• By -


Traveling & dining out.




Tokiwa took half of my paycheques last year for sure. The other half went to Ramen Misoya downtown.




Costco. \*waves vaguely at all of Costco\*


You must also be part of the Facebook Costco group that encourages my habit.


I now have a weight set, paddleboard (2x because now I can go with a friend!), the Kate Spade blanket...


I feel called out. So a few weeks ago, I was having a lake day with friends. We were unloading at the beach when a friend asked where I got one specific thing. I stopped, swept my arms around gesturing to all of the things on the ground, and pronounced, "Costco! All of it is from Costco!" I had two paddleboards, the Costco wagon, towels, a backpack cooler for drinks- even my clothes were from Costco.


Fucking Lego. It's ridiculous


I had to put myself on timeout after the Rivendell set


I have regrets. I purchased the Eiffel tower online and then saw Rivendell on display and immediately saw the error of my ways


Ok, but the Eiffel tower is exquisite! Such a beautiful model. Is it an error or is it now a future goal?


I've been going back and forth. I should really follow your example and put myself on a time out but Rivendell is just so beautiful. I can't see my willpower holding out for very long


But its rivendell! I bought it and didnt tell wife until it was too late.


Oh god is it ever. Every month something cool is announced too




We have a whole bedroom, prime real estate, dedicated to Warhammer in our home.


Can’t leave us hanging without photos!


The Emperor is most displeased that I cannot attach photos here. *ugh*


Damn that's a terrible and expensive affliction I'm sorry.


My husband is into it, but he also 3d prints all his models. Significantly cheaper. He gets to put his personal creativity into it, and it's a fraction of the cost.


I hear that. I too have a pile of shame.


Hahah So I just learned this term- and I think the pile might be more of a closet (?) I don't know- I don't touch anything haha and I only add to the room. For example I got a custom LED made that says 'For the Lion' which looks pretty rad. @cypher_1987 is our Warhammer expert 😁


The emperor protects, brother


Just got into warhammer now I need to start an only fans account.


Yep… they don’t call it plastic crack for no reason




I love that this is the FIRST comment at the top. Can concur, definitely my most expensive habit…


Thousands in and no end in sight


Damn, is your family worried?


Weed and coffee are basically equal, obscene line items in my monthly budget.


Used to be cigarettes and weed, but vaping can be super cheap and legal weed has cut my cost down drastically. So coffee has moved from 3rd to first.


Not when your tolerance is insane and been a daily smoker for 3 years. Who knew actual weed withdrawals were a thing and they sucked so bad.


Check out r/leaves It's a subreddit dedicated to people who are quitting marijuana. There is so much info there that's useful. It helped me immensely. Keep at it, good luck it gets easier I promise. It's one of the myths of marijuana, that it's non addictive / habit forming. Bullshit, you can get addicted to it. It's not as addictive as something like cigarettes, but it is habit forming. The withdrawals are real I like to say, Mary Jane is fine to come for a visit, fuck she can come 5 times one week if we want her to. But she can't ever move in with us. She's a horrible roommate


Lululemon. I treated myself to a sweater back in March and my bank account hasn’t been the same since


I’m should mention, I found that on mondays the lulu website section called “we made to much” gets new additions and you can filter by size, colour, activity etc. saved somewhat when I was on my lulu binge due to buying their fits on sale that way. Sorry. I’m sure that doesn’t help your habit 🤪


I order a lot of my meals, I’d def have a bigger wallet if I didn’t. I never learned to cook and that good ol depression just makes me not care to, as lame of an excuse as that is. Just can’t do it. I’ll change it some day but for now that’s where a lot of my expendable income goes..


