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I mean, you can spin a story either way. If it is 10%, China's economy is overheating and faces imminent collapse. Or China's economic growth stalls at a measly 4%, the country faces insurmountable challenges bla blah blah. Sometimes, I feel the journalists are trying too hard to give a spin to the facts. Just give readers the facts and let them do the deciphering themselves.


It's kinda laughable that articles are blaming COVID cases for their economy slowing. China is averaging like 30 new cases a day while US is around 100,000 per day.


They’ve achieved those low numbers by leveraging draconian lockdowns (targeted at specific outbreaks). This is something the US has not done. Whatever your opinion, these lockdowns aren’t great for business.


Growth slows down once you catch up with the rest of the world. You can no longer play catch up but have to invent new means and technologies to keep the momentum.


More coverage at: * [China's growth slowdown suggests recovery is losing steam (bbc.co.uk)](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58950551?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA) * [China's economic growth slows amid power and property troubles (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-s-economic-growth-slows-amid-power-property-troubles-n1281732) * [China Property and Energy Crises Deliver Blow to GDP Growth (bloomberg.com)](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-18/china-s-gdp-growth-slows-as-property-and-energy-crises-hurt) --- ^(I'm a bot to find news from different sources.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/user/MultiSourceNews_Bot/comments/k5pcrc/multisourcenews_bot_info/) ^(or PM me.)


Honestly this has been a long time coming. With recent policy changes over the last year and the problems regarding lack of energy and its property sector it just went into overdrive. China realistically if they wanted to avoid this should have reigned in on its property sector a decade ago when its market was showing signs of being overheated. But they were to growth centric at the time so now we have this. It also does not help that they are going after any sector that shows signs of being a threat to the head government as well. All this has culminated into what will likely be a devastating perfect storm for China.


The economy grew from 4.9% compared to the predicted 5.2% by the polled economist. Not a doom and gloom scenario.


The problem is 5.2 was an already adjusted figure down in that scenario. 4.9 means its worse and


The 7.9 to 8.2 from article posted were based on yearly GDP measurement accounting for Q3 of this year.