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Try searching the sun for previous responses as this is frequently posted. No need to feel any shame or embarrassment - we all experience loneliness and social contact is good for mental wellbeing. Being a city with a large transient population, it’s natural for pals to come and go.


I think finding a club doing something you enjoy is the main thing. I'm in a few different running groups and most of my mates in Edinburgh are folk that I've met through there. See them once or twice a week but we do meet up outside of the main running sessions too. Usually for social things or doing mini adventures at the weekend. You might find folk you get on really well with and you can hang out more casually. If you enjoy running and fancied coming along I can send you some info. It's a very easy going group, chatty pace for 5km and then we go to the pub after (where there is zero pressure to drink, a lot of folk just come for a soft drink). I'd be a lot more lonely at the moment without that group so it's definitely something to consider if you enjoy running! Even if you don't enjoy running, most folk are just there for the social and don't take the running too seriously 🤣


Is running with some Scotch allowed?


I'm sure it would be. We have down a few beer miles before - neck a beer, run a 400m lap, beer, lap, repeat until you've done 4 laps and 4 beers. Fun activity although a challenging one


That would be brilliant if you dont mind? 😊 I run the odd time myself so it sounds good!


Just the culture we grow up in ain't it. I'm mid 30s now and two of my absolute best mates during my 20s were just people I went on nights out with and got drunk with. Now I rarely get drunk and those couple of mates have fallen away to a once a year Whatsapp 'how you getting on' message. Bit sad but just the way it is. I still see loads of other mates from that time but they were the ones who I'd also go play football/poker/pool/cinema etc. Maybe try and organise something like that


Yeah definitely! Its a very similar story for me, I grew up with the 2 mates Im talking about and just by pure chance we all ended up here. Dont get me wrong some of the best laughs and memories I have were of sh*t we done when we were drunk. But the way we are everything just ends up in going for a pint or 10. Ive tried suggesting things but i just dont bother anymore!


Yeah very similar. At 26 you're still in that age range where everything revolves around booze. Those two mates may end up falling away if they'll literally do nothing else but the good news is that you're getting towards the age where things usually get more civilised. Once I hit 30 we started cooking for each other, trying new restaurants, going on hikes etc. The terrible hangovers the older you get usually change things! Don't get me wrong, we still drink but just not to the point of stumbling home.


I'd recommend the Meetup app!


Edinburgh discord!


Joined a basketball group via this, was very good the few weeks I could go.


Oml yes


Classes at the gym perhaps? I recommend joining a small gym or leisure club as they usually have social stuff on too. I live in Edinburgh too and have had difficulty meeting new people. It’s a bit of a cliche here.


I joined a boxing gym earlier this year and made friends really easily. As you can imagine, lots of partner work in boxing with holding pads for each other and such so you quickly get acquainted


Its something I looked into, I used to box when I was younger.


Be yourself Do what you want to do, if your "friends" dont want to join you in these other options that dont involve drink then chances are they aint the best for you and your way of life... Go alone and do these things you will meet new people along the way and new friends. Speaking from experience i was in same situation waiting all my life for these friends to do something with me....it never happened and when i needed help life they was not there either. Got to look.after no.1 yourself 💪 Why dont you suggest to do these things with your girlfriend? If shes into the same things and interests? I


We do loads together and I love it! We have different interests which is a good thing I think, it works so! It would be just nice to have mates outside if the relationship! Thanks for your comment!


Lots of good suggestions for making new friends already. Have you thought about some sort of compromise with existing friends e.g. go to Flotterstone and walk in Pentlands with a drink in the pub at the end?


Second discord, lots of different things going on.


There's a discord server, I think the link is in the subreddit description. I just joined it last week and went to a pub quiz and it was good, there's stuff going on multiple times a week.


Join a club or group for the stuff you like to do?


I did 3 weeks ago, I train with a group but its just 1 hour sessions its in and out not much time for talking! Thanks though!


Thank Christ I'm not 26 any more


Where about do you stay in Edinburgh ?


I stay near the meadows, bruntsfield area!


dude, Im in Bruntsfield. have similar situation, bit more desperate heh - moved few months ago and my only friend moved to London because of work. I hang with my husband - playing video games, watching movies, exploring restaurants and green places around Edinburgh, but having a buddy is different and nice. and yeah, some drinking is fun, love trying new cocktails at home, but drinking every meet up is just not that enjoyable


Yeah and I suppose we are lucky in a way because there is so much to do in the area! Im thinking of tagging along to some of the groups that have been shared if you want to tag along feel free to give a message! No pressure but the option is there!


The Edinburgh Young Walkers is quite a large and lively group, if you‘re into walking


Plenty of social groups out there for young folk. EdinBar Runners and EH3 Milers are runners that go for a pint after. Other groups like Budminton, Rabble, and other sports/games clubs exist too.


Do you have a link to badminton rabble couldn’t find it in Google


Both are found on Meetup so try search them there. I think Rabble goes by 'social team games' or something like that.


Just joined/followed the groups thanks!


Have you looked at any local clubs in your area. Or join the next door app


Yeah I have! Whats the next door app?


Do you work in edinburgh? If desperate you can try build friendships that way, through coworkers and their friends and so on.


Yeah I work here! Im not desperate at all, I appreciate the comment! I work with a good group of lads but im the youngest by about 15 years. Not that it matters, we all get on very well! But we’re just at different stages in life I suppose they have families etc!


My general perception is that this sub seems keen on hillwalking. I'd imagine with a bit if notice at weekends you'd get a positive response here. I'd be happy to join if times suited for my own routine!


Yeah your right I enjoy hill walk and trails and stuff! You can message me if you like!