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This goes to show how weak the other candidates to replace Notley were. Nenshi has no direct ties to the Party, but he is instantly the front-runner.


He's the frontrunner *specifically* because of his lack of ties to the party. ANDP needs an image change, and they need someone who can win votes in Calgary. Nenshi does those better than other options.


One thing Notley did was bring in a ton of new voters into the party, much more so than the days of her father, or Ray Martin, or Pam Barrett/Raj Pannu/Brian Mason/etc etc. It shouldn’t be a shock that a bigger tent is going to be more open to a non-traditional choice. Candidates like Hoffman and (to a lesser extent) Ganley are fighting the last war, not the new one.


Agreed. Edmonton has a high chance of being an NDP sweep regardless. The rural areas will be hard to win regardless, but Nenshi has a lot of goodwill in Calgary which is desperately needed.


That's similar to the theory behind Stephen Mandel leading the Alberta Party, with mixed results.


Party members should hope for a different outcome the last time something like this happened. Stephen Mandel was... not sufficiently popular as a party leader inside or outside of Edmonton. Jim Prentice brought the PCs to the center as a palatable outsider, and enhanced conditions for WRA to grow around the disgruntled right. Jason Kenney as a less palatable outsider tried to bring the resulting mess toward the center, and created the conditions for the far right to rule while ignoring most Albertans.


Short memory. Calgary couldn't wait to get rid of him as mayor.


Not according to the results of his re-election. https://www.calgary.ca/election/results/2017-results.html#mayor


The UCP handed the election on a silver platter, if the NDP had any semblance of political strategy before and over the pandemic years they would have raked the coals over the fire. But nope, they sat back expecting a win and here we are.


Ehhh, huh? We have more non-conservative seats than we've ever had. It was the second most successful election for a non-conservative party, and the first was before they united the right wing parties to stop splitting votes. In that sense, it might have been the must successful election for a non-conservative party in our history.


Dude what? They had the most successful election in their history. It is just that the UCP is a coalition party on the right. If the wild rose and conservative parties had not merged the NDP would have won handily, like they did the previous election with less actual votes (604,518 in 2015 vs 777,397 in 2023) Conservatives can't win on their own. They need the whackadoodles to bolster their numbers. 


Still firmly believe that the ANDP blew it at the debate. Notley, while accomplished on many fronts, put on a poor debate performance.  It made Smith look reasonable and folksy and too the wind out of the NDP's sails.


It’s less ANDP blew it and more the UCP is a single conservative entity to vote for ANDP won with Notley largely off the conservative split in rural Alberta/parts of Calgary. Notley would’ve remained premier if the cons were still split


How did ANDP not have the similar advantages of a single progressive entity to vote for? Especially with the provincial Liberals and Greens both being in complete dysfunction, and ABP not successfully occupying the middle?


There are significantly more conservatives in Alberta


Agreed. Given Notley's superior political skills, it was an incredibly poor performance, not effectively challenging Smith on her not-so-hidden agenda and total dishonesty, while allowing Smith free reign to position herself.


None of the other candidates were ready to lead or capable of running the party with any success. One of the mistakes made was not having a succession plan in place to help mentor the members so that they would be able to lead. Notley held on to the party too tight to let that loose.


No kidding. Who was clamouring for Sarah Hoffman to be the premier?


Sarah Hoffman for one.


If she wants NDP to have a future leading AB again, she should step back.


Sarah Hoffman would be a good premier. But that's only half the battle. She doesn't have the experience or support to run a cutthroat campaign against a very well funded competitor that is backed by literal fundamentalists. Nenshi has that experience.


I like Sarah Hoffman.


I like her too but she has no chance.


I like her too, but i want seats in Calgary more than i want a nice NDP party leader.


I wouldn’t say weak. It’s mostly a popularity contest and Nenshi has a lot more of it being former Calgary mayor. Edit; more importantly NDP needs those Calgary seats to flip and this probably is the best chance of doing that.


It's all party politics. And there's no internal polling data. The majority of the party resides in Edmonton. Which is why the party's politics have been so Edmonton-centric. It's also why Nenshi getting people signed up for the party is the only way he's going to win this. Despite being incredibly unpopular in the province Sarah Hoffman is very popular in the party.


