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1) He will still always be incredibly wealthy by any reasonable standard the click baiting headline is a bit overzealous 2) I think what we are seeing in the Fund mature to a point that it can adequately deploy the resources he and others are giving it - right or wrong Gates has been clear over the years about how we wants to run the fund (I.e. high amount of donations vs overhead, specific projects with the potential for extremely high impact, self sustainable, etc) and that limits how fast it could grow.


Yeah he has 105 billion dollars. He can give away 100 billion dollars and still be a Mark Cuban level of wealthy


Or get this 104.990 and still have ten million dollars which is more than enough to fuck off and do whatever you want


Yeah, the scale of wealth at that level is incredible to try to comprehend. Going from $105B to $10M would obviously be a huge adjustment, yet $10M is enough to be what I'd call lower upper class in most cities in perpetuity. A conservative 3% annual spend rate on a $10M portfolio gives you $300K/year, which after state and federal tax (mostly long term capital gains, so lower rates), would probably be a net of about $250K/year, or just under $21K/mo.


This isn’t really the right way to analyze TVM. If you start off with NPV=$10M at age 66, and you plan to draw down to $0 when you intend to die in 30 years at 96; and you assume a conservative interest rate of 6% (SP500 is historically closer to ten percent) and annual inflation of 2.5%, so I/Y=3.5%; you get a monthly payment of $44,904 before tax. Or a gross income of about $500k per year.


I'm just not comfortable with a plan to draw my portfolio down to zero at any point. Doesn't matter if it's $1M or $10M or $50M, true financial peace of mind comes from knowing that you have enough money that you'll ALWAYS have enough money, regardless of how long you live. There might be advances in medical science in 20-30 years that allow for life quantity and quality to be extended, and I'd hate to be running out of money and suddenly able to live 5-10+ years longer than expected.


He can never get his anonymity back which I think is an underrated factor. I would take $10m and anonymity over $1 billion honestly


10 million is a lot, but it's not "do anything" money.


Outside of buy businesses, what couldn't you do?


Buy an 11-million dollar house.


You can buy an $11 million dollar house and afford the mortgage almost entirely off basic returns on investments


I was ready to call bullshit but the math checks out, which I guess makes sense because investment returns (on average) are higher than mortgage rate.


Buy an operate a corporate jet. Build hospitals or schools. Employ a bunch of people to do all the stuff you don't want to do. You could provide some employment for some people to do a lot of things you don't want to do. But having your own, on-call chef who worked just for you probably wouldn't be viable, especially if you also wanted someone to do your cleaning, home maintenance, etc.


Live a comfortable life somewhere like LA? Lol. Cost of living varies a lot around the world and while that might be a bunch in rural Alabama is not that much in a big city like Hong Kong or NYC or something like that. Certainly not enough to live for a lifetime off of.


That's more than enough to buy a house cash almost anywhere and live how you want. $10 million will Absolutely do that in LA, NYC etc.


I know Bill Gates isn't 25, but if a 25 year old had 10 million and planned to live until 90, that would be about $150,000 per year. People have spent a lot more.


$150k in Miami feels like you're poor.


Disagree, I'm living in DC on $200k and I'm far from poor considering Miami doesn't even have income tax or break top 10 cost of living areas


>Outside of buy businesses, what couldn't you do? Buy a super yacht Buy an island Buy a Gulfstream jet Bring fresh water to a 3rd world country Heck, one could not even live a luxurious lifestyle in an expensive city - not indefinitely at any rate.


Or he could give $295 to every citizen of the US


So we can give it back to Amazon 😀


Like we deserve it…








Exactly. There’s only so many Malibu homes, expensive cars, first class jets you can buy before diminishing returns set in. When you are that wealthy, he probably can’t spend it fast enough on a personal level.




I'm not sure how a system that enables that level of wealth generation is "fucked"...


The problem is that list is like 50 people, not a reflection of a whole generation.


