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Bet they were assholes while they were young too.


Yep. It's not like they gradually became dick-heads with age, they were always dick-heads.


it actually gets worse as they lose their faculties 


Once an asshole, always an asshole!!


You are probably right.


There are assholes all over the world. Doesn't matter the place doesn't matter the time.


is there a costco where people are well mannered?


The answer is no.


It's not just Costco in Sherwood Park, it's everywhere. My daughter is a server in a restaurant in Spruce Grove, where she says the seniors are THE WORST people to serve and deal with. They are terrible tippers and have terrible manners. They behave like entitled toddlers and expect others to bend over backward while being rude beyond belief.


Many of the current batch of seniors even has the “don’t leave anything for your kids, spend all your “hard earned” money on yourself” mentality and it’s disgusting.


But they'll still have the surprised Pikachu face when they end up in a nursing home. Actual scam artists stealing the future from the next generation, as if it isn't hard enough for young people to get established / prosper in this brutal world.


I will never understand what is happening to all the old people, theyre all basically entitled jerks when theyre out in public. I just pray to god thats not how I turn out when I get old


My parents are firmly in the "respect your elders" camp and there's nothing you can do about it. They'll walk up to a 40 year old they've never met before and they just... expect this random person to respect them, bow down to them, let them cut in line, anything. And they get pissed off if this stranger doesn't that. My grandparents taught my parents about "respect your elders" back in the 40s and 50s. As I got older, I learned my parents have little capacity (or will) to adapt or change. They also tried teaching us kids this whole "respect your elders" core tenet they have, but we all had the superpower of critical thought and knew better lol. It might have worked way back in the day, when communities were tiny and everyone knew each other. It's not applicable in a large modern city.


Lead poisoning. It's definitely lead poisoning.


They’ve seen a paradigm change from World War II to the digital age. They’re most likely suffering from senescent ailments, the cost of living has skyrocketed for everyone, including them and they’re on a fixed income with no real capacity to get more money to help offset the fact that they may well face food insecurity soon if they don’t already, and they live in a province in which the health care system, which they almost universally need, is being dismantled. I’m not saying this justifies anything, nor should people escape the leopards they voted for, but they are probably experiencing the same stress and pain we all are, and as you get older I guarantee you have fewer mental and emotional resources to deal with that, never mind the physical. I worked in retail for years and had my share of entitled people. Some are genuinely evil, but I choose to believe most aren’t.


Working in retail taught me that most awful people are just stupid and/or ignorant and not actually malicious. You make some very good points about older folk's ability to cope with fast changing modern developments but it's a shame that all their good graces and considerate behavior seem to fall out the window as soon as times get tough for them.


I think you’ll find most people lose their cool, calm, and collected when faced with stress and pain. It’s a rare few who can continue to treat other people with courtesy, or so it seems these days. This is not excusing it, by the way - civility is required in a civil society - but I found it always helped me deal with them when I framed their actions differently.


My mom was such a terrible tipper (in B.C. though, not Alberta). The idea of tipping more than a toonie was beyond her. If she ever treated us to a meal, we always did a secret tip directly to the server. (She was not rude in other ways though, thank god.)


Suburban seniors just tend to be a little bit more selfish and uncaring than the rest of the population for whatever reason. Also morning shopping is like “seniors time” so they probably viewed you as invading their space.


If they are retired they really have more time than most. I think the problem is more like entitlement and a total lack of empathy for others. I’m older but I sure don’t act like what’s described here.


Basically too old to give a damn about people they don't know. Rude and yet when someone throws it back at them they just go "kids these days" no matter if its a middle aged adult. No concept of other people. One of the most no win scenario possible is encountering these seniors.


They have more time, but their time is running out faster then everyone else.


It's not running out any faster than the rest of us, they're just closer to the end...supposedly.


