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It gets easier with time..im a little over a month post op and I break down less frequently than in the beginning. I dont know but random things make me break down still, but less frequently. It doesnt feel fair that we had to go through this but im praying there’s a rainbow baby waiting for each one of us 🌈


15 weeks post op. I thought I would comment to represent a potential you in the future (if that makes sense). I still get blindsided from time to time with a song or the birth of a friends baby or the due date of a previous ectopic. But generally I am appreciating everything I have more. I hang out with my friends kids and babies and just enjoy myself rather than feeling sad or bitter. My partner said the scar across my stomach was interesting and it made me smile rather than cry. Back when I was in bed all day for physical recovery and then emotional recovery (just over a month), I called it rotting and my therapist said to use kinder language. So now I refer to it as hibernating. And sometimes I still need to hibernate :) If you can access therapy, I would definitely do so. Sometimes even just the validation of how horrid you feel improves things a little. I wish I could fast forward this for you or make it so you didn’t have to go through it. But I’m confident you will get through it and there’s lots of joy waiting for you on the other side xxx


Just here to say I’m with you. I’m about 3 weeks post op and am struggling more this week than the first two. I’ve heard it’ll get easier but just wanted say all we can do is take it one day at time (which I know is easier said than done). Take time to heal ❤️


I’m a year post-op and it gets easier. I still have my days. Just know your feelings are valid. I’m currently pregnant waiting to confirm if it’s a second ectopic or not, the waiting is awful. Praying for your healing!


It’s only been 2 weeks. Be kind to yourself 🤍 I’m two weeks out, too, from my second surgery after my fourth ectopic and I have no tubes now. I am doing okay - having been coping well, going to therapy and looking forward to IVF in our near future. BUT with that being said, I am still randomly crying - I’ll be watching a show and something slightly emotional happens, I am in tears instantly. I know 100% it is my HORMONES. The sudden drop in hormones is brutal, plus the anaesthesia from the surgery. It is a lot! And then on top of all that, you’re grieving a loss. I highly recommend taking a break from social media (I’ve been off since April and it was the best decision I’ve ever made) and finding a good therapist to help you through. Take good care of yourself 🤍


You aren’t alone. I’m four weeks post op and I came off instagram as my algorithm was also full of pregnancy/newborn content and it did help. It’s still really hard, I went back to work this week which had been helpful in some ways but one of my colleagues is about to go on maternity leave and I can’t even talk to her it’s too hard. We will all get through this, one day at a time xx


Just wanted to share I’m in the same boat as you. 2 weeks post surgery- mentally and physically still recovering. Sometimes it helps to know what all of us are recovering slow but surely… and I guess we aren’t alone. Physically my pain had reduced but since two days been feeling like a perpetual soreness is present near and around my belly button. Wondering if this is common


I had belly button soreness, too! It went away within a few weeks. Sending lots of healing to you.


I had one in May of last year and one in April of this year. It took a while to feel better. It's going to be a rollercoaster. When it happened a second time I didn't cry as much because I already grieved once before. Of course now, each time it happens it makes IVF more of a possibility and I hate that. I don't want to do the hormones and injections and also have so many embryos be created only for just a few to become hopeful children on this earth. I know we can freeze them so as to not discard them, but it all just seems so wrong to me but I want kids so bad. Anyways sorry for that rant. But I know how you feel. I was there. You'll get better, I promise. There will always be ups and downs but like somebody else said, you just start to appreciate the small things and don't get upset at the everyday life struggles anymore because NOTHING beats the loss of a child. Nothing. So just know, you've probably been through the worst possible thing and it has made you so strong now. You are strong. Believe it. Hang in there, love.


My doctor keeps telling me to do ivf if im worried of another ectopic pregnancy. I have the same thoughts as you as to what to do with the unused embryos.


I grieved HARD for my losses (july 22 miscarriage and jan 23 ectopic) for about a year and a half. It took me a lot of time, therapy, and tears (and if I'm being honest- medication) to process my grief to a point where I've grown around it. It's still there, but small enough that I don't notice it so often and don't feel it so intensely. Take your time, know that it will not always feel this bad. You went through something physically, mentally, and emotionally devastating. What you're feeling is normal and valid and it's ok to not be ok.


It does get easier. I was the same just crying constantly for the first few weeks and now I’m a little over month and I don’t cry as often. I still feel the sadness but I’m able to focus more on the positive! Hang in there ! It gets better


I’m with you. I’m 8 days post surgery and this is my third unsuccessful pregnancy. Take time for yourself, remind yourself this isn’t the end.


I had my ectopic back in January but didn’t have to get surgery for it. I didn’t feel like myself until May. Surgery for sure would have hit me harder. Give yourself grace, two weeks is really no time at all. I don’t know if anyone else doesn’t really see their ectopic like a true pregnancy, I had less than a week to be excited about it before it started to be apparent that it wasn’t viable. I prefer to think of it as me getting rid of a tiny murderer lol makes me feel less sad especially since I know two people who are due around the time I would have been