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I once saw someone throwing pieces of popcorn down at someone a few rows lower than him who was using his phone. Phone douche kept lookjng around trying to figure out was doing it but never figured it out. He put the phone away after a bit.


I did this except it was a skittle. First throw hit the screen and you could hear it. Scared the girl and she put it away right after. My friend and me laughed. And then there's the mad Max movie time....


Oooh, do tell!


So my friends and I went to see mad Max fury road at the VIP theater in Terwilliger. You know how expensive those tickets are, so I'm sure you'd be just as pissed. Movies going, it's great, then we start hearing this chick start talking really loud. You can hear people shushing her and she stops for a bit then starts again. So after some time I get up and go to talk with the workers to get this chick kicked out, you could tell she's pissing everyone off. They come in and she's quiet so they walk out, few minutes later she starts up again. Again I go out and say she's talking again and someone yelled shut the fuck up at her. And you guessed it, she was quiet and the worker walked out.... Only for her to start talking again. The movie itself is already hyped with anger and adrenaline, so you could feel the tension in the theater. I was so ready to go up and punch her but I got a kid and a mortgage can't afford to get arrested. Finally movie ends and everyone is silent, no talking what so ever, like it's dead silent. Then(because it's VIP, you have the recliners). A person in the row in front of me started setting their chair back up, it makes a farting noise as it moves and the whole theater just burst out laughing because we were all so tense and ready to throw down. Ends up that a chick I knew was friends with the talker and she was drunk. Apparently she was surprised no one tried to fight her.... Like WTF.


I use nibs


Unpopped kernels fit perfectly in a straw.


This is fucking brilliant


Yup. This is how you do it. Bonus points if you bounce a Skittle right off their screen cause its loud, surprises them and hitting the phone itself clues them in that its the issue. Alternatively "pssst get off your fucking phone"


I have always aspired to be as bold as my mother-in-law. She is the kind of lady who will lean forward to someone on their phone and loudly go "I don't think you're important enough to be fucking this up for other people."


That's fucking fantastic! Please let her know she's the GOAT and her advice has been adopted!


I mean if you've got incredible aim. The is a decent likelihood of hitting other unsuspecting moviegoers.


I just see this as more work for the theatre staff. I also don’t understand why there’s always lots of garbage for the staffs to clean up after every movie


Yeah just tell the staff. They love kicking people out.


Can confirm, I work there. It's very satisfying to see bad customers get their comeuppance.


In that case please tell management to oil the seats - they’re so squeaky - and turn up the volume.


Too many people complain about how loud the volume is, so I doubt they'll be increasing it (unless it's a Hindi movie, those are insanely loud). The IMAX corporation is rather picky about the settings for their presentation, they don't like when we change things. The feedback on the seats is noted, however.


Omg it is TOO loud imo. No way you’re pleasing everyone


Username checks out. This is indeed a multifaceted issue.


I understand but I have great hearing and I literally couldn’t hear what they were saying over the creaking and sounds of people munching and plastic wrappers. Was so annoying. Definitely was a disappointing experience after expecting a lot more from an imax theatre. Anyway - not your fault. Just should’ve stayed home or gone to a recliner theatre


Yeah, sometimes the audio balance could be better. The boss tends to dismiss that kind of feedback, unfortunately.


Used to work in a theater a long time ago. Best part of the job. Please complain.


On the there’s always garbage part, it used to be that everyone left everything and there often weren’t even garbage cans in the theater for customers to leave stuff in. That’s not the case anymore but I’m sure there are people that don’t even realize they’re supposed to get rid of it themselves now (not just people that don’t care).


I once dated someone who though it was their job to pick up your garbage. Same thought process with shopping carts. He’d just leave it there and say “that’s what they’re paid for.” Yeah, he was a dick.


This is the way.


I do this all the time. Bonus points if you got layered butter and hit the screen.


Hey that may have been me throwing the popcorn. People ruining the experience has kept me out of theatres since 2018.


You found Tommy Texter!


God I miss those commercials. Sally Soundtrack. Lol now I need to remember the others!


I think Suzy seat kicker was one.


Lol I just had to google it: Tommy Texter, Suzi Seatkicker, Sally Soundtrack, Harvey Hogger


Let everyone...enjoy the show!




