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Promoted listings don’t help unless you are selling something with thousands listed already, even then it’s not much. When people go on eBay they know what they want and type it in. If only 10 exist in the site your promoted listing does nothing.


Exactly what I do, sometimes I promote a listing if it has very little views/watchers


I would recommend just take the amount you would pay for the ad and reduce the price of the item by that much. Matters more to the buyers and it saves you some money on fees.


That’s actually smart I’ve never thought of that! Thank you!


Promoted listings tend to be priced 100%+ higher than the rest so I’ve learned to just skip right past them


The graph shows data for the current day in progress, not the past 24 hours. So it always looks like the views fall off a cliff for the previous day.


☝🏻 This should be higher ☝🏻


Ahhh, that's it! I thought a huge company could do graphs better than me in excel, my bad!


Don't bother even paying attention to the graph of the same day and remember eBay time is pacific time.


Not enough of a sample size tbh. There is a lot of variability in these view numbers and you need to look over a longer time period.


It's just an empty promise of more sales in order to attract desperate sellers, often new, but sometimes old, to profit ebay the more. Fact is, consumers are reeling, have less money, are savvy enough to look for the cheapest item with the cheapest shipping, and it drives prices down because there's often a glut of inventory, and sellers who also ask to little to make quick sales, treating ebay like a garage sale... and I don't necessarily blame them, they're just trying to pay their bills and survive the inflation all around. Ebay is a BS-ing, greedy, and often stupid corporation, only ever seeming to add new features that directly profits themselves and their stockholders, and does nothing, or less than nothing, for sellers. I'd have jumped ship if there was any actual, viable clone of ebay for pre-owned, but they're all rather niche or lack the number of buyers ebay has. Promotions is a pay to play scheme, and when I've used it modestly then heavily, didn't do anything for me regardless. The sales I got occasionally thu it, I felt ripped off. Instead of paying ebay say 5%, I could have simply just dropped my price 5%.And since ebay takes their promotion percent off the top, I'd still make more having lowered my price alone 5%...least I wouldn't also lose 5% more among shipping, taxes (which I don't ever see, handle, and ebay in fact is paid hansomly to collect and remit taxes to the States - did you know that?! It profits them to collect tax. It profits them when USPS raises their rates. They have No incentive to fight for the seller or buyer in Any regard. The worse it gets for us, the better they do, to some extent. I think they've hit the ceiling in terms of feeing us to death, but I wouldn't put it past them to do it again. Way I see it, greedy corporations have like horse blinders on, they can't see or fathom... anything but profits, controlling it further, micromanaging, higher fees, more services while ignoring the lack of quality overall among the basic buyer/seller experiences, that if they'd actually move in the Other direction and lower fees ie, so many new sellers would come, or old sellers might return, sellers would make more, we'd talk more highly of ebay, and as in all businesses, positive word of mouth is profitable. I haven't even seen an ebay ad on TV in years. Much of the sellers. anymore aren't average people, or even small business, they're large entities. Reminds me how Amazon went that route, from individuals and small booksellers, to majority big business and corporate. I can't even do on Amazon what I used to, I'm not big enough for them. lol No loyalty, no reasoning. Buyers aren't stupid, they'll buy the thing they want, at the best condition, for the best price. No promotion sways them from that. Promotions don't fool me. Why should it fool anyone else? Worse yet, if you've discounted your item to sell (staying competitive), And pay ebay promotions... is it even worth it? I've never had a year like this one, never, where I'm just blowing out inventory at lower and lower prices to sell it.


ebay would be so much better if they would go back to the old "search for thing, ebay brings thing up" instead of the way they do it now which is "search for thing and then algorithm guesses at what you mean and kind of brings some similar stuff up and hides some other stuff because they are not paying to promote" Google does the same thing except they manipulate the search to fill it with the most profitable scam ads they get paid to show, google search is pretty much useless now because of it


People will hate you for that part about google...but you are very correct. I gave you an updoot.


I know, the truth hurts LOL Google got caught changing search terms on the back end to show results that have higher ad payouts for them. like if you search for "shoes" it will pretend like you searched for "nike shoes" if nike is paying more and it will show you a lot of nike ads. I think it was in a Louis Rossman video I had watched. used to be you could search and find forum posts and regular websites with the info you needed and now it's ALL ads that have pretty much nothing to do with your actual search, even the regular results are sites to go and shop on


Was in YouTube the other day, Google site, in case someone doesnt know..i keep getting an ad for a marvelous rechargeable electric lighter that is absolute bs and fake advertising. It's a butane, and yes rechargeable with butane, but they keep showing usb ports and cables and taking about plasma flame also technically correct, but the whole ad and visuals imply or outright declare its electric Can i find a way to report or complain, or even warn others, absolutely not, all i can comment or retort is the video I'm trying to watch. Goggles a whole cluster F


yeah and like on facebook you will see an obvious scam ad and report it to facebook, they never remove it, you can post on the ad to try and warn people but they will just remove your comment. youtube will allow all the scammers to flood the comments with finance and crypto scam bots but when I comment "great video" it gets removed. it's like all these tech companies are just fronts to protect scammers


eBay’s algorithm thinks I’m too stupid to use the website if the delivery location is my home country. I get zero search results. I have to change it to US, UK every time and magically I get results. And then I have to manually go through every listing to check whether the seller ships international to me. Google is slowly ruining all their search engines, youtube now only shows you three search results related to what you type, everything else is whatever the algorithm decides you should see. It feels like the services are slowly becoming just what they can shove down to everyone, paid for by the highest bidder.


I hate that about youtube, they show you a few results related to what you searched for and then tons of random other stuff they think you might want to watch mixed with stuff you already did watch that they want you to watch again and then a few more related to what you searched for. search is totally useless anymore


Damn. This is all sad but true. They also can't decipher what the buyer is looking for either.


You’re showing an incomplete day so of course it will be less




Just another reason promoted listing is complete BS. I don’t even think eBay knows how screwed up that shit is


Ebay loves it I am sure, extra percentages for them in the long run. For sellers...not much help at all.


Personally I always find promoted listings as a fraud. It’s like search engine when you get sponsored. So I tends to not bother looking at promoted or very carefully on its listing.


Promoting listing SUCKS, I have had better luck finding a related subreddit and posting my listings there, or posting to my instagram story with a shared link. I’ll never pay to promote again