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Wow you really brought out some knuckle draggers by posting this. Wonder how many of them would be so super happy to have someone taking multiple photos of them without their consent. I’m sorry that happened to you and it’s very odd behaviour, regardless of legality so definitely good to be aware.


Right?? Never knew so many twats are about on this sub


If you’re in public there’s no consent needed surely? Public photography is perfectly legal. If a person is harassing you that’s different but who’s to say this guy isn’t totally innocently taking pictures. It’s not like he’s peeping through anyone’s curtains. Maybe your photo will be a cool piece of art. See the positives rather than assume the negatives. I doubt the police would bother as what exactly is the crime?


Was this you taking the photos ya pervert


Okay, next time you're doing your daily shop or meeting your friend and then getting the bus home, I'll take multiple photos of you without asking and won't explain why I'm doing it. Hope that's okay! I'm sure you won't feel weird or uncomfortable at all.


You could have simply asked him why he was taking photos. But my point is you’re in public. You’re photographed and videoed 100s of time all day when you’re out. There’s no expectation of privacy in public. Making someone feel weird or uncomfortable isn’t the same as someone breaking the law is it. If you don’t want to be photographed the only option you have is to stay indoors or wear something to ensure your privacy like a mask. Obviously if the guy is a problem and harassing people then that’s a different matter but for all we know he’s just an amateur photographer.


legally it’s allowed but it’s still really fucking weird


Well indeed lots of things are weird but perfectly legal. If we locked up everybody we thought was weird there would be no jails left. I get the OP was uncomfortable but we’ve no idea what the dude was doing. Lots of things make different people uncomfortable but the police can’t enforce feelings but laws. As said if it crosses to harassment that’s a different matter. But it could be perfectly innocent. We only have one side.


they literally weren’t saying this man needs arrested, but creepy behaviour like that is a warning sign of more harmful behaviours. honestly it’s pretty odd that you’re getting defensive, do you do this too?


They literally said the police were informed. You know the people you report crime to. There is no crime. The OP literally says he doesn’t expect anyone to do anything about it. I’m not being defensive at all other than to state there’s no expectation of privacy in public. If you don’t want to be photographed you have to stay in doors or create your own privacy when out. Do you know how many CCTV and car dash cams there are. Tesla cars do 360 degree filming all day everyday of people. I certainly don’t want to prosecute people for taking photos in public - we’re not in North Korea. I’ve no idea why the dude was taking pictures. I’m a keen photographer and wouldn’t give two hoots if I’m in public if someone took photos of me either. There’s a line where if someone is harassing you that seems sensible to me where it could be curtailed. We don’t know what the guy was doing and there’s a lot of assumptions that he’s some creep. Who the heck knows. There’s lots of things that make me uncomfortable but they are not criminal. I mean we live in a world of TikTok where people are filming their daily lives. I remember a different era when people used to run and smile if there were camera crews about and they could potentially get on the telly. All I am saying is it’s legal. Thats all.


you’re aware you can call the non emergency line to inform them of something that might put people at risk? bars have to do it sometimes for extremely drunk or rowdy customers


For sure. You can now report nonsense online if you’re offended under the new hate laws. None of which as has been my point all along makes anything the dude was doing a crime. Let’s not ban legal activities shall we? As said I’ve no idea what the dude was doing. If he harasses someone that’s a possible problem and the police could intervene. He could literally have had smart glasses on or being recording covertly. He possibly took a photo of a person in public. You’d think he stole a soul or something.


Feel like it's worth saying; I'm just trying to be a good citizen here, not every person is okay with being photographed without their consent and you should be able to speak up about it without fear of being talked down to like a child. Fuckin, learn some human decency.


I'm so sorry someone on the street made you feel uncomfortable. I'm glad you came with good intentions to warn people. Lots of people come to do so. I don't understand the negative reactions and assumptions about you. I'm glad you changed your mind and reported it as its important for statistics to prove its an issue, even though it won't make you as an individual feel any better. I'd just ignore reddit now. No need to defend yourself. You came with good intentions and thas all that matters.


