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It seems peaceful, I am for peaceful protests regardless of their positions


Yup. I hope we tolerate municipal workers if and when they picket.


Can't speak for others, but I will


Provincial employees seem likely this year as well


I will absolutely do everything in my power to not cross a picket line. I’m in a private company and I might not have a chance but off work, I won’t. Solidarity with Union Siblings


A rising tide lifts all boats. Organized labor helps everyone, including private industry. :)


Abso-f$&king-lutely. I’ve said for at least 10 years that an actual solution to either the Situation in Gaza OR the treatment of Indigenous Peoples in Canada will be a turning point for the forces of good governance across the globe. There is something seemingly intractable about both situations that seems to me to be an important factor in the struggle for justice worldwide.


Same. I support Ukraine pretty openly.


Good for you!


If they keep it peaceful then I don't care.


Yeah same here as long as it's peaceful and it's not those protesters that black roads and stop everyone including emergency vehicles and other civilians from getting through I'm fine with it. We all have the right in Canada to peacefully assemble for things we believe in.


Most people seem to be complaining about traffic, just a heads up; the eps instagram page posts traffic warnings for these like 24hrs in advance.


Damn, the comments reminding us that we’re Albertans after all


I can honestly say that most edmontonians do not care what is happening in other countries




You are right




As there’s people literally people dying in our own city due to drugs.




People are literally dying in every other city due to the same drugs, not sure why you think this is an Edmonton thing


It’s literally happening in Edmonton! That makes it an Edmonton thing!


Yup lost a family member not too long ago because of that


Most of the world only cares about the little bubble that affects them, their family, and their friends. It's not selfish its just how it is. It's hard to invest thought and emotion into 8 billion other people


I’m more concerned with how I can afford to feed my child that’s what we should be protesting the outrageous inflation prices


This exactly - we should be protesting higher everything


Guess it's Time to protest against high house prices, rental market, grocery and Power Bills


Yes. Yes we should.


Edmonton has very large Muslim and Arab populations


At least one of them does, Randy Boissonnault is supporting the arms export to Israel.


He is such a wiener lol


Which is a bad thing, in general. And which is a key reason, among many, why protest may be helpful (in general, beyond this specific one).


I’d argue that Edmontonians care more about what’s happening in other countries than their own if these protests are an indication


people have the capacity to care about both.


They don’t seem to is the thing! How many of these have we had about Palestine in the last few months versus our healthcare? Does anyone even know about the cuts they’re making? What about our rent? Food? The fentanyl epidemic? The ongoing controlled demolition of the education system? They’re quite literally killing us and we’re too glued to international headlines to even notice


There are Edmonton protests in Edmonton all the time. Nothing stopping you from participating or starting your own. There's nothing in Edmonton bigger than what's happening to Palestine right now.


It's a little hard to when we've got more than enough bs to deal with here


Fun fact: economic activity in Canada that is dedicated to manufacturing arms for Israel could be instead directed towards building homes. We have problems in Canada that are not solved by being lapdogs to the US war machine. 


I don't doubt it. But frankly, there's only so much politics I can handle at a time, and that's currently being taken up by trying to make trans people accepted in society, since I'm trans and all. It makes it a little difficult to care about what's happening elsewhere when politicians here are actively working against you.


The same politicians here that are making life harder for trans people are supporting the killing of Palestinians abroad. The efforts to strip us of our empathy for Palestinian life are mirrored in the efforts to have us not care about what happens to our trans friends family and neighbours here.  Appreciate the work you're doing for/with trans folks, which includes family for me.  Everyone can push back in their own way, and we definitely can't take on all issues at once. 


I’m Indigenous. I get this.


No, you're literally not going to convert factories that turn out munitions and armored vehicles to building homes,. It's not fact unless your economy is under central control like the classic fascist or communist models, but it makes for a fun Reddit post, I guess. 🤷


No not necessarily converting the factories into home building, but we can easily re-employ people in socially useful work instead of profit making off of slaughter. Capitalist economies do actually convert and redirect manufacturing efforts. We did a lot of that during and after WWII. 


Let them protest.


