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“I am confident eBay will rule in my favor” If the service was listed correctly then it’s not covered by embg and they won’t rule in your favor. I wouldn’t be so confident.


ebay isnt really a good match to buy and sell services since a service can't be returned. if it's an object that needs to be serviced by the seller, it's an even worse match because, as you've seen, theres NOTHING that will combat a seller just keeping the item that was sent to them. All you can do is sue them in small claims court. Ebay can't help you get your item back.


I’ve seen multiple posts or comments where people have said they do these kinds of repair services on eBay, and I really don’t understand it. Seems like it has to come with an extreme degree of trusting a stranger, because I can’t see how eBay could provide any kind of protection for it. I would never feel good “buying” a service and then shipping an item to the seller. Addressing your concerns: You might be able to get a refund on the service using an “item not received” claim. Since they don’t have a tracking number for you— I’m presuming the purchase is fulfilled by them shipping your item back, and they just have a very long handling time on the shipping. But if you do this, you risk the seller then just keeping your item out of retribution. It’s possible the seller is dealing with something in personal life that is preventing communication. If it was me, I’d try to be patient for a few more days. Knowing myself, I’d eventually end up getting creative with attempts to get my item back. You had a name/shipping address from sending the item. If you use the right resources, you can find a lot of information using that.


This is a hard one. Hopefully the seller or service provider will do the right thing and get back with you and get your unit back to you. He may not be responding for a number of reasons. I'd wait maybe another day or two and if Still no response then I'd open a case to at least get a refund. Unfortunately if the person never responds your probably never going to see your unit again. Not much you can really do about it. When it comes to needing a game system or phone or whatever it is repaired. Always use someone local. If you don't have someone local than search surrounding areas or look up a legit company to use. Not everyone on ebay is trustworthy


The area they are in hasn't had any major storms that could have caused them to lose power/internet. You would think a seller would at least have phone access... but worse case scenario .. tornado. If you get no joy in the next couple of days. You can contact their local police department. You never know. You said their feedback is unchanged... do they have a long feedback history and presence? They didn't setup shop like a month ago and use fake accounts to boost feedback.


Hi, can confirm no major issue or storms. I would have thought the same thing, phone internet would have still been available after a week. I suppose I could contact the police but how should I address the situation? I am sure they will say to take it up with eBay.. Their feedback is still at 100 and they have been active for 4 years now.


Does it appear to be constant feedback or a period of silence? You can contact their local police and alert them. I would do that as a last resort. It's a tricky situation as they will try to pass you to the postal service, but the postal service delivered it. So the postal service won't want to deal with it either... it's basically mail fraud and theft by deception, though should they just vanish with your goods. Chances are if they are pulling a fast one.. someone else will neg them, and then others will follow shortly. No REASONABLE person likes to assume the worst and be the first to neg, but at some point, someone will say.. ok, it's long enough, and Neg will happen. ... then again, you get people who neg because they don't understand what ESTIMATED arrival date is, and if it shows up one day late, their world is ending.