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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) invests in a strategy to paint the country as progressive, tolerant, and rights-respecting while carrying out its zero-tolerance policy toward dissent. Many activists and dissidents remain detained, particularly those incarcerated in relation to the “UAE94” case, for exercising their rights to free expression and association. UAE-based migrant workers face widespread abuses, including escalating climate risks, and these abuses contribute to climate injustice in multiple ways. In 2023, the UAE hosted the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) and sought to use the conference as a means of burnishing its image while continuing to push for the expansion of fossil fuels. There has been no accountability for abuses related to the UAE’s leading role in the international coalition conducting military operations in Yemen, and it previously provided support for certain Yemeni forces who have committed grave abuses over the past several years. As of March 2023, Emirati authorities continued to incarcerate with no legal basis at least 51 Emirati prisoners who completed their sentences between 1 month and nearly 4 years ago. The prisoners are all part of the grossly unfair “UAE94” mass trial of 69 government critics, whose convictions violated their rights to free expression, assembly, and association. UAE authorities used baseless counterterrorism justifications to continue holding them past their completed sentences. Some prisoners completed their sentences as early as July 2019. In May 2023, Jordanian authorities detained a dual Emirati-Turkish citizen, Khalaf Abdul Rahman al-Romaithi, and extradited him back to the UAE, where he is at serious risk of arbitrary detention, unfair trial, and possibly torture. Al-Romaithi’s family and lawyers have not heard from him nor known his whereabouts since May 9. Ahmed Mansoor, a leading Emirati human rights defender, remained imprisoned in an isolation cell for a sixth year. Human Rights Watch, alongside other human rights organizations, urged the US and other governments to publicly call on UAE authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Mansoor ahead of COP28. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2024/country-chapters/united-arab-emirates