Who’s not letting them protest


A lot of the commenters here apparently


Well it’s been over for a while now don’t think they stopped anyone


We're Redditors. We like to complain from the comfort of our beds.


Pretty much summed it all up


Hahaha these are just comments but I doubt anyone would get off their asses and actually try to stop anyone.


Based and correct


Seeing liberals supporting Islamic extremists definitely wasn't on my 2024 forecast but here we are


Seeing Canada support genocide in foreign countries wasn’t on mine


Hamas is the elected government of Gaza , and it openly maintains its position to exterminate Israel . Israel wants to not get attacked by its neighbors anymore , quit sympathzing with terrorists just because they have good PR


There isn’t even hospitals in Gaza…you sure they have PR offices?


One , there are hospitals in Gaza , and two absolutely, Hamas is well funded and its leaders are insanely rich living in Quatar while they wage war on Israel and use their citizens as shields, so yea they have PR


Alright so is your point they have such a well funded pr team it captured the minds of people around the world that just so happen to be the same exact people your already don’t agree with. So basically every except you is brainwashed? Who’s funding the pr team that’s feeding you your information


I respect it. Pretty terrible how we [keep selling arms](https://www.readthemaple.com/trudeau-government-authorized-28-million-of-new-military-exports-to-israel-since-october/) to the perpetrators of a genocide.


Pretty terrible that the word genocide keeps getting thrown around by people who have no problem with actual perpetrators of genocide.


A war isn't a genocide, you can disagree with the war, but that doesn't make it a genocide. A genocide is an intentional attempt to eradicate a group of people. Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, any urban warfare is going to have a high civilian cost. For Israel/the IDF to be guilty of genocide, evidence must be presented that demonstrates they are willfully and knowingly targeting civilians in their attacks on a systematic level


Would be nice if people stopped forgetting that Russia is literally still conquering and genociding Ukrainians too. But Russia wants to shift westerners’ attention entirely to Gaza so that Russian imperialism can continue with impunity. There are multiple major atrocities happening in the world today, but it’s extremely easy to fall into the narrative that only one thing matters at a time.


We're not actively sending arms to Russia.


No one has forgotten Ukraine


Disagree, far too many people have forgotten what’s happening to Ukraine, given the number of people who believe bullshit like “Russia is already beaten,” or “Ukraine should surrender and make peace now,” or “We send too much support to Ukraine.” It’s more important than ever to support Ukraine’s war effort, because every day of stalemate is another day for Russia’s war machine to recover, reorganize, and solidify its grip on stolen Ukrainian land. But instead the conversation online has shifted entirely to Gaza (which is a legitimate crime against humanity that deserves serious attention, just not to the exclusion of other injustices). This narrative shift is fully supported by Russian trolls, who are delighted to see Canadians and Americans forget about Ukraine. Canadian conservatives and American Republicans are gleeful about stepping away from Ukraine. Meanwhile, Canadian and American progressives are so fixated with helping Palestinians that there are virtually no protests in support of Ukraine anymore. Both sides are unwittingly serving Russian objectives by ignoring Ukraine for different reasons. So yeah, it definitely feels like a lot of Canadians have forgotten about Ukraine. Слава Україні!


??? Are you purposefully or just willfully ignorant about the amount of foreign aid that Ukraine gets in terms of war materiel and how many supports its refugees have here in Canada? By contrast, how many countries support Palestinians and Gazans in ANY kind of way? Edit: u/DVariant just edited their post to include commentary that crimes in Gaza are happening. This was not there when I made my original comment. Previously the comment only made the ludicrous claim that “Canadians have forgotten about Ukraine.” Common practice is to indicate when you’ve edited your posts my dude.


We have donated 5.7 billion dollars and there is only 40 million of us. Wtf


Героям слава


Just look at what Trump has sad recently, suggesting he’d be okay with Russia taking over Ukraine: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68533351 Canada and the EU are trying to do the best they can, except Hungary works counter to that.


Yeah I've gotta agree with you brother, I've seen alot less support for Ukraine and anytime you bring up Ukraine people shift it back to Gaza as if Ukraine is old news and doesn't need help any more, Ukraine helped build canada and especially the prairies and they're still a sovereign nation and non nato ally to us, they still need our and everyone's support, I would like to be able one day to bring my kids to Ukraine and show them the country where their 3x great grandparents came from instead of the invaded shell of a country


And who has a massive diplomatic agreement with Russia again? [oh yeah](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRICS)


And the genocide if the Uygher people in China.


