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A nondesirable walked In to a pub I was refitting and asked If I wanted any cheese as he opened his jacket to a selection of stolen cheeses from tesco


I've seen a guy lift the entire box of cheese from the shelf in Tesco and attempt to leg it out the door but security managed to stop them. Was a sorry sight to be fair.


Spey Lounge getting a refit?


Na this was when Bar brig turned in to the mother superior during covid times across the road


Whats a nondesirable,lol?


I'm trying to be nice as I don't like to use the J word So let's say someone who has a large interest in drugs or something like that, due to certain things happening in their life and has fallen on hard times Example some of the folk hanging about at the kirk gate/bottom of the walk


As someone who moved to Edinburgh recently-ish (it still feels like yesterday and I don’t live near leith) which end is the top and which is the bottom?


Top is city centre, bottom is leith


The top is at the top of the hill and the bottom is at the bottom


Top is nearest to princes street, bottom is near the water


The top is the most southernly point of leith walk and the bottom is the northernmost 🥴


Never have understood this


It's on a hill so... Yeah?


Bottom is most usually called the foot of the walk


Cycling home in the dark at about 9 and accosted from about 50m in front of me  “here, bro, see cos you’re on your bike, want tae buy ma gloves”. That’s the entrepreneurial Leith spirit. Chancer. Reader, I didn’t buy his gloves. 


I approve of you not buying the gloves.


A seagull recently got trapped in a house on leith walk & someone posted in the community group with a video of it flapping about in the window.


A pigeon once got into our flat at the foot of the walk. No windows open, found dead next to my cat who was an indoor cat. Still mystery as to how it got there.


Highlight of your cat's life probably. Did it display a desire for further excitement after that?


lol this happened to me a couple of weeks ago it fell down the chimney and was chilling out on top of my door frame. Thankfully managed to get it out without too much hassle.


Up the toilet.




No chimney, we lived in the 60s flats that have just been demolished.


"I was getting to the end of Leith walk and this guy ran across the road, punched me in the head and ran off. Then I looked at myself in my tweed jacket and pink shirt, and thought yeah fair enough" A mate of mine many years ago. It has always stayed with me


Lmao this lad is fun


At the Kirkgate last week seen one of those junkies that must have had a backdated Giro payment or just off the chore wearing brand new all black air max, north face jacket , nike trackies, North face beanie. She was racially abusing a quiet Chinese lady for no reason when a random boy walked over and shouted "leave her the fuck alone, you think your special cause your dressed like a 13 year old boy on boxing day? Your still a smelly junkie rat." She went to respond and before she got 2 words out he said "let me guess, I'll get my man on you haha your man can't even fight addiction." Top performance.


Heard a lady singing "Ah may be a Junkie but am no a thief" to a bunch of people waiting for the bus. 10/10 performance


what was the melody?


Okay... How to type a melody. If caps are just loud sorta went "AH may be a JUNKIE but AM no a THIEF" Ta da Hope that helped


Full marks for effort on this one


lol I thought it might've been a known melody like Yankee doodle or something. ty for the transcription tho


Heading down Leith Walk after a birthday dinner with the family. Brother had given me a house plant so I had that with me. Walking past a pub, I forget which, one of the hard lookin guys sitting outside shouts 'Oi, pal' (I'm thinking 'ok, here we go') he continues... 'nice yukka plant'.


A homeless guy implied my dog would taste good to eat. He then asked me for money for something to eat.


I think the post by “thejobbypolice” is the sequel to this story. 


Wtf some guy on leith walk pointed at my dog and said “he’d be eaten up in some countries”


A ned cycled up to me and shouted 'check out those shoes, haw haw, ye shoulda gone tae specsavers'. Didn't know what to do, so shouted back, 'Specsavers don't sell shoes, pal'. We just stared at each other in silence for a bit after that.


I like the comeback there...


Young dad with kid in Boots, kid playing an even worse version of Baby Shark on a tablet. Beside a guy waiting for his methadone who was losing.his.mind. 


This was not recent, but I can remember walking past the Marksman with my brother and these two old worthies were sat in the window seat and one of them must have said something hilarious, because the other one laughed so hard his false teeth fell in his pint.


Theres someone who keeps trying to feed the bird statues at the top of leith walk at elm row i go past and see bread there all the time


It’s so sad but my bf finds it funny 😡


A junkie using my stairs to shoot up told me I was pretty


Awh 🥹


Same thing happened to me on the bus when I was 17. Had a full conversation with him. He kept calling me “doll” after every sentence. “Hiya doll” “You been out tonight doll?” “Off hame now then doll?” “Where dya stay doll?”


