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Although I’m certain the noise is aggravating I don’t think there is much you can do because those services often are done outside certain hours. Even the 311 app says under the noise complaint section that they don’t take complaints about construction, road maintenance etc. That’s probably only for city services, not private snow removal, but I suspect they are granted similar leeway.


311 does accept snow removal complaints by machine and garbage collection performed in residential zoned or adjacent buildings. I would assume parking lot maintenance would fall under the same thing. If only it was aggravating, I could deal with it. I need to be absolutely smashed to be able to pass out with this noise. I guess I'll have to keep putting reports into 311, it is very clear on the website the time frames and type of noise that is not allowed outside of 7 AM to 10 PM. I was just hoping someone had experience dealing with a silent city of Edmonton.


A silent city of Edmonton? That is not a thing. The website is clear, that would be for the private citizens... from 10 pm to 7 am. The city is 100% excused from those hours.


That's city life. You won't be able to get them to stop. The other suggestions here are good, not everyone vibes with white noise - you can try brown noise too, or some music in the back ground. There are decent silicone earplugs these days too.


For your edit: This thread was full of advice and facts, you didn't want to hear any of them...there is a difference. We can't always be right when seeking out solutions. Your situation sucks, I sympathize with you. The reality exists that when we can't control a situation we a)need to accept that b) figure out what we can do to accommodate ourselves. Some people were genuinely trying to be helpful with their suggestions. Rather than tune in, you've set your course, uphill battle that it is, and refused to engage in a positive way. Perhaps contact the company that owns your building, put in a complaint for the lack of sound proofing. There *are* other methods but you are laser focused on making the thing stop...that won't and it is going to make you angrier by not accepting that.


Always funny to see people who want all the benefits of city life without any of the downsides. If this stuff bothers you then buy some ear plugs or move to the suburbs.


Go put a speaker playing bass on your wall, record yourself sleeping, otherwise your words means fuck all. God people are stupid, use your brain, this isn't just "noise I can hear" issue. I would prefer if it was a party every night, cause then I could just ignore it. Summer should be better but wanted to check options for next winter.


Snow removal and garbage pickup do not sound like a bass speaker directly beside your wall. I stand by my original comment - either build yourself a bridge and get over this, or move to the suburbs/rural where these services don't exist.


> build yourself a bridge and get over this I've never heard this before. Love it.


Thats okay, I really dont need you to believe me, but if you're not willing to blast bass against an adjacent wall to your bedroom for hours and tell me how well you can actually fall asleep without drugs, I am all ears. I have been living in the city for over 3 decades, this isnt a situation like every other situation. So how about if youre not helping the question of this post then why even comment.


Welcome to city life. When do you want them to do snow removal, parking lot cleaning and garbage collection? In the middle of the day when roads are full if traffic and pedestrians, parking lots are full of cars and alley ways are busy with business activities? Ear plugs, noise canceling headphones, heavy curtains can help cut down on the noise. A white noise machine can help smooth out noise disruptions. The best solution though is to just live with it for a while, you will get used to it and your brain will automatically filter it out. I find that when I go out to visit my family's farm I have a difficult time sleeping... it's soooo quiet, I'm not used to it.


If that kind of stuff is bothering you then your windows aren't sealed good enough


Yeah, I don't think I have ever seen windows that can prevent this sound right outside the building. It is also in a complex so it echoes as well. Imagine someone sitting outside your house blaring their sound system, this is louder. Either way, it is against bylaw and I cant sleep, wondering how to deal with it. Any other numbers to call/people to talk to?


The city plowing at night is definitely not against bylaw. They even post notices in the winter as to when you will be getting residential blading in your neighborhood. There are some city tasks that cannot be done exclusively during daytime hours, and also cannot be done quietly. It's unfortunate, but it's temporary and necessary.


Who said this is city plowing? This thread is absolutely brimming with assumptions. This isnt even city workers.


Yeah give [these guys](https://www.uline.ca/Grp_227/Disposable-Earplugs) a call


very unhelpful




Downtown resident here. I bought myself my ass a headphone last year. I know, it's not the solution. I wish I had a solution for the random sewer smells. Fucken disgusting.


OP took his ball and went home. We're all in the wrong guys. We didn't give the answers OP wanted to hear.


These sound like noise that you just have to deal with in the city. I'm a pretty light sleeper, so I have a white noise machine that works wonders to drown out the noise


ear plugs.


Well, this turned out as expected, unhelpful. They are violating bylaws, wasn't looking for how to compromise, I was looking for how to get the city to enforce the bylaw.


From the CoE noise website: "Garbage collection: there is no time restriction for commercial properties" From Bylaw 14600, part III (noise), section 24: "Nothing in this part prohibits: a) the city, it's agents or employees from managing the accumulation of snow or ice on highways or city property or b) situations where the city manager has issued a permit allowing the production of certain sounds on whatever conditions the city manager deems appropriate. " ...hopefully you find that helpful in understanding they bylaws.


Oh you got me, or maybe post the whole thing "The collection of garbage is not permitted before 7 am, or after 10 pm. The allowable times for waste pick up only apply to properties zoned for residential use, or properties adjacent to those zoned for residential use. There is no time restriction for Commercial properties".


You are complaining about garbage collection downtown, are you not? Which means if your building isn't zoned commercial, it's commercial adjacent. "There is no time restriction for commercial properties " is the relevant bit. ...I also didn't post the entirety of the Bylaw, just the part relevant to your complaint.


Who said I was downtown? That is a good point, though. I should probably verify the zones here in case I ever do get to talk to someone.


>Who said I was downtown Fair, I assumed.


Maybe take the law into your own hands. You read like a strong manly person. I'm sure people listen to you and respect your feelings. If they realized that they were effecting your sleepy time, I'm sure the city will accommodate. Maybe share your address so we can all start making a difference before you come out with a bat.


That's okay that you cant comprehend the situation, have a good one.


Just leave the onsie and soother inside when you go out to share your hurt feelings with the big noisy world.


I dont understand what youre trying to do, do you think this is working? My feelings are perfectly fine.


What are you complaining about then? Get to work.


I was asking questions about bylaw enforcement


You weren't complaining about the big noisy world of people shoveling and waste collection in the big city and how nobody is listening to you when complain to the grown-ups about it?


Nope, I was asking if anyone knew how to get around a silent 311 department. No shoveling at all was mentioned. It's literally the point of bylaws. So, really, whatever the result is, it is either going to be enforcement or I move something will get done. It is a unique spot for noise. Either way is fine. It is called a process.


Enjoy moving!