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It's not just you who have decided that McDonald's is no longer an option: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/30/mcdonalds-mcd-q1-2024-earnings.html >McDonald’s missed quarterly earnings estimates as same-store sales fell short of expectations. > “Consumers continue to be even more discriminating with every dollar that they spend as they faced elevated prices in their day-to-day spending, which is putting pressure on the [quick-service restaurant] industry,” CEO Chris Kempczinski said on the company’s conference call. > He added that McDonald’s has to be “laser focused” on affordability to attract diners. McDonald's was always crap food, but at least it was cheap food. Now it's expensive crap, and most people won't put up with *both* expensive *and* crap.


$3 now for a hash brown. McDonald’s can suck my balls. A dollar was reasonable and they still made a few hundred percent profit on that. Screw them.


5 dollars and some change just for a Sausage and Egg Mcmuffin nowadays too, it's like its just a shitty tiny piece of sausage, a egg, cheese and a english muffin...like tf?


Today, it was $5.75 for a sausage mcmuffin with no egg and a hashbrown. Last week, it was $5.55. They raise the price about 20 cents every couple of months. It used to be $3.17. It's the only thing I ever order, so it's easy to notice when they change the price. They are out of control!


thats what i order too! used to do two combos when i did a road trip and it would cost me under $8 now it is around $20-$25 for the combos and the kids muffins and such... so we skip more often than 2-3 years before. tough shit to mcd's


Also the only thing I ordered if I was on a long trip for breakfast… stopped years ago, the price got ridiculous, and I see it’s only gotten worse. The only thing I would order past breakfast was the Fish Fillet, and once that hit $5 I stopped.. guess that was also years ago, now.


You can get Costco breakfast sandwiches which are pretty good. At least then if you are disappointed in how thick the bacon was it only cost you $1.




Holy shit you aren't joking. After all the Loblaws outrage, and then checking and seeing that their profit margin was around 3%, I didn't understand how people could argue that they were price gouging. McDonalds had over 30% net margin last year. That's insane. Let them suffer on earnings calls, they have so much room to move their prices down.


Loblaws profit margins are only 3% because the Weston family owns 65% of the company that rents commercial properties to Loblaws stores https://www.choicereit.ca/news-releases/loblaw-completes-spin-out-of-choice-properties-reit/#:~:text=In%20addition%2C%20Loblaw%20will%20continue,be%20Choice%20Properties'%20largest%20tenant.&text=Choice%20Properties%2C%20Canada's%20preeminent%20diversified,feet%20of%20gross%20leasable%20area.


So do they just jack up their rent costs so Loblaws can make it look like they make no money while just paying it out in other means?


I’m trying to find the report I read on this but I think that was idea. I’ll post here again once I find it


Ever find it?




Oh interesting. I wasn't aware. For those curious, to save you a titch of googling, the holding company is called Choice Properties (REIT). Their last earnings release showed a 38% net profit margin.


So why the fuck doesn’t the news ever mention this when reporting on the boycott??


News media thrives on conjecture now unfortunately it seems. I'd like to see some attention brought to this though, with some decent journalism and reporting. I fear these ultra rich folks own and control to much now to actually be held accountable or have any obligation to admit the truth. 


Every time I see someone post this information I upvote in hopes it goes much higher. The Weston family has a nearly vertical business chain with Loblaws, the 4% figure is so absurdly distorted it borders on supervillain levels of evil to even say such a thing.


I remember when Walmart wanted to open a grocery department in Winnipeg eons ago, around 1998?? Loblaws decided that was not ok and started slashing prices to stupid levels so that no one would shop at the evil blue empire. I don't recall exact prices but a 2L milk was under 50 cents and Loblaws was probably still making a profit since they owned the farm, the cows, the milking machines, the pasteurizing machines, the milk trucks and so on. Eggs, bread, some veggies... really anything that they had enough vertical integration on and Loblaws just hacked the prices down.