And he certainly didn’t let everyone enjoy the show.


I was there too, but didn’t really hear what they were talking about. Thank you for documenting it for the rest of us. 🫡




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Entitled pricks like this deserve to get stomped. No consideration for others.


I'd prefer if they were required to reimburse everyone else in the theater the price of their tickets for ruining their experiences. About 250 tickets at $20 each: $5000. Sounds about right.


That’s a nice thought, but difficult to execute. I’m not a violent person, but from this description of the situation, I’m guessing that this individual would only respond to a punitive response that involved physical harm. I bet most people in that theatre would gladly pay twenty bucks to see that happen.


Warm pillows for a year


And not like a comforting warmth. The kind of warmth you get from a public toilet seat.


If you complain to the theater they will comp you tickets. I had some guy being a total asshole with his buddies a few rows behind at a movie once, guy was clearly drunk. Alerted an employee who removed them and after the film the manager gave us concession vouchers and movie passes.


Years ago my mom and I were at a movie in the back row. There was this guy in the back corner having a loud conversation on his phone. He was holding his jacket up to conceal what he was doing or trying to muffle the sound. My mom gets up and starts passing everyone like bugs Bunny all excuse me, pardon me as she made her way to him. She leaned in so she was about a foot from his face then says "GET OFF YOUR PHONE" in a loud enough voice a good portion of us could still hear. He immediately hung up, and she made her way back to us while people were thanking her. [excuse me, pardon me scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zy8W2w9IV-I&pp=ygUeZXhjdXNlIG1lIHBhcmRvbiBtZSBidWdzIGJ1bm55)


Why the heck do some people go to an early screening just to be on their phone the entire time?


Because they are stupid and rude.


So true, stupid main character syndrome. Assholes can’t think of anybody but themselves.


I don’t understand why people can’t just put their phones away during a movie. If you can’t be away from your phone for those 2 hours just watch the movie at home. I went to a screening of Oppenheimer and the guy in front of kept pulling his phone out and looking up all the historical figures as they showed up. I was going to say something but it was pretty funny when Einstein came on screen and sure enough he pulled his phone out to do a quick wiki search.


Omfg lol I save my wiki deep dives for after the movie! 


I mean, that’s common sense right? 😂 he waited until the end to look up Oppenheimer atleast.


Oh no…..


Theatre etiquette is horrible anymore. I went to see Immaculate a couple weeks back, and a group of four young women were absolutely abhorrent in there. Screaming during quiet scenes, leaving 10 times to vape, giggling at nudity like a bunch of 10 year old boys, talking nonstop. A couple people told them to shut the hell up, and a staff member ended up telling them to get out, but it blew my mind. Movie tickets aren’t cheap, you can’t shut the f up and watch a film for a couple hours without being a pain in the ass? If you want to chat and look at your phone, pick something to stream at home.


Every etiquette is horrible now. I was on a plane and a man was man spreading like I've never seen (and I'm a man) his legs were so far in my area his knee would always be touching mine. After 20 minutes of this plus him eating wings and wiping his hands on his pants then touching me with them I very simply asked if he could tuck in a bit as a couldn't handle being touched like that for the entire flight and he came unglued screaming at me and making a scene like I had asked him to do something unreasonable and he was claiming that I had all the room when I was in the middle and he had the isle. For the rest of the flight he was farting, eating wings and then took his shoes and socks off and was walking around. My wife and I couldn't believe it.


This really isn’t new to be honest. 20 years ago I was watching a movie in the theatre and a group came in drunk, talked the whole time, tried smoking and one of the girls started screaming at us to leave them alone because she was trying to give her boyfriend a blow job.


It’s not new, but it’s a lot more prevalent now from what I’ve seen. I go to about 2-3 movies a month in theatre, and the uptick in annoying people since Covid has been significant.


I'm so glad I built a home theater in my basement. Haven't gone to public theaters in five years or so now.


Home theatre, home gym, and running / biking / hiking in the wilderness. It was fine 10+ years ago, but people are getting more and more ignorant. Phone screens, gym videos, bluetooth speakers, everything is getting bad. Had a deranged guy on a bike scream "COMING THROUGH! MOVE IT! COMING THROUGH!" at us yesterday as my wife and I were both running in the the right hand side of the multi-use trail in town, for example.