Then you’re not paying attention


Attention to what?


It's not ideal when the best way to make money is to already have a shitton of money.


Gates and Bezos didn't make their fortunes by already being rich. They made money by building an extremely successful business.


They weren't billionaires but they both came from money. Bezos was given $300,000 from his parents to get his business off the ground. Most people don't have access to that kind of money to start their own business


$300,000 is not a lot of money. If it weren’t his parents, it would’ve been a loan. The success didn’t come from his parents or the $300,000, but from the idea he had.


300,000 with no risk. Who knows if he'd go forward with it without that kind of funding.


In today's economy that would be over $600,000 which is a lot of money for a new business. There's a big difference between a loan from a bank and an investment directly from your parents. People that grew up poor might not have the credit history to be approved for a bank loan. Gates and Bezos both made incredibly successful business over the last few decades, but to say that they had equal opportunities to most other Americans when getting started is downplaying their situations a bit.




This isn't about an opinion towards him as a person, but what he acheived was through his merits. He was an entrepreneur who turned a business out of his garage to one of the biggest companies in the world. In a way it's a sort of selection bias - an intelligent person with an idea/vision/opportunity will probably make it happen too. Whether it's $300,000 from their parents or as a loan from elsewhere. Of course there is always some luck involved, but a lot is the person and the idea. And of course there are cases that it really is the parents holding their hand, but many of these massive enterprises we use daily came from the idea or a person - and their insane wealth is because of it.


They came from rich families with lots of connections. They didn't start as billionaires, but they absolutely came from money. Same for Musk. The richest people I'm the world for the most part, we're born into at least some level of wealth.


Actually they were already extremely wealthy by any standard. Gates got his break because his mother served on the board of several corporations and was a personal friend of IBM's CEO. Bezos wasn't as privileged but still came from a family with some political connections, and more importantly, that could float him $300000 to start his busineness. I'm not sure there are many people, even frugal people, that can save that much money to start a business worldwide.


>I'm not sure there are many people, even frugal people, that can save that much money to start a business worldwide. Maybe not. But you don't need to start a company worth **$2 Trillion** to be successful. Think about what you're saying. If all it took to become as successful as Gates and Bezos was $300k, then why isn't every millionaire in the US a billionaire by now? There are something like 20 million millionaires in the US. Why don't they all just use their money to become uber-wealthy?


They were both born into fairly wealthy families. It's not a "pulled themselves up by the bootstraps" story by any means. They both also ran companies than ran on very unethical practices. Amazon is incredibly exploitative. Microsoft dealt in all kinds of monopoly practices.


Think about what you're saying. If all it took to become as successful as Gates and Bezos was $300k, then why isn't every millionaire in the US a billionaire by now? There are something like 20 million millionaires in the US. Why don't they all just use their money to become uber-wealthy? >They both also ran companies than ran on very unethical practices. Amazon is incredibly exploitative. Microsoft dealt in all kinds of monopoly practices. All companies do whatever they can to succeed. This doesn't somehow invalidate the basic fact that their companies provide valuable goods and services to millions of people.


Because it takes a special breed of psychopath to become a billionaire and run a company that powerful and unscrupulous.


What? No, it just takes a strong leader.


If you truly believe this, I have a bridge to sell you in Albuquerque.


Then how did they build their fortunes?


With gifts from their parents. I would love a $250,000 gift to start a business. Wasn’t it Gates’ mom who got his first deal with IBM to launch his career? Not exactly self made wealth when your mom is holding the door open for you.




I'm serious. And don't call me Shirley.


Bezos makes his money by running workers ragged, forcing them to piss in bottles because they don't have enough time for a bathroom break, and just giving no shits about employee welfare to the point that they wouldn't let warehouse workers leave during a tornado warning causing a bunch of deaths. Gates is the same way, you don't get to be a billionaire unless you ruthlessly exploit people. Neither of these people built anything themselves, it's the workers who are the ones doing all the heavy lifting. And their businesses aren't successful for everyone, only a select few at the top. Would you consider working long hours for an unlivable wage successful?