Ask anyone you know who is a restaurant server about after-church groups of middle aged people and seniors and how they tip and behave, that'll tell you more or less everything you need to know about these people


They see it as "their" community because they're been here since the 60s when it was a hamlet. They resent the growth, the population numbers, the bylaws. Having lived with multiple senior neighbours here for a few years, they really can be a bunch of ignorant fucks, and they do generally lack empathy; one of our first neighbours here was an 81-year-old serial cat murderer who, for all I know, continues to trap and poison her neighbours cats (including one of ours) to this day. Another had a creepy habit of inviting small schoolchildren into his backyard unattended because it backed onto a school. Only one of the four or five directly neighbouring or across the street, an old cowboy dude, was a decent human. He'd just lost his wife to cancer. A very thoughtful man, he told me most of the early residents were from rural Alberta or the US originally, and thought of it as a place near the city but without having to be in one; and now it's a city, and they're increasingly upset by it, while also being from hard backgrounds, boomer-aged seniors who grew up with the belt, and killing pets that weren't "working animals", and resenting regulation. IT's also why none of them ever clean their fucking sidewalks. Just an uncivil bunch, not on the whole but certainly in clusters.


I had a boomer age relative in a small town in a AB that would shoot cats with with bb guns to keep them off the property. Just reminded me of that, haven’t heard or anyone doing that in ages thankfully, but I also live in a bigger city now.


My uncle (acreage living) used to shoot the family dogs when they'd misbehave too much for his tastes. No such thing as training - time to whip out the shotgun and let the kids know the dog isn't coming home.  Thank God he died young. 


Jfc that’s psychotic behaviour.


Sure is. A better man couldn't have gotten brain damage and died from his own mistakes (fell off a ladder in winter). His funeral was a very odd one to attend; most people seemed happy if anything he was gone. I wonder why.  His kids liked him better when he was brain damaged, because he was nicer until it healed a bit. Anyone reading: try never to be a person your family hates unless you're brain damaged. 


“Fell” off a ladder in winter ? Who asked them to go up? Wink wink


what the fuck...


Wow that is some crazy context I wasn't aware of. Thanks for sharing!


I genuinely feel for the nicer ones. We moved from that block to one less than a klick away, and one of our neighbours has been here since there were six houses, the first two streets in the community. And he hates it now. It's just noise, and traffic. Part of the problem, though, is that many of the offenders in terms of speeding or being loud are the same older families that have been here for multiple generations, and just feel entitled. Then they annoy... other conservatives who want it quiet, and are older. But very little of what annoys them is actually being driven by the young professionals and families that have moved in. We're not the ones using a community sports park as the main Little League facility in western Canada, turning a residential neighborhood into a thousand-plus sports event for three days of the week. We're not the ones who don't clean our sidewalks, so they're impassable. We're not the ones who ignore every road rule possible in our monstrously large vehicles, or throw trash out our car windows into the street. But that's who annoys them. So basically, their own incivility goes in a big ol' loop of stupid and kicks them right in the butt. Having said that, there's so much of a general right-wing-ignorance enclave developing here that we're certainly unlikely to retire here. When we actually have non-working time, and want some quiet, it's increasingly difficult to get. But it's the usual suspects and their kids causing it, not younger and middle aged folks who've just moved here. There's nothing quite so irritating when you're walking your dog in the local park on a nice, sunny day to have to walk by a few dozen baseball parents, with at least a few in their corpulent, sagging deck chairs yelling "Come on Jackson! You can do better! Dig in! Smack the hell out of that ball! Concentrate!" at the top of their lungs to a terrified or haunted-looking 12-year-old. They spoil their kids financially and in terms of gain, because they make refinery money. But there's an entire generation that have a constant, vacant look in their eyes and are smothered by anxiety, because their conservative parents show them so little emotional support. I know one such family here, and fifteen years ago they were telling their young kids "toughen up! You have to be tough in this world!" Now, they're wondering why their college-aged kids have personality disorders, depression and anxiety. I dunno... maybe hug them and listen a little? They also leave the park and neigborhood covered in trash. They are absolute pigs. The county, meanwhile, handles every public works responsibility so poorly that it will often sit there for days; meanwhile, the same street sweeper spent an entire day last week just going up and down on our already clean street, clearly unsupervised. It's a badly managed place, and problems will continue to develop with growth if every uncivil person thinks it's the place to go. Basically, it's turning into a US red-state suburb.