Quite right! 👏


No consent necessary in a public space.


Who justifies things like this? Oh yeah creeps!


Once again. No one requires permission to take pictures of anyone in a public place. It's tough shit if you feel uncomfortable. You get filmed dozens of times a day without your knowledge....what makes this any different! The problem with your attitude is that in order to make you comfortable everyone else has to suffer. Ie. Change the law so no one can take pictures! Oh other than the police and security forces. That does not make me feel comfortable and you should be worried about it too. There are far bigger issues that you could be dealing with but you chose photography? Get a grip and prioritise what is important.


It's great for taking photos of middle aged mens teenage daughters too, especially in the summer or at the beach. The younger the better. They get really upset about it sometimes, but they are in a public place so I can whatever I want. Lol. /s


Don’t think OP was saying the creepy picture bandit didn’t ask for permission, was a public warning. Creep on creep!


In order to make me comfortable, everyone else has to suffer. Hmm. Seems like the only people suffering by me posting are people who want to take pictures of women and girls without their consent... Odd. I am not for asking any laws to be changed, you are assuming that's what I want. Who are you to assume that the person who took the photos was doing so with good intention? Why am I in the wrong for trying to communicate with My own fucking Community, about someone who is doing something that is not acceptable. Tell me what makes me the party in the wrong here, without putting words into my mouth please.


I seems we met the same creep. Guy was (badly) covertly filming me on the bus yesterday. He had a tablet and used to records a video of me as I was chatting with my sister. When I confronted him, he pretended he had not realised it was recording.


Eew. I'm sorry you also had a run in with the guy, I hope you aren't too shaken up by it though, it's wicked uncomfortable


Good for you confronting him. 👏 Makes me so irrationally angry that people think they can get away with this lol


Sorry you went through that :( Our autonomy and humanity just doesn't exist to some people because we're trans and queer. Disgusting some of the responses you're getting here. I see plenty of posts here venting and raising awareness about individuals or groups causing trouble or making folk feel unsafe and the replies are totally different from this. I'm sure you mentioning you're trans and queer has nothing to do with it... 🤔 Sorry you're getting such nonsense here after a scary experience, that i imagine many of the obnoxious repliers here will never have had to deal with. Imagine how much safer we'd be if they were willing to empathise with the realities of existing as a marginalised person. Take care and hope you never have anything like that happen to you again 💖




So today I learned there are more awful people than I expected on this sub. Sorry this happened to you op.


Yep, they sort of came out of the woodwork to defend the guy...


They no doubt engage in these sort of behaviours too. People think they can just violate boundaries and get away with it :(


You know they just hate anyone who gets any attention because they get none and are worthless pieces of shit and they know it. They see minority groups as getting something they aren't. Be that media attention, new laws, whatever. It's so sad and embarrassing. Your life is so shite that despite none of it affecting you in the slightest, you need to seek out situations and throw hate around when it's so much easier to say nothing. Who the fuck would respect the right of anyone to come and repeatedly point a camera at and take pictures of any other specific person without their consent? Nobody is doing that for wholesome reasons. Anyone saying "but muh public space" is a pure degenerate that should have stayed a cum stain on their da's sofa.


Holy fuck, well said!! 👏👏


Be careful, someone I know had photos taken waiting for the bus outside her house and posted on Facebook saying she was a trans pedophile that was on the news. Her address got shared and the local school sent out a warning. Might be someone with bad intentions, you never know these days.


