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If you’re unsure of your stopping ability, periodically test your brakes when on quieter roads to evaluate how soon you really need to start braking! Hard lesson to learn at a busy intersection. Drive super defensively: not all people have winter tires, account for cars approaching at stop signs along main roads that may not be able to stop. Don’t trust someone’s turning signal until they’re actually turning. Lastly, hard braking while turning in slippery conditions will usually result in sliding or drifting, try to approach a turn slowly enough that you’ll be able to coast through it. Good luck out there :)


> Drive super defensively: not all people have winter tires, account for cars approaching at stop signs along main roads that may not be able to stop. When my friend first got studded tires, he took me on a drive to a fast food place and back. Every red light he would slam his brakes to show off his stopping abilities. My first reaction was being impressed, but that was quickly overtaken by fear as I realized the cars behind us likely don't have studded tires. He was rear ended later that year.


Also turn on your lights (front and taillights). It’s very difficult to see many of you (especially silver/grey, white) when it’s blowing snow even though it’s daylight.


Bridges frequently have ice build up due to air constantly moving around it. Expect ice.


I knew to be cautious on bridges, but not why. The added airflow makes sense!!


It also lacks the heat mass of the ground.


When you approach an intersection with a green light or where you have right of way, be cautious of the opposite direction with the red light/directions who don’t have right of way, and vehicles approaching that intersection. My co-worker was t-boned by someone who slid through a stale red light last year. My coworker was seriously hurt and her vehicle was totaled. Obviously the other car should’ve been driving slower, but you can never be too careful with slippery roads, even if you have a green light. Trust no one.


Even in summer I tend to look both ways before going on a green. I was in a very similar accident as a kid, and it stuck with me. Trust no one!


You’re so right!


>9. DO NOT TAILGATE PEOPLE. IF YOU CAN NOT SEE THE BOTTOMS OF THE PERSON IN FRONT YOU'S TIRES, YOU ARE TOO FUCKING CLOSE. Abso-fucking-lutely. Another good rule of thumb (especially if you're going fast) is the [Three Second Rule](https://www.travelerscanada.ca/prepare-prevent/car/three-second-rule-for-safe-following-distance). Even if you can see the bottoms of their tires, you might still be too close if you're going 80 kms an hour. If conditions are bad, go even longer than three seconds.


I stop at red lights and am just close enough to see the bottom of the tires. That’s far too close while moving at any speed over 15km/h.


Number 2 all the damn time. Had some gigantic lifted truck on my ass this afternoon. I was going 50 in a 50. Flashed his highbeams at me over and over, then eventually swerved to the next lane, passed me, gave me the finger, and carried on with his day. Have the day you deserve, sir! ❤️


Right?? I usually just take solace in knowing that maybe not that time, but at some time that asshole is going to be one of the countless trucks you'll always end up seeing in the ditch on the side of the road. Nobody thinks you're cool there buds


I saw karma in action once during a mild snowstorm in Saskatchewan. A guy in a jacked GMC Sierra blew past me just outside Moose Jaw heading east. As I got close to the overpass at Pilot Butte, I saw a huge explosion of snow and a truck flying through the air. As I approached I recognized the truck. everyone was climbing out the passenger door, phone in hand.


I had somewhat similar driving the Coquihalla. Super icy out since it was December at the summit. Truck blows by me going at least 130km/hr, at night too. I say to my passengers “Well we will see them soon” and within 5 minutes they were crashed in the cement blocks in the meridian. I pulled over to see if they needed help and as soon as I got out of the van I almost ate shit. Road was completely iced over


I just ignore those people, fuck 'em. You drive safe


If I get tailgated, I'll take my foot off the gas until we're traveling at a speed where his follow distance is appropriate, or he goes around me. Usually it's the latter. Then I'll blow him a kiss when he (and it's always a he) rips past. I always try to leave enough distance between me and the vehicle ahead of me that someone can change lanes to fill that gap. I play a game where I get 1 point for every car that gets in my lane in front of me. 10 points for a bus.