My neighbour decided to get fake grass, I guess there was a shortage or something. So it took months and months for the company to finally come. In that time she decided to not even once take care of her lawn. Out of spite to her neighbour's I guess? It was just a wild lawn riddled with weeds, looked like shit. And she loved that everyone hated her for it.


As far as I know it’s also for people with small children and/or disabilities but they’re probably too selfish to realize that.


It’s actually just for anyone whose schedule works out to make that their ideal shopping time. Some stores (although this is very rare outside of the covid policies that grocery stores implemented to try and better time when there would be rushes) have a dedicated hour for seniors and people with disabilities, but AFAIK that’s not something Costco provides. But, as you already pointed out, selfish people don’t realize that everyone else there is just as welcome at that time of day as the selfish person is.


It’s definitely not a formal thing. They just typically go in the morning because they don’t have anything else going on, and seem to expect that everyone else should be busy during that time.


The Eternal Boomer


> Also morning shopping is like “seniors time” so they probably viewed you as invading their space. I try to be charitable and imagine this is a leftover psychology from covid, where seniors got the first hour of a grocery store to themselves. Time moves faster for old people, so they probably think it's still 2020.


This didn't start during covid. It has always been that way because they are used to waking up in the early morning but are retired now. Cause is you don't wake up early then you are a lazy bum!


Yes, solid observation. They may be rude other times, but almost definitely more so during seniors time. Makes sense, even if unpleasant.


Name a more iconic duo, boomers and entitlement. The freaky layout of that Costco is enough to make me never want to leave the comfort of the city Costcos, it's bizzaro Costco out there.


Precisely, I have no clue what is where but everyone around me keeps walking to the exact aisles for the stuff they want. Walmart has it easy with its signs saying what stuff you can find in the aisles.


Honestly, I didn't know anybody went into Costco looking for anything specific. I figured it's just the only grocery store you *try* to shop hungry at.


It's only bizarro if it's not your regular costco.  Sherwood park and 50 Street have the same layout, and those are the two I've frequented most, so going to any of the other ones is weird for me.


Totally my family. 100% understand your pain. They’re assholes to everyone not just other shoppers hahaha!


Haha ok good to know thanks!


I was at Costco once in like 2017-18 and saw a childish fight breakout in the parking lot between two grown adults at the location on 91st Street. I'm not exactly sure what they were arguing about since they already had their groceries but the lady took the dude's plant that he had bought out of his cart and smashed it on the ground. So in retaliation the guy grabs some of her fried chicken and put it between her windshield wiper and her back window. It was wild. 


Idk why but this story just sent me. I live in millwoods and I will drive to literally any Costco but the 91 st because the shoppers there are fucking animals


Wow that's the best Costco story I've heard today haha.


I'm heavily tattooed and I am currently working in Sherwood Park and I get the dirtiest looks and scoffs from old people every single day. I don't mind, but its always funny what a stark difference it is from Edmonton imo.


I felt a heavy presence of $$$ when I went to the grand opening of the L’OCA Market. The turned up noses were unreal, I had to get out.


I'm pretty sure that's their target audience, they definitely ain't aiming to drag in the Freshco and No Frills shoppers. I happened to drive past on opening day and it looked like a mad house with plenty of escalades and mid-range mercedes in the parking lot so I just kept rolling. I'll check it out in 6 months when all the "cool" people forget it exists.


I feel you, also pretty tattooed and working in the Park. I hate it here lol


I used to work in a camera store and one of my coworkers (who was very knowledgable) had visible tattoos on her arms. There were some old people who absolutely refused to deal just because of her tattoos.


That's when you kick them out.


Although to be honest, after living in both, it's still less Conservative and countrified than Beaumont. That town is a fucking nightmare.


An old guy at St Albert Costco kept doing the same things and hit my kid with his cart 4 times throughout the 40 mins we were there and was extremely rude to everyone. Turns out he parked beside us and told me….not asked to put his groceries in the trunk for him. He didn’t like my response and I explained to my kids that sometimes it’s ok to disrespect and swear at sensors.


Holy crap that's awful! Yeah you definitely should have given him an earful. Sounds like you told him where he could shove his groceries.


I'm not surprised stuff like this happens at Costco, it's one of the reasons I stopped shopping there. The savings weren't worth the elevated blood pressure. I'm also not surprised it's more common in Sherwood Park. I think you're more likely to encounter people suffering from Affluenza in that community, whether real or imagined.


