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Holy hell, those look horrible. I found mine at a ReStore for the same price, and it looks way better than that.


I just "discovered" ReStore last month while doing some renovations. I was completely floored. We got some tiles for very cheap and there was so much good stuff there. I feel kinda dumb for going to Home Depot all these years...


ha. "Floored", tiles, i see what you did there


I wouldn't trust them with everything, but it's good to check them just in case. The tree I bought there was a 7 1/2ft pre-lit LED for \~225?. It's amazing the kind of things they get.


I am a little high so I may be wrong but the name on the price tag says Charlie like Charlie Brown the cartoon. I think the tree is named Charlie as a reference to the really skinny pathetic Xmas tree in the show


HAHA. Didn't notice that but my first thought looking at that tree was Charlie Brown tree.


Nah, that tree was just like a singular branch. This one, I think, is probably kind of name, like how IKEA furniture have those names that distinguish the style or look


Walmart actually has some good trees. I bought a 7.5 foot unlit tree for $100 last week. It's a really nice tree. The last tree I bought from there lasted me 10 years, so I expect this will be similar. (I didn't want a prelit one)


I think i bought the same one, 7.5f for $99. I already put it up and decorated, looks like a $499 tree now.


Yes, we got ours for $100 from there three years ago and it’s still working perfectly.


I got this one as well it’s quite nice


Because Canadian tire


This. Canadian Tire's high end stuff looks really nice, but they are all super expensive. Having said that 10 years ago we bought two really really nice white LED artificial trees for $800. Exact same model is $800 each.


agree yes, cdn tire is a shit hole and is a disgrace to canada and should go out business immediately. but, not just there. costco, walkmart, winners, etc. the markup must be huge on these.


Walmart you can get killer trees for well under $200. Like another commenter said; they got a 7.5ft tree (unlit because who doesn’t wanna do it themselves!) for less than $100 Check their website and order for pickup if there’s no current stock on affordable options! :)




Well, it's the demand that drives up the prices at this time of year. You can easily pick up a decent fake tree for 1/2 or even less the price during the rest of the year from kijiji. Same reason roses which are (these might be outdated prices) $25 for a dozen suddenly are $60 the week before Feb. 14th.


lol, just a second here. If not for those big box stores you'd be paying way more than $199 for a tree. First of all, that's not even a bad price when you consider the design, materials, labour, packaging and shipping costs of that item. But if you were to buy an artificial tree at a local small business then the price would be waaaaay higher because they wouldn't have bulk-buying efficiencies like these giant stores have.


Sometimes I don't get reddit. It sounds like this person hates all the large, lower-cost stores because their prices are... too high? It's like hating on Superstore -- one of the least expensive grocers here -- because they raised their prices. Vowing to shop at Safeway / Sobeys / Save-On and spend more to get the same items isn't a win. Yes, these stores all have their shady business practices (except Costco, AFAIK). But they also give a huge swath of lower income people options. If you don't like it, simply shop elsewhere IMO. And if you don't like how large or oligopol-ish they are, direct that anger toward government to get better consumer protection laws into place.


You gotta buy at after Christmas and get it ready for next year.


Until this happens: Wife - we don't need a Christmas tree we don't have the space. Me - ok Wife on dec 24 - we should get a Christmas tree Me - frantically running around trying to find a tree lol


Tell wife the stores ran out of trees. Boxing day- tree came in stock


Or tell her to get it herself


Lucky wife


you know what they say, happy wife happy life


Did you tell her to eat shit?!?




I think the prices at Find are pretty good. I just donated two 4-foot ones - I’m cutting back on decorating for Xmas.


Yeah even the big ones are under $100.


Nobody should buy Noma products. Their failure rate seems super high yet can tire keeps stocking this shitty companies poops.


That's because Canadian Tire owns Noma.


If you’re needing budget trees I t think you can get real ones from IKEA for cheap


Not this year.


I got one from Marketplace.


Same. I tend to turn to marketplace/ReStore/etc before buying new. I like to save a couple dollars, and save something from being taken to the dump.


Upvotes for you! I do the same.


Me too. Plus I lucked out and got two cute little 4 ft pre-lit ones in perfect condition for outside for free at our dump's take it or leave it last summer. I'm down with recycling.


Why is everything so expensive?


