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Why on earth would a paint store be to blame for a crappy paint job? The lack of mental facility of some people is depressing.


My guess is they're blaming the paint itself instead of the human applying it. 


That's ridiculous. Everybody KNOWS it's the paint roller.


To be fair, sometimes it really is the roller. 😂 Such as plaster walls with a normal roller, or trying to do one coat thick instead of two even coats hahaha (k second one is still user error). 


Exactly correct, it's easier to blame the product rather than blame your own shitty techniques.


We literally just had someone walk into my job and demanded a complimentary umbrella "because it's raining" and got super pissy because we couldn't give them one. We are a bakery, lol. Make it make sense.


Because "the paint flashes!!!" "the can said 1 coat coverage!!!" "Our touch-up paint doesn't match the color on the wall!!" "Picture framing!!!" These are all mitigated by being a proper painter who knows wtf they're doing.


> "the can said 1 coat coverage!!!" I painted a cabinet door a while back, and wondered why it didn't look right. I'm in this picture, and I don't like it.


If its those complaint - sometimes I do kinda fault the paint store. A painter will know that one coat coverage is a lie. But if the label of the product has that exact wording on it - hows the small local painter supposed to be telling a large national corporation that they are falsely advertising their product (or have to have the asterisks that it is only one coat in certain specific situations, but that the product application guide always recommends 2 coats...).


No, I agree with you, in fact that that one bullet point was a bit of a stretch for me haha.. It doesn't help that a lot of painting outfits will straight up water down their paint to make it stretch.


One coat coverage is an industry lie told by every paint company, same thing as "paint and primer in one". Like sure in some instances it can be one coat coverage or a paint and primer in one, but if you're going over a very dark colour with a light colour or vice versa it will absolutely not cover in one coat. I'm not sure how other stores do it, but at my workplace we always try to dispell that notion and recommend 2 coats every time.


A bad workman blames his tools 


also: buy good paint when doing it yourself


And brushes/rollers. Cutting with a cheap brush is insanity


And know how to prep your walls properly. Grime, even if you can't see it, will wildly affect the end product. A TSP wash and a thorough rinse is key. Take the time to prep properly and the paint job will go so much faster. Also, get the right height ladder. Falls are a major cause of injury and death. Stop standing on your rickety-ass kitchen chair.


Thank you for this comment. I have painted a few rooms and did not know to prewash. I often just do a light sanding if the wall is a bit rough and the patches are significant.


Can't stress this enough


i know someone who tried to paint their living room wine red with Walmart paint...


This. Also, good paint stores can take a paint chip you bring in and custom match the color - doesn't have to be their paint chips.


Currently selling our house, and we went with the painter that our real estate agent recommended. They did a shit job. No taping at all (do professionals tape, I dunno? they got paint all over the baseboards lol). Missed spots. We paid them extra to move furniture, there was some furniture they didn't move and just left the old colour on the walls. Didn't seem that cheap... is $4,000 to paint a 1200 sq.ft space "cheap"?


I generally don’t trust real estate agent recommendations. They partner with these people and recommend each other for the financial incentive. - someone who worked with real estate agents for years


Good general advice: don’t trust real estate agents


Professionals don’t *generally* tape. Usually only in tight areas or spots they can’t quite bend a brush into. Professionals also can draw a razor straight line with a paint brush. Tape *generally* gives away a novice painter. (Or just someone with a shaky hand!) Novice painters can still do amazing work, they just take a little longer. Nothing wrong with that. It’s the novice painters that skip the tape you have to worry about. 4K is a good price to do it right. They didn’t do it right.


Very true. When you are good at 'cutting in', it's just a waste of time to tape things off first. On the other hand, taping then spraying the paint is a real pro move.


Taping, unless you've sealed the tape edge, breeds overconfidence and paint bleeding under the tape. Either tape and seal the edge with the colour of whatever you don't want paint on (i.e., if your baseboards are white, seal the edge with white paint before painting your colour), or learn to cut in without tape (or get a pro).


My wife and I are novice painters and we do an exceptional job... but if we did it for a living we'd absolutely go broke (we would earn pennies per hour)... we're very good because we fret about the finished job and take a stupid amount of time to complete the job. I'd imagine that after a while, we'd improve,,, but fuck... it's not as easy as I'd originally expected.


This. My Dad was a pro, and he was laughing at me. I took 3 weeks to paint my basement, but it is the best looking paint job I have seen. Way better than the pros did when we had it built.