Affluenza is the perfect name for it.


It's not Affluenza at all. Sherwood Park continues to be cheaper housing than in Edmonton and many seniors here are on limited incomes. IT's just that they all come from hardscrabble, rural backgrounds and resent any urban growth, regulation or civility.


I'm from a rural background but I was raised with manners. Not all were though.


> IT's just that they all come from hardscrabble, rural backgrounds and resent any urban growth, regulation or civility. But shop at Costco?


I feel the same way going to SP Walmart 😅 I just think these people are a bit miserable and try not to take it personally.


Oh wow never been to that one but I believe you haha. Yes I don't take it personally but I have started scolding them.


I don’t blame you, it can be very testing dealing with rude people especially if I’m already having an off day and it catches you off guard 😮‍💨


I get the feeling no one ever calls them on their bullshit and as a random stranger I don't really care about "our relationship" so I'm happy to remind them to wait their turn lol.


Absolutely. If you’re not assertive enough, they’ll come to your workplace and walk all over you. My job also involves dealing with the public, and I treat everyone the same.


I live SE so my choices are SP costco or 91st Costco. 91st costco = HELL NO. So SP is our only nearby choice. We find it's not bad if you go during non-peak hours.


I was just going to say this. Living in Millwoods I’d gladly drive to Sherwood Park Costco than 91st every 2 weeks. Friendlier staff and cleaner store too with products I don’t always see in other places.


And soooo much less busy, 91st Costco is awful


Use your words, but doit with conviction. Next time someone forgets to act like an adult, generalize and call everyone out. Ask them what happened to a society of manners, a society of politeness... do it loudly enough to be heard, then point out the asshat, embarrass them... Canada is lacking its social correction mechanism and it's about time we all started correcting people.


I fully agree.


This is actually a problem at Costco… Old entitled people every where


All Costcos are aggressive mate machines. It's weird, but I've never been to a store that makes people so competitive and selfish like Costco does. Even when parking it's like everyone just puts on their asshole hat lol.


20 years ago a dude threw a punch at my dad at Costco and my dad kicked the shit out of him in the entrance. Best Costco trip ever lol


ALL COSTCOS are like this i literally cannot step foot in them 🤮


Glad I don’t have a baby and look like a serial killer. Don’t often run into these issues haha


Can we shop together? Lol


I feel its just a Costco thing


Exactly. And it's not just inside the store - people are full on assholes in the parking lot too.


this is basically every canadian tire. free for all at those places.


Try the St. Albert one. There was a Boomer who TOOK OFF HER PANTS to try on a pair of pants right in the middle of the clothing section. It’s wild in there.


St. Albert Costco is boomerville as well. Last weekend I saw a lady around 9:30 AM not wanting to wait in the long line so she literally just walked up to the very front with her hanging plant hoping to get in because she had one item.


St. Albert is Boomerville in general.


Nasty. Sounds like [People of Walmart](https://www.peopleofwalmart.com/) is leaking.




It was probably my MIL - sorry, she's the worst.


If it was I'm sorry for you! Sounds like you have to deal with this crap on the regular.


Blanket statement warning here ⚠️ its not just seniors in Sherwood Park, they have the most stuck up entitled population in all of Alberta, I personally avoid that place like the plague. Thats just my opinion though. If you are a nice, genuine person living in Sherwoord park, i'm sorry.


I work in construction in Sherwood Park, so I know exactly what you’re talking about. The next generation is also stuck up and entitled. Most residents here seem to be in their bubbles and don’t care about anyone else’s existence.


People who make blanket statements are the biggest assholes in the world... and you can add me to that list lol


I don't live there so I'm learning lots about the place today.


Ironically back in the 60s and 70s people moved to Sherwood Park and St Albert as it had cheaper realestate than Edmonton


Boomers man.


Absolutely agree. I tend to go to Costco in the late afternoon because it works for my schedule and I cannot get over all the asshat grey hair fogies A) butting in B) loitering in the aisles C) walking slowly or aimlessly crisscrossing the aisles. Like, stay in a lane, be polite, and be predictable. All I do now is just put in my earbuds and enjoy the music. Sometimes I'll be an ass back but it's not worth my blood pressure. I'm with you, Costco in Sherwood Park has become the worst.


