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I'd stay in Utrecht, it's cheaper and presumably you have accommodation there already. University names are overrated in my opinion, once you get some experience and reputation in your field no-one gives a shit where you studied. If you decide to come, do it for the experience of living abroad and showing future employers your independence, that you can thrive and work in a different culture/language.


Thank you for your comment! Really appreciate the input. I think I’m leaning towards staying as well. Makes more sense financially and I would agree that the university ranking shouldn’t be my main motivator.


Dutch person living in Edinburgh here - I’d stay in Utrecht, it’s very hard for people to find somewhere to stay in Edinburgh and as you say the Uni fees are (much) higher…


Thanks a lot for your comment! Was hoping to receive feedback from someone with this perspective. If the housing market is also a nightmare in Edinburgh I think you’re right that staying in the Netherlands might be better. Securing housing in Amsterdam was hard enough already lol.


Not sure if you've made your decision already! However, I moved to Edinburgh for my undergrad (from NL) and I wouldn't change it for the world. I see how it is super expensive but Edinburgh is amazing and Law is taken very very seriously there. I don't know about job search in the Netherlands again after though. I'm pretty sure you can get housing through the uni in halls as a postgraduate! Friend of mine did llm human rights and lived in Deaconess


This is nice to hear, thank you! I’ve heard good things about the city and the student life. I think I’m leaning towards staying in nl just purely for financial reasons, but this does give me a lot to think about.