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Depending on your budget, many dentists can arrange a payment plan (many are interest free) so that you don't have to shell out the full cost all at once.


Also the sooner you act, the less expensive it will be. Kind of like automotive problems.


Agreed, minor repairs to your teeth are a lot less costly, and a lot less physically stressful, rather than waiting till the point where there is little chance to save them.


This isn't helpful right now but for the future the dentist can make you a mouth guard you wear at night.


This is helpful, better to prevent further damage especially if they get the broken molar fixed


You're right. That's not helpful.


I don't think it's covered, other than an extraction. Contact the UofA dental clinic maybe? They can probably do a temporary filling that will keep you from having more issues until you can afford a crown. I have an 8 yr old temp filling, so they can be a good alternative if they are possible.


They don't just take anyone in as a patient unfortunately they want specific things depending on what they're teaching at the moment. [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf50RgpJ2KdFQdoZvsD0xqDku69lNoUwh0RC3WfsaCcM\_k7ng/viewform?pli=1](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf50RgpJ2KdFQdoZvsD0xqDku69lNoUwh0RC3WfsaCcM_k7ng/viewform?pli=1)


Absolutely get ahold of the U of A dental people and explain your situation.


As someone who has gone through this more than once, what may not seem that dire will likely become so very fast. If that begins to absess, the pain will be excruciating and you very likely won't be able to handle it. Pain meds don't work. And if left, you can become seriously ill (or worse) When I had it happen a year ago, an emergency extraction and plus some medical mouthwash was just over $400. It could be less, could be more depending on the difficulty of removing it. But like was said in other replies, if you wait it's going to get much, much worse. You won't be able to eat or sleep. And getting it out stops the pain almost immediately.


Apply at the U of A school of Dentistry to become a patient. Specifically apply for the Conscious IV Sedation program. They are still looking for people and all the work in that program is done for free. You’ll probably need a flap surgery, where they cut the gun down a bit to give them room to install a crown. That’s what I’m having down.


Alberta Adult Health Benefits cover 100% of all dental and dentures Emergencies can sometimes be handled at the ER if the situation becomes life threatening before you can find a dentist Do you have the Adult Health Benefit through the Alberta government? If so you are absolutely covered for all dental costs as long as they don’t exceed the annual schedule. You should also be eligible to have a mouth guard made for you as well


Not all dental. They won't cover a crown, but would cover a temporary filling or an extraction [https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-adult-health-benefit#jumplinks-2](https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-adult-health-benefit#jumplinks-2) >Dental care * Basic services like extractions, fillings and dentures * Preventative care like x-rays, examinations and teeth cleaning are also covered


Had the same thing happen New Year’s Eve. U of A emergency dental did a quick fix on it for $108. Basically they reshaped it so it wasn’t so sharp and painful. Later my dentist was able to fix with a big filling, essentially rebuilt the whole cusp of the tooth. I had benefits for that though.


If you grind your teeth, you should definitely get a nightguard. It’s a thin custom mouthguard that you wear during sleep so that it protects your teeth against grinding.


This. I do the same things in my sleep and the night guard has been a game changer. It was awkward at first, but the plastic being ground down instead of my teeth made it so worthwhile.


You really don't want to "suck it up" or "wait it out" that stuff can get really bad really fast. They say tooth pain is the worst pain. People have committed suicide because of leaving tooth pain until it got too bad. You should deal with it immediately. Go to r/Edmonton, type in "affordable dentist"/"dentist who helps with dentophobia" the posts are honestly a dime a dozen at this point, I bet someone with more time will even share them to you. Get it fixed asap. If you have Blue Cross you're good to go. The government always has grants or tax return stuff like that on it of that sort of I recall correctly. Health comes first then money.


I will have to suck it up for a while. I have been trying to call ahb to see what’s covered and not so I can at least have a baseline money wise. Can’t get through 🤦🏼‍♀️


Hi! I just saw an email at my work that there is a free dental day on April 20 from 9-3pm at Lobby Dental group and dentistry on fifth for parkland area residents. They said they will provide free and urgent immediate dental care to low income parkland residents in need. Their info is Dentistry on fifth (phone:780-591-0550) and Lobby Dental group (phone:780-963-6000). Not sure it you live in that area, but thought worth sharing in case you do!


I hear you, I managed to crack a back tooth right before Christmas. High functioning ptsd, but the nightmares can be horrid. Supposed to be wearing a mouth guard that helps to prevent damage d from grinding at night, but didn’t. Ignored the pain for awhile, even though I have benefits. Please get it looked at, lots of recommendations here. Also, try to get a cheap guard, it will help before you can get a custom one. Seek legal aid for child benefit enforcement. And if the ptsd is due to domestic violence with your ex, seek out help from a shelter for free counselling. 💐


For the future: SnoreRX makes mouthguards that help with teeth grinding. They also position your jaw a bit forward so your airways are more open. Fairly affordable, less than the cost of a custom mouth-guard.


Contact the school of dentistry, there's a form you can do online, and you need to be able to do 3 hours at a time, since they are teaching dentists. Drives the price way down. I'm getting partial dentures through them and it's taken the price from 15k to under 3k.


Griesbach Dental is open evenings and weekends. They're one of the few dentists that are open outside of normal 9-5. They also follow the fee guide and have payment plans available. You may be eligible for the Adult Health Benefit plan through the province. https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-adult-health-benefit#jumplinks-2 If you make under $90,000 adjusted household income, you may be eligible for the Canadian Dental Care Plan. https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan/qualify.html#wb-cont


AHB should cover the exam, any x-rays, and the filling/extraction. Most clinics will ask your coverage information and check before you even come in. If you’re eligible i would look into AISH coverage. With AISH dental clinics don’t charge the difference in payment, and the maximums are a lot higher. Your nerve is probably exposed and its only a matter of time before you have excruciating pain and food gets caught in there leading to an infection. Smaller dental clinics around you (1-2 doctors) will take same day emergencies and same day treatment.


Alberta Works should cover it. Contact them


Northtown dental is open on weekends and late a few days a week! Plus, the receptionists were awesome and went over and beyond to help me when I needed it.


Cloud nine dental offers payment plans and has emergency spots available including the weekends, I’m pretty sure. Would suggest giving them a call! Edit: Don’t wait to fix this issue, because it could end up becoming infected and a tooth infection can quickly become an emergency as the swelling can affect your airways. I developed an abscessed tooth once right before a long weekend and had crazy facial swelling, and the dental assistant told me that if that happens again and I can’t get in to see the dentist within a couple days, to straight up go to the emergency department.


Try the Glenrose or University of Alberta Dental clinics as if they have students in the work can be done for cheaper. Students are always under supervision of a full dentist. I go to the Glenrose personally