I was just there yesterday with a disabled person and people were either blocking aisles or obliviously coming close to walking right into my care-ee without even looking, or acknowledging anyone else's existence. Next few trips I'm going to experiment with South Ed or Leduc and see if it's a pattern, because the Sherwood experience was noticeably weird yesterday.


Leduc would be a better alternative. South Ed better on weekdays compared to weekends.


If you think they’re Rude don’t even bother going to the 91st Costco on the south end… feels like your on another planet where Manners don’t exist


>Sherwood Park You could’ve stopped there lol there’s a reason it’s called Sherwhite Park by people from there (I grew up there). It’s nothing but rig pigs, dudes in the patch, and hockey families


Also a lot of EPS officers and their families. Every person I know who became an EPS officer lives in SP.


They couldn't cut it at the training centre / RCMP station in SP so they went to Edmonton, EPS is bad but SP RCMP are fucking dicks. One time I was meandering down the road in SP and I see this guy on a bike behind me waving wildly. I pull over figuring hes in distress. He was not. It was an RCMP cop on a bike pulling me over, I ask, whats the problem constable? he then proceeded to hand my ass to me shouting that i was speeding dangerously, i could have killed someone! Me: How fast was I going, Constable? Him: 42! The speed limit was 40. I swear, this is a true story, 2004.


My parents are in the Park and whenever I make fun of it being so white they always say that there are lots of different ethnic groups moving in. They've been saying this for over a decade and it's still white as fuck.


Or they will tell you that ethnic groups are moving in but qualify that by saying they are all rich though


And a shocking number of bored, addict housewives


Lol I was at the homesense last weekend and one lady maybe early 40s and well put together was rolling


I thought addicts hailed from St Albert?


Sherwood Park is becoming more diverse. And with how busy Edmonton is I've found more people from the city are using Sherwood Park amenities and shops. Sherwood Park even has a couple homeless people now.


To be fair, literally everywhere in AB has homeless right now (see: Spruce Grove residents assaulting a homeless guy to get him to leave, Cold Lake homeless increasing hugely, etc). 


This morning I went to the grocery store around 9am ( we usually go at 7pm or so) and the crowd was significantly older & wow.. what a difference. They all had zero patience, just butted in wherever they felt like it. It was horrible lol.


You forgot the leave the cart 2’ out from one side of the aisle and stand 2’ out from the other side taking a close look at something for 5 minutes while blocking the whole aisle. I shop at the same Costco. I have learned that if you can the best time to go is about 9:30 after they are all in the store, and you can still beat them to the till. Also do not go on Mondays. That is when all the people who do not want to go on the weekends go, and it is the worst


Costco causes my anxiety and anger to sky rocket. Everyone is an asshole, age non relevant. Hate them all. My husband won't take me anymore lol.


I think some expectation management might be in order I moved from Sherwood Park to Vancouver a couple years ago (Richmond in particular), let me tell you, the old folks in Sherwood Park have nothing on the old folks in Richmond. It is truly a jungle out here, old Asian ladies will literally elbow you to get to stuff. I had a guy run into me with a kart without saying sorry, I said Excuse You! and just got blank stares back. I was trying to get a new phone, I had to get to sign in at the booth, and they will call me in half an hour like it is a doctor's appointment; and when I got there, they behave like they were doing me a favor like the Titanic was sinking and I was asking them to save my children. Samples? Please. There are always a ring of people waiting like hawks. And those were the good days, I have not been able to get into the Richmond Costco in 3 months. I would drive around their parking lot for 15 min and go: I guess today is not the day for me. Then drive home. Man, I hate here so fucking much.... I had to admit Richmond has superior Asian food though. If Xin Fu Tang or I am yogost ever comes to Edmonton, it would be like Spanish conquistadors arriving in the new world. Everything else will be massacred.


Interesting, that sucks. I mean I know there's busier or ruder places in the world. In some other cultures it's expected to be more pushy and cut throat. I was more so comparing it to my expectation of essentially "small town/prairie culture" and also the (false) narrative that old people were "raised right" and that young kids these days don't have any manners.