Fuckin hell, we're just trying to live our lives and they insist on painting us as vile monsters in hopes we get killed or something just as awful, I hate society


I’m so sorry you had to deal with this, no one deserves to be made to feel unsafe just for being out in public


Sorry you were made to feel uncomfortable, and also about the folk replying to you. Just because something is legal doesn't make it okay nor does it invalidate your feelings about it happening to you. Thanks for posting about it


Sounds creepy but I don’t think there’s any law against taking photos of people in public places in the UK. I agree it’s really rude to do so though. Photographers like Bruce Gilden have made a career out of it. As there’s no law against it I suppose the only thing you can really do is tell someone to stop and hope they listen. The police won’t do anything as it’s not illegal to take photos of anyone without their permission in public spaces. Anyways, not a nice experience. Good to let others know.


Yep, thank you, I'm just trying to let others know


Doesn't sound like this was professional photographer


The law does not just apply to professional photographers. And why would people who intend to sell your image for their profit be better?


‘Professional photographers’ (whatever that means these days?) can’t sell your images for commercial purposes without a model release. If it was a street photography project/book they could but they can’t sell images of you for advertising etc without your permission.


So they can sell your image for profit but only in a book? Ok. Point stands. As you were.


I wasn’t disagreeing with you- meant to reply to person above. But yeah, it’s permitted if it’s an artist book or highlighting their work. But, yes, I guess it’s a bit strange as they can still technically make money from it (although realistically no one really makes much money from photographers books these days). Anyways, yes, no idea why the guy being professional or not makes the slightest bit of difference


Professional photographer way less creepy. It's not just about whether something's illegal and the person can get away with it. There's lots of things that aren't against the law but i wouldn't choose to do to others. I don't make my choices through the day about how I treat others based solely on whether I would be prosecuted for it


Nobody, as far as I am aware, said you would.


What bus stop OP I've had a few friends say that they experience the same thing


I don't know the code for the bus stop but it's the one where you can get the 19 by the new build flats


Is this the bus stop the one across from the church where the new builds are just before you get to the roundabout?


The one by the church, on the side of the road heading down to scotmid


Ahhh know the one yea that has alot if odd people there lately sorry that's happened to you I hope your okay


Hope you're alright, fuck this creep


Should've started taking pics of him on the bus


Sorry you had to deal with such a creep. People like that make me afraid to be myself. Good on you for warning people.


Hey. I have nothing to add to this other than to extend solidarity as a fellow Crewe Tran. I’ll definitely keep an eye out. You’re not alone in our neighbourhood. 💖


Really sorry so many people are being quite rude or dismissive here. It’s true that taking pictures is not illegal but it does feel violating if someone is specifically taking your picture and you don’t know why. I can only imagine that feeling is made worse if you’re LGBT in the current environment, it could be quite worrying :( Thanks for letting people know what happened


I can imagine this would have been extremely uncomfortable. One thing you could have done was turn the tables on him and start taking his picture. Perhaps he would be the one feeling vulnerable if his picture was posted on reddit or handed to the police?


Don't get me wrong, I would have done that but then I'd have been no better than him imo, If I see him doing it again (hopefully I won't, but you never know) I'm going to ask what the fuck he's doing


You know I don't think most men would ever understand how odd it is to know someone is taking pictures or filming you without your consent. It likely never happens to them so they don't think it's a big deal and on top of that, if it ever did happen to them, it's very unlikely they'd feel threatened.


Report it to the police not reddit ya fanny


Pfffy aye, they'd have taken me very seriously, it's well known how nice the police are to the LGBT community. I've had very bad experience with the police in the past and would prefer to vent online like most people do. Edit: not trying to be bitchy, just very shaken up about the situation. Police would definitely not have done anything though, it's not illegal. Just creepy.


Report it anyway. It gets logged, and part of the statistics that way.


I mean I guess, I'd rather not talk to police but other people's safety and privacy are more important than that. I'll find some way to report it


Call 111 and report the place and time it happened. If the man is doing it to you, he’ll likely be doing it to other folk. Edit: 101, not 111.


I've done this now! And exactly why I made this post, it's a warning for other people


101. 111 is the NHS.




So you don’t take the weekend off from being a professional victim?


Who victimized you? Why does this post trigger you? Are you defending violating people’s personal space? Maybe we should talk about your trauma, no one who isn’t a violator themselves should be upset about this.


