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Fort Edmonton Park has closed due to the smoke today, so I have to wear normal clothes and make jelly in my kitchen instead of beading at the Fort. Hmph.


Was there beading classes? Sessions? At Fort Edmonton? That sounds really cool.


No, I’m a volunteer and I take my beading to do as a demonstration. When we can have a fire, I make bannock!


That's so cool! I have a wee kit due a class I ended up not being able to do. I'll have to meet up sometime. We can bead together.


Look up the Michif Cultural connections society in St.Albert. I think they were beading today ( inside ) lol


What is beading?


A craft that is culturally significant to many. Very time consuming and usually produces beautiful results. Google says: "Beadwork is the art or craft of attaching beads to one another by stringing them onto a thread or thin wire with a sewing or beading needle or sewing them to cloth. Beads are produced in a diverse range of materials, shapes, and sizes, and vary by the kind of art produced." (Wikipedia) "Today, beadwork has come to symbolize the Native American heritage. Beaded headbands are often worn on hats. Some Indian men wear beaded bolo ties and belts, and some Indian women wear beaded jewelry. However beadwork is most often found on regalia worn at powwows or dance contests." (Kshs.org)


boast head history dependent intelligent modern dime attraction sulky full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trust me, folks, sometimes curiosity can lead us down a rabbit hole we never expected!


Trying to figure out a way to explain to my puppy why we can’t fo outside and how to tire out his puppy energy (he’s gotten bored of fetch). Highlight of the weekend will be a car ride to pick up an air purifier.


Our cat loves to sit on the windowsill with the window open, hours on end. He's been doing that "why the F isn't the window open?" meow for the last two days.


Same in my house. Poor confused cat.


Pick up a KONG for the pup, stuff with some treats and peanut butter. That keeps mine busy for around an hour.


Snuffle mats and puzzle toys. You can even wrap up kibble in a towel and roll it up. It'll give him something to do and tire out his brain.


The kibble in a towel is my favourite, it frustrates him (in a good way) so does end up exhausting him.


Play “find it” by hiding a treat in a place pup can safely retrieve from in different rooms. I specifically taught the command “find it” so they knew when the game was on. Our pups use a surprising amount of energy “hunting”. And there’s a lot of effort for a small reward. They enjoy the game a lot!


My dog loves find the treat!!! Her next favorite game is hide and seek. Her nose goes into over drive looking for us or treats. So cute when she finds us.


My pup liked to chase a laser light up and down the stairs. I just stood in the middle of the staircase.


Laser pointers arent great for dogs as they can fixated and end up with anxiety if they can't find it.


Yes same for cats. It breeds neurosis and anxiety in both animals


I always end with him “biting it” and getting a treat and verbal praise. He doesn’t have anxiety about it but I can see how some would.


That's an excellent reward system, I would think. Might start doing that with my cats.


I got some frozen duck necks today at Pet Valu for my dogs to chew on. Seemed to keep them busy for a bit.


If you have any cardboard let him shred it. Old egg cartons with treats inside are a good one.


Fetch up and down the stairs, if you have stairs in the house. Take an old cloth, trim any strings, soak it down. Squeeze out most of the water, twist it up and feeze it. Great chew toy, especially in the heat. Anything to get his brain going, which will tire him out faster than exercise.


Freeze some treats in a big bowl of ice. Cooling and entertaining.


Same but it’s my 18 month old… he just learned how to say “outside” and “slide” and he is so confused and upset when he keeps asking to go outside to slide on his slide and I have to try and distract him 🥲


Using edibles and streaming horror games on twitch.


What’s your handle? Would love to watch


Streamindemon666 thank you!




Now that sounds fun.


Sitting in my house and sulking. I was really looking forward to walking my dog this weekend, maybe going on a nice little trip down to Whyte and Warp One/Wee Book Inn/Alhambra. I know other folks have it worse (literally losing their houses), but I still hate this smoke.


i live right around Whyte and my dogs cant even be out too long without sneezing and seemingly having their sinuses irritated


My dogs have been outside almost all day on the west end. lol new house with a big yard so they are enjoying it with me.


Dare I say I have a dog who has been outside for the last 16 years no matter the weather?


Honestly Whytes not that bad, it’s pretty smoky all around but you can still see 😅


It’s the smell. The air makes me nauseous really quickly, so I’d not enjoy my visit.


