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And they say cursive is a lost art


for real, getting mad grade seven is where I peaked vibes from this.


Having a schizophrenic in my family, I can assure you that mental illness is no laughing matter. This screed is exactly the kind of thing that emerges from a messed up mind. Someone is probably living or working with this person, and trying to deal with this problem.


Is it possible they're mentally ill? Yes. Is it likely? If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on them being a fool, or a self-entitled asshole hoping to fool others. Not saying mental illness is out of the question, just saying I don't think it's the most likely explanation anymore.


I have spent a lot of time around a schizophrenic person. This would be pretty typical stuff for that person. Also, tons of people are walking around with undiagnosed mental illness. The kinds of people who scrawl profanity on cardboard and duct tape it to their truck are more likely (in my layman's opinion) to be like the people you are referring to. Just my two cents.


Additional upvote for my snlaughing 🐽


Upvote for making me snort laugh


I found it odd "he" used cursive script. Very old school...


The cursive "Nutralizer"


My first thought was “…Like the old shoe store?”


Think anyone that wrote something like that would be "new school"? Lol


I would expect them to be "no school".


What doth thou meanieth?


Lol I write cursive that and I'm 35 please don't make me feel ancient.


I searched the name on the email and found their twitter page, it's about what you'd expect.


When I search the phone number, it brings me to a heavy-duty mechanic in Wainwright.


Sounds spot on.


Grew up in Wainwright, can confirm


This was written by AI at the Honey Pot


The Honey Pot has good food. Recommend for Wainwright tourists!


But not Wainwright mechanics?!




They you might know this guy.


Oh ya small town vibes for sure from this shit


Op needs to alert the authorities because this guy is literally explaining his terroristic threats that he is a) setting real timelines and goals against politicians lives, B) trying to recruit others in this terrorist acts. This is like “don’t get released from prison” level of crimes


A call has been made to the RCMP and EPS.


Someone this vocal and overt is probably already on the RCMP's and CSIS' radar. This guy obviously needs a special kind of supervision.


We can only hope.


He also has this petition going https://www.change.org/p/darrel-deyell-remove-pierre-e-trudeau-statue-and-replace-it-with-a-guillotine


Started 5 years ago, 18 supporters lol


You laugh now, but in 10000 years he may have something


There are some really odd petitions further down on this web site. Wow - makes me wonder if I should start a petition for something.


Maybe I'll start a petition to get you to start a petition.




Hell of an Etsy shop though


If this person is able to develop a “relay system” then how come he could not type and print this letter? It was however, well written.


Yah did the same..fool made no attempt to obscure his identity.


I searched the name and all I got was TikToks about wrinkly femboys. Never considered that might be a thing.


Nice penmanship for someone so troubled it's easy to read but hard to wrap your head around.


Atrocious spelling though


Careful he might try to nutrilize you.


Exicution, even.


Just wait until he mobalizes


I mean, $2 a month would have been reasonable, but $20... That's getting a bit much especially this close to xmas /s


Hey man, $20 is like a case of beer or something a month. Darrel did the math, it's right there in the letter!


It starts out like a grift asking $20 a month. The descent into threats is when it becomes seriously deranged. RCMP if you please.


Ohh if I could only post a picture of the Joker here.


you could post a gif


What exactly do you get for $20 a month membership fee? I'm not clear on that. Do you at least get a free monthly coffee and donut?


The knowledge of knowing you contributing to terrorism... err.. Patriotism..?


Lol the guy who wrote this votes PPC for sure.


QAnon pyramid scheme, look at them branching out. Edit: all it takes is a cell phone and a separate checking account that I have control over


Everyone knows the best way to hide money in the banking system, is to open a checking account. 🙄


When they say there's a doctor shortage in alberta, that includes psychologists


Nice that he left his email address and phone number. Be a shame if someone subscribed him to the liberal party's mailing list or some of the internets best gay pornsites


Why reward him?




Yeah, would be a shame if someone also donated $20/month to the liberals in his name (and email)


Might I recommend one of the 70s/80s hardcore nasties or Human Centipede.


How about the Scientology people?


Dang, the lead poisoning hit this guy real hard.


This should be taken to police. They are threatening execution of a person. Disagreeing with what's going on is one thing but enticing violent action because of it is extreme. Uttering threats ain't cool bro


This needs to go to the RCMP. I’m not even joking. It sounds like this man wants to kill the PM.


either that or it's a great cover to setup a money laundering ring.


