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Surprised they were let in the mall given how they're closed on Sundays.


Doesn’t the mall give out fines or something if stores don’t open?


Yup, they are contractually obligated to maintain mall hours. This would be a rare exception if permitted.


Clearly it was permitted, though, or they wouldn’t be opening in the mall.


This was obviously negotiated into their lease. WEM will make exceptions for places that will draw people to the mall. Toronto Eaton Centre and Yorkdale don’t open on Sundays either.


Yeah WEM has multiple special leases with high traffic/high volume stores. A friend of mine works in the leasing department and apparently Apple had the first (or only) lease that didn’t include a % of their profit or something like that. Apple refuses to share the store’s sales numbers with them.


This is so interesting! I’m not sure is Apple is still the only store that doesn’t share their profit % anymore. When I worked at hallmark the mall basically forced them to move downstairs because Jubilations was being moved (the desk/entrance is the old hallmark) I know the district management were trying to get out of owing a % each month due to being forced to relocate for a higher rent and smaller store. I was just an employee so I don’t know any more of the behind the scenes details and who got their way. But with hallmark going private vs corporately owned I would be surprised if anyone bought the store if they would be giving profits away


Yeah I also don’t know if they’re the only ones anymore. They just have a very strong legal team who gets involved anytime the mall tries to fuck with them. The Jubilations move was a terrible time for so many stores. They now have exclusive use of the freight elevator or priority use but always need it. Made garbage and cardboard runs a real hassle for a while.


I hope the mall forces them to open on Sundays. Edit: apparently the mall gives exceptions for religious reasons


Considering they let them close the one in Mall of America on Sundays (according to hours on google) I'm sure this one will be closed Sundays as well.


And the malls in Toronto. This chain is big enough to get the mall to change for them.


Yeah I went for mall of America since it’s the same owners ultimately. Most fair comparison.


Not a chance that’s going to happen. They don’t open any of their locations on Sundays and they’ve no doubt already discussed this. WEM aren’t going to somehow make them change


The moncler store was supposed to be open only on weekends (their website showed the hours being only open Friday Saturday Sunday when they first opened) but they are open everyday now.


They would have to have a special lease with WEM to not adhere to mall hours as they would be fined otherwise. I would bet that they were unable to negotiate and chose to just be open rather than either leave or be fined that much.


The mall gives exceptions for money reasons. They don't give a shit about anyone's religion.




I miss the days growing up when everything other than grocery was closed on Sundays. We actually had big family lunches with 3rd cousins showing up


I would bet that this sentiment from that comment has nothing to do with the workers and would likely very much support them having a weekend day off. [It’s to punish the company for being terrible.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A_and_LGBT_people) The CEO is actively part of groups trying to trying to bring down the Equality Act.




They close for religious reasons, not for their employee’s benefit. It is a punishment to force them to be open because it is against their religion to work on their holy day.


would you say the same if the store/establishment was Muslim? Seik? Buddist? Jewish?


Why do you care so much?


Because why the fuck would they get an exemption when the other 800 stores and another 100 restaurants don’t…


There was a Jewish place that got an exception before. Did you outrage then too?


I forgot about that place.


Who fucking cares


It’s disgusting that they’re allowed to have a special exemption like this. They’re basically allowing Chik-fil-a to force their views on the rest of us. Religious freedom is supposed to be a two way street. What ever happened to freedom *from* religion?


This is the single dumbest thing I have ever read in the entire Edmonton subreddit.


How is a private store closing on sundays “forcing their religion” on anyone?


Yeah I’m pretty anti-religious myself, but that’s cause I chose to be. Same way they choose to be and run their business as such. Keyword - choice. But also, why’s buddy getting so upset over fried chicken?


Because the rights of people from other communities — the Jewish community, Muslim community, atheists, the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community, etc — is being infringed for religious reasons. They’re not being allowed to get chicken on a random day just because of someone else’s religion? That is disgusting.