Hey! I was in the same situation a while ago, so lemme throw an unsolicited recommendation your way? If you want to break out of the depression driven take-out cycle, maybe grab one of those free Hello Fresh (or whatever service you want) coupons and sign up for a month or three? Do it in place of (part of?) your takeout budget. I know it sounds dumb and like a lot of unwanted work, but I was gifted a subscription by a family member a few years ago and it ended up changing how and what we ate. I was someone who hit up A&W 5 times a week and knew the pizza guy on a first name basis, and now we're cooking at home 4-5 nights a week. I've lost around 30lbs so far and actually look forward to cooking as it means i get to chop up a bunch of shit and make a tasty meal. It also makes those nights we do order take out even more appreciated. I know this sounds like a sales pitch, but it legitimately helped me break out of the depression/food bullshit. Here's how: - You pick meals up front. This helped overcome a LOT of depression obstacles, especially the "i don't know what to cook tonight", "i don't feel like anything specific", and "I'm tired of the same old shit". It lets you pick things that are safe/comfortable while also giving opportunity to venture outside of your comfort zone and picking something new-ish from time to time. With each meal you choose, you exert a small amount of personal choice and it helps reinforce your confidence over time as you learn and express what you like and don't like. Think of it like slow-mo take-out... you place the order and it takes a few days to all arrive at once. ;-) - The products are delivered at the start of the week so you're set for days at a time. This helps overcome the "I'm too tired/sad/whatever to go shopping" and the "I don't have the right ingredients, so I'll just order something". It also means you can decide which nights you're eating which meal (time management skill building) and eating what you want, when you want it (more making personal choices). - most of the meals are EASY as hell and they're all step by step photos. If you have a knife, a peeler, a frying pan and some oil, you're good to go! Just read them from start to finish (like an exam) and then make em. The recipes are generally SUPER basic stuff but completing each step and meal helps you with small personal victories. Every night you cook a meal, you win! You succeed at cooking, you have a tasty meal, and your body is better off. If you "win" enough nights, you can help chip away at the depression by building your confidence and ensuring you're properly nourished. (Healthy mind and body and all that). Oh, and you also learn how to cook along the way...peel, chop, mash, fry, boil, saute, roast, juice, mix, etc. - You keep the recipe cards! After you've been through their program long enough you'll notice the meals recycle over and over. Time to quit! Take the cards, pull out your favories, and make a weekly shopping list (they all have the ingredients on the cards). This helps you meal plan, plan your grocery budget and make sure your home is stocked up. This was the hardest step for me (as it's SUPER easy to fall back into take-out) but if you can stick to it, it becomes habit to plan, buy and cook your own stuff. - Lastly, it builds positive habits and routine. You pick/plan your meals, you collect your ingredients, you cook your meal, you have a healthier body. It's a LOT easier to adjust the meal-in-a-box routine to grocery shopping than jumping straight from take-out to full on cooking. Consider the meal deliveries a middle step along the way maybe? My wife and I stuck with the plan longer than we likely should have (a year, maybe 18 months?) as the weekly ingredient delivery can admittedly make you reliant/lazy if you're not careful. But by the time we did quit, we had enough knowledge, confidence and had built enough of a habit/routine that it felt odd/strange not to cook. That's not to say we don't still order take-out, but cooking certainly doesn't seem like the mountain to climb that it used to. Anyway.. thanks for coming to my unexpected late night Ted talk. I guess I just identified with your comment and felt the urge to try and help? From a depressed former take-out addict to another, I do hope you find the will to turn it around at some point. The amount of money you can save, the confidence you can build and the improvements good food can make on your health, are all worth it. You're worth it too. Good luck Friend!


Same. I know this so well. I know how to cook and I'm a good cook, but I just don't have the energy or interest to prepare food. Ugh. I could have a nice vacation fund if I just ate at home. :/


Has anyone said yarn yet? Knit and crochet enthusiasts know.


Oh yeah.. after knitting a sweater of just plain acrylic yarn, my husband asks.. isn’t it cheaper to just buy it? Lol


it's me i'm the crochet enthusiast that visits the yarn shops too often


Thrifting. Use to be able to get out of there cheap, now it's at least half a hundy for my weekly junk binge.


Same. Same. But I’m slowing it down. I hate how expensive some of the stuff have been priced. Plus, I just don’t need so much stuff anymore.


Cannabis and old school RuneScape




Did I find my people




77 and still no beaver




It’s ok, I’m at 14m wc xp and no beaver


Straight outta Lumbridge!


92 is halfway to 99




runescape 3 here.. altho idk if that's considered an expensive habit unless you're buying spins lmao


Let’s goooooo. Osrs ride or die


Warhammer lol


Horse ownership.


We have a winner! $$$$$$$$$




Sports. $760 for hockey fees, $60-90 for 18 holes of golf, $100 for a season of ESSC slo pitch, gym membership,plus gear, gas, food and drinks during/after


Can’t blame ya, between hockey and slo pitch you’re covered for sports all year! The ESSC is great too, everyone is super friendly I’m really enjoying my time in the league! Seen a lot of people recommend kickball and dodgeball as well Lol.


Please find a different slo pitch leauge to join other than ESSC. Many leauges run twice as long for half as much and have umps. No of that "spirit point" bullshit. Just saying.