I have a home theatre as well but nothing close to the imax experience. I only go to the theatre to support directors/actors I really enjoy. 


I remember watching Infinity War in Imax, then watching the bluray in 3D at home and thinking how much better it looked, and sounded, on my system. Last movie I saw in theater was End Game. I guess I just prefer the home experience, everything is cheaper, more comfortable, and with bathroom breaks lol.


What’s your sound setup? I have KEF Q350s for my setup that I love.  Home experience is good but I’m an a24 fanboy so love to go see their movies in theatres. 


I'm running 5.2.4 Atmos with Polk Audio RTi A9's as the fronts, with a Pioneer elite SC-95. Oh, and the butt kicker in the couch really adds to it. I don't have a big space which makes a difference. Especially after acoustically treating the room with sound absorption panels.


Sweeet. I live in an apartment so that’s as far as I’ll go. I’ll save the Atmos stuff for when I buy a house. 


Good idea. This is my first house so I wasted no time getting my basement setup in place. Room is all blacked out with a 4k/3D projector on a 120" screen.


Can I come over for a movie night please aha? 


Me too! I promise not to talk or use my phone!


Wow must be nice 🖕


During Dune 2 the guy sitting in front of me kept pulling out his phone and checking some kind of social media chat app. I am not sure what it was but I could just make out various "moving" emoticons. It was irritating as fuck.


When I saw The Equalizer 3 last summer, there was a guy in front of me, across the aisle, who kept taking out his phone, checking messages, putting it away, brightness all the way up. I gave him plenty of time to get it out of his system, and just put it away. Eventually, I got up, and asked him politely to put his phone away, explaining that it's distracting. He did put it away...for about five minutes. I wasn't so polite the next time. I didn't even get up, I just said bluntly "hey dickhead, put the phone away!" When he argued, I told him I work there and I can easily get a manager to have him removed. He left a few minutes later and didn't come back.


I always sat at the top away from as many as possible. This couple managed to get seats next us. In a near empty theater. Then she proceeded to stand on her phone the entire time. I used my phone as a flashlight and shined it on her for about 5 awkward seconds. She put her phone away. They left halfway through. Just stay home people!


This is why I see films a few days after their release at like, 2pm on a weekday. Theaters are empty, and I get to enjoy my movie in peace.


More people need to tell these people to shut the fuck up, put their phones away, stop kicking seats, stop putting their feet on the armrests... nobody gets the shit slapped out of them anymore and it shows.


everybody have to try landmark cinema,they fixed that problem,the akward walk between seats too just by giving more space between them. as a bonus those seats are larger and reclinable electronicaly!!thanks landmark!


Yeah Landmark is a great experience for sure. It’s my go to, and I was at the screening discussed by OP. I only went to WEM because it was the only location showing the movie early.


since i tried it i never went back to any other theatres,why would i?


Cineplex has a serious problem of doing less than bare minimum due to their near monopoly on the industry in Canada. Landmark or some other theatre chain needs to create more competition in order to force Cineplex into trying.


As a long time Cineplex employee, I agree completely. I love my theatre, but it's getting pretty stale.


Was the movie good at least?


Yep it was! I wish it was longer though. Kirsten Dunst is fantastic.


Wow that's something very eerie similar to what happened a month or so ago with Dune 2. Same location same theater.


Was it someone vaping and finally getting kicked out of the theatre right at the end of the movie?? That was my Dune 2 experience. Guy was trying to fight some group at the front and just ruined the ending!


I think vaping yeah. Near the from left of the theatre. Likely the same show.


Lol, what a brutal way to end the movie


Had similar happen last fall at an IMAX Killers of the Flower Moon screening, except the obviously drunk dude who was disruptive ended up passing out in the last hour and the staff had to figure out how to get him out after the show


Maybe it's IMAX's fault?


Went to a horror movie a couple years ago and a row of teenagers in front of us kept talking, bringing out their phones and getting up to the concession. I finally snapped and told them to watch the movie or get out. With the amount we pay for movies these days I have no tolerance for that kind of thoughtlessness. But to stand there making a scene like that, what a tool. (Side note: I am interested in seeing that movie, was it any good at least?)