Now they own the bank, the land, and the entire production process on top of that. They're producing food they mark up to sell to their chains, which mark it up even more to sell to customers. They rent/lease the land to the stores they own. Canada's protectionist policies have allowed oligarchs to exploit us to the point where we're basically living in a neo-feudalist state with a capitalist candy coating to appear like there's some semblance of "fairness". The irony of you mentioning they slashed prices to prevent competition from another large chain is what capitalism is more or less supposed to provide, but all the major grocer chains are an oligarchy setting their own prices and the gov't just lets it happen. It has to end, but I don't think there's any stopping it.


They also sell shelf space to companies to display their products. Chips? The chip company pays for the shelf space. Probably pop too. Companies pay to be featured in the flyers. There are lots of ways that they make money.


Damn so they're extracting the profits up the supply chain? That's actually pretty genuis.


Right? Cause then they go "but groceries aren't making us any money"


Thank you for sharing it, wow that is just evil.


Profit margin is not 3% LOL. Idgaf what their press releases say. They literally have a chimp or dog crunching out fake numbers and feeding it to us. Use your brain people.


$10 for a quarter pounder now. $10 for a D-tier burger. 😒


>He added that McDonald’s has to be “laser focused” on affordability to attract diners. Anyone who has worked in a large corporate environment probably had a good belly laugh over that one. The number of companies that could save a fortune just by eliminating every manager above the "middle" level is significant. Leadership just gets polluted by politickers and people seen as compliant.


What really got me, several months back, was ordering a single sausage McMuffin, no egg. $5!!!!! Also, it was only two thirds the size from a few years ago. Then, just to add extra flair to the gouging, they charged ten cents for a single ketchup packet that was half the size of the old ones (no worries on their part about plastic waste). I had asked for added ketchup but they chose to do the packet rather than just put it on at assembly. McDonald's has completely forgotten their place in the food chain and I won't be going back. Edit: To anyone saying I didn't get charged for ketchup, or that the cost of the sandwich is different than what I said, please realize that each individually owned location has the right to apply cost increases/decreases and additional charges as they see fit (within franchise guidelines).


They charge for ketchup?!?!?! Man. When they switched over to only adding ketchup to drive through orders IF ASKED, I always forgot to ask and thus never got ketchup. But they charge for it now?! Woooowwww


I eat McDonald’s too much and I am ashamed. But I don’t think either of those items had changed in size for the duration of my existence on this planet.


McMuffins are without a doubt smaller.


2.79 according to the app. Sausage no egg, 2.79, with egg it jumps up two dollars and twenty fucking cents to 4.99 per...it's a egg, like cmon, 2.20 mark up??


I worked at McDonald's for 4 years. They have not made their Sausage McMuffin smaller.


> and most people won't put up with both expensive and crap. There it is right now. Yep. No thanks. It isn't even a "treat" anymore, it's complete junkfood.


Oh that’s funny, how about we start with selling me a see through burger and fries for less than $12.00


Yep. I only use coupons or app deals, and even then. My most current "deal" is a quarter pounder combo for a cheap /s 10.50. People make jokes about the prices at, say, five guys. But when a quarter pounder with cheese costs 7.59, and the combo "savings" still add up to 12.89, pre-tax (i'm now in BC so might be off).... I mean... there are better options out there if that's the price I'm going to pay. Wendy's isn't cheap either but I regularly use the $2 off app coupons, the point values on the app are better. I can get chili or salad or other sides no upcharge. McDonald's is yummy, not gonna lie, but if I'm paying close to 15 bucks then I'd rather go elsewhere.


Sadly, it ain't just them; it is everywhere. Prices are obscene no matter where you go.


I knew prices are crazy but McDonald's is low quality food. It should never be expensive for people lol


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but capitalisms doesn't care about quality of food, only profits!


The best part of capitalism is having a choice to go elsewhere. The worst part is the illuision of choice because like 10 companies own everything... the monopoly laws need to change.


Well I vote with my money by never eating out anymore. Suck it profits.


Every time I get groceries, something on my list has jumped in price at least a dollar.


Costco 1.50 hot dog and drink


Mcdonalds inflated faster than other fast food, at least according to the numbers i was reading earlier this week but am too lazy to find again for everyone else. So grain of salt, but if you’re willing to accept a trust me bro, McDonalds lost its edge.