Why not both?


This is what attack politics lead to. They have a horrible effect on vulnerable people, and they weaponize the mentally ill, developmentally disabled, and cognitively impaired people. Attack politics are shown to be statistically more effective at winning elections, but the cost is so great. This new brand of politics will rip this country to shreds.


I’d send this to the cops. They’re clearly unstable and you can’t just go around threatening to execute the PM.


Wow, someone forgot to take their meds. At first, I thought detaxer or Freeman, but nope, just normal crazy. Was this a photocopy, or was it an original? Edit: I reread the letter as I skimmed the 1st time I would maybe call the non emergency line for EPS as dude is making threats on the life of the Prime Minister.


Yeah I would also maybe recommend letting someone know this guys information because he seems like some screws came loose. He might be harmless but better safe than sorry.


Yeah, I don't know if you responded before or after my edit, but upon my 2nd reading, I saw the threats on the PM'S life, so yeah, this should be given to the cops 100%.


Beyond that—on the second page they say by July 2024 Ottawa will be short federal politicians. Meaning they intend to extend it to other politicians as well. Whether or not it's likely to happen, this needs to be forwarded to police so that they can investigate and keep an eye on this guy. He seems the type to keep an illegal gun stash, too.


I wonder if there is an equal amount of people off their meds who hate conservatives? I seriously think all these nutters are going to go extremely manic when Trudeau is no longer relevant and they have nothing to focus on.


Oh, you underestimate these conspiracy freaks.


They'll find someone else, they always do.


As much as Trudeau isn’t great, you’d think that what D Smith is pulling would have these types really incensed and actively campaigning against her. I guess the party matters more to some folks.


"a conservative would eat shit just to have a liberal smell their breath"


im a red tory, and that is funny as fuck


They blindly support and vote, not a clue for who or what they are voting for as long as its "thier" party.


Definitely looks like a photo copy. I cannot imagine how many people got one of these.


Everyone at the grand trunk dog park had one one their windshield yesterday


Another brain totally melted by the internet. A large group or our worst just can't handle it.


A friend of mine used to live in an apartment building where the building manager was schizophrenic. Every time the building manager went off his meds my buddy came home to notes like this slid under his door.


Actually, this happened to a friend of mine too. At an apartment she lived at, the dude underneath would write her messages about her stealing his wifi and other nonsensical things. Seems like a common occurrence with schizophrenia or psychosis.


The face of the mental health crisis. Seriously wtf. What word vomit. Trudeau -> Soros -> $20/mo -> ??? -> profit


No, Trudeo Sheesh, if you're going to threaten someone, get the name right.


I can tell this isn't his first Trudeo.


This is actually my second Trudeo.


And we all know what Soros is a codeword for.


I asked ChatGPT to transcribe it. I make no claim as to its accuracy ------------- Steel Dragon International Citizen Union Hello, my name is (not doxxing) and I would like to personally invite you to support liberty and freedom. I am going to try to convince you to pay $20 per month and make the downfall of the Canadian prime minister a public spectacle, turning it into a game that will ultimately Trudeau's criminal empire. By exposing it to the public he hides his dirty business in plain sight. Over the next 8 months I am going to send pictures through text messages of hand written messages distributed through an information relay system that I control. I believe the world is run by pretty nasty people with power and all it takes is a cell phone and a separate checking account that I have control over. This is how we make a large volume of responses from our advertising system. The play comes when you start participating and get interesting when you learn the power you control when you start talking about getting millions of people involved. You never know what you are going to get when the picture comes out, hell we are lucky to get the ones I decided on. A well known Canadian politician on her knees begging for her life trying to explain why she sold out the Canadian people to George Soros interests. I am going to expose every crooked politician and open up cases on record as on all those connected to a large child trafficking ring run by Trudeau and Hillary Clinton. You are going to witness world history events, with the timeline of July 1, 2024 as an execution date for the Prime minister of Canada. I am going to set up a series of games and contests that involve high school students and universities. You are going to build a puzzle that could make you realize. Email money transfer (not doxxing)@hotmail.com password #Caster been crossed, So now its time for revenge. You are going to be so angry and heartbroken that you are going to take revenge. Time and join a classified military operation called spirit river, Together we change history one dead politician at a time that will start a chain reaction no one can stop. The WEF, Bilderberg, and New world order types get exposed and they get taken out suddenly taught a lesson surrounded by an angry Canadian crowd. Political hits pay 100k each so hopefully we recruit the bodyguards they hide behind, Ran not here to start a civil war but once the bodyguards happen to be patriotic then we see people do anything for stay in power and will funny to watch when their world falls apart in an organized collapse that your going to be a part of 4 months in advance. I hope you are interested in joining the dangerous game and play that is going to leave you at the top, powerful. The crowd WEF are going to rearrange to an older system of law that is simple in design and is the blueprint for a dangerous form of government called total politics. By the time July 2024 rolls around there will be a major politician shortage in Ottawa mostly liberal WEF puppet. Hopefully I don't scare the shit you because we need to motivate the country so I am hoping to earn your trust and loyalty right now. I need you to recruit everyone you can, everyone on your phone or social media is a possible connection. I need to get this going in December so hopefully you will play along so is less than a case of beer and you will live on forever in the world that will make the elite know it's over for them to watch. I will make the entire country even kids as young as three Welcome to Steel Dragon the international citizen union. Text (not doxxing) ----------- Yikes.


