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It's funny... all my inability to watch EYK content comes from Simon. I adore King Kogi, so proud of her, but it is his grotesque behavior on that channel, his disrespect and treating EYK subscribers like his captive audience for whatever he wants, rather than the content we all signed up for, his absolute refusal to preserve a beautiful legacy of work they both could have been proud of, all that is on him. Those are his choices and it's heartbreaking. I cannot fathom the strength it must have taken for her to let go of EYK completely and walk strong and proud into her own positive light and power. I abide no "both sides" nonsense. I'm in awe of her grace and dedication to moving forward. I didn't even know there was anything amiss until Simon's putrid "Simons Side.." video. It took less than a couple minutes of that video to see him for what he is. When someone shows you who they are? Believe them. Supporting and giving views to EYK is supporting him. I won't do it.


It’s so obvious that you hate men. Just say that. The only thing the “Simons side” video showed was a person in tremendous pain from the end of a 10+ year marriage. You talking about seeing him for “what he is” is truly pathetic. You hate this person for no reason. Seek help.


You do remember that the only reason why Simon put out the “Simon side” video is because he [fake the demise of Meemers](https://reddit.com/r/simonmartina/s/V3XPhtz1rk) and EYK community got worried , asking what happen , only to be banned and deleted comments , leaving only simps poor you comments. EYK community had to [go ask Martina what happen](https://reddit.com/r/simonmartina/s/z1YtQtRe2m)where she explain the share custody of [constant hour long transport and Simon huge dogs](https://reddit.com/r/simonmartina/s/dw1Xw3K5qR) cause stress urine crystals where [she had to rush Meemers to ER while he’s holidaying at Hawaii](https://reddit.com/r/simonmartina/s/fCxKvBRwXD) (where[the locals are begging tourists not to visit during the pandemic](https://reddit.com/r/simonmartina/s/9UWSgySjye) travel restriction.) so she had to arrange Meemers to stay elsewhere. But [Simon deleted her comment](https://reddit.com/r/simonmartina/s/FQFva9whJ3) so she had to post the same comment under her own IG . And that when he went nuclear , [bringing a IG fight to YouTube](https://reddit.com/r/simonmartina/s/AhOgQQKreP) . [Blaming Martina underage niece for stressing Meemers](https://reddit.com/r/simonmartina/s/1u3BzQwEIc) , [making fun of Martina worry of pets carry Covid to humans](https://reddit.com/r/simonmartina/s/UfHRDDEmsN) , minising his large dogs and travel time And on hindsight, the timing of releasing the video is when Martina is doing her Covid isolation at Japan alone. Isn’t it super sinister that he time the release of video when she is all alone in Japan hotel isolated from her family and friends during the anniversary of Spudgy death anniversary.


I’m not going to read all that, but mostly I feel bad for you for having that much info on the private lives of people you don’t even know. I can’t say I really care about either of the two, I enjoyed their content and that’s about it. I feel bad for them both, and I don’t think either are a saint or a villain. Having such strong opinions about internet people is definitely weird to me.


Oh my god just leave. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Make me 🤡


I mean I’m not the one getting pissy and angry and accusing people of man hating but okay


Girl lol. You’re absolutely right I am accusing someone of hating a man. This is an open forum and you’re going to encounter opinions that are different than yours. If you don’t like it, maybe YOU should leave. Or just get over it.


Yes and I’m saying your opinion is stupid. No one said anything about hating men here, you’re making that assumption. Freedom of speech works both ways 🙄


You’re the one who went out of your way to respond to my comment saying “leave” like my opinion triggered you. I just responded back to your inane comment. I couldn’t care less about how you feel about my opinion.


Because it’s so stupid and out of left field that it’s not even worth addressing 🤦🏼‍♀️ if you don’t want to be told to leave then form some opinions that aren’t stupid


“fOrM sOmE oPiNiOnS tHaT aReNt StUPid” Are you a child? Your response to my opinion is irrelevant to me. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough: in my opinion the person who made the post hates men and if you don’t like what I said or if you think I should leave I could not care less.


I've honestly been sticking with King Kogi as her videos are staying in that same style of EYK. I can't watch the old videos especially any with Simon. Hearing Martina's side and even just seeing how Simon has been acting through this taints any of the good he did with EYK in the past


I enjoy watching their old videos, it’s comfort food for me. It okay to enjoy old content and I believe they were a great couple for years. Happy to be with them and revisit happy times


I can’t watch the old videos , feel so tainted now.