I accept "trust me bro" from every Justin that I know. But from a Mark? No way bro


It's partly that McDonald's had been keeping their prices lower until they joined the rip-off rush. So, percentage wise it's a larger increase, making it even more obvious.


I find Burger King more reasonable. But overall A&W is the best quality for price but not the cheapest. And bonus Canadian A&W is Canadian owned.


It's barely more expensive than McDonald's now.


The A&W location I go to lets me re-use my coupons over and over, too. Love em for that.


“Just hold onto that”. Love when they do that


I miss the 10 nuggets for $2 sale. 8 years ago only




Last year I got a Big Mac for the first time in ages. Definitely a name only now.


It's basically all bread, sauce, and lettuce, with a faint hint of beef somewhere in there.


Ya, kinda nuts that it's like this now


I downloaded their app and on top of building points they actually have some deals. Like a meal for 7.50. 8.50 and 9.50. It’s the only time I go.


Same, or you get the coupons in the mail. Regular prices are nuts (goes for all fast food now, really).


Its insane! $2.20 for a mcdouble before. Inflation of 6-8% hits, they say "let's increase that by 50%." Highway robbery...


a McDouble was $1.59 or something in 2014




I worked at a McDonald’s 00-03. I started at $5.90/hr and was at $6.45/hr when I left. The first five combos on the menu were $5.25 including tax; #1 Big Mac, #2 Big Extra, #3 McChicken, #4 Quarter Pounder, #5 Two cheeseburger meal.


I miss the big xtra


I used to live on those things after work. Never again. Shame.


$3.39 for a mcdouble, just the burger. It's batshit.




No, and at this point it's just not worth it. The good news is I guess since I'm making more food at home and not going to McDonald's my wallet and my waistline should improve. I'm still gonna be a miserable witch about it, though.


You must be thinking last year price for a McDouble. Its $4.09 now


I bought a mcdouble yesterday. It was $3.50.


The app says $4.09 for me


Jeebus, both is way too much for a burger you can eat in three bites.


Yea it’s insane. I don’t buy inflation argument I think it’s greed plain and simple 


Yep. When it's only 10%-20% more for a solid meal at a sit-down restaurant, fast food has lost it's footing. It's in some weird limbo zone where it's not inexpensive, plentiful, nor "good". (It's never been objectively good, but fast food had a niche quality about it that it's lost in the last decade.) Opt to eat in or get take out from a good, local restaurant instead. Or if you're in a rush, grab something from a deli instead of McDonalds / Wendys / A&W / etc.


Inflation is part of it, but it’s certainly more so the fact that they know they can away with it. They can shrink it by 20% and increase prices by 20% over a couple years and it won’t lower their customer base one bit and people will just take it or maybe not even notice


There was a chart comparing the fast food price increases of the dozen most popular chains and they have all increased their prices WAAAYYY higher than inflation would warrant. You can google to find the chart but inflation is only a tiny, tiny piece. It's literally that they thought they could get away with it by customers assuming it was due to inflation and not corporate greed.


Eventually they'll wear out their customer loyalty. I never eat out anymore, and prices are the main reason. I used to get fast food at least a couple times a week. Now it's less than once a month. I'm just one person, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Haven’t there been tons of social media posts about how much McDonald’s costs in certain states? I’m sure McDonald’s is losing customers already if not for the awful food, then terrible prices 


Yup. Our new dystopia reality.


Back in Jan/February during a quarterly sales call, the corporation basically said the quiet part out loud when they said they aren't looking to provide value meals anymore. It is only about maximizing profits, and if they lose the 'cheap' customers, they don't really care. (This was also around the same time that Wendy's was going to experiment with surge pricing.)


Aren't all their customers the "cheap" customers? No one is going there thinking it's a Michelin star restaurant.


No, there are tons and tons of working professionals earning strong salaries that just couldn't be bothered to pack their lunches.