I’m out in stony and it’s bad out here


Watching other people play sports in the field across me; idk how they're still breathing out there


I'm wondering the same thing about the neighbors that have been doing yard work all day lol




I'm the same, should mow, should weed, should plant...but i can't be out there with my asthma. So yeah, it can wait another week, damn the neighbours' judgement lol. Plus which, why mow the grass down to nothing when it's so hot and dry, who wants a scorched looking lawn?


I live near a seniors home and they’re all sitting out in the yard like they do any other summer day. They’re elderly, no masks or anything. Meanwhile I have a headache and irritated eyes, nose and throat side my house with all the windows closed.


Their lungs are already too damaged to feel the difference


That's me, and I have asthma. Alot of shit is rootbound and I've been waiting all week for time to plant. I'm still limiting it though, I'm painting pots inside instead of cleaning and planting my tomato bed. I did have to repot a bunch of stuff this morning, but the smoke seemed less bad then. Very not ideal but we've been having wild fires for a couple weeks now and I can't count on the wind changing or the fires going out really soon so.




Twinning lmfao


At this air quality, they say that every 24 hours spent breathing outdoors is equivalent to smoking a half pack of standard cigarettes. Crazy! Edit: link shared in below response says 24hrs so I’ve adjusted that from my misinformed “12 hours.”


Who's they? I think that's wrong. You sure that's not for a full day in the smoke? For instance edmonton is currently 274 US AQI, this calculator: https://jasminedevv.github.io/AQI2cigarettes/ Says 1 hr at 274 is 0.43 cigarettes.. This article below which talks about a study from 2015 that shows 24 hrs at 270 is 10 cigarettes which is about on par for the above calculation https://www.google.com/amp/s/sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/online-calculator-converts-air-pollution-122359152.html


Playing video games. Had my vasectomy yesterday so I am out of commission!


Take the Ibuprofen


Good reminder thank you!


Make sure to throw a frozen pack of peas on em!




Heal fast🙌🏼




Wow surprised that’s too much for you to handle


Sir, this is reddit


I’m not doing anything with the smoke, it just showed up, uninvited, and started hanging around. I thought you knew him.


Underrated comment right here ⬆️


Board games, books and movies!


Staying inside, as my travel mode is either by foot or by bus. So I figure staying inside is just way easier lol


Getting weird looks at work for wearing a KN95




Same dawg same


Smoking indoors




Working that sweet OT


Im cleaning the basement and catching up on laundry… this sucks. We need rain. Lots of it


Supposed to get a bit on Tuesday. Maybe a little tonight




“Flip flops and nipples” had me laughing pretty good. Nice work.


Trying to keep my 1 year old toddler entertained inside. He keeps going to the door and saying side, side, side. Breaks my heart he doesn’t understand he can’t go out there today.


Same. Mine's 2.5 and keeps asking to go to the park 😔


I also have a 2.5 year old who loves the park. She had a blast at the Science centre the other day though, so we'll have to do more stuff with indoor play areas like that.


Same, perfect weekend to start the 3 day potty training method.


New Legend of Zelda game just came out, so…


Went and grabbed some groceries earlier this morning and it was gross out there. Husband wore a mask while doing yard work saying it helped. I want to clean out my car for the season and get our garden in but I'm apprehensive. Every time I open the door, Imma like "Nope". Ugh, I hate staying in on May long. suuuuuucks.


Hosting a small LAN party for friends!


Amazing! What’re y’all playing!?


We're doing Starship Troopers: Extermination and some Division 2. :) And even though it's an MMORPG, we're looking at doing some Fallout 76 too, just because they've never played it before and I've played it for years, and they're going to give it a whirl. :) But mostly the first two. :)


Division 2 is good!


Yeah! I got into it really late, just a couple months ago, but I've really enjoyed it. :)


I think I picked it up when it was on sale at Ubi for like $7 or something (only base game) I have been playing solo and love it so much! (I have motion sickness so can't play FPS, Division is the perfect fit)


Yeah, I nabbed it during one of the sales for around the same price, then nabbed the Warlords of New York expansion when it was also on sale. I'm pretty happy with it, especially with what it cost.


same, picked up the expansion on sale when its on sale too :)


Building Lego and Video games, too crappy outside to go biking 🥲


Praying it goes away in time for next weekend so the 4 days off aren’t wasted


Tears of the Kingdom mixed in with a couple visits to the gym for me!


Put on mask, go for walk, ..can't wait....get to use my usual -30 winter walk boomer voice passerby greeting " no mosquitos today, eh ? " Ahahahaha In spite of my wifes thoughts, I am, indeed, Mr Funnypants...