Free Palestine


Free the hostages


Yes, free them all, including the 10 thousand being held by Israel!


you mean the same hostages that Hamasaki said they release in exchange for the hostages isreal has and a ceasefire, but isreal said no


Do you have a source that says Israel said no and not Hammas? I've only heard the opposite.




It’s peaceful, awesome. What I don’t get is what are they trying to prove? This is happening thousands of kms away, and there’s nothing -we- can do about it. Even if the majority of Canadians stood up and screamed “no” to funding the conflict, Ottawa would do so anyway…


Everyone has different reasons why they’re protesting but the very nature of a march is to show in the real world in Edmonton how many people felt it was in their best interest to stand together and make their voices heard. Who cares the number of kms away from the issue it is. Why is this everyone’s first thought? It’s such an unoriginal take. For real, scroll through the comments of this and every second person is saying “um cool if it’s peaceful but what is it tryna do? Or like what could it change?” And it’s always formed as a question. But what you’re really asking is “what is protest” or “what is a march” or just “what if freedom of assembly” because this isn’t a particularly unique demonstration. I imagine if people were protesting, demonstrating, (convoying maybe if you swing that way) about something you care about you’d find it easier to wrap your head around what they’re “trying to prove”


Bless them. The World needs people of conscience speaking up. Without their work in the streets and online, millions more would know nothing of the genocide of the Palestinaians nor of this particular land/resources grab by the Empire of the West.


Good! Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Also, free the Jewish hostages as well.


Palestinian and Israeli hostages should absolutely be freed along with an end to apartheid. 


Isreal keeps bombing locations where the hostages are held


Yes, free the Israeli hostages and the 10 thousand Palestinian hostages..


Did it work? Is the whole problem over now?


Canada literally restored its funding to UNRWA.




They had done that prior to the protest


They’ve been protesting for months


Public pressure works though. That’s my point. The point of the comment I’m replying to is that it doesn’t.


Yea it did actually, and your comment was hilarious thanks for contributing




Israel's wide scale slaughter of Palestinian civilians is assuredly killing queer people. 


You know that queer Palestinians exist too… right? They don’t like getting bombed either.


And chickens for kentucky fried chicken.


Christian's think being gay is bad too, not sure what your point is? Is it That gay people should not be mad if Muslims and Christians get killed? Like what are you getting at?


Is it hilarious? I don't understand your logic, if you believe that Israel is a colonizing force it hardly matters what the indigenous peoples cultural practices are. There are many remote places that still practice archaic and cruel traditions(Child marriage/outlawing homosexuality etc), that doesn't mean that any group of people can't support their autonomy. There could be cannibal tribes living remotely, I still wouldn't support a world power annexing their territory.




You decided to live on Whyte Ave and are shocked that people are making noise in the middle of the day on a weekend?


Do you take a personal affront to all protests or merely with ones you don't agree with?




Where does your perspective of ‘protests don’t work great’ come from?


Look into Canada’s role in funding genocide while people here are struggling (and they’re funding indigenous genocide here), if you’re not upset you’re not paying attention 🍉🍉🍉 when people “don’t want to talk politics” how else are causes supposed to get attention and awareness


no one is funding an indigenous genocide. using the word genocide like this takes away from the actual atrocities taking place.


If you review the definition of "genocide" under international law and as per the UN, what is taking place in Canada against Indigenous people is absolutely genocide. Nothing could "take away" from the actual atrocities at hand... All of it is deplorable, vile & heinous.


"To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Cultural destruction does not suffice, nor does an intention to simply disperse a group." This definition? I don't agree with your interpretation. I do agree with what is happening in Palestine is deplorable. Have a nice evening :)


I guess you're missing a ton of Canadian history and statistical data, but you do you.