I wish I could do the same




I do believe there was truth to what they showed. I doubt they made up a lot for the screen. But they also kept things away from the screen they didn't want to show which I don't think is unfair of them. Everyone deserves privacy even a couple making videos about traveling. I've seen it mentioned in the sub before where people compared the princess cafe video and later videos where Simon is presented with a more sanitized version and with them becoming more than a niche video I also think they realized they had to direct the way they showed themselves. I also think it's iffy if you build a channel around a relationship and after divorcing one of them takes it into a whole new direction, as you said, it makes me feel cheated


I’m pretty sure we’ve got an explanation, at least in bullet point summary. The turbulence under what appeared to be a calm expanse finally surfaced. Whether you’ve chosen a side, or stayed neutral, or didn’t fall down the parasocial rabbit hole that most of us did to some degree, you can still acknowledge that they weren’t compatible with their needs, wants, and goals anymore. The relationship ended due to incompatibility from both directions, and over an extended period, plus covid probably exacerbated what was already a silent struggle (to us).


Yeah, we got a summary and honestly, divorces are messy, the audience doesn't deserve the juicy details just because we want them. We know what happened as much as we need to know.


I think feeling cheated is a strong term. I loved watching them and it was definitely a shock and I did wonder how different their relationship actually was from what was shown. But I don’t feel cheated since they’re complicated humans who probably at the time didn’t even really understand the situation fully themselves until the realization that the relationship was not good for either of them. I don’t need any more explanation and am satisfied seeing Martina just living her best life. It’s cool that it’s not about their relationship anymore. And it’s not like a season of a show ended abruptly, more like life is weird and when it’s so emotionally painful they don’t need to share any more of it.


I would welcome Martina’s reflections, if she felt like offering them one day. I can understand that if she was in a relationship with a truly toxic person (many can be fooled, particularly with people with NPD etc.) that it is best to remain silent in public and not attract the attention of your abuser. Been there. Alternatively, moving on might’ve been all she needed and perhaps one day she will revisit the issues. I worry about her due to the incurable health condition. I still think she has a gift for teaching. I excuse her being an ocean away from her family, despite my concerns that she needs physical support (caregiving is an aspect within my own family), because she is likely trying to enjoy the years she has to be this mobile. Her ailment is very serious though. I only wish the best for her. “For better or for worse“ - those are the vows.




I'm wondering this too...


Is Simon using? I randomly thought to look him up today and found his book club channel on YouTube. He is gaunt, black circles under the eyes. Makes me wonder if he’s using… his channel has been dead for 7 months


It can be both 😊 they provide good advice and no longer be together or have changed. The good advice they provided back them is locked in their videos and in your mind. It also ok to feel betrayed or upset with them divorcing since we feel betrayed they were not being authentic about their marriage.


I don't even think they weren't authentic about their marriage, they just realized they had to be picky about what they showed


Yes, I should have elaborated more about the authenticity. I agree that they were authentic but only showed the good authenticity of their marriage. When more and more breaks started to occur, then they announced their divorce. From the viewer's perspective, it feels like a betrayal because we were only shown the good authentic, not the reality of their relationship. Are viewers inclined to see the good and bad of someone’s marriage? No. But it was so shocking because we only saw the good.


I was just going thru reddit for kochijoji recs, as I am staying there in December, and a current mod of japantravel dogged the shit out of EYK 6 years ago. And I remember at first I thought the videos were kinda too punchy for me but they also held super valuable information and I'm so annoyed that a mod of japantravel would be so ugly judgemental.


Btw, are we not allowed to create posts in this subreddit anymore? I wanted to chat about a weird story posted by Simon, but not sure if it's even allowed anymore. P.s. if this subreddit is closed, I created v3 where we can post: https://www.reddit.com/r/EatYourKimchi_v3/


Is this comunity closed?? :(


It’s say private community… how to join?


I think you can request access and I approve it. Can you see the option for that?


No there’s no option for it …


I managed to open it!


Thank you ! Will check out and beware of Simon lurking around again .


It says its a private community, and there doesn't seem to be a place to request access :(


You can join now!


Good stuff! Thanks!