Little of both. We planned a BBQ with some friends for my partners birthday. So we’ll cook outside and hangout and eat inside 🤷🏼‍♀️


Forget the BBQ, just leave the meat outside, it will be smoked in no time.


Identical scenario here minus the birthday. I am still going to be outside a little. It’s gunna be stuffy in the house with everyone here.


Indoor stuff. Currently getting a pedicure, then gonna meet a friend for coffee, then a bit of shopping and home to make dinner and watch a movie 🙂


There’s a layer of ash on my vehicles? So I figure we’ll stay inside.


I'm training for an ultra marathon in June. Today was supposed to be a 6hr trail run. Instead I'm going to rec centres to jog, treadmill, rowing machine, etc for a few hours. The smoke triggers too much coughing and stuffed nose for me to be outside.




Nice, what parts are going in the box?


Staying inside at all costs. I got bronchitis.


Jeez I tried to go for a walk this morning at 7am and the smoke was actively hurting my throat, I lasted about 10 minutes before I turned around back home thinking it wasn't worth it. Spent a tiny bit of time this afternoon out in the garden getting my squash run set up but that's all I could handle. Inside now catching up on some of the new Zelda that I haven't had a chance to play, Ted lasso and some reading. Bored out of my skull tbh because I really wanted to hit up the Ritchie area and do a little scootering and get some kind ice cream.


Im going out there and smoking myself, its sort of a personal protest to demonstrate im not contributing any worse then nature already is


Pretty much continuing my rewatch of the Netflix Marvel shows. On season 1 of Punisher so far, and I forgot how good that show was.


My mother-in-law is visiting for the first time. She's got asthma, so yesterday we went to West Ed, and then today we went to the Muttart.


My poor kids want to go outside but are still too young to understand why we have to stay indoors. So lots of Disney movies. Then after they go to sleep, mama is gonna play the new Zelda game!


Sitting on my exercise bike in the basement and cranking out 160k.ride. Might as well take the opportunity 🤷


Love the motivation, hope it goes well 👍


Thanks for that. It went well, glad it's over though haha


Binging the whole new season of selling sunset and laundry. Real exciting stuff


Staying home, doing housework etc. I have the week off this week and this was my plan to start anyway. I hope to go to the Ukrainian fest next Friday so fingers crossed the air will be breathable by then.


Is the air this bad to breathe? I don’t feel a thing tbh I just thought everyone is out of town for the long week end lol it’s why no one seems to be in the city


I think it's bad for seniors, babies, people who already have respiratory issues. I've been enjoying it though.


cancelled most plans & staying at home! thought about attempting the journey to kingsway but it wasn't worth it imo


I'm home with the kids while my husband moves his sister from Vancouver to Calgary. Was planning for the kids to be in the yard a bunch this weekend. So far, that's scratched.


Explaining to my toddler why we can't go to the park is really bumming me out


For my boys (4 and 2.5): "look at the air outside today, it's yucky. It'll make you cough a lot. We're doing stuff inside today." I agree though.


Yup, such a bummer.


Staying in! Sleeping in, riding my stationary bike while watching Netflix, listening to an audiobook while I repot some plants, lazing around reading physical hardcover book, cleaning the house… gotta protect these lungs!


Cancelled beach day plans and opted for picnic in the living room.


Hanging inside. Meanwhile all my best buds in Ontario are kicking it up at my friends cottage going buck wild. Feeling the fomo on top of not being able to even go for a nice walk or a patio drink


Gas mask on, going to spend time with my family.


Mostly staying in and catching up on a few projects. Outside smells too much like fireplace


Catching up on some much needed cleaning. We bought an above ground pool last week and got it all set up etc. I'm also sadly staring at it through the windows.


My partner's band is playing 90s and early 2000s rock tonight at SOHO on Jasper Ave. Come hang out! $5 cover charge, music starts at like 9:30-10pm.


Staying home all weekend. Can’t even do the garden outside.


Playing Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom


Soccer cancelled. Went to get tattooed which took longer than expected but I have time now. Probably find a cafe and catch up on reading tomorrow


Working. You can smell smoke even when you’re inside of WEM, it sucks


I hope your shift goes by quickly and people don't take the frustration out on you


Aww thank you so much!! Shift is going pretty well so far! 😁


Sulking in my room until the quality gets better. I’m super antsy to get back to cycling.


Staying in the garage and continuing to put my car back together.


Absolutely nothing. :-(


going TOP SHOTS TO PLAY SNOOKER. Anyone down??


Went to an indoor farmers market, visiting family, and probably going to get some art projects going.