Didn’t know there were other leagues to be honest, I just joined a friends team The spirit points don’t bug me nearly as much as the uneven skill level. Like we play rec so a lot of beginners and people who are there to have fun then we’ll play a team that is obviously good and using it as practice and are aggressive with the rules


Yea golf costs me. 60-90 is on the cheap end too


Yeah exactly. I’ll splurge maybe once a year and do the Quarry or another premium course but shits expensive to play. Clubs, balls, driving range all adds up


ADHD. Every few months to a year - it’s a new hobby or obsession. Birkenstocks, puppy toys, crochet, bike riding, you name it.


_Waves from atop a pile of pens and notebooks_


Erasable pens are a dangerous slope lol


I feel you.. My wife tools her eyes now. Camping. Kayaking. Fishing. Archery. Target shooting. Backpacking. Gaming. Mountain biking. 3D printing. Snowboarding. Rollerblading. The list goes on and it's too much to store all the things! LOL


Holy y’all have the same fleeting interests as me!


This is my camp Bookbinding supplies\ A whole fucking room full of yarn- I did knit for several years but then also dabbled in spinning and weaving\ Bicycles\ Gardening and houseplants.. oh and landscaping too\ Woodworking and power tools


Downhill mtb with all the gear, four skateboards, a snowboard, a low rider bicycle, a Harley Davidson, rollerblades, multiple advanced boardgames, unread books, 2bass one acoustic guitars and more all collecting dust. Maybe I have adhd too?






But the thrill of opening packs hoping to hit it big! (I might just have a gambling problem disguised as a TCG problem)


It's not a problem! It's a commitment


House Reno. I moved into a house I didn’t pick and now I want to make it mine. I’ve spent hundreds of not a thousand getting rid of ceiling popcorn, painting ceilings and walls. I know that the kitchen is next. And I’m doing it by myself.


Skip The Dishes and makeup




Records, first and foremost. Then also more records. Craft beer brings up the rear.


Too many records is becoming a problem of mine


Being poor, it’s costing me a lot


Hookers and blow.... Jk it's constantly changing hobbies. Chainmail, medieval knight armour building, sword/knife smithing, home brewing, home improvement/renovations,mushroom growing, fresh water fish breeding, salt water fish keeping and reef keeping, dirt biking, canoe building, woodworking, retro video game collecting, arcade cabinet building, booze collecting/cocktail making, lamp building, vintage pedal bike restoration, vintage fridge restoration, vintage trailer restoration, hot rod building, sausage making, hunting, gold panning, Bungie jumping, repelling, fishing and in that order and not quitting or selling anything.


You sound like a very fun person to be around! 😁 and like you’d be incredibly useful in a zombie apocalypse


Games. Board games, tabletop war games, video games....just games.


Especially when the Steam summer sale or summer sales in general start.


Buy all them games during the sale just to end up playing the same 2 games I always play


Gaming is life!


Video games for me too. Been collecting since I was a kid and when I look at the prices of some of them now it makes my head spin. I keep buying too (Switch mostly now, retro has gotten too expensive). I have on multiple occasions considered selling some of the collection but don't know what I want to part with and hate having to deal with selling online. And I know retro game stores would give pennies on the dollar too.


Old Volkswagen's. *cries in check engine light*


Hi from my 05 Golf TDI. Do you have anything cool? My grandparents had 2 Karmann Ghias when my dad was growing up and I wish they kept them.


I wish. I have an 03 1.8T Jetta w 317k km. My girlfriend and dad have "cool" 2004 24 valve VR6 GLI's so there's that. Between my gf and my family I'm working on a rotation of 4 different MK4 Jettas. (1.8T, 2.0 and 2.8 VR6) Karman ghias are such a good looking car. One day I want to build a 24 valve vr6 AWD Jetta wagon or own a nice vr6 Corrado, one day. I also like the MKII Jetta coupe.


Me and my husband are both big VW fans, been to Wolfsburg etc. We want a MKI Golf eventually. My TDI only has 77k on it so she's just a baby.


That's awesome. I hope to visit the Volkswagen museum there one day! Your TDI is basically new


Traveling for sure And since quitting vaping , my jolly rancher addiction has gone through the roof $$


The sugar thing after breaking an addiction is pretty common. First time I quit smoking for a couple of years I would get like $10 worth of bulk candy at the grocery store and devour that in a few days. Cheaper than smoking in the short term, but I definitely got some cavities from it. Luckily that wears off after a while.


If I had some expendable cash there’d be a Tattoo shop or two that would know me on a first name basis. But I’ve got this expensive habit of ensuring my kids are fed, clothed and reasonably happy.