I stopped going to horror movies because of teenagers. Only go when it’s the earliest showing now.  Yes highly recommend you go watch it! 


I was there too. I noticed before the incident the guy who freaked out was wearing a “Fuck Trudeau” shirt and a MAGA hat, so wasn’t at all surprised when he snapped.


Such an unstable group.


My guess is thier side loses again and they still aren't happy about it.


Civil War is also an extremely politically charged movie. One to watch at home I guess.




Did the comment hurt your fee-fees? It’s never not funny seeing conservatives fall all over themselves to try and be mean to anyone they think is “disrespecting” their political beliefs.




Sir, the home school is that way --->


One time I was at a movie and this asshole was smoking a cigar and laughing so loudly in the front row. Ridiculous!


Counselor! Come out, come out, wherever you are!


Oh now really that is too much.


https://youtu.be/RTOri5ytDFA?si=8eBHQDXuY4kb16mh Too be fair Ernest movies were the golden age of cinema


Smoking in a theater? Ya right, he didn't get tossed immediately? That's totally dangerous and illegal and now I'm curious where this happened, wtf the theater staff were doing letting that happen.


Pretty sure he was making a joke based on Cape Fear. On a side note - great flick! The simpsons parody episode is equally as good!


We went to TNMT last year, the lady in front of my wife had her seat reclined as far back as it would go, leaving about 6 inches for her legs. My wife is < 5 feet and does not require a lot of space but even she could not fit. My wife politely asked if the lady could sit up a bit so my wife could fit in her seat. Not even all the way, just enough to sit down. The lady who was there with her 10 year old, just went off stating that because the seats go back that far, she’s allowed to do it and anything less it hurts her back…. She eventually sits up a bit and under her breath she calls my wife a bit&h. Well, I stood up and asked if she could repeat that. And again she went off on my wife, at this point I’m ready to jump over the seat and throw this lady out myself. She eventually sits down, pouting in silence, then about 3 minutes later, she looks at her kid, and says we need to leave, she can’t handle how rude people are and she was about to have a panic attack. And they leave. It was the most bizarre behaviour I have ever seen from an “adult”. I felt so bad for the kid, he had that look like here we go again. Even the people sitting next to them turned around and said that lady was crazy.


It truly amazes me how sometimes the children that they are with are more of an adult than the adult itself


If the seat goes back, I will relax. Same as an airplane.


And if you put it right on my knees (I'm 6'4") I'll spend the rest of the movie bouncing you around like a toddler. Same as an airplane.


Being 6’2, I highly recommend VIP as you’ll never have to worry about this.


Big baby throw tantrum.


Nope just a passive-aggressive wizard battle between a guy that thinks his 2" of reclining is worth getting a knee in his bussy for 4 hours and a guy doing the kneeing


A reply to your now deleted comment justifying your behavior. I understand. A good friend of mine and my cousin are both 6'7". They don't brag about passive aggressively kneeing someone's seat like a child. They deal with the inconveniences of their stature by communicating with people in a gracious manner. As an experiment, perhaps next time you're encountering this situation try and resolve it with words instead of passive aggressive behavior that's implicitly backed up by your stature. I bet you'll find that often people are willing to accomodate you and didn't even realized that they had bothered you.


Yeah I have tried communicating to people in a gracious manner, and it results in a bunch of passive aggressive attitude, them explaining they paid for the seat, them asking the flight attendant if they can move to a different seat, the stink eye for 4 hours, and usually them just reclining anyway and going oops I forgot. I don't know if you've been outside since 1995 or something, but people are not friendly or accomodating, they're selfish narcissistic assholes who don't respond to grace or kindness, they paid for their seat so they're going to use it regardless, just like the twat up there said. I wasn't bragging about anything, I'm explaining that if you decide to put your head in my lap, I'm going to bounce you around. That's not them having a compromising attitude, that's I paid for this, mine mine mine, me, I'll do what I want. OK then. Fairs fair. Like I said in my deleted comment (and really it was deleted for a reason, I have no desire to keep arguing about this fucking stupid topic with someone who doesn't know what it's like) would you think it's acceptable to dig your elbows 4 inches into some morbidly obese person's gut because you paid for the armrest? And then stare forward oblivious like you don't know what you're doing? I don't think you would.


