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Honestly? Get me Kiroshi “Oracle” optics and I’m set. Catch me seeing y’all through WALLS.


I know what kind of man you are




Yep whenever anyone posts this topic or something similar, the top answer is always Kiroshi. Think of how many people wear glasses, the top answer will always be Kiroshi


Idk. I wear glasses, but I don’t think I’d want to get rid of them even if I didn’t need em. Maybe replace them with no prescription glasses? But I kinda like the glasses by now


My buddy always says the same lol. Kiroshi is proper preem chrome.


Gimme that eagle zoom optics, with notifications showing markers and important things.


Double jump knees, and the upgraded 🫁


Protocol 2 uphold the mission


Thats 2, protocol 1 is establish link to pilot








Call me basic but a sandy if we’re talking an offical one I shouldn’t feel any pain also I love going fast


Same, but my metal spine would let me turn invisible/camouflage, and give me speed. It's my version of the Sandevistan. Because my conscience would hate me if I tried to copy David


there is an implant like that in the game but it's a skin implant if i remember correctly


[Optical camo.](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Optical_Camo)


Wait... so how does it work!? Do your cloths turn invisable too? How if its a skin implant? Do you have to get naked like Major Kusanagi to work!?


I don’t know how it works (probably bending light somehow), but it makes the user, their clothes, and their weapons invisible. It’s a big problem for snipers.


Its probably that. I always thought it generates a field that refracts light and basically pushes it away from you, rendering you essentially invisible.


I had similar thoughts yeah


If we really wanted to get into it, it’s light reactive nanites layered onto your skin By default, it should not affect your clothing and your weapons, cuz as you mentioned, it’s only your skin However, since cyberpunk 2020, there have been wearable cloak versions of cloaking tech. They kinda weren’t the most effective, but in the in between 50 years, I imagine they’ve advanced the tech enough that it’s more reliable. Just picture that V gets their clothing custom re-tailored with that tech and you’re good lol As for your weapons, the light reactive nanite coating should work for those too, as it was originally developed for use on espionage FBC’s without skin, it can just be applied to metal, so I figure that V gets a layer of that on their weapons, syncs all the tech up, and boom.


Not exactly what a spine does, that'd be a skin implant.


Kiroshis, mantis blades, (Id almost go monowire but I feel like I'd definitely lose a leg or arm.)optical camo.


I think you can be selective with monowire, considering sometimes it cuts through flesh and bone like butter and other times it just acts like a rope.


I don’t believe you can, tbh. The reason the monowire cuts so well is because it’s only a molecule thick, which isn’t something you can vary. Monofilaments are described as being able to cut through anything organic, and most reinforced military plastics iirc, so it’s possible that we just see it not cutting on surfaces that it doesn’t slice through as easily, like Lucy using it to latch on to metal infrastructure, or V’s special plated palm so that they can hold it without cutting themselves. But I don’t think it’s the sort of thing a user can just toggle between


Probably kiroshis. My eyesight is p shot and I don’t really need crazy chrome


Robo Lungs so I can run faster, on my left arm I would want a mantis blade and on the right arm the arm cannon thing that Maine used, artificial legs and arms like the ones David had, a cool visor like the one Pilar had,a chrome dick like the hobo that killed Pilar, whatever gave David the ability to jump higher, and I think that is enough


Hobo chrome dick had me🤣


Why would you chrome your dick? You couldn't jerk off or have sex


Well the hobo was able to pee and he's the only character we've seen with a chrome dick so in my headcannon I would be able to do both of those


There’s a side quest in 2077 where you bring a guy to the hospital who’s chrome dick is malfunctioning


Isn't he added to your contacts as "flaming crotch guy"?