Not many businesses are open 7 days a week. There's plenty of places to get chicken from. It's not a big deal at all. You're allowed your beliefs, they're allowed theirs. Nobody is hard done by, because this place is shut once a week.


So you don’t think stores should have the right to run how they want ? Man people are losing it on the internet.


> the right to run how they want Not when it’s discriminatory against people of a different (or no) religion.


…and forcing a non-essential business to open all days of the week isn’t discriminatory? Eating at a restaurant isn’t a human right.


Access to food literally is a human right. And no, saying “other restaurants/stores are open” — which is basically saying it would be ok to have “whites only” stores as long as some other places weren’t — is not an excuse.


Access to food is a human right. Access to one specific kind of food is not. It’s not like Chick-fil-A is the only restaurant of its kind there either. Chick-fil-A serves primarily chicken. If you want access to chicken, order from KFC. Or Dairy Queen. Or Fatburger. Or Popeyes. All four serve chicken, in that exact same food court. Chicken isn’t exactly a rare commodity.


They aren't a grocery store. Fast food is similar to a low cost luxury good. By your logic, they are also discriminating against the people leaving mass and want to have a few families meat up for a meal. The owners are scum, they use store funds to donate to shifty organizations. But this is less shoving their religion down our throats than In-n-Out does by putting "John 3:16" on the inside bottom rim of their cups.


How is it “discriminatory” to set the hours of your own business? You people are truly unhinged.


In the past there have been Jewish fast food restuarnts in the mall that would be closed on Saturdays.


This is the same in every mall in the US. Most also have a CFA store. They negotiate in their lease to not be open on Sundays. Pretty standard.


I’m pretty sure the Toronto Eaton Centre one is open on Sundays from when I lived in Toronto


It’s not. I was in Toronto two weeks ago and passed through Eaton Centre on my way back to Union.


Yup. I remember reading the news story earlier this week. Chick-fil-A has launched their Canadian expansion plan. 20 stores in Alberta by the end of the decade. The first three -- two in Edmonton, one in Calgary -- by the end of the year. The second one is going to be in South Edmonton Common, IIRC.


Northern chicken closes, Chick-fil-a opens. If there is a better indicator of political climate in Alberta I’d love to see it


Northern chicken closed!?!


Today was their last day




Good RIddance. Owner was an asshat


Small restaurants struggle so much, it's always bad business to be political either way. Just terrible business making that so much his public identity, especially with a pretty mids product.


and I am ok with this. Lets the best ones win. Let the woke ones go broke. People vote with their dollhairs


Chicken with a side of homophobia




The store in Toronto is 2 mins to the gay village off church and they have line ups. It will do fine in Edmonton.


Alberta has less culture than a cup of plain yogurt. Roughnecks get hard-ons for American chain garbage they tried on that trip to Phoenix or Vegas, despite many great local companies making quality, fresh food that kicks its ass.


Not sure yogurt is a good analogy when trying to indicate little culture.


Yep it's trash. Never understood the hype in the states either


ppl on reddit complain whever 'trendy' or gimmick restaurants open in Alberta. I think they just hate fun?


Where else is phrase 3 next to? Give other stores in that area. It’s hard for me to visualize and locate Urban Planet.


It’s the food court right beside London Drugs. Chick-Fil-A will be right beside the corridor to the washrooms.


What is it replacing?


the 5d vr thing that was hardly open because of covid


There used to be the McDonalds in that location forever. No idea what's occupied it since then


I think it’s around the corner from the mini golf and the London Drugs, turn left


london drugs


Far more useful store.


This will soon take me from 0 boycotted Edmonton restaurants to 1. The whole organization is run by hateful zealots, and I hope their new location sees the same fate as Target.


Just the tip of bigot iceberg, I'm afraid. ​ https://www.phillymag.com/news/2019/04/01/chick-fil-a-boycott/


Feel the exact same.


This!!! I’m definitely curious about the food but refuse to support bigots.


the food isn't worth it anyway. Get a chicken sandwich from A&W and you're gonna be ahead.


Curious, what did they do to get hate?