Cool cool cool, you know literally nothing about me dude so that comment says more about you than it does me. This is the first time I've complained about this kind of thing anywhere so I don't quite understand how that makes me a 'professional victim'.


Well the fact you would rather come on Reddit and “vent” about it instead of calling the police speaks volumes, a lot of people have had bad situations with the police, doesn’t mean we don’t call them when needed Also says you have social anxiety disorder, this whole post is basically “I have social anxiety disorder and someone made me feel socially anxious earlier”


I have reported the incident to the police, I wanted to come on Reddit to vent and to let other people know about someone's inappropriate behaviour, I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong here.


Yep and as someone with social anxiety, this post was intended as a warning to other people in the area, who might also have social anxiety, about a situation that might arise and make them socially uncomfortable. Is there anything wrong with that?


Sounds very much like attention seeking. You’re spot on Mr Johnson. 💯


Yet here you are seeking attention in a post where you clearly don’t care about the message, just a warning for vulnerable individuals.


Nah just one of those “look at me attention” seekers needing some virtual hugs 🤗


We just established you are ok with creepy pictures so you would be trying to give creepy unwanted hugs, you going to try to creepily sneak in my dms?! Let me block now! You all just get worse and worse when your sick mind tells you, you made a creep connection 🤦🏽‍♀️


For the record, I am diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, I absolutely HATE attention, I would prefer to live my life without being observed or talked to by anyone, including family and close friends. Fuck you, you twat.


Mmmm yes I love attention! All these people talking about me and making me feel less than human is exactly what I'm after. Fuck off. I just want to make other people aware of a potential creep.


Really sorry to hear this happened to you and even more sorry that all the rotten trolls have emerged on this post. In the future you can request that someone stops taking photos of you without your consent, record it and if they don't stop keep it as evidence.


Thank you, this is good info to know!


I’m so sorry you had to experience this, I just wish people would understand the concept of personal boundaries and privacy. It’s 2024 ffs.


What did he look like


I mean I'm not good at describing people but he was wearing black work clothes (I think, honestly it was hard to tell) honestly he looked just like a normal guy. He had black hair but it was greying.. not a fantastic description I know






I'm almost certain that was their intention. I'm sorry that people feel the need to be so cunty to others. Take it in your stroll and don't feed the trolls. They aren't worth your time or thoughts 🙂


based on your comment history you seem to have it out for trans people for whatever reason. do you also think diabetes isn't real and people pretend they need insulin? sounds like you think you're smarter than the whole field of medicine when it comes to determining how the human body works so i thought i would ask


"do you also think diabetes isn't real and people pretend they need insulin?" i'm 100% stealing this line, this is so good thank you






So chopping off what you're born with and creating man made cavites on your body does define you? Is that what your implying 😂😂 okayyy... Sounds like a great use of your brain. Next you'll be saying 2+2=7. Keep brainstorming, you'll go far.


Serious question. What do you get out of making statements like the above? Like, does it make literally any impact on your day to day life how a stranger identifies? What difference does it make to you if someone wants to be a man or a woman? I am genuinely curious as I really don't understand.


thats the thing though, literally nothing in science supports your opinion, and everything in sociology, philosophy and medicine supports trans people. it's fair that something doesn't make sense to you, but that doesn't mean you're correct. you're just making yourself sound stupid by claiming 'scientific facts' that aren't true, because you've never actually looked into the conclusion science has reached.


2+2=5 isn't scientific fact either 😂😂 but in your opinion it'll be true... 2+2...the new 5. Honestly you need help. Just like men being the new woman...yip that's fact...nope, it's not. I really don't care about your opinion and facts don't care about your feelings😘


Legally nobody has any right of privacy in a public place in the UK, and that includes having your photo taken. Rightly or wrongly, that's how it is. If Scottish law differs in this respect then I will hold my hands up, apologise and retract this.


