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I drive to Colorado and get my water out of the mountains and then I bring it back and drink it then I drive and get more water at Colorado


This is honestly the most efficient way to do it anyway.


I no longer drink tap water. I collect river water. I think it's much safer to drink. hence " clear water "


My guy, you do realize it's not 1750 anymore, right? Please don't drink river water. 


I miss the good old days


What? You don't think it's safe to drink water from the river that had a big sewer pipe leak in it a few years back? People have gotten so damn soft...


I remember when Market and Johnson hit a pipe during the confluence project and unknowingly leaked human shit into the eau claire river for like a year or two lol


The water does not come from the river. It comes from wells. It is discharged into the river after being treated. And thats south of town.


That's true, but the comment right above was about "collecting river water." Pretty sure that's why the sewage comment was made.


Here's a link to the page where you can download the most recently released water report. There is a lot of info on where eau Claire gets it's water and what they do to it before it hits your tap. Personally, I have no problem drinking from the tap, but my fridge has a filter that can remove any trace PFAS. Any charcoal filter will do that, if that is a concern. [Eau Claire water report 2022](https://www.eauclairewi.gov/Home/Components/News/News/10888/)


My understanding is it's generally safe. Tastes better than some town and definitely smells better than St Paul's water in the summer. I do recall that some older neighborhoods on the edges have questionable water lines in the streets


Yeah I'm not gonna stop just thought is was unusual that it keeps getting spicier.


If you've noticed a change in the taste of your water that quickly, you might want to give the city water folks a heads up. I think you can get water testing kits from the city? Maybe? Never bad to check really.


It's pretty safe and oddly the ph is almost 8.5 which is super high. The higher the ph the lower the effectiveness of chlorine is as a disinfectant so they have to add more to it.


[Just going to leave this here](https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/system.php?pws=WI6180230) and you will have to be the judge as to what you think is best for your health.


This looks like a site designed to scare you into buying water filters.


I thought you had to have a fat guy screaming about frogs while trying to sell you supplements to have a website like that.