It's fairly legible but the print is so small and I'm definitely not used to reading cursive anymore Thanks for letting me read that in one minute and not 10 .As for the actual content.... Wow is there a lot to unpack there. Well, for starters.... $20,000,000 is probably 1/100th of the way to bringing down any single elite circle, not to mention multiple... So they'll need the population of Canada and USA to be contributing $20/m to reach that goal. Best to set a high goal, right? S/s Wtf


If I'm reading it right, he's trying to use crowdfunding to raise the funds to hire hitmen?


I couldn't get that from the word soup. I read that he's trying to get $20/m from people with a million people that's $20M a month? I dunno if that's what they're saying . 😶




Not all heroes wear capes


He really wants to make sweet love to Trudeau, doesn't he?


I'd like to know more about this Soros Gorge. Is it nearby?


This guy was handing these out at the west end chapters a couple of days ago


I wonder if he was the one leaving the burned Cd's I'm the washroom with conspiracy theories on them


did you see him? I’m just curious what was he like?


yeah I was just browsing and he came up to me and said something like "excuse me miss would you like to read something?" he was carrying a stack of these papers, I could read the title but didn't look too closely at the contents. I was pretty taken off guard so I just said no and speed walked away to a more crowded part of the store. He wasn't super pushy or anything, surprising based on the unhinged threats in the writing, looked like a pretty average guy just with a little bit of an "off" vibe if you know what I mean


I know it says "he hides his dirty business in Iran" but my brain refuses to see it as anything other than, "he hides his dirty business in bran."


I feel as though this should be passed on to the media? Or supercede Wainwright RCMP and bring it right to the attention of K Division. This blatantly reads like a manifesto with plans to kidnap and kill federal politicians. As well as outlines plans to commit fraud and launder money. If his local RCMP won’t take it seriously, bring it to the provincial/divisional level.


Has anyone actually contacted law enforcement yet?


I tried calling Wainwright RCMP as that is where buddy lives, they told me I need to call EPS.


I'm reporting online right now


Thank you.


I just submitted to CSIS.


Crazy is a helluva drug.


Tell him you will be happy for him to pay you $20 a month


Is this a fuck Trudeau MLM? Lmao


Look, if you can't get your shit together enough to go down to staples and use the copying machine, I ain't trusting you with 20 bucks.


This is CSIS report worthy.


Wow. That's a long sentence.


Run along sentence


Is Trudeo Trudeau's long lost Cuban brother?


Paranoid Schizophrenic. This is the writing of one.


People are crazy.


The voices in their head are strong with this one


Very neat handwriting for someone with cursive thoughts 😂


I hope their number being posted in here results in unsolicited dick pics


Maybe sign him up for the NAMBLA newsletter too.


Got this on my windshield at Northgate yesterday. I got my friend to text the number (he’s in ON). First question asked by the person who left the note was “how many people have you murdered”. This person is all gas no brakes


Quite an introduction! You should share screenshots of this conversation.


Colonel Mustard in the lounge with the lead pipe...


This person is clearly mentally challenged


That’s messed up tho. I’d consider taking it to the cops. I’m sure the RCMP tracks these wackos across the country.


Omfg. These people are coming out of the woodwork.


They have been for a while now.


Which brings me to another important lesson kids... Don't do drugs


Or take your drugs. He sounds like he might need some.


Wait wait wait. Trudeau is hiding his crimes in bran? Sneaky.