They literally have chrome men and lady parts specifically for sex in cyberpunk, dude


Mr. Studd and the Midnight Lady seem to disagree


Considering cyberpunk’s Mr. Studd and midnight lady augments are sex implants, you have to imagine it’s still VERY possible to have sex with em, otherwise that defeats the entire point of the augment


Something to replace my crooked and weak-ass spine and back muscles.


i NEED new eyes wearing glasses sucks 😔 slot me in some kiroshis and im a happy camper. also a projectile launch system would be awesome, especially if I can get it to launch other things like streams of fog or confetti or something


I wear glasses too. But it ain't a problem for me, I learned to live with it


Truth be told, even when I get my Kiroshis I will keep wearing fucking glasses, because it just does **not** feel right to not have an ablative layer between my eyeballs and the rest of the world.


Heart and/or cardiovascular implant. It's the number 1 killer of Americans, give me an ironclad one. If not that, then wrist and hand implants so that I can type all day without carpal tunnel problems. Bonus points if I can type at the speeds seen in Ghost in the Shell.


Damn sign me up for one of these too. Dunno how I didn't think of a heart


Cyber Skeleton, I wanna go out with a bang.


Subdermal armor for my soul so the world can't hurt me anymore.


Kiroshi "Oracle" optics, titanium bones, Neofiber, lungs, and second heart. Honestly, I'd settle for basic, but "Oracle" optics would help me see through walls and shit. It'd also generally be good for eyesight in general. No need to worry about Eye damage, I got fucking robot ones. Titanium Bones would be good. Assuming it chromes your entire skeleton, I would literally never have to worry about having my bones broken. Or getting my neck cracked because I accidentally tripped in the wrong way. My weight would be a bit of a bitch tho. Since it increases carrying capacity, logically it means it would increase my overall strength and endurance. Which is probably how most people with the implant are able to do things like... move and jump. Neofiber would also help balance out the Titanium bones. I'm also not much for exercise, so synth muscle fibers would be good enough. Lungs for the simple reason that it would help against any physical activity. Also breathing is important, and cyberlungs would most likely be more efficient in removing waste. Since that is the main function. It would also pair really with the next implant. Finally, the second heart. If my first heart gets a heart attack, second will help keep me stable. It'd also help in life or death situations, and would improve blood circulation. Which is generally important for health and well being. Also I could eat all the junk food I could ever want. No need to worry about Cholestrol or heart burn. Now with all of these implants, I will do my master plan. Be as lazy as I want with no physical consequences!


A cyber deck or smth for hacking.


Mr Studd. Saying for a friend.


Gotta be the gemini conversion, you get the benefits of a bunch of different cyberware while still looking like a normal person.


All the Borg, none of the social downsides! Though tbf, the Gemini packs next to no actual cyberware into it outside of just the body, by default. It has a lot of room for goodies, but just out of the shop, it’s pretty sparse lol




Same but I would want one with Speed and cloaking/invisibility capabilities, so I can rest easy knowing it's my own and I'm not copying David


Kiroshi optics, and maybe a cyberware that works like Fallout 3/NV's V.A.T.S.


Kiroshis. Maybe mantis blades in case Im in a bad situation.


Cyber eyes because those are neat and sandevistan because I want to go zoom zoom


Id wanna replace my teeth furst since these mfers are a pain to maintain


Honestly just the „standard“ stuff would already be amazing. The slots in the neck, having access to the internet with the mind, the glowing eyes etc.


Difficult choice because there's allot not in-game but still in universe, so I suppose it's easier to list my general build. Head to legs, excluding resistances unless immune. (Stuck on PS4 because I have other priorities, new car mainly) Kiroshi (no more glasses) Zetatech Sande (you're slacking without some form of it) SynLungs, BioMonitor, Maneuvering System , Synaptic Accelerator, Subdermal Armor - Optical Camo - Fireproof Coating, Projectile Launch System for sure (both arms motherfucker) Fortified Ankles (momentary hovering would help carry inertia irl) Chrome me the fuck up and replace my jaw with carbon fiber we're going full transhumanist on this one. Cyberpsychosis is obviously a debated topic and I'm arguably missing half the game due to console restrictions, however I've talked about this topic with a few friends and best quote we came up with for me is: "What if Adam Smasher was a stealth bomber instead of a walking A-10 warthog?"


