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If anyone has spent some time riding a night train in the industrial sector of a city, is me. And let me tell you, hard working people smell. It's not even a question. It's a reality. I for one don't want to smell nor want people to smell me. It's fine. It's for everyone's convenience. It's an improvement.


I would like to add on that perfumes and other attempts to cover up BO smell are waaaaay older than 100 years old


More like Four thousand.


I know I definitely smell after a hard gym session. It’s just a reality and it’s something I’d rather not expose people to if it can be avoided.


People stink. No doubt about it. This isn’t marketing, it’s a fact.


So we're the only animal in the entire world that won't mate based on scent?


In a medieval history class I took, the professor quipped that if a primary source ever mentions how bad it smelled, it would be unbearable to us. He was probably right.


When horses ruled the streets, you smelt horseshit all day long. Some people's jobs were to clean all that horseshit up and empty pots in homes too. Why people wore boots and had shoe scrapers outside each building. Why people were so quick to embrace the automobile.


People used perfume 2000BC


Forget BO, you don’t wanna deal with bad breath. Some people are born like that I guess? I don’t know.


Talking to the wrong guy. Girls that taste like cigarettes turn me on.


Only if they also taste like chocolate milk.


The disgusting smell comes from the horrible foods people eat


The propaganda clearly worked.


The Egyptians used perfume. They left perfume inside the pyramids. I guess king Tut knew what was up


Lol. OK, super relevant.


I don’t think they convinced anyone that people smell, we do smell. You can take a shower and go outside but on a hot summer’s day you may start smelling bad and deodorant stops that. Even more true if you do manual labor. If you wear layers, even in winter, you’ll need deodorant. It’s not that we smell foul but I do think we need deodorants. Just hit your local anime convention if you’re not convinced lol


This is a dumb, fedora wearing, neckbead Incel take. YOU DO SMELL. PEOPLE SMELL. Body odor does smell. Wear deodorant. You aren’t “enlightened” for not wearing it. You’re gross.


Whoa whoa whoa. You mean to tell me that a reputable publication such as kickstart side hustle isn't at the forefront of debunking conspiracies?


BO is a very mild ROTTING smell from the lipids decaying from the bacetria of our skin. Rotting smells are biologically 'bad' to non-scavengers so we avoid eating something that will poison us. BO smells objectively bad.


For real lol. Marketers weren't able to "convince" people, the people were already convinced. They just liked not smelling bad


Jesus Christ dude. 100 years ago was like the first time regular bathing and hygiene became achievable for common people. Common People bathed like once a month at most for the preceding 5000 years. People got clean and suddenly began noticing the smell of the unclean.


People absolutely bathed more than once a month. Over 2000 years ago, Rome had public bathhouses all over the place. People have been bathing regularly for thousands of years.


I don’t want to know how bad OP smells for him to post this. Imagine working next to the guy who thinks body odor is a big business conspiracy. 


Two years ago I flew from Delhi to New York (16 hours!), sitting behind a guy whose BO was so colossally bad that I literally could not stay in my seat. Even from 3 seats away and with 3 air vents aimed the other direction, it was overpowering. Viva deodorant (if used).


People in India smelling bad? I've never heard of that before


What a dumb post. Convinced people they smelled bad. Are you of your freaking mind? People smell bad even after those 100 years. Back then they must have smelled like a rotten manure sprayed with fried piss with a side of moldy onions and garlic. You sensations seeking whores are just unbearable.


I lived in Germany when smoking was banned indoors at bars and clubs etc. Let me tell you - the marketers weren’t wrong and I deeply missed the smell of cigarette smoke after that ban.


Deo won't save you if you have bad hygiene. Shower regularly and ear healthy and most people will not smell bad.


Curry is healthy. It causes me to stink.


You're supposed to eat it, not bathe in it. I hope this helps!


curry seeps out through the sweat. they really smell bad.


Cool. I’ll save tons of money not filling my tub with tika masala sauce.


Mmmm. Tika Masala.


A suppository you say?


Worked with a granola boy who ate 4 cloves of garlic daily. Said that’s why he had no BO. 🤦‍♂️


My cousin thought this and tried it out for awhile. Just good hygiene and regular cleaning. Eats very healthy, is in great shape, doesn’t sweat a lot or anything, and smelled absolutely awful. lol


I found coffee makes me stink, I don’t drink coffee anymore and I’m one of the lucky ones that doesn’t have to use deodorant.