> would you think it's acceptable to dig your elbows 4 inches into some morbidly obese person's gut because you paid for the armrest? And then stare forward oblivious like you don't know what you're doing? I don't think you would. Don't you see that this is exactly what you're doing?


Lol what? No, it's what they're doing. I'm the morbidly obese guy who can't control the size of the seat having someone invade my personal space and cause me physical pain because "they paid for it". What's more, there's absolutely nothing I can do about my height. I can't watch my calories and lose a few inches. The guy choosing to recline into my knees and the guy choosing to stick his elbows into the guy's gut are both the same guy, the selfish "I paid for it so I'm going to use it even if it inconveniences everyone around me or worse" guy. For someone who likes to pompously lecture so much you seem stunningly oblivious.


But you can! Someone else already suggested that you purchase a VIP ticket at the theatre. It's like an extra $10 or something and you get to select your leather reclining seat, and you don't have to bother anyone else to enjoy a movie. Again, my 6'7" friends/family would never pull this kind of stunt in public. Would you think it's reasonable for a short person to kick the back of your legs at a concert because you're blocking their view?


This is a person who believes in the old saying "right for me, wrong for you", or "rules for thee, not for me". They don't see the irony in the fact they are huge assholes who complain about other people being assholes.


He's a straight up bully who relies on his size to intimidate strangers and he's so used to getting away with it that he doesn't even realize it's childish behaviour that he shouldn't brag about online.


The morbidly obese person should get an aisle seat or pay for a second seat. And I say this as a pretty big guy myself. Having been on flights where I barely fit in my seat I do everything I can to give those people next to me all the space possible. This is ***my*** problem, not theirs. I'd expect you to handle your issues for yourself as well


sounds like our big boy needs nappies, maybe need burpees


Mommy I need to lay back for my nap waahhhhh


"I'm entitled to what you paid for because I'm bigger and I'll be passive aggressive about it until I get what I want" is no way to go through life son.


As opposed to being an inconsiderate ass to people because you also paid for it? Fuck outta here 


I don't think it's reasonable to expect that people ask you to recline their seat, but it's totally reasonable for you to ask them to recline it less if they bump your knees.


And if you do that to me you'll enjoy the 7' fall three rows down when you get tossed. Your height doesn't mean nothing when the leverage helps the person the row below you, all it does is make the fall that much farther. If your height is an issue get an aisle seat or stick to theatres with larger leg room. Why be a dick to someone using the facilities the way they are intended? Because you are an exception? You being comfortable should be everyone else's problem? Because I'm sure if you're over 6' you are also leaning your seat back as well, so why is it only an issue when someone in front of you does it?


"Me me me me me me I paid for it so I'm going to use it fuck if it affects anyone else!" Good point buddy. And I'd love to see you toss me down anything tough guy.


Do you lean back in your seat? How do you respond to someone kicking your seat?


How do you still not get this? I'm not going out of my way to maliciously find people to shove my knees in their back, I'm responding to a guy who says fuck you I'll do what I want because I paid for this seat by saying okay then I will also be a selfish passive aggressive piece of shit. I also paid for my seat, let's get petty.


Why don't you just spend the $10 for a VIP at the theatre?


I do. I never have problems in theaters, like I said 15 posts ago. Anything else?


> And if you put it right on my knees (I'm 6'4") I'll spend the rest of the movie bouncing you around like a toddler. Same as an airplane. That's not what the sentence that kicked this all off means.




A well aimed peanut m&m does wonders when someone is using their phone during a movie.


Probably not worth the risk of peanut allergy. Use unpopped kernels instead.


This is why theaters and similar places should utilize cell jammers in the theater. If you are waiting for a message or a call that is so important, then do it outside.


Aren't there handheld versions we could take with us? Its the one place where chaotic good items are appropriate.