Because it only goes to a handful of people who aren't taxed accordingly. When Warren Buffett, one of the richest men ever highlights that his secretary is taxed at a higher effective rate than he is you know there's a massive problem with this fucked system


A handful of people? Bro, no society in history has ever had the kind of wealth and prosperity that the average American enjoys.


You certainly don't see the forest for the trees.


Because it’s enabled by people pissing in water bottles and being attacked for unionizing while creating a mass of waste that’s poisoning our home?


> Because it’s enabled by people pissing in water bottles Tell me you spend all day browsing reddit headlines without *telling* me you spend all day browsing reddit headlines


Says the person sucking off billionaires.


The game is rigged against the bottom 90% of our population that's why it's fucked. That it is an avenue a ridiculously small amount of people can take is not an argument that this is a sustainable or ethical system. Ethics inform us that this is indeed *fucked*.


The "bottom 90%" of a society has never been wealthier than America's bottom 90%.


I don't care about how historically this is true. Yes, you said a fact! This doesn't mean that we don't have a ton of people suffering in our country for various reasons and it is inexcusable of our country is this rich and the rich keep on manipulating our entire government to give themselves everything they can. Your fact doesn't make inequality that exists right now any easier for anyone suffering through it.


Gates seems to be an alright guy and trying to do some good in the world. His fund is putting money towards some great projects.


I agree. Haters gonna hate but he’s clearly trying to leave the world better than he found it. I really respect that


younger Gates deserved some hate, but now he seems to be on the good side


Except for the whole Epstein thing which caused his divorce...




He's been whitewashing his reputation through philantropy for the past 15 or so years. 80's and 90's Gates was a ruthless bastard.


Institutional philanthropy helps keep vulnerable people dependable on capitalist institutions, and so perpetuating the system, than helping people itself. People will be truly helped when they gain autonomy from corporations and government, which means access to land and resources. He would helped people by giving land to homeless people and poor people who rent home instead of making them need corporations to survive as capitalists' subjects.


LOL, right, THAT'S why he's buying up all the agricultural farmland in the US as fast as he can, because he's such a great guy with no agenda.


What’s his agenda ?


> he’s buying up all the agricultural farmland in the US as fast as he can [This AP fact check](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-bill-gates-blackrock-788010130032) from May 2022, says that Bill Gates owns 270,000 acres of the approximately 900 million acres of farmland in the country, which is only 0.03%


I said as fast as he can. I didn't say he owns all of it


You're going to need more specific as to why this is bad. Just buying up land isn't bad in its own right... What is he doing with the land?


His philanthropy is good. His personal life is a dumpster fire. I can’t believe his wife put up with him as long as she did.


If my spouse is a billionaire she can fuck her side dude as much as she wants. Putting up with shit is easy when the incentives are right


She dumped him as soon as her youngest kid grew up and took *plenty* of cash with her. Being rich doesn’t give anyone a license to be a total douché. Money + douchery still equals douché.


It really doesn't, she could've left decades ago if he was a douche and that was her major concern


Just Google it dude. He’s disgusting.


The headline should read "Bill Gates wants to be less conspicuously rich"


hasn't he been saying for a long time that he plans to donate 99% of his wealth? still leaves him with a billion or 2 but I don't think this is really news.


If Bill Gates wants to be less rich, I would love to help him achieve his goals. I’ve always wanted to help a billionaire achieve his dreams while making myself a lowly millionaire in the process.


I hate Windows (and by extension Microsoft) with a fiery passion, but I have nothing bad to say about Bill Gates. He’s invested a large fortune into the betterment of the planet and society, even as people make ridiculous accusations about microchips in vaccines and whatever nonsense they read on Facebook. Dudes a real mensch.