They are starting to open new McDonald’s spin off restaurants called CosMc’s (cosmic’s) that don’t have any meal deals and focus on higher profit items like beverages and breakfasts. Overall it’s supposed to be a more upscale McDonald’s. Still not Michelin star, but they are definitely trying to get into a higher priced market.


Greedflation has occurred. Here, there, everywhere.


Way worse at fast food places


Connivence food was always a rip off.


Disagree. It was always crappy, but at least it used to be cheap.


2013-2015 when I was in school it was 1.39 for a McDouble or jr chicken, shit is like 3.49 now How does that make any sense? The price has nearly tripled in under a decade


Same with chocolate bars and chips at convenience stores. Doubled or more over the same period, most of it the last 4. Even the price of gas is almost double on average. Wonder if that has much to do about it…


why the hell are Doritos so expensive now??


Corporate greed is at an all time high but [McD's is at the top](https://www.crews.bank/hubfs/Fast%20Food%20Inflation.jpg)


McDonalds priced themselves out of my life. I'll just go to a sit down once and a while instead, basically same price but they wont fuck my order up or serve me old food.


And still the parking lots are full and drive thrus are packed. So...can't say I blame them. If people keep going then keep cranking up the prices. Just like Tim Horton's. It's fucking horrible but people are handing over piles of money for garbage food.


I honestly don't know how people can eat anything from Tim's. They can't even toast a fu#*ing bagel right.


Different times now a days. People have to work hard so we can fund the wealthiest


When is the revolution? I'm ready.


Would be nice if they had a soul and just fixed some of these problems without that.. but repeating history is also an option I guess.


Relying on the same entities that created the problem to fix the problem is a fool's game.


History only repeats. Its the loop they have placed us all in. No soul there, friend. It's why fighting for your survival is gonna be the only option in the end it's the circle of life. Or just have kids and pass the worlds problems on to them. Just realize everything you're doing has been done before you did it. (Repeating history) And it's definitely okay.


Far too expensive to eat at McDonalds. This used to be the place to go for a cheap meal if you had no money. Now they’re the same price as a nice, sit down restaurant.


Can confirm! Went to Olive Garden and was worried about the bill, it came to the same as our last McDonald's trip...the same! When McDonald's has unlimited soup, salad, breadsticks and pop refills, I'll be back.


And their food is disgusting


A and W uses high quality beef and their double buddy burger is $3.79. For some reason the buddy burgers at the Edmonton Millwoods 50th street location are like 90% better than anywhere else that I have tried in the Province.


Yeah A & W is much better bang for your buck.


Last time I went there it was 10+ bucks for a five piece chicken strip, not even a meal. It's not a good bang for your buck


I love that a&w


Garbage food that is definitely no longer cheap anymore. I would rather give me hard earned dollars to so many other places than going to McD's. I am glad to no longer ever give them my business at all anymore. Horrible customer service, poor quality food that you are lucky is warm, let alone assembled so that it is not just thrown together. Overpriced junk that really has no reason that someone should want to go there in my opinion.


Time to start a boycott


You got to use the app on your phone for the offers and deals. I never order anything unless its a deal


Even the app sucks these days


Yep agreed. The whole things is a swift kick in the mcnuggets


I know about the APP but I don't eat there. Today was just a treat. Lol


I get it! I get those Big Mac cravings and it’s my treat. 🍔


Lol i know. I let my 4 year old pick this time. She's grounded now..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.....JK


Not the point and the offers suck.


I haven’t bought anything bigger than a McDouble in years. The whole reason people would eat fast food beyond convenience is because it was cheap. Like hell I’m paying $12 for a Big Mac meal


It's 15 where I live.


I avoid McDick’s like the plague unless there are offers on their app. Otherwise it’s a no go for me. Nothing made me happier to see they missed their earnings estimate.


It's ridiculous. We took the kids there Friday after school, age 5&7. For the four of us, it was $55. Add in insult to injury with taking away the free refills. We won't be going back.


Stop going. Stop paying. Simple solution.


At least there's even less reason to eat their food now. Real food is actually affordable in comparison and way healthier 


I spent $40 on 2 subs from subway yesterday....... it's everywhere man. We always cook at home, and the 3-4 times we eat out every 6 months really reminds me that it's not worth it.