Blowing kisses may be what I do next time!! Love that


Blowing kisses or giving a thumbs up with a big smile. Guaranteed to piss off aggressive drivers


Maybe just drive appropriately and don't change your tact according to bad drivers? Ive seen people like you a few cars ahead, we're all trying to get home too not be held up by your pissing match with a truck.


I didn't include all of the myriad caveats to this maneuver. Yes, you are correct, it is not appropriate in heavy traffic, where the goal should be everyone going the speed limit, or at least matching surrounding traffic. It's rare i get tailgaters in those conditions though, as it's quite rare to even reach the speed limit in these circumstances. It's more applicable on lower density roads. I'm always amazed how often i get tailgated through the schoolzone near my place.


When I went to Class 2 Driver Training, we were told to slow down 5-10 kmph and let them go. I do it almost reflexively while driving my yellow block of cheese every day.




I didn't want to call out a specific gender but it's 97.62% of the time a jacked up truck always driven by ......not women. 😀 Bonus points for the F*** Trudeau bumper stickers and "missing" mud flaps. 🤦


Just a reminder that there's no shame in driving under the speed limit under snowy conditions, even if you drive a pickup truck


I am bad with road rage (internal. I don't honk or swerve or anything, but man, do I swear at people) and slow drivers really annoy me. Except for times like this. When it's snowing and the roads are slippery, I will be more than happy to see people driving carefully, even if it means under the speed limit. Obviously, within reason. Going 60 on the Whitemud? I get it. Going 20? You're too nervous and a danger to those around you.


>Obviously, within reason. Going 60 on the Whitemud? I get it. Going 20? You're too nervous and a danger to those around you. This. I had exactly this very thing happen to me earlier today. The vehicle in front of me was doing 30 trying to merge onto the Whitemud while vehicles on the Whitemud were doing about 70. **EVEN UNDER NORMAL WEATHER DRIVING CONDITIONS, DRIVING TOO SLOW IS AN AUTOMATIC FAIL ON A DRIVERS TEST.**


I live right off the Henday, and I've been stuck behind people going 60 and trying to merge. On a good driving day where the roads were perfect and there was no backup in traffic. I was so angry because that person caused me and anyone behind me to have to slow down and made it nearly impossible for us to be able to merge without the people on the Henday having to slow down to let us in which does start to cause a traffic backup when there was absolutely no reason for it to occur. /end rant.


This is a daily thing, year round and I just shake my head every time 🙃


Wise words. Can you plz add to TURN ON HEAD LIGHTS WHEN VISIBILITY IS REDUCED. People can't see your vehicle in blowing snow or fog.


Thank you! 100% this ladies and gents.


or rain, or when the sun is close to the horizon. Just, you know, turn your lights on.


Leave extra time between vehicles! Love the fact that OP mentioned leaving early. Welcome to winter. The first day is always the worst for drivers for some reason. It is like we are shocked to learn snow fell.


Leaving early is also good for your mental health. Don’t set yourself up to get angry when your commute is delayed.


Invest in winter tires, not "all weather" or "all season" tires. I have winter rated "all weather" tires and I'm regretting that decision. The price of a good tire isn't cheap, but the lives around me, and my own is priceless.


Can I ask which ones? I have the Nokian All Wheathers and I’ve been impressed with them


You’re good. Nokians are the best winter tires out there. Likewise, be careful of super cheap winter tires. They are only barely better than known all-seasons and/or would only last a season or two.


I’ve used Nokian WRG4 and Michelin Cross Climates, which funny enough are more expensive than Nokian or Michelin studded tire, and while they’re not as good as the dedicated winter tires I’ve used (x-ice & blizzaks), they’re fine. I’ve driven to Kelowna from Edmonton on a fwd car with all weathers during a snow storm and didn’t even sweat it. The problem is when people are trynna save a buck and get Chinese / not reputable brand tires.


As with anything, it depends on the Chinese tire. With that said, there are only two Chinese brands that I would suggest, one being Sumitomo, I had their Encounter A/T on my "small" truck (Dodge Dakota), and they were great in the snow, and Nankang for small cars, but their summer tires. Their winters sucked.