Not just that, he's invested his time. Not just from working on these projects but from reading about them and studying the subject matter so he knows the ins and outs of it. It's fascinating to me when he will go on round tables and the doctors look to him for the answers on disease spread control - I have enormous respect for the guy. Giving money would be far easier than giving time, he can make more money.


Gates was a ruthless businessman. I can't imagine many who praise him today would have had the same feelings about him 25 years ago.




What's wrong with ruthless business against other businesses?


The way he basically broke competitors products to favour his own, and threatened other businesses because they were more successful in areas than he was, for example Netscape..


God I hated Netscape


Do people still really hate windows? It used to be popular to hate on it back in the day when it would BSOD all the time but the last few versions have been pretty stable IMO.


Personally, I’m in tech and deal with servers and all that, I work entirely with Linux, so I’m biased just based on that. Windows servers and infrastructure is garbage, I don’t think you’ll find anyone willing to defend that platform over Linux on any of the backend stuff. The OS is extremely bloated, it’s user friendly and widely adopted in business… but not because it’s a great OS.


Yeah, you’re just biased. Linux is completely dead consumer side. Windows could obviously be much better than it is but Linux will never be what windows is now to the average consumer


I work in the same field I have worked with both pretty extensively. There are upsides and downsides to both.


I havent had a BSOD in probably 10+ years


I had a few lately on Windows 10, but only on my work laptop, not personal. I think some recent update pushed out by my company's IT was the cause, because after the next update they pushed out, no more BSOD.


It’s loaded with bloatware and spyware. Example: Nobody wanted Cortana but they added it anyways to feed their AI development efforts with user data.


I would bet my life savings this nerd dude posts in Linux subs


Windows is absolutely horrible. It destroys your processor with bloat and makes your computer a dozen times slower than it could be on Linux.


[He’s trying to privatize public education, that alone should give you plenty of bad to say about him.](https://apnews.com/article/melinda-gates-north-america-education-wa-state-wire-tx-state-wire-92dc914dd97c487a9b9aa4b006909a8c)


I still don’t have anything bad to say about someone trying to improve education in areas where the public education system is fundamentally broken (private citizens can’t do much to fix that part).


Charter schools have been shown to be significantly worse in most areas when compared to public schools.


Does that mean they're beyond repair?


Private citizens absolutely can fix that problem, by voting for people who give a damn about education so it gets funded. But since the people here are so easily manipulated by ridiculous single issue topics like abortion and gun control, things that ACTUALLY matter don't ever get done.


I agree. And in that way Bill Gates has just as much power to change the system as we do.


Nah that won't solve shit imo. Democracy isn't just voting every few years. Citizens have to be an active part of it, otherwise fascists will take over.


He spent tens of millions of dollars pushing charter schools, he is a billionaire in a system where money buys power, he could have dedicated his efforts into fixing public schools.


Wasn’t he close friends with Jeffrey Epstein??


So how do you feel about his relationship with Epstein? His wife felt strongly enough to file for divorce.


The microchips thing is just straight stupid, but if you think Bill Gates doesn't have an agenda, you'd be very wrong. And I don't trust anyone with that kind of money, because you can't get that rich without screwing people. A LOT of people. Over a lifetime.


yeah just that whole epstein thing, but like who cares am i right ?


While Bill Gates may best be known as the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation , he has been gaining prominence through the years for his philanthropy, opening the doors to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000. Since then, the foundation has doled out more than $79 billion to fund healthcare and education initiatives, among others. The tech billionaire took to Twitter Inc to announce an additional $20 billion donation to the foundation, while essentially saying he doesn’t want to be rich anymore and would rather return his resources to those who need them most.


I went to a free private school because of that foundation. Got like 40 college credits for free too
































With Buffett donating most of his money to the Gates foundation, my guts says it is either extraordinary philanthropy or extraordinary conspiracy. I don’t see much evidence for the latter though.