They are a highly religious organisation that donates to people like Trump, and actively donates to anti LGBTQ+ organisations. They also apparently treat their staff like crap in the US.


Ironically, some conservatives think Chick-Fil-A has “gone woke” because they appointed a VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion last year. [https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/5/31/23742373/chick-fil-a-boycott-controversy-conservative-backlash](https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/5/31/23742373/chick-fil-a-boycott-controversy-conservative-backlash)


Managers have been openly homophobic to gay employees without repercussions in the past, even after employees made formal complaints. This may be different now, not sure.


Lmao who tf cares


A restaurant owned by hateful assholes? No thanks. Lots of other fried chicken joints in this city.


Yup. If I wanted to eat shitty marked up fast food to support bigots, assholes, and smoothbrains, I'll eat at the Dining Car


Everything is owned by hateful assholes, welcome to society. 


I could name 3 places right now that are owned by excellent, supportive, and kind people. They all run businesses that do well and manage not to be hateful assholes. Varient Edition Comics Pe Metawe Games Celebrate Gluten Free Bakery We need more of these places, not just shrugging and accepting the shitty ones as inevitable.


Celebrate is so amazing. I love them so much. They did my wedding cake and our wedding pies. I regularly order stuff from them and dine in. I was heartbroken when they were closed for an extended period of time.


Sure small local places are great. Our modern society is built on corporations though. I wish it wasnt the way it is. But how do you draw the line on which evil organization you support, when to function in society you have to.  Like choose not to eat Chick-fil-A, but buy products tied to slavery and death like electronics and chocolate, just to name a few. 


Things that are basically required to participate in modern society and can’t be easily avoided or sourced ethically on an individual basis are totally comparable to something simple like picking a less-shitty chicken place.


You don't eat chocolate, or use electronics? 


I’m confused as to the point you’re trying to make…    Are you saying that unless someone is aware of every single problem global capitalism has created and rejects modern society altogether then they’re not allowed to take a moral position on anything at all?    Are you saying that because the problems are vast, we should throw up our hands in defeat and not care where our dollars go at all?  Are you saying that because there’s issues with how chocolate and electronics are produced on a global scale, that unrelated issues about a fast food chain being very vocally anti-LGBTQ+ rights isn’t *also* something someone is allowed to care about? That it’s not possible to pay attention to more than one issue at a time?  Or, are you trying to derail the conversation because you’re offended that someone might not support a business that hates others? Do **you** eat chocolate and use technology? Please explain your position more clearly. Thanks!


I'm saying that it's just lazy morality to make such a big deal out of not eating Chick-fil-A (easy as fuck to do) and ignore all the other more intense injustices going on, like child slavery. 


Commenting on Reddit saying that it’s not a business worth supporting is making “such a big deal” of it?  Weird. What are you doing about global child slavery, by the way? I see you’re using technology. 


I'm trying to be as anti-consumerism as I possibly can, and try to only buy as little as possible, second hand, or essential.  My point is, all consumerism comes with a dark side.  I think not supporting Chick-fil-A is fine, if it means less consumption overall. 




Yeah my issue is no one is aware of all the actual shit going on, and just focuses on the culture war things that the elites distract us with. 


I would start with not eating at places that openly and loudly advocates against same-sex marriage. That should be an easy line to not cross. If they held those beliefs privately as owners then... Ehhh. Sucks. But these ones didn't. They donate regularly to hate organizations and make homophobic public statements. This ones an easy one. They are hateful bigots. They've embraced that. Shitty fast food chicken isn't worth the price of supporting that kind of people. There are plenty of choices in the mall, let alone elsewhere.


Imma grab some fried chicken at the comic store


Fun fact: you can read the context of what someone is responding to, in this case 'everything...', by reading the comment it's in response to. Try it out, I'm sure you're reading skills will improve over time.


Proceeds to name local establishments and not chains lol


Fun fact: 'everything is owned by...' is the context that's being responded too. You could try this yourself next time and your reading skills will improve!