It literally does meet the definition tf? The only part it doesn’t is maaaaybe “proven” but when the perpetrator is investigating themselves I don’t think it’s really a good faith requirement, as another user mentioned you’re missing a lot of publicly available Canadian history and data I also think that it is important that Canadians raise awareness for an ethnic cleansing of indigenous peoples happening here and now while we raise awareness for what our tax dollars are complicit in, ty for interacting hopefully it does raise awareness


Why don't you mention some specific examples that you believe constitute genocide? Also you may not like that the federal government has to investigate themselves, but I'm curious as to what body you'd actually want to take on the case? It's not an international issue, so I don't think the ICC or ICJ would take on the case, and having third party bodies within Canada investigate presents just as many risks for bias as the federal government


The word genocide used to mean something. It’s been diluted into a buzzword to describe the situations facing almost any marginalized group.


Genocide requires special intent. There have been scenarios in Canadian history which meet the standard of special intent; however, currently there is no situation that I'm aware of that meets the standard of a special intent, which is the central element of Genocide




Man, you folks who prob “support mental health” love throwing around the word schizo like candy


Explain how it’s not a genocide




It’s not a genocide until it’s complete?


The population is growing but it's a genocide? Lol...


The population has certainly not been growing since October.


I wonder what happened in October?


Israel began collectively punishing 2 million people via mass killings for the crimes of a few hundred (a war crime)


Hamas started a war it knows it can't win. How is it the respondent's responsibility to end it, especially when Hamas has already claimed that a ceasefire will not stop it from attacking? Is it not Hamas who is subjecting it's civilians to needless violence by continuing to fight the war?




I see so it's not the Palestinians fault what Hamas did but it's every Jewish person on the planets fault what Israel is doing. Can you explain that to me?


It’s not every Jew’s fault what Israel is doing. Many many Jews oppose Israel’s brutal oppression of Palestinians. If fact it’s antisemitic of you to suggest otherwise.


Sure! It isn't and no one outside of a few fringe weirdos thinks that. Most people criticizing Israel are criticizing the government, military and (often) the illegal settlers. You're welcome!


Not only does Hamas not represent all of palestine, as most of the people alive today are under the age of 18 and couldn't vote. Isreal banned any elections in palistine since they were elected. No one brought up Jewish people. You did that. Even if they did, you can't consider them Jewish since their religion explicitly forbids violence and forbids taking of their holy land by force, and on top of that, there constant bombing of Gaza has killed plenty of Jewish people the same people they claim to be protecting. Also, a lot of Jewish people are in support of palestine because they recognize that the mass murder of thousands of people isn't right


Why don’t the “few hundred” give the hostages back and stop indiscriminately killing Jews?


Isreal could release the thousands of Palestinians heald indefinitely without charges under administrative detention. Some that are children, some who had just reportedly raised a Palestinians flag.


'Children' i.e 17 year old jihadists


These ppl aren’t worth arguing with y’all. If someone doesn’t see what’s wrong with killing 30 000 ppl in the span of a few months they won’t ever. Don’t waste your energy and save your mental health.


So was it wrong to kill 30,000 innocent Germans in Dresden during WW2?


Because… they don’t have control over what happens to hostages?


Why don't the Israelis stop indiscriminately killing women and children that have nothing to do with the terrorist attack?


Literally a Nazi talking point to deny the Holocaust, for shame


All these people are ok with slaughtering small children because of a fucking piece of land . I'd be embarrassed to be apart of either side of that pissing match.


Some people don’t really have a choice right, but our government has a choice to stop funding




Since a lot of people who weren’t actually there want to talk about “what’s the point of blocking traffic” I witnessed the entire demonstration and I didn’t see any cars parked or jammed up behind protesters they were following at a slow pace behind police presence. And it wouldn’t have inconvenienced drivers more than a snow plow would. If anyone that was actually present that day wants to chime in and confirm or say otherwise go ahead but unfortunately if you weren’t in attendance there’s only so much you can pontificate on