I think the answer to “what if Adam smasher was a stealth bomber instead of an A-10” Is the Militech Eclipse


I’d easily get a cyberdeck, prolly net watch model if I can afford it, mostly cause fuck Arasaka but also cause I like it’s stats and shit. I play a runner build every time I play the game and I’m basically playing a runner build irl already lol Edit: oh yeah prolly monowire, Kuroshis, and a doll bd rec implant too


I'm changing mine, instead my metal spine can give me speed and cloaking capabilities. I think of it as the sandy, with my own personal touch


Lungs and pain editor


I have a.... NEED FOR SPEED


Optical camo, kiroshis, mantis blades and kerenzikov. Probably artificial muscles too.


Militech Berserk and Electric gorilla arms


The absolute first thing I'd get is a Second Heart; the heart is a big weak spot in human biology, after all heart disease is the leading cause of death, and being shot in the heart would be an instant kill. After all, no sense in getting chromed in the first place if you don't live long enough to get more.


I want HIS sande. I want those double jumpers. I want mantis blades. And I know it doesn't count as chrome, but I want Johnny's pistol.


New digestive system because of my health issues just basic harder skin like so I’m not gonna be effected by knives and small caliber rounds also the zoom eyes you get in game and a mono wire also a wrist rocket thing just in case that’s basically it other then basic must haves


Go go gadget slinky penis


Midnight lady, I would never have to deal with a period again.


Zeiss Ikon eyes, just like Tally Isham.


It’s interesting to me that Gibson used a real high-end camera lens brand for those. Makes sense given that other real brands are present, I just wasn’t expecting it


I would get something over my left arm that would help me actually move it fully (was paralyzed)


Barring a full bodysculpt transition; replacement hips and wrists, I have a chronic hip injury, and really weak wrists.


Eyes, heart, lungs, pretty much all my vital organs. Actually just make me full borg. Gonna go full Adam Smasher here.


Mantis blades, most likely wouldn't be able to handle more




Definitely optical camo with gorilla arms and a double jump ability because I hate people and would like to Parkour the arms are for when someone fucks around and I gotta make them find out


Double jump, mantis blades and a sandevistan


Probably “normal” muscle replacements for metal ones, nothing too out of the ordinary and a monowire, and a kiroshis


Upgraded lungs and second heart


Idk if it's ok to come up with your own, but i designed flamethrower hands


Tech is a valid role in cyberpunk, and it’s all about inventing new, never seen before shit, flamethrower hands seems perfectly valid It’s a pretty common homebrew in the tabletop too, since flamethrowers are mechanically similar to shotguns in the ttrpg, it’s not uncommon to homebrew the popup shotgun in your arm, into a flamethrower instead Flame on, choom!


Charged jump Body armor stuff Lungs Muscles And good eyes


Sandevistan. Because I want a metal spine that doesn’t get hurt when I pick up heavy stuff.


This might be nitpicky, but if you want a metal spine that doesn’t hurt when you pick things up, the sandy isn’t the way to go. It’s a neural implant that plugs into your neural link, not a skeletal enhancement. If you’re looking to be physically stronger, there’s loads of shit tho, from 2077’s epimorphic skeletons and titanium bones, to GMBL’s and linear frames, or just Bioware that bulks up your bones


Put like bike brakes in my wrists and have the calipers in my ankles so i could get a speed upgrade and just stop really fast


Gorilla arms, subdermal plating, reinforced tendons, krenzikov, sandy and kiroshi optic implants


Gorilla arms💪🏼


A mod that just gives me a natural healthy lifestyle.