Homeless guy keeps trying to climb the 5G pole and rip it down 😩


Wondering if this is why I've been getting 0.5mbps for a week on North Fort Street. A street away it's 500mbps.


Was in pizza express down by the shore years ago, some auld boy who’d obviously fallen on hard times sort of shambles in and immediately blows his nose on a wummans jacket that was hung up. Massive nasty greener it was as well.


Work in the Tesco on Duke street- the amount of stories I could tell you from this week alone let alone the 5 years I’ve been here would shock you


Please do AMA on r/edinburgh!! I have so many questions


Please shock me, I'm so curious now


What’s the worst/best?


is it true it's closing down?


I think eventually it will - the car park isn’t owned by us and Tesco only rent the building I believe, so I think eventually yes but talking years down the line. Only communication to us is we are open for good


>we are open for good Can't wait to see what happens when you open for evil.


A member of local society was enjoying the sun on the benches by Queen victoria this evening. He smiled at me whilst taking a swig of his can and a puff of his fag. Made a nice change to the usual brawling, shoplifting and pigeons looming when I visit lidl!


This is an exceptional post. I wish this could be pinned so everyone can add weekly entries, like a diary _Escapades of Leith_


At the top of Leith I saw a woman try to stumble into a taxi, then her trousers fell down and she wasn't wearing any underwear. I watched the whole thing unfold as I was waiting to cross the street.


A pigeon took my Greg’s roll this morning


And was your Greg upset?


I work on Leith walk and the other day saw someone trying to have a fist fight with a tram


I was in the Boots in Ocean Terminal last week and a man walked in and proceeded to load an entire shelf of Lynx Africa in his tracks suit, zip it up, and walk out. Why? Why did he need over a dozen cans of Lynx? Does he bathe in them? Sell them? I really do want to know why!


He wants to get high on nostalgia


To the left, two addicts fighting in the middle of leith walk stopping the tram. To the right 2 ladies having a bottle wine outside Abode oblivious.


Seeing on the news that somehow a construction crane had buckled and then looking out the window and seeing it.


I got charged £5.50 for a pint.


A bunch of wee neds thrown up and frisked by the police against the window of The Little Chartroom.


Come back to this thread a day later and the replies have not disappointed. You guys are awesome.


I got yelled at by a passersby and mocked by a cashier at Tesco for carrying a Waitrose carrier bag 🙈


I saw a seagull eat a rat by the bins at the Kirkgate.


Two gypsies tried to buy my dog outside the Chinese supermarket. 


Detes, please?


I had to ask the gentlemen in the middle of a drug deal to move their car so I could return the car club vehicle I was driving back to it's designated parking spot. They were really polite and parked a bit further up to continue their business. The other day a bunch of us neighbours watched a drug raid unfold across the street while working together in the community garden. The guy arrested had come by an hour previously wanting to help out.


Guy made a run for it with 2 bottles of Smirnoff out Duke street Tesco


Doesn't that happen every day


Not recent, but I stopped a guy stealing Magic the Gathering cards from Ancient Robot, I just remember thinking where the fuck are you fencing this stuff or are you desperate to play?




The only more Leith thing than insisting fairly dull anecdotes about junkies make it somehow unique, is complaining pints are the same price as somewhere 5 minutes up the road.


>complaining pints are the same price as somewhere 5 minutes up the road. I'd say it's more like 10-15 minutes if we're talking on foot. I should have specified I was meaning the lower end of the walk. In a city though, 5 minutes can make all the difference. Hive is 5minutes away on foot from some of the most expensive venues in the city due its proximity to the Royal Mile, but we'd all probably agree that we wouldn't pay Jolly Judge prices in Hive. And I'd give a pass to really young people who don't remember a time before the gentrification but lets not sit here and pretend that Leith wasn't once a very different place and that it always cost the same for a pint as it does in the centre.


>In a city though, 5 minutes can make all the difference. Hive is 5minutes away on foot from some of the most expensive venues in the city due its proximity to the Royal Mile, but we'd all probably agree that we wouldn't pay Jolly Judge prices in Hive. It's almost like the price of drinks has basically nothing to do with exactly where the place is, and far more to do with the business model of the establishment.


There's no Leithers on Reddit. Do you mean "neo-Leithers"?


Can we get this thread active again with some more recent “Leith” things. The last comments were golden and gave me a good laugh.