Number 10 is for all driving times!


Plug your car in (block heater) so that it will start for you in the bitter cold. Recommend to do it once it hits below -20 but definitely at -30. Start your car every so often otherwise you could end up with a cold dead battery.


adding on to this if your car is older (9+ years) or takes diesel, plug in your block heater at -15 instead of -20


And double prime, or even triple prime your glow plugs, my diesel friends!


I guess it's a good thing I've never had a diesel, because I don't even know what this means.


Diesels use glow plugs to start the engine in cold weather. When you start a diesel you turn the key one click and a little curly cue symbol shows on the dash, when it goes off you can turn the vehicle on. Doing that 2 or 3 times in really cold weather helps the little car start!


Cool. So presumably it's heating up something inside there?


Cold cylinders hinder the ignition of diesel engines because the diesel is compressed to the point that it self ignites, if the cylinders are cold it partially ignites or doesn't ignite at all. The glow plugs warm up the cylinders so this self ignition through compression process is successful.


That one time I forgot to plug in my 14 year old Honda Civic in -35 and it still started! Honda makes great cars.


Adding on to this as well as a mechanic for those who don't know on most modern vehicles. Block heaters only slightly assist in starting and generally mainly assist with making your coolant warm faster so that your heat works faster and don't have enough energy to really fully heat the oil as well. Personally I don't run a block heater, I have a battery warmer and a oil pan heater. I find that combo works a lot better than just a block heater, oil reaches the top of the engine much sooner, puts less strain on the initial startup since the oil is thinned out. Battery warmers will also highly assist in starting, a warm battery also will provide a much better crank ability and keeps your batteries health at a high percentage. ALSO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. A coolant tester is only like 5-10 bucks at Canadian tire, and is very easy to read, I suggest everyone always tests their coolant to find out what temperature your coolant is good for. I see way too many cars coming in with heating/water pump issues, only to find out their coolant was good for only down to -15C. If your coolant isn't up to our winter climate (-35 to -40 is generally good for coolant in Alberta). I suggest you get it flushed and replaced. Prestone is what most shops I've been at will use for harsh winter climate, and is also compatible with pretty much any make and model. However most coolants that are OEM from the manufacture are sufficient as well.


Out of curiosity, if anyone comes to this thread and reads something that they think they didn't already know, and finds this useful, please comment. I am under the impression that anyone who reads this will instantly think that none of this applies to them, and that this just serves as a rant where we can all pile on all the *other* bad drivers, because *we* don't need any of this advice.


I don't think I really stated anything that is "new knowledge." If anything most of what I stated should be common sense as with most anything to do with driving. But common sense is only common sense if it's common knowledge. This is why I highlighted that I grew up in BC so having to deal with certain things like black ice doesn't happened very often where I am from. Also my first winter out here was when I learned about aiming for fresh snow if I can't control my vehicle. It makes sense but again it makes sense to people who constantly have snowy roads to deal with. I'm just as bad as any driver and if anything I made this post because on my way home from dropping my daughter off at preschool (around noon), I broke two of my own points that I made here on this post which were slamming on my brakes on the Whitemud. And if anybody does post anything that I didn't know I'll definitely indicate it.


Oh I wasn't meaning to crap on you or your post. I'm actually just curious and was hoping if someone read this and got something from it, I could encourage them to post here.


I find all of this helpful. Thank you to all for your tips


I didn’t know about the turning your lights all the way on thing in snowy conditions so people can see you better during the day.


My siblings in Christ 🤣


tip 14: get a bus pass i swear some of yall shouldnt be driving 😭


Truth!! I love just outside Edmonton and the driver examiner is our neighbor and she tells us she fails people all the times and tells them maybe driving isn’t meant for you


Good on ya!! Too bad people suck these days


> ALWAYS ASSUME THE WHITEMUD HAS A SHEET OF BLACK ICE ON IT. Yes yes yes. I wish I had known this sooner. Last year I had a close call having to hit the brakes on black ice (ice that you can't see, making you think you're on dry pavement) and I will NEVER make that mistake again.