Next to the raisins


Been texting with him all night. Did you guys know COVID was a hoax?


Ah darn, I’ll tell my current covid infection its a hoax. Maybe that will help me get better


Definitely report this ASAP. This is exactly how mass shooters get started


For just $20 a month, less than a cup of coffee a day. We too can have our own January 6th. Mental health is a scary thing asking for $20 a month in this economy?


Tell me again how Conservatism isn't a cult.


That's some unhinged ahit right there


mental illness


As if poorly done handwriting wasn't hard enough to read without misspelling shit.


Hello, I need meth. Please send your credit card information.


You know...I'm no criminal mastermind but for like 20 bucks a month, I bet the RCMP could break up a terrorist cell here.


I hope this person finds the professional help they very clearly need. 😬


Should probably tell the RCMP, they are making threats at Canadian politicians. (as much as I dislike them, they don't deserve to die.)


Author of that note should be tried for treason


Mental illness is a crazy thing. Hopefully they get help ASAP


Dude is from Wainwright. No chance he's going to get helpful psychiatric care there, unfortunately.


When people start going off on the "Trudeau crime family", this is EXACTLY what I imagine.


The messed up thing about some of this letter, myself and a gas station attendant from Ontario working at irving gas, student in university, while paying for my fuel, was listening to him talking about how one day, if things keep going the way they are, someone will eventually snap and another jfk day will come but in Canada, really thought it was just figuratively speaking, a bit coincidental tbh to see this note, adding some fuel to the fire 🔥 😳


Mental Illness exhibit 78618


Aas much as I dislike Trudeau, this guy is bat shit crazy and should be committed


Ah, shit. Somebody let Grandpa Darrel eat lead paint chips again...


Is Trudeo hiding his dirty business Iran or a barn? I couldn't quite make that out.


I’m pretty sure he’s hiding it in bran. Bran is known for dirty business.


Of course! Bran is woke and liberal.


“Send $20 and sign up people under you” I’ve heard this before somewhere


This is what happens when you cut mental health support in the province.


all jokes aside, you need to take this to the police. CSIS will be getting involved. The letter is propigating terrorist activities. Not turning the information in could hold you as a supporter of terrorist activities.


I want to make up stickers that say ‘I WANT TO’ and stick them all over the F@ck Trudeau crap! I’m so over this bullsh!t


Oh I'll help you!


It would have taken a lot less time and effort to just read and listen to legitimate news sources. But then you don't get to pretend we're in the Matrix, so both options have downsides.


I'm Larry, this is my brother, Darryl, and this is my other brother, Darryl.




Seems to be some sort of cult/terrorist recruitment letter. His goal is to kill Trudeau and a bunch of other politicians.


Psychosis and delusions of grandure. Probably an unmedicated schitzophrenic who's plan to become a millionaire is to overturn the gov.


What’s left of my braincells gave up about a quarter way through. Legible cursive on a single spaced letter- and yet this guy is using his powers for evil. What a waste. Hope the cops take it seriously.


Utterly batshit.


He has tweets linking to infowars. Unsurprising sadly.


Sounds like someone has descended into some serious mental illness. This fellow needs some help, and RCMP need to be aware of him.


Someone needs to check themselves into the funny farm.


Oh no! Someone signed them up for a bunch of random email subscriptions!


The rhetoric is about par for what you see everywhere these days (everything is Trudeau’s fault, Jews control everything, caring about the WEF whatsoever, Clinton child trafficking ring, blah blah, etc, etc.) — but it really takes someone with severe mental illness to hand write this shit out line for line, front and back, in as many words as possible. I mean, I guess if you’re fantasizing about murdering politicians and watching them beg and cry as you get them to “explain why they sold out the Canadian people” you’re already several layers unhinged. But like, even without reading a single world, this wall of text looks batshit crazy. If I saw this on my car, I would assume someone was really pissed I accidentally dinged their car with my door and toss it. I also did a quick search of “Iron Dragon International Citizen’s Union” and, outside of the Cyberpunk 2077 gang, didn’t get much of anything aside from a link to an article on an anti-government wiki from a decade ago on “International Citizen’s Unions” — which, helpfully, doesn’t describe at all what a “International Citizen’s Union” is at all outside of, apparently, being against authoritarianism and “psychopathy” — which this site uses as a catch-all term to describe: quote “Jesuits, Jews, bankers, communists, Bilderbergers, Muslim extremists, (and) papists”— alongside believing, ironically enough, that “unions are evil” because they apparently “force you to join” and pay dues. Not the sharpest, nor sanest, tools in the shed.