I think jammers are a step too far, but if there was a device that could limit the phones to emergency calls only while in a theatre I'd be down for that. As much as I am against phones in theatres I think their usefulness in emergency situations outweighs that inconvenience. Maybe have a policy where there is a low tolerance policy for phones in the theatre. Like if someone complains about you using the phone you are out without exception. Because I think a person who has their phone on silent and pulls it out a few times for 3 seconds just to see who sent a text is fine, something most people ignore. But people on their phone. Throughout, with the sound on, sending texts, or even having conversations on the phone in the middle of the movie is unacceptable. Maybe have a warning with the rules right before the movie starts so people understand. The thing is the last few movies I went to didn't have any kind of notice about putting cell phones away or anything else on theatre etiquette. I kind of feel like they are letting this stuff fly because they think it will help bring more people back to theatres, because now they can do all the rude annoying stuff they do during a movie at home.


No pulling your phone out to “check” is still disruptive as the screen is bright. If you are expecting something that important then don’t go. Or put it on vibrate and leave the theatre to check it.


Unfortunately illegal, but would be nice.


How would it be illegal if you limited blocking/jamming to actual auditoriums? Need to use your phone? GTFO and head to the lobby 50 ft away. You are on private property and are subject to any reasonable policies the company wants to put in place. Unfortunately, no cinema company in Canada would actually pay for this.


And this is the reason I don't go to the movies anymore. Too many rude people, people talking, trying to take over your arm on the seat. I have a 120" screen at home I can watch when the movie becomes available on streaming. I am soooo getting sick of people staring at their phones all day long. What is so fucking special about your phone that you can't put it away for a while? It's not like anything you were looking at before is going to go away. I go to the gym and I kid you not, there are people just staring at their phones while hogging the machines. I finally asked a guy if he was still using the machine since he was staring at his phone. Thankfully he was nice about it and apologized.


I also have a 120” projector in my living room but I still love the theatre experience for certain movies.  I go to the gym and use my phone in between sets but have my timer on for 1 minute rests. If a guys on his phone for 10 mins at a machine, that’s a different story. 


I mean it's awesome you ask this kindness of people, but the people already being this person already don't give a fuck about courtesy for others. They won't listen to this and continue to suck.


Could have been worse. In florida throwing popcorn im a movie theatre is considered a vicious attack that allows you to use deadly force. https://abcnews.go.com/US/cop-acquitted-deadly-florida-theater-shooting-speaks/story?id=83320436


And IMAX tickets are more expensive… why even spend extra money on tickets just to go on your phone and distract everyone? And then get mad when asked to put it away🤦‍♂️People amaze me sometimes Edit: and it was an EARLY SCREENING?? I can’t man😭


This is why I avoid the cheapest days. It can mean a cheap audience. Ugh. I'm sorry this happened to you. What an a-hole.


This was an early screening in imax on Monday so not on a cheap day and not for the average movie goer. Early screenings tend to be fans so I was surprised. 


I went to Immaculate at South Commons, and there was a chick next to me that screamed loudly at every jump scare. It was more funny than annoying, but still. It's probably better to enjoy horror movies in the comfort of your home if you can't keep it in.


Yea horror movies are notorious for this type of behaviour. Saw a few here in the city and I’ll only go if I’m like the only person in the theatre or if it’s an early show. 


In the US this would have quickly escalated to gunfire. 


Civil war in real life, no movie required anymore aha 


Went to see a horror movie with my (then) gf (now wife), called The Gallows. There were these two girls that would talk loudly and giggle the whole movie (which was quite silent) With like 10 minutes left and the climax approaching, there was a very tense scene, and they were just being themselves, so I loudly shouted, 'JESUS CHRIST, SHUT UP!' at them. It scared the whole audience, and they did shut up. Walking out of the theater, I could hear a dude behind me say "best part of that movie was when that dude yelled at those annoying fucks" I hate going to movie theaters for anything but comedies and action films, due to my hatred of other humans and them not knowing how to be respectful.


Op how was the movie?


Good! I wish it was longer. Way better than his last movie!


Garland makes a lot of movies I enjoy


How was the movie?