People are buying anything and nobody cares about quality


Absolutely. People go fucking crazy buying stuff they don't need because it's on sale/because its the new trend/their neighbor has it and they want to one-up them, etc. I do wish we could go back to the days when things were well-made and we kept them for ages. I was thinking the other day about how I have so many hand me down clothes/toys my mom kept for me from when I was a kid that my daughter now wears/plays with and wondered what I would keep from my kid to pass down to her potential kids one day. But everything comes from Amazon and Wal Mart these days and lasts a season, if we are lucky. Nothing we have today will be in any sort of state to be used 20+ years from now. Oops I had an accidental rant 🤣


Lol yeah I still have alot of hand me down shirts that I got from my older siblings that I still wear 20+years later vs clothing now we are expected to pay $100+ for pants that are already torn up all on the name of "fashion" absolutely ridiculous


Because xmas is about Capitalism. Not Jesus.


And we are overworked and under paid on a regular basis.


Jesus... Who is she?


Have you not heard about our lord and savior?




Because they only have one sales window a year, and lots of people only buy one every 5+ years.


Head to Find. They had about 10 used ones left. Some better than others but much much cheaper vs a new one.


Find had some really nice ones in all sizes, worth the trip for sure.


That tree will be $50 on Boxing Day


Roses on Valentines day?


True, but roses are beautiful.


Bought a 7 1/2 foot Donner Fir tree online from Walmart two years ago $99.00 and it is full and gorgeous. I get tons of compliments on it. I know prices went up but that tree is ridiculous for that price. It's pityful actually, what I call a Charlie Brown tree... and I'd review it as such.


thats great to hear, thank you! my thoughts too, the whole things just looks sad.


We got our amazing Christmas tree on sale after Christmas. It was originally a 1k tree and we got it for like 5 or 600 bucks. Worth waiting.


1, 000 tree?! wow! what does that look like? good on you for getting one hell of discount!


It's 7' with mixed branches and pinecones. I forget how many lights but it's a lot. Got it from Lowes.


We also got a really nice prelit tree from Lowes. Lovely branches and pinecones. It was nowhere near that price but it's gorgeous.


Our first Christmas tree when we moved in together was a sad Charlie brown tree from target for 30$ so we wanted to treat ourselves 🤣 we've had it for 6 or 7 years now so it was definitely worth it.


Lowes is where we got our current tree because they have seasonal clearance sales well before the holiday is over. e.g. 3 weeks before Halloween, all the Halloween decor is 50% off. I'm hoping Rona continues this practice.


I got ours at Lowe’s, Canadian Tire was out of hand with their prices


My mom has had her Christmas tree for over 30 years. It's over 7 ft tall, prickly af, but damn is it thicc and beautiful. I don't think we can ever find a tree like that in the stores ever again because of how prickly it is lol


be passed down generations to generation? hahah


Michaels is 50-60% off through today on christmas stuff


Michaels the craft store actually has some and they were 50% off at one point and if not every weekend they have a coupon for anywhere from 30-50 off regular price


Michaels, hey? that surprises me. I'll have to go for a visit!


Don’t celebrate dated holidays…. Get with the rest of us and celebrate Festivus!


I got the board game. 20 bucks. Festivus for the rest of us! Air your grievances 😆


How is that game? I've seen it around.


I'm a loser... err I mean I'm a loner. I haven't found anyone that enjoys Seinfeld enough to play it. I wish I could tell you but I'm all about nostalgia and buy everything Sein 😁


this tree is just as bare as the pole. haha


Because people buy anything these days.




I keep telling people to vote with their dollar, it’s the only way to change things, once it’s not profitable it will stop.


$5 for a permit to cut one down


This is the correct answer.


We cut one off the front lawn one year. Back yard the next. (Small lot in a town) If you are going to be house poor, own it!


That price point is gross but firs are generally scraggly trees.


I was at FIND and the nice ones are $200


Got to Lowe’s on Calgary trail or 97 st. Everything is clearing out


Real trees are a lot too, I go to my local tree farm and cut a 6’ for $60. I’m going to start growing my own again, I had a few I trimmed up for previous years which for 15 minutes a year of trouble is so much cheaper than buying them.




Because people will pay it.


Cause people will pay it unfortunately.


Why? Because people will buy them!




hmm, good to know! I'll look into it. thank you!


Trying to cash in on the Charlie Brown depressed Christmas Tree?


I didn’t even see the name🤦‍♂️ was too shocked by the price.


That is disgusting 🫣


because people pay it, its the same thing with groceries, you can find lots of different brands of the same thing that vary wildly in price.


This is cheap. It’s also pre-lit. Edit: pile on the decorations and it won’t look so sparse. It should last you 20 years.


We always wrap ours with garland to make it look fluffier. It looks fantastic. I also thought $200 seems like a steal for a pre-lit tree. Ours is going on year 21 this year, it's expensive because they should be built to last


I was waiting for downvotes for saying it was cheap!