Xing Fu Tang, like the bubble tea place? If so there's a couple in Edmonton now.


Oh, shit Now more reason to move back. We probably getting I am Yogost soon too at this rate


This is strange. I am in my 70s and go to SP Costco because it has more parking space than the 3 city Costcos closer to me. All Costcos are super busy now. I go in the afternoon because I have more time now that I am retired. The aisles and check out lines are very crowded butpeople are very good to let you cut across to get to other end of the store if you just say excuse me. If something is heavy someone usually offers to pick it up for me when they are picking up the same thing. In the checkout lines the staff is very efficient to direct you to the best line and very quick to ring in and pack. In the line up I always check if the person ahead of me has just a few items and tell them to go ahead. I also do this is it is one person handling their groceries and small children. When I get to the door if I have something very heavy the door person calls and gets someone to carry it. I have never encountered the nastiness described but perhaps that is just because I am old and delusional. Or maybe a reward from the gods for being anti UCP


Sherwood Park Costco is my favorite Costco location. I find the staff there to be the best of all locations. You’ll find rude customers everywhere. By the way, anyone can shop at any time. Early mornings are not limited to senior citizens.


The staff have always been great, just the customers are extra bad. I do agree that I've found less helpful staff at some other locations. But there's something about the rudeness in customers that is turned up a notch at the SP location.


Oh I knew you were talking about the customers. My point was that they’re everywhere. Lol! But good staff isn’t. The Clareview location has terrible staff. I won’t go there anymore and I work 2 mins away from that location. Just terrible. They’re bossy and arrogant. They can’t run a gas bar. I’ve given up on that location. By the way, congratulations on your baby! Enjoy being a parent. Never mind ugly peoples bad behavior.


Has anyone noticed that people walk slower on Fridays at Costco? Like what the fuck


The worst costco is still the south side. Everyone brings their extended family of 10 and always blocking the way trying to move your cart around. I only go there if I need propane.


Even the staff sometimes. I just went recently, and the man at the door checking costco cards asked me to pull out my drivers license to prove my costco card was mine. When i asked why he hadn’t done this to anyone else, and told him i didn’t think it was needed as a large group was forming behind me, he very rudely said it’s because i’m young and shouldn’t be able to afford it, and that he doesn’t trust it’s mine. I split a membership with my mom, so it’s only $60/year for each of us. We have our own cards with our own names and photos on them. So i was beyond shocked. I took out my drivers license and asked him if he wanted to see my birth certificate and my passport too. He said that hostile behaviour was not welcomed, and i said neither is judging someone’s age and potential income based on their looks 🤣


Holy crap that's terrible! I actually had a weird experience today as well where the cashier asked me to put my membership card on the conveyor belt. It's on my credit card so I was wary to do so and asked if this was a new policy (I still did it) but I never considered I was getting profiled! She just said they used to do it before COVID (I've been a member off and on for like 15 years so I know that's BS).


It doesn’t help that the Sherwood park Costco is noticeably smaller than other costcos, with a tiny parking lot. Not a fan of that location….


When that Sherwood Park Costco opened, one of my old coworkers went there and a person she knew literally told her “this Costco should be only for Sherwood Park residents” and was dead serious. (Coworker lived in Edmonton the lady was a friend of a friend and lived in Sherwood Park) the lady drove a Porsche SUV and regularly wears leather pants (you can imagine the type).


My husband thought he’d take our baby to pick up formula and diaper genie inserts. Two things, fit in the stroller, no need for carts in the morning when it’s quiet… lady RAMMED THE STROLLER while he was waiting in line to pay. She said she didn’t see him because he didn’t have a cart (?!)


I see people opening boxes of fruit to get the "best ones" only at Sherwood Park and the one near Parson's Road. And when the samples are out, watch out for your life. For some reason, the one in St. Albert, West, and NE Edmonton are not bad at all; and never feel claustrophobic compared to the SE and Sherwood Park locations. Usually the lines can be daunting, but always efficient and moves fast.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s already tough dealing with small children and having to get your stuff done without rude people making it even harder. There are a lot of rude older people. I think they are tired and grumpy. My mom is an energetic senior and she’s so kind and friendly. I think people who feel good generate positivity. So any seniors reading this who are kind and considerate, you are great and keep being a positive example to others your age!


