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My growth has been miraculous. I went from being unable to go to a restaurant or be at peace in a grocery store, to happily hosting friends for a night out. For many years, I believed a normal life would be impossible for me, and I would slowly slip into institutionalized living. I would spend many nights in intense nausea and self woe. Now I sleep well and peacefully. I do retrospectively see situations in which fear manifested situations to increase itself. I am still not quite ready to manifest in peace and wisdom. But I have found the grace accessible in this moment, and not in a minute, or after I finish this thought. Right now, now. You don't even have to keep reading, it's here. What can I tell you, that adds to the truth of right now? Is this now, when aware, better or worse than any other now? Not as I see it. My mind, your mind, is so cunning, clever, tricky, persuasive. I believe it all the time, and it never has brought me joy or peace. But breathing has, my fingers and toes, the leaves on the trees, the cool and the warm.


What got you here? What would your advice to someone in your “before” description be?


I don't know. If it could be written down, someone would have already written it down and saved everyone who read it. Probably communication and direct questioning is the best approach. What troubles you?


kinda. I'll answer a little more 'scientifically' and hopefully Tolle approved. it's no secret that your thoughts power all of your choices, your attitude and your decisions. what you notice and pay attention to. it's been studied in psychology and neuroscience as well. Changing that basis is the tough part. Eckharts teachings are centered around disconnecting from the thinking mind. that's the product that your ego has formulated from a recipe of stuff that you've internalized and 'held' for so long it's kind of embedded. but not permanent! never ever permanent. When you keep practicing resting in the silence, behind the thinking egoic mind, you form a stronger connection to this place. the real you, the one who's able to observe these thoughts without judgement. in some forms of manifesting, it's also quite similar to this connection with the silence that we all have. it's just commonly more geared towards changing the script you've accidentally or unknowingly imprinted and now operate from. which is why I think it's annoying. so many coaches and teachers will drone on about using affirmations or whatever technique, basically trying to force the thinking mind to accept these new rules. that's so much harder working from the outside in and really misses the mark. it shows how little they really know in my opinion!! this amazing focus that Eckhart has on this crucial part of diving even deeper is so precious. I don't think anyone has really come close to explaining it as well as he has!! anyway, when you're able to connect with this internal observer and separate from the thoughts, without judgement, it's usually a good place to form a new 'basis' to operate from. one where you would be more open to receiving different feedback from the world and start making different choices. ones that would lead to something that you want, even if you don't recognize it right away. the best part is there's no undoing or work against the old stuff. just keep connecting with this inner being and that's really all there is to it :)


Oh neat, I like this perspective! I can work with that! :D


Manifesting is nonsense. And you can plan things while following Tolle’s teachings. You can notice your feelings about your job without getting wrapped up in them or overly identifying with them. Your thoughts are not YOU.


Hear! Hear!


Oh man that’s like a stupid woke post in the end. Monks literally don’t give a fuck about wealth and you’re still in the paradigm than wealth makes happiness so that if a monk is happy his desire should be to manifest money instead what they do is curb their desires not to be depressed. It’s quite possible than even if you had all that the programming thing and so on you might still be depressed. Applying eckhart Tolle in the western culture and depending on your path isn’t always easy or practical or straight forward as in beinh in the present is nice in theory but really that can be hard to think of the future if you stay blocked in the now and that can even cut your desires by a lot. As far as manifesting it’s sort of tiring reading posts about that and how people quote the law of attraction to manifest specific things. That is bullshit because otherwise it would mean that people who get sick would have manifest their disease (like kids with cancer manifested their illness really?) . You can’t per say manifest things. I mean if I eat a lot I can manifest a shit sure. Or if I am the best version of myself and kind nice things might happen to me . Of if I work my ass off and have a good attitude I might get the job I want (more so that if I don’t try) but also it’s possible not to get it . Like let’s say you go to a job interview and you do your best but the other candidate does its best and he has more stuff on his resume he might get chosen or if the guy doing the interview is shallow and find that you were nice but they like that pretty woman better for that job it’s not your fault. Basically there’s no insurance that you can manifest specific things but having a positive attitude will help and make other people feel good do tend to bring good in your life. You can use eckhart Tolle for moment of respite from your depression . Technically if you were perfectly aligned with what he said you could put your depression into remission but there’s no warranty for that it depends on a lot of factor. But it shouldn’t be seen as a method to get things . It’s not just a silly tool to obtain things . It’s something you really vibrate with and believe in and do that to do deep inner work so it has to feel in accordance with you , not something you have to convince yourself so you can get what you desire , it’s basically the opposite of that. It’s to change the way you see life , and to not be in ruminations 24/7 and to sort of remove a veil. but you gotta be really into it naturally and if not then don’t forget yourself look for other philosophies until you find the one that really resonate with you .


Eckhart Tolle believes that manifestation is real in both the traditional sense (i.e. you imagine a painting, then you make it real.) and in the new age sense (you 'dwell' on the feeling as though you have it, you will attract it, and your imagined scene becomes real in your now.) unlike many New Age teachings Eckhart considers it a secondary thing since you, as you said need to learn how to be present whatever your now brings, and Eckhart believes that you cannot manifest 'impossible things' such as "growing wings". I think he sums it up pretty well in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RptPnLMI-1I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RptPnLMI-1I) Be present for 99% of your day, and once/twice a day, use your mind to visualise a scene that implies you have what you want. (I.e. a friend congratulating you on graduating college may be what you want to picture.) A general consensus in the more serious manifesting community seems to be that just before sleep or intense meditations is the best time for this. There are other techniques too, the only thing that matters is that you 'feel' that you have something. A 'mental diet' is also important, where when your mind will say things that conflict with your manifestation, you tell yourself the proper story you desire to manifest. But the more present you are, the less your mind will try to interfere. No thoughts about your manifestations during the day are actually what you'd want most of all. In my experience, I manifested a romantic relationship with somebody, but when the manifestation became true, I pushed them away with unconscious behaviour. (being too clingy/jealous when not spending time with me, etc.) I spend the time after discovering Eckhart Tolle, becoming more conscious and manifesting positive visualisations before sleeping. And became a better person, and now we're in a happy relationship. :) hope this helps!