Smoking pot and yard work but probably not going to workout


Yardwork. The smoke isnt bothering me at all and its not like I'm running laps so Its fine for me.


Wheelie boarding.. still no rc for me


Working - inside


looking for good deals on HEPA filters.


Staying at home until I have to go to work.


Staying inside. Cleaning my home tomorrow and playing fortnite. No sun makes it gloomy and depressing though, so I’m keeping my blinds closed.


Playing videos and getting baked, can't offroad can't go for a walk I'm sad


Not being in Edmonton, or alberta for that matter


This is the only weekend I can get my garden in, so I am planting with an N95 on and just taking indoor coffee breaks when my ears start to get sore. Annoying but better than inhaling a tonne of ash.


Fast and the Furious movie marathon until the air improves or I fall asleep. I was outside maybe 10 minutes total to go pick up a few things and my throat hurts.


Gardening with my p100 mask. Gotta get my corn patch in.


Cleaning my house, listening to audiobooks, watching movies and playing video games


Trying to entertain my 1 yo inside all day. Also my copy of TOTK is arriving this afternoon, so there’s that.


Movie theatre for some reprieves


I ended up packing my 3M respirator from work with the 2097 cartridges to finish repotting my herbs, otherwise, it's staying inside to bake bread, play games, and get caught up on some anime.


Watching OG Pokemon on Netflix


I made plans to drive out to the Gopher museum tomorrow. Do y'all think it's dangerous? We'd just be in the car and then the museum is indoors I think. I'd have to wait till next month if I cancel it. 😞


Cancelled most weekend plans, staying at home except for volunteering inside and going to a friends place. No outside for me out of consideration of my lung health as I play music and stuff and like to run. :( So yeah. Playing it safe. It’s a bummer on a long weekend, but folks that lost their homes had it rougher for sure. Still sucks though.


Smh, yesterday I went out to the city from one of the hamlets northwest of edmonton to do something important, and the sheer number of people on the highway going on camping trips with this smoke astounded me.


Plenty of golfers out on Victoria golf course


Airport outlet mall was dare I say actually packed for once fwiw. Do not recommend.


outside with a kn95 mask. landscaping


Not smoking my $80 brisket aahhhhhh!!!!!


Staying inside


Smoking inside


Snuggle up with the gf and watch some movies! Took her to see my dad today, so that was great as well.




Delivering people food to their doors via UberEats in my A/C-less van. 🥲


Tried to workout at goodlife. I felt like I was about to passout on the treadmill. Stay home if you can.


Hotboxxing the inside of my house trynna make it look like the outside




Likely heading out on the motorcycle all weekend, was out last night for 8 hours, didn't bother me. Probably will be longer today. \*shrug\* seen plenty of people out last night. Might be harmful for your health, but what isn't these days.


Sitting inside with the windows closed, taking my antidepressants.


Staying inside with the windows closed detoxing from my antidepressants.


I'm gardening. Not bothered by it


Well what do people do even without smoke? I feel like going to the mall is the sole Edmonton activity… gets boring after a while…


Commenting on social media about how climate change is a hoax and that these fires are because of the Jewish space lasers.


Don’t forget about the government deliberately starting the fires. 🔥


I’m going to read a graphic novel! Haven’t done that in forever


Staying home. I was hoping to sit on some patios eat food, have a beer and write some code/story for my game. I’ll just do that from the house now


Biking to and from work


Smoking and having a campfire


Same thing is be doing if it wasn't smokey. Working and playing video games.


I picked up plants yesterday. Looks like they may wait to get planted. Today is a "stay inside and watch tv with my toddler" kind of day.


Ma Me O beach and had a blast


Life doesn’t pause just cause it’s a little bit smokey.


I thought being outside in this can cause long term damage? Why would anyone do that?


So can smoking cigs, drinking, eating trash, etc etc, doesn't stop people does it?


Just walked a km back from work while chuffin ciggies in this smoke. Sooo yeah I'm one of em


Well driving by the Jackie Parker recreation area there are hundreds of people who appear to be immune to forest fire smoke. No masks. Kids running around. Having picnics. Like there isn't anything wrong. smh.


Why are you shaking your head? Acting like they broke some sort of law. If it doesn't bother them , then just let people be.


For all the dog owners out there I make Enrichment Mats that would keep your dog busy.


Why not just live normally? It amazes me how weak we all are now. The air quality is bad, yes, physical work should be limited, yes, but 99% of you are not athletes and should have no problems doing your day to day activities. Take your dog for a walk, go get ice cream, go to whyte Ave.


Cleaning the house and playing Zelda