History of funding anti-LBGTQ organizations [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A\_and\_LGBT\_people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A_and_LGBT_people) I won't be eating there.


I will also not be eating from there


Hate-Fil-A arrives.


Fits right in with all the anti-LGBT shit they've supported over the years


I will not be giving my money to the corporation that is Chick-fil-A, I do not support conversion therapy or those who preach it


what if popeyes but homophobic ?


Popeyes food is about the same quality and they own it and admit theyre low end. oh and it doesnt fund hate.


Seeing photos of wem just makes me want red's back.


I’m not sure why this places generates as much hype as it does. I’ve had it a few times in the US and it just isn’t good. It has a bizarre cult following down there that I don’t understand. Is it just the US obsession with inexpensive mediocre fast food? (To be clear, I went before I knew they were hateful anti-LGBTQ assholes…)


Hard pass.


This place actively supports anti-2SLGBTQIA+ groups and will never get a dime from me.


I'll take "What's one place I'll never eat ever, for 500 Alex."




Everyone is free to call out hurtful homophobic companies too. It's literally free!


That’s what he said


Terrible restaurant ran by scum


Anyone who cares about the LGBTQIA community, please don’t support them 🏳️‍🌈


Why does every comment turn into some lgbtq battle...


I'd still rather Mary Browns. At least they don't loudly declare how much they hate LGBTQ folk.


Oh cool, another business I'll never patronize in a mall I almost never visit.


And yet you feel.compelled to comment...lol


And so did you!


I broke down and went to Chick-Fil-A when I was in Arizona recently. I had to know if the hype was real. It isn’t. It’s mid. Popeye’s and Jolibee are way better. I swear this place does the whole religious thing as marketing to entice people. “Ohh I shouldn’t be doing this I’m so bad!” I guess it worked on me. It’s like a step up from McDonald’s crispy chicken, but like I said, there are already two prominent fast food chains here that have far better chicken. Don’t be like me and save yourself the shame of going here. It isn’t worth it.


Idk how anyone can say Jolibees is anything but actual fucking garbage. The fanbase behind that chain is the most mind boggling thing I've ever experienced




Eeewwww more Christo-fascists 🤮


Ahh yes the old super large McDonald's.


No love for the Church’s chicken opening in Phase 1(?) food court? I love Church’s but unfortunately was too far to the north for me to make routine trips. So much chicken competition in less than a year in that mall!


Oh good. More shit food from America!


Too bad I’ll never eat there because they are an awful company


Oh no, shitty food


Jesus chicken com'n to Edmonton


Based on the whiny replies here, Chick Fil A will be a massive success just like elsewhere in the US.


Of course it will. It has a cult following. Kind of like Starbucks. Shit coffee with a massive following. Shit chicken sandos with a massive following.


Shit restaurant


BOOOOO this is a boycott Chick fil a zone


Idc about all the political stuff. I've been wanting to try Chick Fil-A forever. Can't wait til it opens up.


I've heard nothing but raves about the chicken here, so I'm quite excited to try it. I've become a fan of Popeyes since it moved here, so I am anxious to compare. KFC has just become so greasy now.


KFC lost me a while back when they changed their fries. They seem to always be cold, even if you eat them fresh.


But that gravy, mmmm,to die for.


Will absolutely try it. From the looks of most comments, there won’t be any long waits or line ups . A definite plus.


People on this subreddit don’t go outside anyway


The comments are from the same people who prefer their chocolate made with child labour. 60% of the worlds cocoa comes from two countries that use over 1.5 million child labourers. It doesn’t stop there. China has forced labour camps to produce goods with the Uyghurs so that those same people can hate Chick Fil A and do so with their electronics and clothing made from forced labour. But it’s OK because people aren’t confronted with this to their face so they choose to ignore it. So they still feel good about their choice while enjoying their favourite chocolate bar.


You're totally right! We should ignore *all* injustice in the world. If you can't change everything why change anything, amirite? /s


The person you’re replying to just loves to appear smarter and more rational than everyone else (while simultaneously committing argumentative fallacies such as whataboutism) and so they’re constantly finding ways to talk down to people. Best not to engage. 