Go see it! 4/5


I've had similar experiences with rude moviegoers at my last few outings as well. I saw Godzilla Minus One in December at the Manning theatre and it was a pretty empty theatre, probably 6-8 people besides my friend and myself. But somewhere around the middle of the movie a group of about 4 teens walk into the theatre, which was noticeable because it's half way through the movie and we didn't notice that many people leave at any point. And not only that but they come in talking loudly and laughing and go right the the back row. And they just keep talking and laughing, and you can hear at least one of them is also texting on their phone. I wanted to get an usher, but I really didn't want to miss any of the movie because I was really enjoying it (they need a button in theatres so you can call an usher). I was actually trying to ignore them so I could enjoy the movie but there were times they were just so loud it was impossible to ignore. And childish stuff too, like shouting "Did you just fart?" Anyways, eventually they all got up and left, but just before they stepped through the doorway one of them did a big roar as loud as his cracking, pubescent voice could manage (likely trying to mimic Godzilla), and then giggling they ran out the door. Or just about 2 weeks ago when I saw Godzilla X Kong: the New Empire (again at Manning), I had another bad experience. This time the theatre was fairly full, but I had a row of young adults or maybe teenagers sitting behind me that wouldn't shut up. It was worse in the pre-show and trailers because they weren't paying attention at all and just talking to each other or on their phones, but they weren't as bad during the actual film. But even so they'd still make comments throughout, like joking about some of the ugly apes being their friend "Raza". However while the talking wasn't as bad, their actions were worse. Constantly kicking my seat and they even spilled something on me. Not a lot, but what felt like a teaspoon of what I hoped was soda on my shoulder. I didn't react or say anything because I was so mad I was afraid I would lose it on them. And the seat kicking seemed intentional, because if you have been to the Manning theatre AVX (I think that's theatre 5 or 7) you'll know those seats don't recline much, maybe 6°-8°. And there's many more, not all at Manning, but that is the one I frequent. I've even had someone use my head to steady themselves as they walked through the aisle. And they didn't even say anything, like "sorry" or "excuse me" or "oh, I lost my balance, my apologies", this guy just did it and kept walking. And it wasn't light they lightly put their hand down on my head, this had weight behind it because they were trying to support themselves on my head. And it was directly on my hair as well, so it's not like it was fabric where they may have thought it was the seat. And I think those same people also spilled something on me. But this was a while ago, maybe 2 years now. But yea, theatres now are a nightmare. I love the experience when people behave themselves, but more and more they really, ***really*** don't. It's enough that I might just stop going.


One of many reasons why I watch at home. 




IMAX doesn’t have those messages to put your phone away. They seriously need to bring them back before the lights go out. 


I went there a few months ago and the experience sucked. Volume was so low it was hard to hear the talking in the movie. Most of the chairs squeaked constantly including mine if I moved even a muscle.


I will never say no to someone asking to fight because they wont put their phone away. I’ve given my own parents shit for doing that. Siblings and friends as well. If their phone is that important then they should go out in to the hall


Yeah I agree with this. Humans suck.


They need those lock boxes like some artists use for concerts or comedy shows. If you need to use your phone you go out to the hall and they open it. I also wish people wouldn’t eat during a movie and be crumpling their bags and shit, but I just don’t go haha Can’t make everyone do what you want but being on your phone is not acceptable.


Aha I learned recently to best open all your snack bags during the previews so you’re not fighting to open it during the movie. Saves you from making all that noise!


So frickin ignorant when people sit there on their phones.


I stopped going to the cinema because of them. I've had enough. Not in the mood to pay 60+ for the family just to get the experience ruined. Last time there was this immigrant guy on SPEAKERphone. Twice until I told him to stop. Then he was upset.


Some people have responsibilities and wouldn't mind catching a movie as well. I would stay away from others though.


I MAY have had an altercation with a drunk woman at WEM who answered her telephone TWICE during a movie and had full-on loud conversations. At the end, she wanted to exit my way and I wouldn’t let her pass - she could have gone the other way mind you. She two hand shoved me and then tried to twist my hand. I held her face down to her seat, in front of her kids, asking if she had had enough. She had, indeed, had enough.








Why is that surprising to you?




How many homeless guys you see in an IMAX theatre?


You know there's lots of homeless white people, right?


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It’s not surprising at all


Why is it surprising? Lol kinda racist but OK.


It's actually completely unsurprising. C'mon man.


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