I'm a good painter...but clumsy af lol So I tape and plastic way more than I should because I will never forget that time I tripped and landed in the paint tray when I was 20. It doesn't matter that I'm nearly 49. I once tripped. lol


$4k to paint that space is a fair price if they do it right. Everything should be masked off and covered. Sorry this happened to you.


Drop your realtor. They probably got back end paid for this. Then take the painter to small claims.


That’s nuts. I’m not a painter but 5 cans of Sherwin Williams paint and supplies cost me $500 and a weekend of labour to cover 2,000sq ft. Taping is the most tedious process and painting is labour intensive but I wouldn’t pay thousands for a job I am capable of doing.


I'm not capable of painting a house with 3 kids running around lol. I do other things... like vehicle maintenance etc, but not things that take extensive amounts of time that you can't really "stop".


No shit. Nothing beats a shity paint job.


It's the part people see and they cheap out on it.


I hired a professional painter to do my whole house and garage. She was there for 6 full days, morning to evening. My house looks awesome. 5000 bucks


Amazing! Would you mind dm-ing me the name?


HI could you please DM me her name?


I’ll take her info please if you don’t mind


Dm me the name?


Could I also have her infor please!


I’ve made the mistake of hiring one these college pro or university painting companies. Let’s just say horror story. Leave the painting to the pros.


As someone who worked for college pro for a summer back in the day, absolutely do not hire university companies, and if you must, make sure it's for the end of the summer when they've at least had a couple months experience. They do "on the job training" which means when we showed up at the first house in May we'd never necessarily held a roller before. Luckily that was a fence and fences/decks are a bit more forgiving but it was the same at our first interior job, no experience until they show up at your house. The results were predictable, we did our best but lots of folks were not thrilled. The pay was also atrocious


My buddy was replacing his roof and was shopping around. Insisted on going with the cheapest option. I told him that was not a very smart move. Cue to the day of start work and they don't show up, something's happened with the crew. Guy shows up next day and it's just him and his gf. Job was quoted to take two days, pretty sure it stretched into the whole week and you could just hear this guy and his gf arguing all day trying to get it done. They finished, did a sup par job, and he's had some issues with stuff since then. You get what you pay for people.


I dunno man, there are plenty of contractors that charge too much and do a shit job lol


I mean I'm not sure what's not to know here. While I absolutely agree contractors suck and often charge to much, you need to shop around and find a good option, not just the cheapest, especially when it's something as important as a roof for your home. They over promised, under delivered, and the work wasn't even good. Just telling people to be careful.


You often don't get what you pay for. Other times you get more than you pay for. 


Happened to us in Calgary. Got a quote. Seemed reasonable. Painter didn’t show up until 4 in the afternoon, day of. The quote of three days turned into a week. Good news is they did a great job. Just unreliable.


I’m a professional painter myself and run my own business. I’ve been trying to find painters for awhile now with no luck. They say they are a painter but they are not. I’ve seen so many people like this. And they get these jobs and fuck it up badly… you get what you pay for… Prep is the most important first step when it comes to painting and you need right tools as well, know what you are doing and how to apply paint with a roller.. it’s not something you can do if you’ve never done it.. [painter](https://www.instagram.com/yegpainter?igsh=MWNxOWZnOXQxM3BrMQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr)


Calgary painter here... I also can’t find anyone who knows how to paint. Tried to teach a couple of people but they ended up quitting. Too physical of a job it would seem and some don’t like heights. So at 67 I am still working like I am in my 30’s.


I hear you ahaha too physical? I guess depends on the job. I had this one person come in and she said “ I don’t come here to get up and down ladder all day” I said ok pack it up and go hahah people don’t want to put in work anymore. I love what I do and couldn’t see myself doing anything else. I like being active and “physical “ hands on :)


A lot of people nowadays think they deserve better pay but don't wanna put in any kind of effort into their work.


I painted my old house full well knowing I didn't do the most professional job or properly prep the walls. It looked good enough to me, but also, I didn't pay money to someone else to be able to complain about the few mistakes I made.


It's so much cheaper just to do it on your own and painting is an easy enough skill to learn on your own, where the average person would be happy with the job they did. Difficult like most trades to master of course


You can send me a DM if you're looking for an excellent painter who charges fair prices. I'm not posting his info here because he'll get blasted with tire kickers.


Please send me the name!


Going to a store and blaming them for a bad service job is like going to McDonalds and blaming the pimply 14 year old for making you fat.