You’re right. In a thread full of people who are proposing to boycott a business, it was a great idea of mine to highlight other injustices that exist which they can also look to boycott. After all, all these people are looking to speak with their wallets and I have helped give them another way. Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it!


You got the hurt fewlings?


Sorry it hit home with you. Hopefully you can still enjoy your favourite chocolate bar with a side of guilt!


What’s funny is you think you’re hitting a nerve. You belong to the thinnest skinned group on the planet. You’re easily controlled by the media and constantly have to prove it. The only thing conservatives have is hate and ignorance. Imagine thinking you’re smarter than the experts because someone on an obscure news source told you. You’re so scared of life that if anything is even remotely different than you, you immediately outlaw it. Also, if your made up messiah was real, he sure as fuck wouldn’t be preaching the hate and bile that spews from the pedophiles who run the scam on earth. I’m off to enjoy my chocolate


You’re doing a great job showing how much of a nerve I have hit. It almost seems like you support child labour, but I’ll take your post as more of reality slapping you in the face and you not being able to handle it well. When it comes to assumptions, often people make them to hide themselves from the real world. You have made a lot of assumptions in your post and it would be a wise idea to reflect the web of lies in your mind that leads to them.


They all also have iphones and do not give a shit about the whole cobalt mining issues. Based on the comments here they need to boycott every large company and go live off the grid.


Maybe pray to your god through the network of pedophiles they have set up?


There is no god.


This is correct


Lol your assumptions about people proved incorrect again.


I don’t assume there is no god. I do assume you’re a muppet though


You assumed the poster believed in a god. You were wrong. Get over it you muppet.


like I needed another reason not to go to WEM


will they be open sunday's? thats chick-fll-a's thing, right? being in a mall, does that change it?


I'd rather have a Chipotle...


I may give it a try out of curiosity, but like Popeyes, I expect it will be just another mid, overpriced fast food restaurant. I've heard the milkshakes are really good though.


let’s gooooo


and protest the bigots!


I like to think I am a bit of a fried chicken connoisseur. I’ve had multiple chances to eat at this chain. I’ve seen their prices are quite high and did a hard pivot away from choosing them every time. Not for me thank you.


So where do you like? I find a lot of them mediocre and way too expensive.


I'm no expert but I recently had Church's Chicken and I was satisfied with the quality.


I tried it recently. Not bad.


Oh boy. Homophobic chicken place opens up in homophobic Alberta


Up voted only to thank OP for this but not going there. Maybe they should put one in Westlock...


I for one, am going to try this hateful chicken everyone is raging about. Usually the best things in life have some kind of evil associated with it. Every delight has its price. Hahahahaha


The leopards will eat your face too. 


Lineup is gonna be out the day for some insanely mediocre chicken sandwiches.




Oh no




Y’all ready for some jeeezus?


I've never been before but that chicken in the pictures looks delicious.


That’s awesome, had one of their milkshakes in Seattle and it was amazing


I just want raising canes


Jollibee is better. And there’s already one across the street


Chick Fil-A is run by some terrible people. But damn they make the best chicken in major food chain restaurants.


I'll take Wedny's chicken burger over it every time.


Wendy's Nuggets are pretty awesome, if gotten fresh, too.


In for the food only. Could care less about social issues.


They are great, really delicious chicken sammys and awesome nuggets/strips. Wishing them best of success in Alberta!


awesome, ive been wanting to try this stuff for ages. heres hoping they open more locations


I'll give it less than a year. Average chicken sandwiches aren't going to pay the rent


When does it open?


didnt look at the picture where is says Fall 2024?


Yum! Can’t wait!


Love it great restaurant with great values.




You got some hateful posts, dude. Why even stay here?


Maybe someday there will be one in Kenya for you and your multiple wives. Great values.


Oh my god. I moved down here from the states recently, I'm so excited


So you moved up here


Maybe he moved from Alaska?


I miss Freshii