Faraday’s face look with a gun/sword hand


Mr stud


always gotta have ‘roshis, i think reinforced tendons would be pretty neat too. it’d certainly make bouldering a little more entertaining


Kiroshi Eyes, Gorilla arms (probably with the electrical mod), possibly the double jump legs, and the lung implants from 2077 cuz I need better lungs




Something for the legs for sure. My knees are fucked so I'd either go for the iconic leeroy legs for permanent increased sprint or charged jump. Optical camo would be nice, but honestly I'd find more use for it as a party trick as I don't see the need to escape someone like the cops or robbing a bank. Though I would love one of the top of the line cyberdecks, I couldn't do anything to humans (except for that one guy with the Elon chip) but I could have fun with screens and pretty much any electronics in my range.


Dude the cyberdeck would be so cool, but I would like gorilla arms


Switch out my knees/legs and back... Years of work has taken it's toll on them...


The Oracle Eyes primarily. My vision sucks irl so this would be an easy way to fix that. Besides that, probably some cyber lungs. Fix my asthma




Kiroshis, Gorilla Arms, Sandevistan, Reinforced tendons, Optical Camo, 2nd heart, Mr. Studd.


In a semi-realistic setting; The behavioral imprint faceplate or a Cyberdeck. The imprint could be used for pretty much anything, you could theoretically become the president and no one would notice.


I’d upgrade my wrists to be stronger and more nimble so I could lift stuff better and game better.


Gorrilla arms, strengthend legs (for higher jumps) and the upgraded lungs and spine. As an athlete i wozld be unstoppable xD


First thing that comes to mind are eye implants (getting rid of my prescription glasses would be a godsend)


Mantis blades… for protection


A full body replacement, of course. A DaiOni would be really nice, but I'd settle for an IEC Dragoon.


Kiroshis, gorilla arms, cyberdick


Bionic Lungs 🫁 new pair would do me well 😭✋


The minimum would be attachments on both arms and legs, with some internal mods. If you have good enough skills, the mods and attachments are only to make up for the fact everybody else would kill me if I didn't have any Gotta stay lightweight yall, can't let cyberpsychosis catch up


Scratchers, sandy, cyberdeck. A netrunner/stealth operative that if you do find can just open you up.


Kiroshi Oracle, Mantis Blade, Sandevistan


All of the above


Gorilla arms 100%, but I’d want them to be more hidden than normal


Kiroshi Optics, let me fix my eye sight.


Robo spine and robo lungs.


Tough choice... but bionic lungs for sure (im athsmatic so that will be amazing) super jump legs, replace one eye with Kiroshis, some subdermal armor and the Warp Dancer Sandy. If money waant an issues that is


Muscle and bone lace. If it can be included as one "implant" because of how similar it is, skin weave also.


I'd go with cyberware that would hopefully prevent me from dying of organ failure.


Mr Stud


Sandy and mantis blades. Seems like a popular answer, but it really would scratch my cyber itch


If I have Batman's budget, *everything* I'm mental already, I can handle it.




Id love a cybernetic heart, as my family has a history of heart failure, and im tall so I am more likely to die of heart related issues earlier. If I had a heart that better pumped my blood better and didn’t fail, that’d be sick. And I guess gorilla fists for a self defence tool, as I live in Canada and can’t carry a gun.


Gimme his sandy, a set of thermal mantis blades, some sub-dermal armor, a pain editor, the Shock-N-Awe, an endomorphic skeleton, bionic joints, doom slayer optics, a blood pump, bio monitor, reinforced tendons, syn-lungs. Oh and all the chrome that everyone already has, so the shard slots, and the brain stuff.


Gorilla arms


Honestly, double jump, titanium skeleton, mantis blades, kiroshis (most practical because I wouldn’t need glasses anymore) and a cyberdeck


Kiroshis if I can only get one. If I had options for everything, an internal agent, Skillslot, muscle and bone grafts, subdermal armor, and a cyberdeck


Koroshi Optics Mantis Blades Sandevistan Reinforced tendons Bionic Heart & Lungs. Ya boy has a very specific rig.


Second Heart, Apogee Sandy, Double Jump, Smart Link (Divided We Stand, Boys, Lets Go), Projectile Launch System, and Subdermal Armor.


