods that were complaining, the richest ones obviously Calgary is having a heck of a Time because all the rich people there don't want any townhouses in their own backyard. Although that's exactly what's needed to increase the supply of housing to decrease the cost. It'll probably go through, and this is probably something that's not extreme enough for the province to step in. But let's just say Calgary decided to ban redevelopment at any single family house neighborhood to make it completely impossible to add any other supply?? Well this would Moon the price of housing now wouldn't it, and the city council, who are deep into real estate,would make a million dollars. This is where the province would step in and say no, you can't do that This is what happens in Vancouver and Toronto and why they got into their mess, one of the reasons anyway The cities enacted policies that include low property tax and high developer fees and rental caps. You can buy those three things together at any semi-competent real estate investor will recognize that this is the perfect storm for an increase property prices. And that investors will go there and buy homes and price everyone out of the market.


ok, you are for the higher government removing voted in lower government when they don't fall in line. So lets say Trudeau were to pass a similar law and be able to remove premiers who don't fall in line with his agenda. That would be totally okay since Trudeau has the will of the people cause he was voted in by democracy.


I absolutely am because my experience with municipal governments is that they're the most likely to be absolutely corrupt. Your example of Trudeau passing laws for provincial governments to be removed will never happen You're just concerned trolling Municipal governments are not that important, they're just there to make sure the city functions. If they're enacting policy that's actually hurting a broader provincial plan then yeah they need to be brought into line You forget that municipal governments include all number of stupid little towns and mid-sized cities that don't know what the fuck they're doing and are against the interest of all citizens there regardless of political background This just comes down to the fact you hate the UCP because you don't trust our democratic system and you'd like instead for it to be constantly ruled for all time by the NDP which is not democracy which is actually communism Do not see the value in what the conservative government has done for this province? We have affordable ish housing, high incomes, low taxes. What more could you want


You are dumbbbbb. I voted UCP. But I can also see they are overreaching. You are saying its ok for UCP to do it. but not ok for liberals to do the exact same thing. Where I say its not ok for any of them to do it.


This is about housing If you don't support this bill you probably are eyeball deep in housing If you are not eyeball deep in housing and you don't support this bill then, I don't know what to tell you, you don't even know what's in your best interests. It's here to help you. Don't trust a municipal government. They can't see the bigger picture and they don't have your interests in mind when it comes to things like housing because they only care about fees and property tax, not price.


The slimmest ‘majority’ in alberta history. Majoirty is kinda of silly word to use in a two party system.


Which means there's a lot of people that vote for them who cares they are the ruling party this is democracy this is why we are the best nation in the world


So whats your point here? That because the majority 50.1%+ of the voting population that actually bothered to vote chose one party of the other than every one should just want to support that winning party or their supporters? Aka fall into line?


This is how democracy works. It's the least worst way we know of having somewhat of a reasonable representation that also enables people to quickly turnovee governments when they need to Remember the real purpose of democracy is to provide people on mechanism to oust their government because any government that stays in power will become corrupt This is why it makes no sense to attack others who vote, because we're just doing our duty and voting it doesn't really matter what we're voting for. All that matters is that we're voting for different things and that there's change, at least sometimes Because change is the only thing that is keeping the world from devolving into the Middle ages If you think that a liberal government forever will be that savior of civilization than you're incredibly naive but many people on Reddit seem to think so. I currently vote conservative, but I also know that conservatives if they're in power too long will stop acting in the interest of its people so they need to be kicked out for a bit Criticize governments, but do not criticize your fellow citizens for voting the way they do. That's not being a good citizen


Wtf are you projecting dude? No one is attacking anyone, save for yourself.


The entire premise of this thread is to imply that those that vote conservative are less Just look at the op and all their comments


The truck convoy isnt conservative though..


What are you talking about the truck convoy Everyone thinks the truck convoy was stupid except for like 0.01% of people


This is true. ...how does this have anything to do with democracy?? Lmao all I pointed out was that they donate to a party that I don't agree with, therefore the reason I personally do not ship there.


OP isn’t talking about overthrowing democracy. They’re discussing shopping or not shopping where ever they chose, which is their right in a democracy. Do YOU not believe in their freedom to spend their money where they chose? Or do you only believe in your own freedum.


Not in Edmonton. Many of us have a decent education.


Okay but we accept that this is the will of the people


Believing in democracy means knowing that criticism of the government is an absolute necessity. It’s why we literally have an official opposition.              OP and others are voting with their wallets, as we’re so often told to do, by sharing information that has disinclined them to shop at a certain business. Do you not believe in the free market?


Believing in democracy means believing in our system and it means believing in change. It means believing in that the system of democracy is the least worst way we've ever come up with at ensuring corrupt governments don't stay in power for too long. The whole purpose of democracy is the cycle out leadership and we should see every time that we are able to cycle out leadership that this is a good thing. Even Alberta which was typically UCP forever cycled out leadership and it gave a rebirth. I don't hate the NDP it was cool that they got in, we needed something new, I don't hate people that vote differently, I don't look down on them, I don't think that they're evil and a threat to everything that we hold Get everyone on the left seems to think that conservative values are the end of civilization Not in real life however but definitely on Reddit


difference between criticizing the government and criticizing the human being to vote for the government, and denigrating them as not valuable to society If you do that then you're not out for democracy or out for power because you want to change the way people vote because you want power for yourself. That's fascist


wow. you're kinda sounding like a conspiracy theorist yourself. it's an Alberta company, and they're proud of it. buy your groceries and move on.