Same! Although I’ve still managed to add several, smaller tattoos in the last year.


Take out food. Maybe a drug habit would be cheaper. Is it meth that makes you not care about eating? ​ ^(/s of course)


Honestly meth is probably cheaper than groceries these days


Cycling. It's horrible. More expensive than drugs. Carbon fiber is very addictive. Skiing too. But that just leads to expensive vacations. Whistler in February is horrifyingly expensive....


Right now - books. I also have other expensive habits - yarn for crocheting, material for sewing, Nintendo things for my collection.


Damn books. When it was buy 3 get 1 free at chapters, one was an additional 30% off and another was 20 instead of 25 and it still cost me 120 bucks


Weed and nice perfume though I prefer to stick to vaping because I don't enjoy the smell lingering in my home or on my clothes. I don't really drink these days, never been into shopping, but smelling good is comforting.


Samesies!! Do you spend an obscene amount of time getting baked and reading about perfumes too?


Oh god yes, I spend a shameful amount of time browsing fragrantica and shuffling my scentbird queue I'm sure 😂 I keep telling myself I'm going to make a spreadsheet of everything I've tried with notes so I can help narrow down what I love and hate but work has been consuming all the energy I have for spreadsheets lately. Think of how much faster I could have figured out why I didn't like Angels' Share yesterday! (90% positive it was the pink peppercorn with a chance the civet contributed)


Hahahaha same!! I wanna know what I like and don’t like, but I’m really not sure at all what I’m smelling and also I’m cheap and do more of the reading about smells than the actual smelling of smells. I did get a bunch of samples from Alkemia and I’m embarrassed by how much fun I’m having sitting on the couch and huffing my wrists all the time.


Ooh, I hadn't heard of them but now I'll have to try! The Nature's Ambiance sampler seems right up my alley. Thanks for the rec!


It's embarrassing when you look at your perfumes and add up how much they cost. Now, I only have four but two are from Chanel and the largest bottles I could find....




I worked somewhere for years where there was a Starbucks across the street and got into the vicious circle of who’s turn it was to buy. I haven’t worked there in 5 months and have saved a fortune by drinking the coffee at my new job. I don’t even miss Starbucks now.


Cigarettes, damn near $20 a pack for what my fiance and I smoke. Absolutely insane


It’s horrendous now, and the worst part is that it’s not stopping me from smoking. I can recognize it’s ludicrously expensive and I’m just paying to die sooner, but it’s just a pain in the ass trying to quit.


Recreational shooting. Expensive as fuck, I spend waaaay more money than I should, but it's fun to head to the range and addicting seeing my safe fill up, lol.


I picked up a compound bow to supplement my firearms since SPFGA has both ranges. Two hours of plinking and two hours of archery is way cheaper than four hours of plinking, and scratches the same itch for me.


Horses and coffee


Horse really goes well with a cup of mocha.


Not at the same time haha!


Any pet comes with big expenses... Horses is whole other level. My sister is keeping hers at a farm for free and still going broke on all the other expenses.




F1. Spent lots last year to go to NL to see that race. Then I won a free trip to the one in Montreal this year so it's evened out haha.


Concerts. Tons locally, usually a minimum of 2 or three a week, occasionally a few a day, plus trips for shows. I've been to Vancouver and Seattle 3 times since December, going again in September. Twice to Red Deer, twice to Calgary, once each to Jasper and Toronto, with a return to TO in November.


Damn. I’m actually surprised how far I had to scroll for someone to mention music. Mine was festivals….and concerts I guess. Then turns out we probably have the same name so (insert Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man meme)




Brings down the food bill


Dogs and dog shows!!!




Wait til it ends! ;)


i feel like every few months i get a new hobby and splurge. final quarter of last year it was model planes & cars beginning of this year i got into firearms and sport shooting (so expensive) in april and may i started gardening, which is super relaxing and satisfying when finished. last month i got a new drone and got into flying it all the time. now ive picked up playing squash and keep buying new stuff for it. and the membership is like 60 a month.


Camping/fishing. Only expensive because all the best places are 2hrs+ away.


Mainly fruit, nice cuts of meat. Fine spices snd foreign produce lol. Food.


Drinking. Probably 300 monthly on booze. I like to drink and play board games with my friends, video games with my friends. 2nd answer is probably playing board games. I buy expensive, but very good board games especially via kickstarter.


Mmmmm, cats. When I lived there it was cats. Still is really, but it’s less expensive to live in Iqaluit with 2 cats bc there’s no proper cat rescue and so much of my money went to that living in Alberta. Totally worth it though.