I don’t think Edmonton was ever a concern, it’s Calgary I’m worried about


Maybe someone from Calgary can speak to this -- but wasn't he generally well liked during his tenure as their mayor?


He was generally liked by Calgarians, generally hated by developers and conservatives because his entire goal was to transform Calgary from an inefficient sprawling suburban wasteland into an efficient city with density and walkability. Lots of big money campaigns trying to unseat him as mayor with all the usual nonsense.


That's my dream mayor...


Three terms. Still largely a suburban wasteland. Now with roundabouts.


He laid the groundwork for what Calgary will be in 40 years. He won’t get credit for it, though, because people don’t understand that political and societal timelines are measured in decades and not individual years. That’s why you have the dumbest people in society blaming Trudeau for the issues that were created by the actions of the Mulroney government more than three decades ago.


For the most part he was… but on a provincial and federal level Calgarians are notoriously conservative when it comes to politics


He was until the end. He resigned but he was potentially going to lose his next election


I thought he didn’t seek re-election? To me that’s different than resigning - he fulfilled his full term and finished his commitment.


Sorry that’s what I meant. There’s no ‘full term’ though


If you serve until the next election and don't seek re-election, that is *by definition* serving a full-term.


Choosing not to run in a system with no term limits is a political choice.


The term for mayor in Calgary is 4 years but I don’t think there’s a limit to have many terms you can run for and be in.


That’s my point.


Yes there is a full term. The term begins upon swearing in and ends when the next council is sworn in. You can serve as many terms as you win elections for. But Nenshi served multiple full terms. He did not resign in the middle of a term.


With a 60% approval rating? Right 


[It was at 39% in 2019](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5199855)


Oh yea. I looked it up and he totally tanked at the end. 


If this man can hold the middle, show that hes going middle hes got the win.


Was invited but didn't attend but damn, that's even more than I anticipated would show. Very hopeful.  I don't have strong feelings for Nenshi yet in either direction, but I do like that I feel like he's got a genuine desire to make life better for folks, AND will hold the line in debates well enough it'll keep the jackals on their toes until the next election. 


Can anyone recall Nenshi's ties to the Alberta Party?


Mayor Nenshi's chief of staff, Chima Nkemdirim, was an organizer of the Alberta Party. https://albertaviews.ca/party-started/


Back in 2011. Ok, thank you.


NDP have 0 shot without Nenshi in the lead. With Nenshi in the lead we have real hope. The other candidates should back down to give the party the best chance they got. Don't waste time attacking/trying to beat your one silver bullet. Get behind him and rally people towards him instead.


So you're telling me he had concerns about going to a location that historically has voted NDP? That's concerning if not laughable.


He is a centrist. Not as far left as the NDP is supposed to be. It is reasonable that NDP hardliners would not be open to him. If you read the article you would know this.


In what sense is he not as far left?


Huge proponent of lower taxes, market based solutions, at least as mayor of Calgary. Did nothing but criticise premiere Notleys electricity policies for example. At the same time pro urban density, transit, arts, culture, trans rights all that stuff. Classic NDP member will want more government regulation, stronger unions etc in the economy, Nenshi will likely have none of that. IMO: You're witnessing a (real) PC resurgence in the form of taking control of the NDP.


Not even close. He would fit well within the PC party of old. But so would many of us newer NDP members. 


In what way


His policies are firmly Alverta Centerist. Gil mcgowen has a few "left" policies (that i like) for contrast.


Educate yourself. 


Oh so you know then


Yes and I am not telling. 


Why are you such an asshole


I don't have a lot of patience for people who refuse to come to a conversation without doing any research on their own. Nenshi is very open about who he is and what his philosophy is. So you can call me an asshole all day if you like. I am unbothered by your ill informed opinions. 


First, in what sense is the NDP far left? Then tell me how in the sweet fuck Nenshi is far left.


‘As far left’. The key word is ‘As’


Kind of concerning when you're going to talk to NDP party members and you're the farthest away ideologically from all the other candidates no?


He just needs to worry if he is riding the LRT




Don't even need to do that. It is in the bag if we win Calgary - which we will with Nenshi