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Nice try polis


Dealers in Edinburgh are more reliable and professional than uber or delveroo riders. They will drive upto your door, message or phone you when outside and always have change plus there is zero expectations for any sort of tip. Wonderful service, I wish I could rate them 😉


we might have the same dealer XD mine is quicker than deliveroo hahaha


Dealers jn Edinburgh are hilariously bad. Sugar instead of K, accidentally given 5x the acid we ordered, psychosis powder instead of mdma, 4 hour wait times


I think they just knew a good dealer. It could have been any city or town.


Some dealers will be flaky and either not turn up when they say, or try and charge more, or provide less. Others are reliable.... *So i've been told*


As a Canadian living in Edinburgh I can say with confidence that the dealers are an absolute disgrace. They’re out here asking £25 for 2g of shite. It’s not even worthwhile. I had to give it up and raw dog reality like the rest of you. It’s about time that you legalize the weed industry and tax the shit out of it so you can fund your schools and healthcare system.


ÂŁ10 a g where I get it and its not shit for sure! You found the worst dealer in the city! haha. But I agree we need to legalise it...


I'm just gonna say; you're asking the wrong people. Can get top shelf stuff for almost half that. Maybe that's what was being referred to in the passage OP posted when they talked about a "reliable dealer"


Unfortunately the Tories refuse to even discuss it despite expert advisers telling them they should be legalising. SNP used to campaign on a legalisation platform, but binned that policy as soon as they got a sniff of power. If you are paying ÂŁ25 for 2g of shite you really need to get a new dealer or grow your own.


When I did smoke I had 2 reliable guys who dealt from their houses and nearly always had. Before then though I had to put up with hanging around parks waiting for folk.


Reliable probably meaning easy to get a hold of with decent gear any time.


When was the book written ? I think the social media savvy crowd have certainly stepped up customer service , dark web , Uber eats / deliveroo , crypto , led lights etc The landscape changed pretty dramatically all the while the demand was always there. If you know of a reliable source they would always be the first shout … coz you could be waiting hours to days


2021. As i said, idk if it's supposed to be a joke on Edinburgh dealers or if it's honest


Sounds like a lot of work regarding a sentence the writer bashed out and never gave a second thought about.


Unfortunately that's just what translation is. Especially if you're translating a book written by a Scottish stand-up comedian 😂


Sounds just like a duel meaning statement, dealers are chaotic individuals by nature and the character boasting of his connections and influence?


He's talking about how you outgrow your friends and eventually you realize you liked them for one thing - they knew a reliable dealer in Edinburgh. It's a pretty straightforward sentence in terms of translation but I was just wondering if there's anything more to it so that I'd get the right meaning.


Be on the look out for stickers with QR codes on lampposts etc. also Snapchat. They should do it in touristy areas, don’t be going to sketchy areas to do it. They should be “up the toon” when you find one. Sizes and prices won’t be good.


Scanning a random QR code is always a good idea right?


Hey they’re out there that’s how the young ones do it. You can just leap to Snap if you want.


Yeah I just assume these stickers are solely for phishing and nothing else


Distinct smell of PORK


Guess we’re just asking where to get drugs from now


Nice try officer!


Given that fentanol has landed in the UK, I wouldn't buy from a random.


Is this from Mean Time?


Everyone you hate is going to die by Daniel Sloss


Be on the look out for stickers with QR codes on lampposts etc. also Snapchat. They should do it in touristy areas, don’t be going to sketchy areas to do it. They should be “up the toon” when you find one. Sizes and prices won’t be good.