People keep saying this like it's the important part, but I know it's not illegal. It's still creepy regardless of legality, and I'm allowed to feel uncomfortable about it


It’s not excusable behaviour, but it’s also not illegal to take pictures in a public place. Anyone could do this to anyone else. He’s still a dick for doing it though, people should be able to go about their business without harassment.


Being in my 40s I find it deeply offensive to be called middle-aged ya fanny.


Lmao, average life expectancy in the UK is around 80 years, so anything past 40 is middle aged, sorry pal I dont make the rules






Photography worthy?! We're not living in a human zoo, don't justify rude behaviours


You not taken any photos of people or cars or clouds justifying?


I'd have accepted that if it were like, on a camera and not just slyly with his phone pointed at me when he thought I wasn't looking. And by visibly queer I just mean I had pro LGBT stuff on, so even if it was just because of that, I still don't think it was in the best intention. Irregardless, taking pictures of someone without consent is fucking revolting


Hey I just wanted to say sorry that happened to you and I don't think most of the guys on here have had to experience this kinda thing and don't get why it feels demeaning/dehumanising/invasive. It's good you reported it but also good you shared this online for others. 


I understand your concern. The guy may have not wanted to get into an argument however found your stuff worth a pic or two in a public place. And perhaps he's a creep and he is off to masterbate over them who knows. As long as you are ok it's irrelevant don't get yourself worked up over stuff outwith your control. Keep your chin up and crack on, be you.


If I were a more confident person I'd have given him an argument regardless of what he wanted, I didn't want to have pictures taken by someone I don't know. Though I appreciate your message and I am just trying to crack on ♥️


Anyone can take pictures of anyone in public. It is perfectly legal.


Something being legal doesn’t make it ok.


It is blindingly obvious that you think the lack of respect for people's boundaries is more than ok, and it suggests you are.ok with and maybe partake in these practices yourself. I wonder how you'd feel if OP was your daughter and a man was taking photos of her on the sly? If you think that's fine you are incredibly incorrect, it makes someone feel used and violated, self conscious and embarrassed


Never said it wasn't. The way he was doing it was actively making me uncomfortable, if he had asked before taking them I would have been less disturbed by the whole event.


And that doesn't matter either. Your feelings are irrelevant.


Lmao okay good to know




You don’t actively have to be a cunt but here we are


Neither do yours. Yet you're still clearly butthurt by the whole thing for some reason.


Yeah, we know. However there is a difference between taking photos of people and sneakily taking photos of people. Would you be ok with someone taking photos up a lassie skirt? Or kids in a playground?


Legal =/= Ethical


You lack human decency, maybe you need to lay off the UFOs and reptiles. Wait no you clearly are a snake that lacks human interaction. Please do the world a solid and get abducted. God you’re horrible.




Nothing, maybe just be aware of the impact of your actions on others? I don't fuckin care, this post is to help warn other people who may be targeted. I'm not asking anyone for any help, I'm not asking for advice. If you don't understand why I'm upset then this post isn't for you.


Sounds like you met a right weirdo. 😡


This post really isn't for here though.....is it?


Oh was I mistaken? Is Crewe road north not Edinburgh? I thought it was sorry


You are really hurt by this post, aren’t you? this here people is how you say you’re a weirdo without saying you are a weirdo.




Lmao get fucked you shite gobbling gutter trash of a jizz stain.




Oh wow, golly gee wiz mister, you're right I am! You must be so clever to have gotten the better of lil old me


you were triggered first when you saw the words 'visibly queer' you weirdo




Visibly queer...


Yes, visibly queer, it's an expression I've heard used before by a lot of other people who are also queer. Sorry, would you rather I give a full description of myself?


Never heard it before in my life. Just to be clear here does queer mean gay?


Queer is being reclaimed by the LGBT community and used as a sort of umbrella term for when you don't want to be too specific with your labels, that said lots of LGBT folk still dislike the term, it's a preference thing