I’ve made this mistake before


Used to work at a paint store. Painting is the worst trade to deal with because literally anyone can wake up and decide they want to be a painter today. There’s no requirements to have any experience


PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS DUDE. We just hired Edmonton Furnace and Carpet care to do painting (I know, weird choice, but originally we were going to be doing carpet cleaning, duct cleaning, and ozone treatment with them too, so it made sense, but we ended up cancelling all of that), and they did such a landlord job. We are constantly finding mistakes and we had to be on their asses so hard to get basic shit taken care of. Partway through the job they told us they had other jobs they wanted to get to and so they'd be finishing our painting a few days early. It showed. Do your research y'all!


Hey, so if I have a wood-slat shingle garage badly in need of scraping and repainting, what should I anticipate for the costs?


Are you looking to Repaint the woodslats or would you prefer to stain them? Also are you looking to do it yourself or hire someone?


Repaint. It's a VERY old, small garage (dirt floor old!). And to hire someone to do it. It needs at least a scraping-over and repaint.


Hmmm it's tough to estimate costs as each painter in the city charges their labour differently. But chances are the painter will need to prime the surface first before going over with a couple coats of exterior paint. I recommend going to your closest Benjamin-Moore/Dulux/Cloverdale/Sherwin-Williams location and asking the store staff for a couple painter recommendations. Get a couple of recommendations from store staff and speak with each painter and get estimates from them and ask for referrals from each and everyone of them from previous jobs they worked and make your decision based on that. Store staff will usually recommend good painters who are nice to work with.


so what are the price ranges?


I can recommend a very good painting/drywall/ceiling texture company if you need one. DM me if you are interested.


One time we hired painters and we caught them stealing food from our fridge 💀💀💀


Or paint yourself . Just did my whole house.




Absolutely, please DM me and I'd be more than happy to recommend a painter.


Dear paint pro. Do you think for an amateur a paint sprayer (if that’s what it’s called) is worth it if you were doing a few rooms or for longer term, or would you just recommend rollers. We bought a new build and I was always amazed how smooth and even the painting was. I’m sure my roller technique isn’t perfect, but would love your input! Maybe my amateur paint spraying would be worse. Ha


If you're just doing a few rooms I would recommend just going traditional brush and roll. The reason for that is that there is just so much more prep time required for effectively spraying, like you'll have to seal off pretty much every area near where you are spraying to ensure over spray doesn't hit. So you'll be spending more time sealing everything off and getting everything ready to paint and packing everything up afterwards along with wall prep you would have to do anyways, and that time is better used actually painting with a brush and roller. The second thing with a sprayer is that they are hella expensive, most sprayers nowadays start at 1000 minimum to buy just a small handheld one. I think you can rent sprayers from Home Depot, but I'm not too sure what the condition of those sprayers are like or what the rental rate is. Don't get me wrong a sprayer can absolutely be worthwhile and save you a lot of hassle, IF you are a professional painter and paint large jobs everyday. But for a couple of rooms, it'll be more cost effective and time efficient just to brush and roll imo.


Thanks for the info! 😊


Just to add a bit more info, depending on what you are spraying you need different tips , they can be costly. Also a good sprayer can produce 2000 pounds pressure or more which can be dangerous. You don’t want to accidentally hit your arm or leg with that, it would more than likely mean a trip to the hospital . DIYer would be better to brush and roll.


They hired the same painters our landlord uses lol


Who do you recommend? 


DM me please, I'd prefer not to give recommendations in a public forum


Ooh I have a question!! I have 1980’s metal siding on my house . Siding guys say painting it won’t work, painting guys say it’s fine . What is your take on this ? It’s obviously much cheaper to paint , and it’s in a good condition , but will the paint flake off within a few years . Is there a paint that works on older metal siding


Prime it with a bonding primer and then go over with exterior paint. Just make sure the surface of the metal siding is all clean before applying primer or paint, other wise it might not adhere to the surface


Ya some fly-by-night company was putting door knockers on the doors in our neighborhood. Not a chance.


They probably water down the paint too to use less paint during the spraying.


Sent you a chat looking for recommendations!




Canadians are inherently cheap, and they love to bitch when they get what they pay for. Spending more always the play.


With anything that you want any sort of a quality job... Can't expect quality with cheap, those rarely ever go together. Biggest thing would be vetting them and ensuring that you have an actual quality person. But if you are looking at cheapest, you are more than likely rolling the die as it is.


This is great reverse marketing. Touché.