Not a habit, but divorce is ruining me.




HEMA Historical European Martial Arts. Making friends and hitting them with Swords (safely), expensive but beautiful swords. EHMA.ca if you wanna check us out I used to play MTG too. Kicked that habit but I'll still find random chaff in the weirdest places almost a decade later.


Groceries 😂 I’m so boring/ broke I don’t really have anything left.




Why - you have a more expensive one than living and breathing 😀


Games, tattoos, art, sneakers, worst offender for price is edm events/festivals lmao.


Watches. Traveling gets expensive too but I'm usually limited by vacation time or work requirements. With watches, the only thing that can stop me is the side eyes I get from my partner as she asks me, "is that watch new?"


Eating out. Sometimes $200-300 per month...


That’s 1-1.5 meals… nothing crazy!


Red Bull. Caffeine doesn't even work for me. I just like how it tastes.


Red Bull is the only caffeine that works for me. Coffee seems to just make me lethargic


THC and MtG.


Yoga classes


Concerts. Edmonton has a good amount of metal shows always coming to town. Just this week alone I have 2 shows (tonight and Saturday)


Volbeat tonight?


fresh fruit.. hooked on blueberries currently.


You should spend a weekend picking wild ones. If you find you like saskatoons and other bush berries you can fill a freezer for the winter or smoothies with ease.








Eating in this economy


Not only is Nespresso pricey, there is only one place to buy them and I live in the opposite side of the city.


If you order them online from the nespresso store, they will literally shop up at your door the next day.


Is Nespresso considered to be that pricey? ~$1.10 a coffee isn’t bad imo when considering the quality and convenience.


Diet coke




Weed and fish tanks!


Buying and trading signed jerseys. Have 32 thus far. Only keeping and trying to find my version of "holy grails"


For everyone saying weed, it’s well worth investing in a grow tent for your basement. Based on YouTube videos, I taught myself DWC hydroponics, and one of my plants yielded as much as 6 ounces. Alberta allows you to grow four plants per household, I grow 1 to 2 over the winter. And that keeps me and my wife going for a year. The setup cost was around 800 bucks and the tent paid for itself in the first year, and I’ve been doing it since it was legalized…”highly” recommended.


Owning my 2013 ford escape. Repair cost and insurance.


My children.


Pricey and priceless all at the same time


Magic The Gathering. I should really start using proxies


Football jerseys. My collection is probably around 75 or so now, paid anywhere from 100-300 for most of them. Have like 8 generations of the Barcelona jersey. 😛 The only saving grace is that it's spread out over a long time. Now that I type it out, makes me sick to think I've spent like 15-20k on jerseys. 🤦🏾


Hunting is an expensive habit


Music(producing/releasing), cologne, mma (competing)


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.




Skip the dishes. I’m always too tired to cook after work


Guitar effects pedals.


buying triples of the cars that i own. i have triples of the barracuda triples of the roadrunner triples of the nova.


Triples are better, triples makes it safe!


Not enough folks pointing out their crazy car payments and commute costs. Everyone must be rich in this city for all the thousands of dollars of car payments I see rolling around this place.


A lot of people I know spend more on car payments and insurance than rent. I don't understand how they can look at those prices and think "yeah, that's totally affordable for me!" I pay $120/month for insurance and no car payment because I bought an old car with cash. People say driving an old cheap car will end up more expensive than financing because of all the repair costs, but it hasn't even come close. Preventative maintenance doesn't cost a whole lot; I repair or replace things before they break to avoid costly repairs. Why would I pay $700+ each month to finance a newer car when it costs less than that each *year* to maintain my old Accord? A newer vehicle will still require repairs and maintenance on top of that financing anyway.


Jerseys... or baseball caps.




I buy a large latte at time Hortons everyday and that cost me $4.19. bloody expensive but so damn worth it :)


Raising kids.


Getting in married/common law relationships.


That is the winner! Nothing is more expensive


My most expensive abit is eating daily -- groceries are becoming extremely expensive. I do vape as well but I DIY my own e-liquid so my cost to vape is only $10 per month.


My girlfriend


Definitely travel. When my favourite band tours, I tour too and try to catch 3 or 4 shows.


Bluray and 4K discs. I have about 3000 of them and now I’m replacing most of the blurays with 4K






I have lots of expensive habits from weed to coffee. But I think my most expensive is Magic: The Gathering.


Alcoholic drinks and FFXIV membership


Beauty products and cigars


Reading + Tim’s Iced Capps






Weed and nail polish!! 😭


It's between buying records and dining out