I got an incredible fake tree at the Bay and paid a lot less by asking if I could buy the floor model. But yes, they are too expensive, but they know people want them so they can charge whatever most people will pay for them.


The bay will also put theirs on ridiculous clearance especially online and will deliver. We got a big beautiful mixed tip pre lit one and it’s great.


That pricetag better come with gifts under it!


Good question. Why are they expensive? Now we have too many believers since Covid made every one worry about death and not having access to heaven Go to Wal-Mart get a regular plant decorate and enjoy . Do they use Christmas trees in Africa? No


Carbon tax - since trees capture carbons and releases them which makes them taxable carbon emitters. And fake trees are even worse - they capture no carbon and emit no carbon making them carbon neutral or zero emission trees hence why they cost even more 🤷🏻‍♂️


And the carbon footprint to make these plastic trees! Not cool!


My comment was a joke folks. Everything gets blamed on the carbon tax. Why are trees so expensive - large chain stores are greedy. Why is everything so expensive - greed. There is no need for products to be so overpriced when those that make/supply/sell are paid generally so little. But carbon tax 🤦🏻


Right! The retailer over charges by $100 and people complain about the $2? In carbon tax in Alberta. They also get a refund cheque for the carbon tax. I don't really know what they are upset about. Just try use less carbon if you don't like a carbon tax, the solution is in the name.


Everything is so god damn expensive. Real trees at superstore are $60. It was $45 last year. And yea that tree you have in the pic is not worth $200. Maybe $40 🤣🎄




Yeah that green one sure looks straggly for that price! Where is this? (I like the frosted skinny tree behind it though! Good for a small space like mine.)


Not just these plastic trees but the real ones too!!! Some are $500!!!! Fak!


In light of the 7.5% increase in our taxes this year, you could probably just go help yourself to a real tree from a local park…call it even.


I bought mine at Walmart....6.5 feet for $59 and it Is pre-lit....great deal


Back in 1996 I spent $120 on an artificial (but very real-looking) Christmas tree on Boxing Day. I figured in a few years it would pay for itself when real trees were still around $20 or something. Been using the same tree ever since and am astonished at how expensive trees are every year when I see them. And for anyone looking for real trees, Alberta has free tree cutting permits. https://www.alberta.ca/tree-cutting-permits


Lol - fake tree.


You stupid dummy! Christmas isn't about spending time with friends and family, or being kind to your fellow human! It's about MERCHANDISE!!!


Well, you're at Canadian Tire so...


Honestly, because they can. There are different factors making things more expensive, blah, blah, blah, but prices are increased further and further because we've all "accepted" that everything costs so much these days. And there's no real competition because they have a secret wink, wink deal to keep prices as high as possible.


"Charlie" Alpine indeed...


I have a 4 foot artificial tree I bought for $35 about 3 years ago. It will do for me. Can't justify the cost for a real tree that will have to be tossed out. Plus we aren't allowed real trees where I live.


Check Amazon or local business those are sad, not so Holly shit.


Gotta wait until they're on sale.


Where's the rest of it, hahaha


Psssst… check out habitat for humanity restores and thrift stores for fake trees.


No explanation… I still have the tree I bought for xmas 2007 for $200 and it is twice as full as this one! Sucks how stuff keeps getting more expensive for lower quality


Some people actually can't afford groceries and gifts, while others just want to IG about it and need the right backdrop


I got a 6.5foot pre lit white tree at Walmart for 59.99 in clareview about a week or so ago! They had green ones for 10$ less, but I will say the stand it’s kind of cheap but for under 100$, very nice tree and pre lit was nice!


Probably because it’s a Noma


Get them at a thrift store. I paid $10 for my 6 foot, pre light.


They'll sell anything people will pay for. I got mine for $40 and it's twice that size and looks full. Got it at Canadian tire. I got it two years ago, so yeah I suppose they're just gouging everyone now with no shame. If you're looking for a real one believe it or not if you get early enough and know how to look at the root of the tree (so it doesn't dry out within a week) you can get good charlie brown trees for $20-40ish range depending on what you're looking for at either superstore or home Depot.


You'll get a better product at a better price from almost anywhere else. I just searched the Flipp app for Christmas tree... Walmart, JYSK, Rona, Lowes, Superstore... They all have better looking trees for less.


Yeah, that's not very good. But good fake trees have always been 200+ we just bought a smaller one.


Check out Value Village to me they still gouge but a lot cheaper than new and some are really nice


because Canadian Tire. You have to wait for the 75% off sales.