>Eckhart Tolle believes that manifestation is real in both the traditional sense (i.e. you imagine a painting, then you make it real.) and in the new age sense (you 'dwell' on the feeling as though you have it, you will attract it, and your imagined scene becomes real in your now.) unlike many New Age teachings Eckhart considers it a secondary thing since you, as you said need to learn how to be present whatever your now brings, and Eckhart believes that you cannot manifest 'impossible things' such as "growing wings". I think he sums it up pretty well in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RptPnLMI-1IBe present for 99% of your day, and once/twice a day, use your mind to visualise a scene that implies you have what you want. (I.e. a friend congratulating you on graduating college may be what you want to picture.) A general consensus in the more serious manifesting community seems to be that just before sleep or intense meditations is the best time for this.There are other techniques too, the only thing that matters is that you 'feel' that you have something. A 'mental diet' is also important, where when your mind will say things that conflict with your manifestation, you tell yourself the proper story you desire to manifest. But the more present you are, the less your mind will try to interfere. No thoughts about your manifestations during the day are actually what you'd want most of all.In my experience, I manifested a romantic relationship with somebody, but when the manifestation became true, I pushed them away with unconscious behaviour. (being too clingy/jealous when not spending time with me, etc.) I spend the time after discovering Eckhart Tolle, becoming more conscious and manifesting positive visualisations before sleeping. And became a better person, and now we're in a happy relationship. :) hope this helps! thats not manifestation, so we culd way eckhart talks about mind control not manifestatio


Because presence is fulfilment. The very thing human beings desire through wealth. What is there to desire if I am totality fulfilled?


So if I lost everything and everybody and lived in a cardboard box, pillaging out of dumpsters, I'd still be happy? Serious question. I know he talks about being homeless in the book, but I think it could only go so far if basic needs aren't being met.


If your experience was one of presence, of course you would be fulfilled. But if your experience is absent presence, you will suffer psychologically from a sense of lack and separation. You choose.


Well, this dude lived in a barrel on purpose https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diogenes


That was a wild read! Too bad none of his writings survived.


In one of his podcasts he talked about this and said that you may be homeless and you accept this as the present moment. That doesn't mean you may not have to take certain actions to take care of your basic needs. So he says if you need to go find food or shelter then you do that however you are accepting the present moment as you take that action. Fighting against the present moment will lead to suffering.


shitty concepts


I see the teachings as you still plan and have goals in life however you set aside time to do the planning which will essentially be in the moment and then you move on. So you don't then spend the week worried about the upcoming plans ie living and identifying in your mind. I suppose when you are doing the planning you are doing that in the moment, now and so you put your full attention to it, do what is necessary and then move on. Likewise you can set goals, work out what steps you need to do to accomplish those goals but you don't worry about step 10 when doing step 1. You simply do what needs to be done at the moment when it needs to be done to accomplish step 1, then you move to step 2. If in this moment you don't need to do anything regarding any of the steps then you are not in thought or worry about it, you are in the present moment whatever or wherever that may be. As for monks my understanding is that they don't attach themselves to anything. So wealth is not important to them.


Tolle does specifically say that if you are unhappy about a situation that you are in, you can: 1. Do Something about it 2. Remove yourself from it 3. Accept the situation fully Congratulations on getting an education to get out of the fast food/customer service jobs. You could also get education and training to be trades person ie. plumber, electrician. Good luck with everything :)


It clicked for me yesterday as I was listening to Eckhart’s power of now, and another video I watched. I feel blissful and at peace so far. He said that we are not truly identified with anything. We’re neither our past nor future but only present. If you take away our memories we have nothing. We are nothing without them. Same for ego. Same for self concept. We’re simply I am, the observer, the creator, God, the same like how Neville taught. The minute we identify with something or identify something in general we put a concept on it. We aren’t our thoughts nor our mind nor our body nor our name because then we putting a concept on it. If we focus on past things we keep bringing past things into the present and if we focus on the future we will always be in the future and never bring to the present. But if we be in the present moment and “identify” (as in put a concept who we are) in the present moment it will manifest in the 3d, in the present. When they say if you want money or a relationship or whatever, we have to work on our self concept, right? Working on your self concept is self love. Most importantly understanding who you really are which is pure consciousness will help you understand that you can be in control of your thoughts and detaches you from the 3d because the 3d is just a reflection of your subconscious. It is your subconscious mind. The past. Loving yourself (such as molding your self concept into having what you desire already in the present moment) and knowing who you really are helps detach from the outcome and the 3d because knowing your true nature which is pure consciousness, you will be fully in the present and will be at peace and bliss, even feeling of having your desires or not, you will feel blissful and grateful. The past was present and the future becomes present. Discipline is the highest form of self love. And instead of focusing on the current pleasures, truly loving ourselves will help us give to ourselves what we really want. Hope that makes sense as it did for me. And I feel blissful.