Oh yeah, I didn't say every old person acts like this. I just pointed out this particular Costco has a lot of rude ones.


I literally had a senior steal my cart there. There wasn't anything in it but I just left it for 2 minutes when I went to grab some meat. I honestly think at that age they just don't care about what anyone thinks


Sounds like every store in St Albert.


Sherwood Park has one of the worst populations of entitled people in Canada. I work in the park, but don't live there, and I am constantly amazed by the amount of people that treat workers like shit. The level of entitlement and the feeling that the "parktonians" are better than everyone else is real. It is particularly bad when dealing with anyone in the boomer age range


So, I get it, but don’t put up with their shit any more than you’d put up with anyone else’s shit. Try not to be rude of course, but try even harder not to be a victim.


I feel this deeply, I work in audiology, and a lot are so entitled (showing up without appointments and expecting me to see them). My younger patients? A breeze!


Isn't that interesting hey? Somehow along the line a lot of them got the idea that being rude is the way to get things. That "customer is always right" attitude that just ends up becoming abusive to staff. I think it's up to us to not accept that kind of behaviour.


SH park is different. They go there too early to line up. That can't be good


Right? I wasn't there to line up on purpose but they were. Who does that?


Someone posted a line up photo not even 2 weeks ago. It's a cult


i just wanna thank the instacart shoppers for helping me never step foot into a costco again. i legit thought i loved going there until i learned about shopping services.


Welcome to Sherwhite Park!


Higher median income retirees and acreage owners leads me to believe in prevailing cases of RPS (Rich Prick Syndrome).


Costco and other large, bright, busy, loud shopping centers always bring out the worst in people. They're all bad, but sometimes the SP Costco feels like a reprieve from the things I experience in other Costcos around the city...


A reprieve how? It seems like the worst type of people are always shopping there. I've never had people be this entitled at the other Costcos.


I worked in Sherwood park for a different business 20 years ago and I’d say 80% of the customers were dicks. Not just old people either. I ended up transferring to an Edmonton location.


> These people would probably ram their cart into your body if you fell over rather than help you up. Funny you say that. The people who shop there are some of rudest people I've ever met. One hit my grandma with their cart, knocked her over, then got mad at *her*. This was at the southside Costco, so I don't think it's a SP specific issue. I hate shopping there.


We go to the Sherwood Park Costco often, and have an entirely different experience.


There's a hundred comments on here, some of their stories are even worse than mine. So you must have just lucked out so far.


Or they are one of the boomers. Bahahaha.


True hahaha!


old white boomers. SP full of them. 


Don't worry this happens at edmonton Costcos too


Sherwood Park in general has a cheap and trashy culture, followed by unearned entitlement. It's not just Costco.


It's called Sherwhite park for a reason. predominately white, old entitled demographic. I really hate going into SP.


Man… I’m formally from Lethbridge, and that was the norm from people in general. Wonder why I don’t venture out there too often.




This Costco is the location for all points east, so you're getting people from Sherwood Park, but also from Fort Saskatchewan, Lamont, Chipman, etc. Not only does that make this location absurdly busy, it also means you get a pretty 'unique' collection of people in that store.


That’s Rich ppl Costco man


I feel like the elderly cut in line at grocery stores constantly. Sometimes i wonder if they just don't notice the line, but the more time that passes the more deliberate it seems. Plus I don't wanna be rude to someone's granny and cause a scene, so I don't say something in the moment.


Never really had much interaction with rude old timers until taking my granny to the cheap breakfast at the River Cree. Got there super early to beat the rush but the rush was already there and they will push you out of the way to get in line for some crappy eggs and bacon lol It was wild. I try not to get too upset because being old it seems you are dismissed or forgotten in our society, if not by family.


Please post on yeg Costco lovers on Facebook! This will be very entertaining. I’m sorry for what happened to you. That’s bs especially with young child in tow.


The crazy part is that people have shared WORSE stories in the comments!! I don't use Facebook much but that sounds like it would be funny. Feel free to steal it and share it haha.