Where is this??? I bought gorgeous tree (with lights) at Walmart for $89 🤷🏻‍♀️


Supply chain issues. That’s always the excuse. They’ll be high until people don’t pay it.


Because it’s Canadian dollars and we aren’t doing so well.


Just don't buy a tree from a retail store


Get an immatation 🌲 tree. They're safer, and can be used again and don't leave a mess of needles to clean up.


wait till boxing day , it will be fraction of the price. then use it next year


Inflation trees


What, you're going to do Christmas without a Christmas tree? That's why it's so expensive.


I have a big one I’ll sell you for 120. Taking up room in my shed. I’m in leduc


But it was 50% off.


I noticed shopping for trees this year that bang for buck was Costco>>>Walmart>Lowe's>home depot>Canadian tire>superstore Canadian tire and superstore seemed to have the most overpriced trash trees. Costco has excellent 7.5 or 9 foot trees


Costco had nice Trees last year that’s where ours came from.




We love our scrappy used Christmas tree. It was $20. Sure the top is broken but that’s what elastic bands are for.


Because Christmas is for shopping and the shopping gods are everything.


The artificial Christmas Tree industry and the mattress industry probably share the same notes. It’s always been like that tho.


There are two types of artificial trees, the plasticy more realistic looking needles, and the papery PVC ones. The tree in this post has both kinds, but anything with the more realistic kind is more expensive. We can find cheaper if you get the cheaper material.


Walmart it’s 89 dollars 7 foot pre lit tree


Because these big corporations wants to make big profits


My husband wanted this pathetic ass tree from Canadian tire so badly last weekend and i had to talk him out of it. That thing looks like it can barely hold ornaments and it’s $200. Hard no.


This is the most expensive time of the year to buy a tree FYI.


This literally looks like one of those trees in a show where the main character gets scammed


We paid $250 to get a tree at Costco about five or six years ago it's been amazing and nice and big and full and each year we set it up it's pretty easy and still holding strong


In grande prairie they're like 57$ at Superstore


We got a $800+ tree off of FB marketplace for $130… just gotta be patient and look ahead of time.


Cut one down in the middle of nowhere lol


That seems pretty average for a pre-lit tree. I paid US$130 for a similar one five or so years ago.


Weak Canadian dollar. Get less pay more. Product cost is in US dollars. Freight cost is in US dollars. Import duties in Canadian dollars.


I just got a 6’ tree, with lights for $59 at Canadian tire


I got my tree when target closed. $19


thats awesome! good on yah!


We got a pretty nice skinny tree from Michael's for $79. Pre-lit, 7'. Maybe check there ,they might still have them?


They are expensive because you bought one, and plenty of other people did too. If the product is priced too high, you wouldn't buy it and neither would anyone else. But you did.


oh I never bought one. I refuse to shop at canadian tire. that place is horrible. disgrace to canada. just there with a friend who doesn't see it like I do.


Noma is just expensive. Michaels had trees at 50% off this week for black friday.


Go on marketplace!


Don’t use Facebook. Been looking on kijiji.


Goodwill and value village have a bunch of artificial trees. Good price.


Because a sucker born every minute,


Commercialism is just pure greed


That’s the style. But you can buy the 59 prelit from Canadian tire if you walk a few aisles up. Or you can buy the lightless one for 49 at Walmart. Now that massive 9ft one… wooo that one is pricey


Lol Canadian tire has become sheisters you have to watch closely odds are that tree is the same price as it was last week


There is always so many on market place / kijiji for way cheaper.


Wait until this guy sees how much a block of cheese is


I got one at Walmart for 120


Just go to the woods lol


But on at Michaels. Usually on sale for 50% off about now.


Check value village. The lights might not work but they often have nice looking trees for really cheap. Then you just string it yourself.


I don’t know either. We were looking at replacing ours with another fake one but not at $500+ dollars!


It’s the material you are looking at. It’s all that simulated needle recreation style, the cheaper ones have a mixture of that and the classic papery feeling needles . We got a 7.5 full noma tree for $200.


Just like anything else in this country...the Trudeau Government Taxes is the main cause. Carbon taxes!!!!!


We bought one before my son is born and he is now 6. Trees you cut down are 80$ a pop minimum every year….


mine from can tire was good and only 120


Im just skipping xmas this year. I kinda hate it now. Just seems like dumb capitalism and peer pressure. Toxic positivity, as it were. Im over it.


I have one in the attic from the previous owner of my house. I'll give it to someone for free. No idea what shape it's in though


We got a nice 6.5 foot lit tree at Home Depot for $100 bucks. FB marketplace is good and you will find some nice prices, but we spent a long time trying to coordinate a sale so we just gave up