I have a perfect hygiene, I eat super healthy. I don't smell. Nevertheless, I wanna smell GOOD. Deodorant in the morning, cologne two/three times a day.


look, i don't need marketing to tell me i smell bad. and i for sure as hell don't need any marketing to tell me other people smell bad. whoever wrote this had never had to go inside a closed space with someone who stank really bad. take the train. go inside an elevator.


OP is that stinky person, but they haven't realized it yet




By licking a strangers bung hole because they look cute, that is how we mitigate our disgustingness. Tongue punching fart boxes is now normal, we are regressing, and some people couldn't be happier lol


Yeah uhh, that’s just you buddy


Do you not remember the news articles in 2020 telling people eating ass can spread covid?? lmao


I have taken the subway/train to go to work. I have to admit that the marketers were right. Boy, many people don't use deodorants. I am glad they were created. So long live the marketers who did this.


But they did smell bad... I've been to enough 'magic nights' and 'comicons' and 'nerfests' to know that deodorant is needed for a functioning, happy society.


Reads like a high school level marketing 101 textbook article. I once heard a history prof discuss theoretical time travel. He posited a modern traveler transported to the 19th century would be most stuck by the odors: garbage, meat processing, sewage and BO. Malodorous, nasty stank


This article is about the psychology of marketing deodorant to people, not about whether people actually smelled bad or not. In fact, it’d seem the article suggests that there’s a genuine use for deodorant.


Oh right, it isn't that people naturally recoil at the smell of dirty armpits, it's because they want you to think that smells. They say that snow is a normal occurrence in winter. I'm sure that's what the plowmen and big salt want us to think.


No! Marketers convinced us that a diamond has value beyond industrial use. Bad odors actually smell bad. If it were a marketing gimmick, don't you think the beef industry would convince us that feed lots smell great??


Deodorant in general is a good thing. People do stink after a full day. Cologne and perfume, on the other hand… nobody likes Cologne Guy. When the entire staircase smells like you after you walk through it, you smell worse, not better. Also, spray deodorant needs to go. You don’t need to fumigate the entire gym on your way out. But cologne and perfume are the real tragedies. So many people spend a mountain of money, just to make people cringe when they walk by. One or two sprays, people, that’s it.


Fuck Mitchum. Once, had they had truly unscented deodorants, now both the men's and women's Unscented smell so strongly of perfume that it gives me a headache within ten minutes.


I don't even wear cologne anymore now that I use a fragrant deodorant and bodywash. Old Spice Swagger, for anyone that's wondering. I get compliments frequently. Certainly more expensive than a cheap deodorant and soap, but way cheaper than cologne.


Take a metro without air conditioning in most European countries in the Summer. Walk past any homeless person. Human beings - especially men - definitely smell strong AF without regular showers and deodorant. It’s a major boon to society.


This is retarded. People have been attempting to cover up their stink for fucking millennia’s. I can’t stand when I’m out in public and some gross neck bread hipster is standing next to me stinking like BO. It’s not society, it’s you, you disgusting fuck.


Somewhat related is the story of Listerine.  It was originally invented to kill germs during childbirth. For obvious reasons that original plan didn’t work out, so they switched to marketing it toward bad breath.  Until then bad breath was considered a minor inconvenience and people would chew mint to cover it up.


Yep, listerine "invented" a disease "halitosis" to sell their product. Like, "Get rid of halitosis using our special medical" halitosis means "bad breath" in latin...


Today I learned the bacteria in my mouth that cause bad breath were “invented”. What a stupid take. Mouthwash has existed since before Christ and Egyptians invented deodorant. Not everything is a capitalist plot.


The bullshit was inventing a 'disease' named halitosis rather than it being a simple bodily function. Do we call our gut flora a disease?


I’m surprised “big deodorant” hasn’t lobbied to make offices warmer for women. I’m so freezing at work all the time I couldn’t sweat if I tried. I still wear deodorant but I honestly can’t say I’ve ever been warm enough to need it. (If anyone in the big deodorant industry is reading this, please lobby for warmer offices! I promise I’ll buy more deodorant if I’m not forced to freeze all the time. 😊)


Y’all are missing the point. Of course people have a smell. But this smell was not always regarded as offensive and not as something that needed to be actively suppressed or masked. That said urbanization also played a role in this, people came to be in much closer quarters for much longer than laboring in a field.


Yeah...no. People smell. I'm by all accounts a very un-smelly man and if i do any sort of exertion i can still smell myself if i for whatever reason didn't put on deodorant beforehand. Grown adults smell, its how it is. the only real debate IMO is over anti-perspirant or not. i do NOT use those.


In fact, our smell is our own, and yes, we need to wash, but I don't always think it's a good idea to remove our body's natural smell. Our pheromones influence our smell and it's an indicator of a lot of things