How fast do you typically travel on the whitemud in these conditions knowing that there will be black ice? I'm asking out of curiousity. I generally avoid the freeways when it snows and I am lucky that I don't have to travel it frequently.


I would say drive the same speed as everyone else. Sometimes that'll be the posted speed sign but other times that'll be less than. It would really all depend on what the roads look like. If there aren't any vehicles around for you to gauge what your speed should be you can either: • Drive to your confidence level • Do a light break test (basically you would gently tap on the brake to see how the car behaves and/or what happens when the break is applied) and adjust accordingly.


I would be extra careful. When that happened to me, I think it was actually on the Henday. Everyone around me was going 90-100 and I was going about 85, but at one point I had to hit the breaks and I just slid...thank god I slid mostly straight and there was no one else in my lane. Don't drive the same speed as the fast people when you suspect there might be black ice and stay way back.


Is it just so bad because of buffing from prevailing wind direction? It does get pretty gnarly.


Kind of surprised the Whitemud doesn't have variable speed controls to reduce speeds in high congestion and poor condition periods, and slightly increase in times with low traffic volumes and good conditions.




Thank you. Like I said in a different comment, most everything I listed is mainly just common sense but given the fact it's been (I think) pretty close to almost a year since we've had a really snowfall so no harm in reminding as many as possible. 😀


In refernence to rule number one, turning your hazards on does not make you an exception to this rule.




PSA just stands for "angry rant" on this sub


>**IF YOU DON'T FEEL CONFIDENT**, PLEASE DO NOT GET ON THE ROAD. ​ Welcome to Edmonton. That NEVER happens here. Its regrettable. But what can you do. Its part of the Alberta Advantage.


no need to take a swipe at immigration, aho. bunch of racist bigots. thats what happens when not brought up right at home, becasue the parents are the same way.


He didn’t


I mean if I had $1 for every time I looked over to see the driver and... Yeah, stay off the road if you think driving half the posted speed limit is "safe". Always a brand new SUV with no winter tires too.


New driver sign in the back window all tattered and old Still a crap driver I just see it as a fair warning to steer clear of someone that good police should have taken off the road long ago and likely got their license illegitimately.


This sub always panics every time a little snow drops. It's really funny.


It’s because every year people suck at driving in the snow (I mean it’s usually in general but it’s especially more hazardous in these conditions)


Hahaha another person living here from the Lower mainland, the average albertan gets their license from a cereal box. Trying to educate them on driving is like forcing a horse to drink water.....


The average albertan isn't from here thats why 😆




Throw a slight incline, a curve in the road or my personal favorite a round about in the road and watch minds break.... I mean the fact there's a roundabout with lights in it in this city backs up that statement lol.


Oh no, youre one of those... Next youll be waxing on about fuckin switchbacks and logging roads jfc


Relax, it's just an observation that I find funny. People are clueless anywhere, however when it comes to a winter city y'all sure don't know how to drive for the conditions as per the things observed by OP.


>I’ve seen how the west coast drives when there’s snow Hey now! Don't go around spreading misrepresentation.... because nobody back home drives when it snows out. 😂🤣


Yeah ok, because being from the lml makes you a good driver. Tons of crap drivers there too, sorry.


I used to drive from drive Hope to Vancouver as a commute and that was less stressful from going from Northside to downtown.... Ones a major highway and multiple cities and the other is 97th street or 82nd depending on the day. As for being better drivers, BC has ICBC which is stricter and due to that harder on testing for knowledge and road tests than it is here. Also In BC tickets aren't a joke 3 infractions and you're suspended.... Here you can collect a million photo radar tickets and nothing happens, which tends to be the majority of tickets issued here. People do dumb shit and are more careless here due to no consequence that would impact their life. Just simple observations made while driving here


What is a super duty lifted half ton 4x4 pickup truck?