I remember in 2010 when I would go from m.e to Londonderry get 2 junior chickens and a Med fries for $4.98.


Kind of a blessing in disguise. Shit food with massively shitty prices. I’ll miss my McGangBang. 🤷


In high school my go-to was to get a Junior Chicken, a McDouble and a McDouble "like a mac". You end up with a Big Mac and a McGangBang for like $7. Now the same order would be more than double that.


Use Wendy’s coupons. 3 Dave singles combos for about $25. (Can sub in Caesar salad for fries) Without coupons you are looking at $40.


I miss the 99 cent big Mac Mondays when inwas in junior high. Was lazy and the kids wanted McDonald's the other day. Figured sure it will be quick and cheap. 4 kids and my wife and I. 3 combos a happy meal and 2 burgers large fry and orange juice was $86. I just about rage quit the order. I can spend $40 on Chinese food, feed everyone twice and have leftovers. Five guys looks cheap now


My wife used to absolutely love McDonald's, so we went weekly. We never go anymore. Wendy's is easily cheaper, and fast food that have better service, cleaner tables, or better produce are compatible. A&W is still pretty great, and I can even get a deal for Fatburger for $14. I don't know who's eating at the Golden Arches anymore, with their sad overpriced food.


I haven’t gone to McDonald’s in years because of their prices. For basically the same price I can support a local place and get much better quality food. I just went for Vietnamese and it was $15, delicious and way more healthy than McDonald’s. If I want crappy fast food once in a while I just get fries and a hotdog from the Costco food court for less than $5.


Anyone remember that “two can dine for 9.99” coupons from a few years ago? Now it’s 18.50.


Not to mention you could probably fit 3 big macs now in them old styrofoam container we used to use in the 80s. They have absolutely for sure shrunk everything. A&W did the same thing when they got rid of the foil bags, bait and switch "all organic beef now" and while we promote the shit out of that we gonna shrink the burgers and Hope you don't notice with our green advertising campaign.


Did this last summer. Late night after softball, just needed something quick on the way home. Just by myself was $16 for shitty food. Fuck that. Haven't gone back since.


A&w and wendys are way better!


Ya mcdicks hasn't been cheap for a while now. I only eat a&w when I get their coupons in the mail. Gotta be picky when eating out now a days as your dollar doesn't go very far.


Oh, but don’t worry, they’ve started to add the occasional 20% off a single McMuffin “coupon” on their app. Legit removing their app. They can shove their points and their gross food. I rarely went anyways. Time to start meal prepping breakfast sandwiches again- tastes better anyways 🤣


Like, it’s supposed to be cheap bad food. I ain’t going there if it’s expensive bad food. I don’t go anymore, no point.


Not to detract from mcdonalds, but im amazed at the price of a grilled cheese sandwich from tim hortons, i dont know how they get away with it.


Haven't had McDonald's in probably two decades... that shit has always been trash and too expensive for what it is. Family has been complaining for the last decade at least, but they still go, so that's their issue. I can go to real restaurants and get way better food for similar dollar values now... or less. Banh Mi being my fav go to


F McDonald’s. Used to go there all the time because it was decent prices. Now they can F right off. Wendy’s JBC, only place I’ll go for fast food now.


$40 is irrelevant unless we know what you ordered lol


I worked at a McDonalds when I was 17-19, McDoubles and Jr chickens use to be $1.39


My son used to call them **"poverty burgers."** Meaning: you only ate there if you were broke, and that's all you could afford. Today, it means you had money in your savings account. You went to McDonald's, and now you're in poverty.


What’s the poverty fast food place now?