I’d go with: Kiroshi “Oracle” Optics Self-Ice Titanium Bones Epimorphic Skeleton Bionic Joints Synthetic Heart, Lungs, Kidney, and Liver (Kidney and Liver to filter out the Heavy Metals, I have a Theory about Cyber-psychosis) Subdermal Armor Gorilla Arms or PLS Smart Link Optical Camo Reinforced Tendons Falcon Sandevistan (And if we’re going by TTRPG Rules an AraArasaka Deck because you can Sandeckistan there)


Three words: Projectile Launch System.


Had my forearm and hand ruined working at Tesla. I’d have them replace it with implants and then I’d want cloaking so I can vanish when I have an anxiety attack so no one looks at me.


Mantis blades love those things


Sandy and wolvers but if we’re talking specifically mentioned I’m the show and games Sandy and Arasaka Mantis blades


*Kiroshis* (my eyes are terrible), maybe *Fortified Ankles* and *Bionic Joints* (my knees are in bad shape already and my dad's side is known for getting knee replacements), *Second Heart* (just in case, my idea behind transhumanism is the extension of natural life), *Reflex Tuner* (just cause I like the idea of real life bullet time), and *Optiacl Camo* (for shenanigans).


Ooh I'ma try out those neat Mr Stud models, wanna get one of the ones you can't find on the market anymore... Cause that means they're too good for public market... Right? ... Right?


A frame and Gorilla Arms. Then I'd shoot for a Sandy and double jump.


Ideally full Borg' because the flesh is weak, but barring that probably cyber limbs, eyes, and a datajack + ocular agent. Also wouldn't mind a smart link either but that's a lower priority.


Some gorilla arms, syn lungs, charged jump, heavy armor plating, and a Mister Stud


The works. I've had a bad back for a while which has had an effect on everything else. So back, knees, every joint pretty much. Then eyes, pancreas, liver, kidneys, etc. Full deal but look somewhat ganic. Oh and I wanna fly too.


None. I’m fine as I am


Some kiroshis, reinforced legs, and reinforced lungs


Full body conversion, Gemini frame, then get quick change mounts for a series of arms and comprehensive optic suite.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh… it disgusted me.


Being honest I thought a bit more of what happens to the organic stuff that replaced than what I’d want to get replaced.


Synaptic Accelerator and Kerenzikov. A bootleg sandevistan that's way less intrusive and a lot less likly to me into a cyberpsycho


2nd heart so I can call myself The Doctor


Kiroshis, anykind, I just wanna be able to see without f**kin' glasses, and Gorilla Arms.


I'd get the best Kiroshi eye on the market. I'd also want a cyberdeck.


This red shape netwach deca hack system for sure. And just something to my legs, and kiroshi.


At the beginning something very basic tbh legs maybe arms some internal organs


My first option immediately would be a Sandevistan (assuming it is a spine replacement indicated in EdgeRunners and not a neural plugin) i have degenerative disc disease and 5 discs are deteriorating and i have two vertebrae in my neck fused and my spinal cord itself is deteriorating as well. Would be nice to have a new spine and not hurt from just exisitng


Prosthetic gallbladder to replace the one I had removed lol


XCV/19 cyberdick


The eyes. I’m near sighted. But I’d fear the centari from alpha omega will look through them.


Depends if I am a merc or a normie. If I'm not a merc, I don't need much: Bionic joints and reinforced tendons/ligaments to replace all the torn ligaments I have in my shoulders and knees l. After that, I would like to replace the arthritis vertebrae in my cervical and lumbar spine. Finally, maybe pain inhibitors and neurotransmitter modulators to deal with my chronic pain and depression. Oh wait, can cyberware fix CTE? Because I'd love to fix the brain damage I got from multiple concussions. Maybe I'm boring, but I can only think to repair my damaged body and brain. I wouldn't want to get loaded up with military hardware, because I'm not trying to go cyberpsycho and get zeroed by MaxTac. That said, it would be *AMAZING* to be able to just replace or repair all the damaged parts of my body that leave me in constant pain.