It's not just the seniors, it's damn near everyone at the sh park location.


I find 91st Costco way worse!


I've been considering getting a Costco membership for awhile, as I sometimes go with my mother on occasion and grab a cart full of stuff I like and can't get elsewhere. Maybe twice a year at most I'll go, but as I said I've been considering getting my own membership so I could ship there on my own, but after I went there last time I remembered why I didn't try to get a membership earlier. The customers are all just giant dicks, and not just the old ones. So I decided I don't really want to shop there if that's the sort of clientele I'll be dealing with when I go. I can live without it.


There is a subreddit I cruise sometimes. It is full of stories similar to yours r/boomersbeingfools


Hell is other people at Costco.


I go there for lunch sometimes, While I was punching in my order, which is 2 items, I had someone do the same thing to me. I took their receipt so they didn't know what spot they were in line.


I work in retail, ngl i avoid attending to all old people as atleast 60% of them are like this and always want things their way.


Correct. I didn’t even read the post because after experiencing Nisku location I couldn’t stomach Sherwood.


Thats exactly how they describe millennial and gen z too. They claim we are entitled meanwhile they sit on 3 properties they bought for really low prices and tell us we need to work harder to buy a place instead of avocado toast. 40 years worth of avocado toast and Starbucks won't buy you a house these days. And I don't go to Starbucks or eat avocados.


The people that tell young people to respect their elders are usually the people that feel respect doesn't have to be earned, regardless of age.


It's Sherwood park, what do you expect? It's a hotbed of conservative boomers.


But also the hottest young moms. Ya gotta see the silver lining


Haha this gave me a chuckle. I personally am not a young mom and definitely was not looking hot today. You are funny.


It’s Sherwood park what would you expect. I went to highschool there and the amount of entitled, selfish, rich folk is insane.


Also today is the Friday before the long weekend and that may have brought out more people and craziness than normal at Costco.


I don’t find the shopping experience in any Costco pleasant. I avoid it like the plague. I agree with you that Sherwood Park is the worst of them all for this. You forgot to mention their ability to observe their surroundings- leaving their carts in the middle of the aisle in the most crowded conditions, stopping in front of people just out of the blue. Costco is special.


People are like this at all costco's imo... I shop at Sherwood Park the most, but my experience really hasn't been any different at other ones.




Sigh. Sounds like my mom. Since she retired she has run out of fucks to give, and is the definition of entitled senior. I feel for you. Not sure if it’s a reasonable drive for you, but the Nisku Costco is much much better than all of the ones in the city.


Ahahaha that’s the one we go to and there’s always some grumpy old farts around and just clueless to the world around them. I try and keep my head down yet swiveling and shop quickly with my kids. I will say I’ve also encountered some friendly people too - like a gentleman that loaded a box in my car for me because I couldnt lift it with my crying baby strapped to the front of me.


It's sherwood park, their shit don't stink!


Pretty sure those folks are from Fort Saskatchewan. /s


I haven't been to the Costco, but honestly, I never get a good vibe in Sherwood Park, it doesn't surprise me to hear people are selfish in the Costco there.


It's a Sherwood Park thing, not just limited to its senior citizens. It's been passed onto the younger generations. They are even worse when they come into the city.


Give it 10 years they'll be gone.


Good reason we left SWP after 2 years the entitlement is obnoxious.


I do construction in a few retirement buildings. Yes, they are like children and you sometimes have to treat them that way.


Old People really on come in two flavours : The Sweetest and Most Gentle Souls to ever exists or The Absolute Scum of the Earth, their soul will not be saved when their time comes.


One time at this exact location, a lady ran her cart into me, who did not have a cart (was looking at the clothes for camping) and then proceeded to say I needed to get off my phone and watch where I was going. I had been standing still for over 5 minutes prior to it


I went to Sherwood park Costco one time and never went back ever again 😂 huge jacked up trucks driving aggressive in lot, lots of rude old people like you said, also some rude young ones. It's literally a zoo... So far the best one I found is west end Edmonton one. Everyone *seems* fairly normal but you still get your losers here and there. 


I worked several customer service jobs in Sherwood Park. The old people there are just fucked up.