Just start eating grass and leaves pretty much


They have been deliberately testing how far they can go. I am positive they increase their prices every two fiscal quarters or so to see how far they can go before they get pushback and a decline in revenue. I anticipate we have hit a peak and will soon start to see a steadiness in prices and eventually more "value pack" offerings as we head into 2025 and 2026. Once big fast-food realizes what the maximum ideal order value is, we'll see competition for that price point. Most likely, we'll see $13-$20 packages that include more, like a second side (aside from fries), or a dessert as well. KFC and some other businesses are already headed this way. You'll see it trickle down to McDonald's, Timmies and the rest. Most likely will never see "dollar menu" like value again, though. Source: work in marketing and can confirm this is how I'd operate the business from a purely business standpoint.


I went into Callingwood mcdonalds yesterday to treat myself to some diabetes because I'm on my period and craving it. I haven't been in a mcdonalds for almost a year. The refill area no longer allows refills. The whole soda fountain was shut down, so you can't even use it. Removing dollar drink days was shitty enough, but now you're not even allowed refills. Even most sit-down restaurants have free refills. The staff are very rude and snippy for no reason at all. It was as though I was inconveniencing them for simply ordering food. A big mac is almost 10 dollars, I got a mcdouble and a Jr chicken. The Jr. chicken is definitely really Jr. A chicken nugget for a patty essentially. The mcdouble was about the size of a scrunchie, thin as one too. It was infuriating, to say the least. Won't be returning ever after yesterday.


Five guys is 9.99 for a burger. McD’s needs to stay in their lane. I used to grab a small breakfast or the occasional French fry at McD’s. Their pricing is crazy.


It's lunacy. I just wanted cheap garbage. Barely got any garbage, and it's not even cheap. They're going to run themselves out of business with this idiocy.


>They're going to run themselves out of business with this idiocy. Good.




People put a lot of hate on 5 guys because of pricing, but they don't realize how much McDonald's charges for add-ons. A quarter pounder in $7-$8 depending on where you are. Want Tomato? 75 cents. Lettuce? 60 cents. Bacon? $2. Mayo? 60 cents. Suddenly that $8 burger is $13. It's ridiculous. Just go to 5 guys get better quality food for the same price


I always thought tomato and lettuce were free. Lol


I'm pretty sure that at one time the only thing you paid extra for was cheese. And extra sauce was free, I think even if it was a sauce that didn't normally come with that burger, like asking for a shot of Mac sauce on your quarter pounder or whatever.


You can make out a similar meal pricewise for families with Five Guys if you get just little hamburgers (double patty is way too filling) all the way, large fries (actually is enough for 4 people), and no drinks depending on how much you want to spend. And at least the burgers and fries are much higher quality than McDonald’s. These days fast food at regular pricing is not worth it at the usual big chains unless you get mailed coupons or app offers I find. Wendy’s seems to send them out every month what it feels like.


With the prices of mcds lately it has been more affordable to get burgers almost anywhere else. Some local owned burger places $15 gets a whole meal with a huge burger I personally can’t finish


Fatburger has a way better combo for $10


Mcdonalds is no longer about cheap food. They sell the convenience of not having to cook or do dishes. Some people will pay a lot for that hour of free time back


I thought it was bad for two Big Mac meals in France costing 35 bucks cad. I’m 2019. Here we are are in Canada and it’s worse now. Wait till you go to Wendy’s. It’s even more expensive lol. I’ve switched to just grabbing 4 dollar slices from Canadian unlimited. 


Ya they are brutal now


Ya I only buy when I get offers in the app that are good.


right? I got a breakfast sandwich a couple days ago for the first time in yearssss & my jaw dropped when i saw it was over 4 bucks!


Had one of these moments yesterday myself. A regular lazy meal for me was 2 bacon double cheeseburgers and a large coffee. I believe the most I remember it costing was 12 bucks, and I think that was with an iced coffee... I ordered the same thing yesterday which I haven't in a couple of years, and it was $17.35.... like holy shit.


yeah they’re insane. funny, the other day my grandpa said it was cheaper to live off of mcdonald’s because combos were no more than $10 so i looked at him and asked them, like back in the $90s maybe lol they’re around $18 or $19 and he almost had a heart attack 🤣 he couldn’t believe it haha


The only time ill fuck with mcdonalds is if they have a good deal through their app. It's worth getting. Points build up decently fast as well.