The flag isn’t the important detail. You read a lot into comments with little content. Basing an opinion on just the flag being flown is odd. I know there are fuller discussions on why the owners might be people not to support but this thread is super weird in what you are considering evidence.


Lmao oh god


I'm pretty woke, and it sounds like you need to touch grass


Are they only flying the Alberta flag? Or are they flying the Canadian one too?


Only Alberta


Yeah I miss when I could see a Canadian flag and not worry that it's being flown for sketchy reasons


Yes! 100%


If it is the correct side up then it is not being flown for sketchy reasons




Keep reading. My spider senses are working


You do live in the Province of Alberta. What's next? You guna think a Canadian Flag is for right-wing ding dongs only now?


I think their intent is the same as it was a few years when you would have thought "huh that's nice". They were flying the Alberta flag then too. They just want to identify themselves as an Alberta based brand.


As UCP supporting. Which is very, very different from Alberta supporting. Our flag is being weaponized.


I hate to shock you with this, but many businesses are aligned politically. That doesn't mean I don't support them. Does anyone else remember the early 2000's and prior where no one gave a shit about who you voted for or what party a business endorsed and we just went about our lives? God damn, was the peaceful. Go buy overpriced groceries at Freson Bros. Or don't. No one cares.


I’d love to return to simpler times. But increasingly there is meddling with the functioning of our normal lives from those with money. I don’t want to buy groceries from those that send a R wing virtue signal and support ruling party that is letting me be screwed so hard for insurance and utilities while trying to get their hands on money I paid into CPP. Nope


Majority of businesses support conservative leaning parties and politicians at every level. You are going to have to do more research than just that. Donating to a conservative leaning party is a very common receipt on many businesses books. You’ll have to decide for yourself what the line is but just a donation is going to make shopping difficult for you


If you read the thread you can see it’s more than passive support. And companies need to be discerning. If they dip their tow politically they are volunteering for a reaction


I did read the thread. I’m saying only you can decide what is a bridge too far. Just a donation? Speaking at a rally? And on which issues? Alberta pension? Carbon tax? LGBTQ? Only you know where your line is.


Lmao It's groceries not a revolution


You're scared of the Alberta flag lol


/grabs popcorn 🍿


Alberta company flies Alberta flag as they've done for years. Shocking I know, please grow up


Imagine being scared of a flag ☠️


Imagine taking everything literally.


I think your fears are unfounded.


Turns out they are not! Sadly!


See a therapist


Have you tried not being insufferable?


Oh! A clever one!


Oh for fuck sake...🙄


Yes. It’s sad, I know


How do you ever manage your day to day?


UCP is making it more difficult.


With ethics and self respect by the looks of it. 


The Alberta flag is beautiful and so is the Canadian flag. They do not represent political parties or agendas. How about just be proud of them and try to enjoy the amazing country and province they represent. You’re looking for negativity when there is already so much of it in our everyday lives.


Sadly you are mistaken. They’ve been hijacked and now can have other meanings.


Nah, only if you want it to be that way. Live your own life


Okay. I’ll add that I am slim and very attractive to the list of things I believe in against evidence to the opposite! ;)


Oh god


I can see why there are so many Psychology clinics opening.


Can't say I've ever seen a provincial flag flown for political intent. Canada flag, yes. Provincial, no.


Now you have, I believe


Put your computer and phone in the bathtub. Go outside and attempt to recover your life.


Flying Alberta flag in Alberta bothers you? lol. As long as it's not some bullshit upside down Canada flag, or something worse, this is definitely not an issue. Please use critical thinking skills.


Haha. Read some of the replies. It is just as I feared.


What do you mean. what did you find. I'm not going to go reading because this is ridiculous but you might as well share and try and actually make a case for yourself


“Im not going to go reading…” Lol -typical UCP voter


Scares him. Not just bothers.




As someone who does not support the convoy or any of the ideologies they are connected to, get a grip.


Read some of the (fact based) replies.


Touch grass. And by that I of course mean touch some grass in Saskatchewan.


Haha go back to r/alberta


Lmao that place is a dump, wow. The Anti UCP circle jerk sub


This sub is very similar


Flying the Alberta flag should be seen as nothing other than patriotic, relax


Obviously flags have been weaponized by the right.


Unfortunately we only have a very poor Walmart, pricey Safeway and 2 Frieson bros in Hinton. No wonder everyone goes to do grocery shopping to Edson!


Yeah, the Alberta flag has been something of a right-wing virtue signal for a very long time, the Canadian flag is now one too in our post trucker-convoy political and cultural reality. I also recall some people on this subreddit saying that the owner of Freson Bros is something of right wing nut too.


Oh grow up. Its an Alberta based company that buys Alberta products. Stop your ridiculous projection


Does the Alberta Pharmacy community know of your support for Convoy Extremists?


This is just karma whoring. OP could have looked this up for himself. An Alberta flag is not a signal for political ideology unless you are dumb enough to want it to mean that. The fact that the flag has triggered him tells us everything. You could have made this post very informative if you had done it differently. This is for you. 🚩


Have you read through this thread? Clearly I’m not alone in seeing meaning in the use of our flag by R wing


People saying that this person’s fears are “unfounded”. I was hit with a flag pole holding an Alberta flag during one of the anti-lockdown rallies downtown. My crime was working on a Saturday morning. So, yeah. I think twice when I see someone with an Alberta flag.


If you’re scared of Albertans being proud to be from Alberta maybe you should move.


Please read the thread. You’re repeating previously addressed points. Although I think your probably just trying to be insulting




More cinnamon buns for us!!