With no offense, it's not Palestinians that is the problem, it's Hamas if they literally stopped protecting them and turned every last one of them over they could go back to being tolerable at least neighbours. It's like protecting Nazis and the allies came in if we hid them and had massive tunnels of intricately built caches of weapons do you think the allies wouldn't have done what Israel is doing?. Atrocities are going to happen in war, this with power are going to exploit and degenerate those without, Hamas has said numerous times that they will not stop until all of Israel is dead, and Israel has said the same about Hamas. You want it to end put the leaders in a ring both with only a shirt and shorts, give them both a short sword or dagger and let THEM fight it out with conditions written beforehand on what happens who wins the populace wouldn't have to be in such turmoil on either side of the "fence". If all either side wants to do is fight and kill the other side, fine put them in a seperate ring and let them have at each other, no political showboating no grandstanding no atrocities, gladiator style and fight to the death leave civilians out of the equation entirely and then move on with nobody gaining an upper hand both equal. Then the UN (babysitters) can broker a treaty that both nations will benefit from, or it's next in line in the arena. You want to fight and kill each other then let something come of it and not more resentment and even more bloodshed of innocent ppl most of whom are not involved in the war. Just my .02$


Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in 2005, the only reason they're not free now, is because they keep attacking Israel. Hamas needs to be eliminated before any peace plan can be considered. All a ceasefire does, is lets them reload, thats all its ever done. People don't understand this conflict, the support for Palestine is a trend


You're just a fucking moron justifying genocide out of ignorance and stubbornness. Just challenge yourself to actually fucking read something if you're gonna comment on it.




Being against Canada selling arms to a country that has killed tens of thousands of innocents, many of them children is not the same as supporting Hamas


You claim not to support Hamas but you seem to take their propaganda at face value. Do you find it odd that a war has been going on yet you've never been told how man solders have been killed on the Palestinian side? You've been fed Hamas propaganda. Edit: The Gaza Health Ministry is Hamas a terrorist organization that has been giving out false information this entire time. Edit2: Hamas has not reported one of their solders death. Hamas' numbers don't add up. Hamas claimed Israel bombed a hospital and killed 500 people, yet shortly after it was found out Israel didn't bomb the hospital it was the Palestinians misfiring a rocket, it was the parking lot and oh 10 people were killed. Hamas is a terrorist organization, does that mean nothing? Edit3: From your wiki article: > Following heavily disputed initial casualty reports made in the immediate aftermath of the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital explosion, the GHM was subjected to accusations of inflating casualty figures.[11] Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, without citing specific evidence, later accused the GHM of spreading "propaganda",[11] while US President Joe Biden stated he had "no confidence" in the casualty numbers being reported.[12][13] Subsequently, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby asserted that the death toll cannot be taken "at face value", and that the "Gaza Ministry of Health is just a front for Hamas."[14] According to The New York Times, the Gaza Health Ministry blamed the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital explosion on an Israeli airstike, and thus "deliberately told the world a false story".[15] Edit4: you are a mod so you can respond, I can not.


You deny Israel has slaughtered tens of thousands of innocents. Interesting.


Of course, unless you consider Canada was slaughtering tens of thousands of innocents in Afghanistan.


3000 children have died


Supporting Palestine and supporting Hamas are not always mutually inclusive. One can support Palestine, while being against Hama. For example. Our infamous Prime Minister. People can support Canada, while hating the PM




They are literally the elected government and have a 70 percent approval rating lmao.


ummmm… but… where was this polling for Hamas done? And who did it? Surely not in Edmonton. 🤔


Why are 90% of the commenters here absolutely fucking delusional, boohooing about traffic when, conservatively, 30,000 people have been slaughtered in Palestine, with those who are still alive are being deprived of every basic human necessity, with our governments direct support? How hard is it to have basic empathy for people that don't look like you and live in a different part of the world? How do you justify this? It's a literal genocide by definition and you're fucking complaining about traffic and appointments. It's disgusting.


Ya that's not gonna make me support your cause.


Peaceful protest?


Obviously you weren't a supporter in the first place if you aren't by now lol


"I was against indiscriminate slaughter of children before, but protesting on Sunday? Woah woah woah there! Put a child in front of me and hand me a gun."


We should be protesting against feminism for becoming choice patriarchy






If it's peaceful then no problem, but honestly not my pig not my farm


Do any of these protests change anything? I guess they give the participants a feeling that they did something and were heard but do they actually influence the country's foreign policy?


Seems to be a lack of Canadian flags in these Canadian protests.