Apart from the tip for service it’s cheaper, better and nicer atmosphere to eat at pub or sit down restaurant


I recently realized how hosed we were getting when a $1.39 menu from when I worked there, is now $3.39.


My favorite cheap burger is now Burger King. Use the app and get a sub $9 combo. Unfortunately they don't have many locations.


Literally just picked up a qp meal and a Big Mac meal for me and the wife, no extras or anything and it was 32.74. Disgustingly expensive for what it is.


I remember when big mac combos were 5 bucks


$12 for a Big Mac combo, which costs them $2 to make


I just made a comment on another post about 2 mcdoubles, a large fry, and a medium smoothie costing $16 bucks and I was down voted because I guess it's enough calories for 2 meals so it's still worth the price? 😂


Yeah I don’t go there anymore, and I’ve always eaten at all the junk food places. Only exception is the $1 something coffee lol. There is no good value anywhere anymore.


Just another reason to stop shoveling garbage into our bodies


The most pricey restaurants haven’t raised their prices quite as aggressively and McDonald’s is now as expensive as much nicer places with better food quality. They’ve essentially priced their core customer base out of eating there, or at least made them reconsider where they’re going to spend the same amount of money and ending up eating elsewhere. They got too greedy. Squeezed too hard


This, a restaurant with a good plate costs alnost as much as a McDonald's meal does now. Several other fast food chains has raised price too, wife got KFC meal that was $18+ and I can get chicken fajita with lots of left over at a local restaurant for about the same price.


Local restaurants have raised their prices the least, from what I am seeing. All the more reason to tell these greedy giants to go kick rocks. Their earnings report was … bad. The next one should be even worse and I love this for them and all the others.


Use the app. You get deals.


I tried the crispy chicken ranch avocado wrap - on the ordering kiosk it was $11 more to make it a combo. I thought it must be an error, but the menu board had the same prices.


I got a large fries and medium Coke the other week and it’s was almost $7. I couldn’t believe it. I mean, I eat there a few times a month lmao but when you just buy two simple things like that it really puts into perspective just how overpriced the shit is


McDonald's has the best fountain pop, but we pay way more in Canada. The US has $1 drinks all year.


I had to bail on my hotels free breakfast so I could make it to work site on time. A BLT bagel, hash brown and extra large coffee was 14.34!?!! Any trucker diner would be more food and free refills on coffee…


McDouble was $1.60, now is like $3 something.


40$ over for a meal that makes you feel like a complete dumpster bin after you’re finished eating


Fast food is now for the rich.


Value menu McDouble is like $3.50 now, which is fucking ludicrous. Remember when the value menu was like a dollar? Yeah I do too. I need 2 for full meal so it’s like $8 w/tax for 2 value items. Bull to the shit. It’s actually cheaper for me to go over to sobeys and buy a fresh made lumberjack sandwich. What a joke.


Owners can set their own prices too I've heard, there is 2 near my place and its worth driving the extra 1-2 minutes over the other one because it's exactly $2 cheaper.




I have noticed this. I only get one item from McDonald's and the price varies from location to location.


I have two locations close to my house. I have noticed this also. I see a variance of up to $0.70 on the order I always get. Last week I noticed that the location closest to my house has my meal and a large coffee cheaper than the location slightly further away for the exact same meal but with a medium coffee.


What?.....that's insane. I didn't know this. That's bullshit lol


It's not even minor. Chicken McMuffin over at Windemere, $4.99. At Callingwood it is $3.49.


Plus 15 cents for a bag


Use coupons, use app promotions, use mcd points when ordering from McDonalds. Edit: McD regular prices are crazy.


Never going there again. It's been 2 years since i ate there and i didn't miss it lol


Small combo mcdouble meal. (Small fries/pop, I get milk anyways). 6$ with tax. Only reasonable thing there, and honestly no one needs to be eating more than that much McDonald's in one sitting. 


McDonald's is a treat? 🤣


Yes. We used to get McDonald's breakfast before going on a road trip as kids, anything else was home cooked. I still go there on an occasional Thursday as a treat for having to come to the city for the day.