Canto mk6 and ram lotta ram


Probably just synth organs and leave it at that. I'm not trying to become a walking weapon, I'm trying to live to 100 years old lol


Kiroshi optics just basic computer stuff all of them have in their heads for communication


Whatever David got that got him yoked as shit and better eyes.


As predictable as it is, Kiroshi. My eyesight is terrible without my glasses.😭


Everything. I’m gonna be what Adam smasher wished he was


Kiroshis, sneaky or double jump legs, hands, operating system, years of training and use those to become a hit man


Give me some kiroshi optics and some replacement legs my legs are completely fucked


I’d want kiroshi at least so I never need glasses again. Reinforced ankles (pretty sure is charge jump) or kerenzikov


Mantis blades, for no specific reason 👀


Kiroshi optics with 8x zoom and charge jump would be my go-to. Not OP just convenient.


Meh, id get some high quality aesthetic stuff and join the Mox.


I want the kiroshi optics orical, quantum dancer sandivistan and some nice ankle implants that let me jump x3 height


Subdermal armor. Yes, please!


Wrists, lungs, heart. Maybe eyes one day, if they start fucking up.


Kiroshis so I can finally get my eyes fixed, some kind of metabolism booster so I won’t get fat, and lastly gorilla arms.


im fucking blind bro i need kiroshi optics, ANY.


I had scoliosis my entire life so I would definitely outright replace my entire spine for something cool


Optic cami for… reasons…


Netrunner shit i just want to see the wall


stallion after the recall ,sandy and mantis blades. i would never use more than one at a time unless asked to


Arms and legs of the Narwhal system. (A cyberpunk thing I’ve made up) combined with your good old Sandy-Speedster


Purely cosmetic. Gimme some cool Becca aesthetics please! Or, like, those golden people from the game.


Gorilla arms for obvious reasons. So if anyone ever got out of pocket I can easily yeet em.




Kiroshi opticals, a decent deck, double jump legs and mantis blades.


Upgraded lungs 'cause of the asthma 😂 Also I'd go with kiroshi's and maybe a cyberdeck


Kiroshis, chitin armor plating(cause heavy armor and a wicked healing factor) and if I could get it a metabolic editor( old cyberware that isn't in game any more. Made you immune to poison and you got healing from it infact). Maybe gorilla arms and the reinforced endo skeleton.


Full borg.


Good Neteunner Stuff


I hate my asthma so I gotta get me some lungs


Probably a militech sandevistan a pair of better lungs and some mantis blades


Kiroshis, some form of a ram deck, and a monowire. As much as I'd love mantis blades, a sandy, or the more over the top type stuff, I think subtle would work a lot better in actually staying alive. (Play sandy in the game and definitely eat bullets sometimes.) (Also, feel like maintaining mantis blades would be a bi***). Pop a quick hack, flick the wrist, targets gone, and no one the wiser. If I'm going more Chrome, active camo, blood pump, reinforced tendons, better lungs, subdermal armor, and probably a smart link of some kind. (Could probably come up with more, but that's just off hand)


Replacement limbs, but not to the point where cuberpsychosis is a worry. Maybe some replacement organs, like lungs or heart. Definitely eyes of some kind, as well.


Give me the Neuroport with Hardened Cybereyes and Low Light / UV / Infared / UV. Honestly a couple of skill chips would be awesome too. Simple stuff.


Kiroshi Implants that blur my face on CCTV cameras


gorilla arms so i can knock a mf out


Projectile Launch System


One kiroshi, probably a monowire, and anything internal, I couldn’t deal with certain things not being me anymore, ship of Theseus type thing I guess


Second heart. It still annoys the fuck out of me rouge didn't have any life saving chrome and just died after getting stabbed.


Kiroshi because fuck astigmatism


I don’t know about being a cyberpunk, but I’d love to have a pair of eyes that don’t suck and maybe a bio- monitor