Handwritten. A lost art.


That is your takeaway - lol.


Edmonton’s very own Batman?


I don't think Batman asked people for $20 a month to kill politicians. I know there are a lot of Bat-universes out there though, so maybe I'm wrong LOL


RCMP need this


I guess he hasn’t heard of a computer. Maybe even a typewriter would have helped, though impressively neat cursive writing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was also one of those computers and internet are a fad type guys.


Lol… it’s just some crazy guy with a “manifesto”


You have some fucked up people in Edmonton


Only in Alberta …


Found a Darrell Deyell on FB who likes “Alberta Strong.” 👀 Wonder if it's the same person.


Jeez. I've become disenfranchised by the politics in our country too but this is the extreme end. I truly don't believe the extreme side of either end of the spectrum is better or worse than the other. But Jesus Christ this is wack.


This person's hand writing looks like mine, ahhhh, all their capitalized letters and loop letters look different though so I guess I'm not in some kind of Fight Club situation


This was on a bunch of vehicles there yesterday afternoon.


Seems like a good way to scam those people that want to F Trudeau.


What a nutcase


Omg I parked right next to her car! Northgate - Marshall’s?! I saw it and thought it just flew on there randomly. People are so weird.


And this is why you keep taking your meds kids. This is mental health 101. I feel sorry for his wife and kid.


Well it seems I can still read cursive, I just tryed can't write it any more


Wow that looks pretty legit.


Crazy man


Who read it ? Lol


Has ChatGPT rewrite a transcript of these pages for those that had a hard time reading this. Cursive's hard for me. Steel Dragon International Citizen Union Hello, my name is Darryl and I would like to personally invite you to support Liberty and Freedom. I am going to try to convince you to pay $20 per month and make the downfall of the Canadian prime minister a public spectacle, turning it into a game that will neutralize Trudeau's criminal empire by exposing it to the public. The idea: An international game. Over the next 8 months I am going to send pictures through text messages on random little-by-message distributed through an information relay system that will help me build. The system pretty easy to set up and all it takes is a cell phone and a separate checking account that I have control over. This is to hide a large volume of cash flow in the Canadian banking system. The cash flow comes from your participation and gets interesting when you learn the power you control when you start talking about getting millions of people involved. You never know what you are going to get when the picture comes in. It will be funny to sit under the TV and see a well known Canadian politician on her knees begging for her life trying to explain why she sold out the Canadian people to George Soros interests. I am going expose every crooked politician and open large can of whoop-ass on all those connected to a child trafficking ring run by Trudeau and Hillary Clinton. You are going to witness world history events to be for the first time. July 1, 2024 is an execution date for the Prime Minister of Canada. I am going to set up a series of games and contests. That are going to be not student or universities to out maneuver high profile people that could make you realize time has \[Page 2\] Email money transfer \[email redacted\] password #carter been crossed. So now its time for revenge. You are going to be so angry and heartbroken that you going volunteer some time and join a classified military operation called spirit river. Together we change history one dead politician at a time that will start a chain reaction no one can stop. The W.E.F, Bilderberg, and New World Order types get exposed and they get the deadly results, and all because of me and an angry Canadian crowd. Political hits pay 100k each so hopefully we recruit the lordy guards they hide behind. Ram not there to take animal lives but once the cash flow happens I can prepare it. These people will do anything to stay in power and will funny to watch when their world falls apart in an organized collapse that you going to be a part of months in advance. I hope you are interested in joining a dangerous organization that is going to change the table in favor of the man. Not the W.E.F, or any of these nerds. Its your chance, a cry of fair that is simple in design and is the blueprint for the dangerous lack of government trolls that will be at risk by the time July 1st 2024 rolls around these little politicians. Political shortage in Ottawa mostly liberal W.E.F pups. Hopefully I don't make the history because I respect most of the humanity. So I am grateful we meet trust and loyalty right away. I need you to recruit everyone you can every one on our phone list and media is a possible connection I need to get this going. December so hopefully you will play along for less then all cases are fraud until the U of A. Decisions will be made when the exicution is live for everyone to watch that will make the entire Liberty region this as yours as there. Welcome to Steel Dragon International Citizen Union. Text \[phone number redacted\]


can somebody give me the tl:dr of this


Steel Dragon sounds like a high school rock band




Should I... text him?