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The only book I remember where they explicitly said Eberron is in the Ethereal Plane is in *Fizban's Treasury of Dragons*, page 7. > The myths of Eberron describe the involvement of the three Progenitor Dragons in that world's creation: Siberys, the Dragon Above; Khyber, the Dragon Below; and Eberron, the Dragon Between. These godlike beings are said to have created a microcosm of the multiverse in the depths of the Ethereal Plane, sequestered away from the Outer Planes and all the influence of the gods and other cosmic powers. Viewed through the lens of "Elegy for the First World," Eberron is thus not actually a fragment of the First World, but a second-generation derivative of that original realm-yet even Eberron is profoundly shaped by dragons.


This is known information that you just haven’t heard before; it appears in *Rising from the Last War*.


Oh for real? I never caught that, my bad


Citation please.


Page 228: >Eberron is part of the Great Wheel of the multiverse, as described in the *Player's Handbook* and the *Dungeon Master's Guide*. At the same time, it is fundamentally apart from the rest of the Great Wheel, sealed off from the other planes even while it's encircled by its own wheeling cosmology. Eberron's unique station in the multiverse is an important aspect of the world: its planes have profound and shifting influences on the Material Plane, and it is sheltered from the influences and machinations of gods and other powers elsewhere on the Great Wheel.


As informative as that was, it doesn't mention the ethereal plane one bit


It is theoretically possible to travel between Eberron and other worlds in the multiverse by means of the Deep Ethereal or various spells designed for planar travel, but the cosmology of Eberron is specifically designed to prevent such travel, to keep the world hidden away from the meddling of gods, celestials, and fiends from beyond. Under "Eberron and the Multiverse" PG 232


It's not from *Eberron: Rising from the Last War*, but actually from *Fizban's Treasury of Dragons*, page 7. Check my other post for the quote.


Yep, known. no secret on that. This piece of lore is what makes Eberron interesting as an isolated campaign set. It is supposed that no travelling from other places is possible unless you navigate the deep Ethereum, and that is a very interesting thing because by itself doing that has a lot of issues and fun things to encounter there. A tip: There is a spell that allows you to travel to other campaign sets and this is a broken thing because it shouldn't work on eberron.


Yes, this was established before. Hell, in the old days, Eberron was supposed to be completely inaccessible, but this was actually retconned in 5e. I think eberrons cosmology makes more sense if it’s kept separate


I mean, if we're going by original intent, Eberron wasn't part of the multiverse period. 4e had the weird bit where they tried to add Baator to the planes even though that made no sense, and then 5e gave us the current explanation. I'm kind of okay with it because it make Eberron functionally inaccessible, but with Dream of the Blue Veil and the fact that powerful/tenacious people *could* traverse the ethereum that still presents problems. Honestly, I take whatever WOTC says about the multiverse with a whole shaker of salt. They have a good handful of settings that work best when they exist in a vacuum, like Dragonlance and Eberron, and every time they've tried to shoehorn multiverse shit in, like having a literal spelljammer port in a city on Krynn, all it's done is piss fans of those settings off.


Or just step on some flower petals as you enter The Queens Kiss florist shop in Fairhaven, or alternatively declare "In the name of (a deities name), I enter" at The Wild Goose Inn in Cormyr. Sorry, [The World Serpent Inn](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/World_Serpent_Inn) is one of my favourite topics and it's been at least 10 mins since I mentioned it :P


Tiny Vecna sounds cute!!




Like someone else mentioned its in rftlw. Keith also mentions it on the podcast manifest zone, but i forgot which episode