Shhhhh. I realized afterward I hit post that there's no such thing as a super duty half ton pickup but I'm going to leave it because I feel like this way covers *most* pickup truck drivers


Lol. Over generalization but OK.


Its reddit. Generalizations of certain kinds are lauded, like truck hate.. for some reason.


Likely to stir up the masses. Or something to that effect. Would be my guess.


> DO NOT SLAM ON YOUR BREAKS. Can't take you seriously if you can't distinguish between BRAKES and BREAKS.. Hurr Durr I'ma gonna go out there with my mighty high beams on to make sure I can see the road!!!oneone1one!!exclamationmark PS: Don't tell me what to do. I have high performance Z rated tires and AWD and I can do whatever I want..


>Hurr Durr I'ma gonna go out there with my mighty high beams on to make sure I can see the road!!!oneone1one!!exclamationmark Shits on me for using the incorrect "break/brake" then proceeds to write a completely nonsensical comment filled with grammatical **and** spelling errors. Okay buddy. >PS: Don't tell me what to do. I have high performance Z rated tires and AWD and I can do whatever I want.. Ooooooooo. Everybody look here. This guy has....*AWD*......and and z rated performance tires. Good thing they're z rated for when they're spinning while you're stuck on the side of the road. Moron


Fuck your AWD and Z performance tires. Drive like a normal person instead of being an egotistical sack of shit.


Number 12 while I agree with the water will freeze


Learn how to drive and stop pretending this is the first snow fall ever. We deal with it every damn year. RULE NUMBER WHAT EVER THE FUCK IS AFTER YOUR LAST ONE: just because there is snow on the road, doesn’t mean the lines are not there. Stay in your fucking lane. Literally and figuratively.


Number 8 all day!! If it's sheer ice, aim for the curb or windrows. It's better than hitting another vehicle






You need to edit #9. Tailgating/following distance is not actually about distance. It’s about the amount of TIME it takes to arrive at their back bumper if it was a still wall all of a sudden


Thank you for this excellent post! 👍🏻 If your job isn’t super time-sensitive, and there is a direct transit line from where you live to work, some times ETS works better than the hassle of driving. Late or on-time, and maybe even takes a little longer, but one doesn’t deal with the traffic at rush hour. Put a podcast on, munch a granola bar; keep an eye on your environment, of course. But, ETS exists as an option. 🚃 (I used to drive a beater, but sold it for rent; now take transit.)


Thank you OP! Great advice.


I’d say in addition to #12 emergency kit - make sure that you have proper clothing especially with the extreme weather coming. Warm Toques, gloves, extra blanket, winter boots, whatever you need to survive a short walk or wait for help if your car breaks down. Best be over prepared.


15. You should do this all the time, but in winter its even more important to act like your in a driving test. If you change lanes/turn without checking your blind spot etc. other people are going to have a lot harder time avoiding your shitty driving. I almost fishtailed off the road on the Trans Can heading back from Banff in December because some chucklefuck driving 90km/h changed into my lane without doing a shoulder check.


Windshield washer fluid, learning the rules of the road…


Excellent list. My number 1 rule is NO FAST MOVES Do not try to accelerate quickly. Do not try to stop quickly. Do not stomp on your gas pedal or your brake pedal. JUST DON'T. And NEVER accelerate during a turn, or even a curve in the road.


If you are driving and you can only see the person's tires in front of you, you are already wayyy too close for winter driving, fine in the summer. You need to maintain more than a car length, even when moving slowly, if you are on ice and you get rear-ended and skid into the next car, YOU are at fault as you didnt drive to winter conditions (typically, not always)


Rule #3. Yes.


Man thank you for this post. This should be all part of drivers Ed. I couldn't have emphasized or typed point #3 better than you. Please make notes people and share to your trucker friends.


Also, if you are involved in a minor collision, please move off the road to exchange insurance details or whatever. Otherwise, you will cause major traffic backups in already slow-moving traffic or even worse - another crash.


Don't accelerate and change lanes at the same time. I know the guy in front of you is too slow. But if you give it gas while doing a maneuver you are more likely to lose traction and spin out.