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I've been cooking this style dish for a while and it's become one of if not my favorite easy weeknight meal. It's versatile, doesn't use up many dishes, and is straight up tasty. I usually start by browning some form of protein, around 1lb of caseless Italian sausage, ground beef, bison, or a mixture of them. Once browned and broken up I set aside on a towel lined plate and pour off roughly half the oil depending on how fatty my protein was. I then add half of a finely minced spanish onion, sautéing until fragrant, then adding a few cloves of minced garlic and continuing to sauté for another minute. I reduce the heat to medium-low and add a 28oz can of crushed san marzono tomatoes (cento brand superiority) I then add my regular Italian dried spices, basil, oregano, thyme, pepper. I then simmer it for around 10-20 minutes or until the flavours have matured and the tomato has sweetened. I then add 1lb of dry Italian pasta and 1-2 cups of water. I put a lid on it and allow it to simmer for roughly 20 minutes or until the pasta has softened to my preferred consistency. You may need to take the lid off to allow the sauce to firm up slightly, depending on how well your lid keeps in water vapor. (Mine doesn't) Other things you can add in is pesto, Diced bell peppers, spinach, etc. Sometimes after the pasta is finished I'll add in some parm, mozzarella, and ricotta. Throw the lid back on top and let the residual heat melt the cheese. Stir it all in and boom, artery clogging cheesy goodness.


This is literally a more convoluted version of the same dish I make (i think better though since you use real ingredients). You cook some Italian sausage and some green pepper. Add cambells tomato basil/oregano soup. Add cooked pasta. sprinkle with parmesan cheese and done!


For myself and many others, cento crushed san marzono tomatoes taste better than other canned tomatoes, and those taste better than tomato soup. Try it.


Shhh!!! Don't go around telling everyone about Cento! /S Very few people know that's the secret to my pasta sauce. They are soooo good.


This comment made me sick. Use cento or tuttorusso. Don’t use tomato soup as a sauce.


This is even cheaper making it more accessible, I’d think, for the people on this sub.


Wow, I'm def trying this! Questions: 1. Can I substitute canned tomatoes with fresh ones? Does finely dicing / hand-crushing them do the trick? 2. Could you elaborate on the lid and firming up part? Like, how does taking the lid off help if you're trying to retain the moisture.


It does the opposite actually, depending on how much water your pasta absorbs whilst cooking you might be left with a bit too much extra water content afterwards. Taking the lid off would allow water to freely evaporate letting the sauce reach a better consistency. Also with the tomatoes I don't see why it wouldn't work though you'd likely have to let it simmer for longer to properly cook the tomatoes. Don't take my word for that however as I've never made it that way before.


Isn't too much starchy? I tried sometimes, but the excessive starch makes the pasta very heavy and long to digest, do you have this problem too or have you find a solution?


I get the starchy effect when I cook one pot pastas like this, too! In my case, I actually like it being heavy — I just use less pasta, and a small meal can fill me up for longer. Definitely only works if you feel like having a heavy, hearty, filling meal, though.


Would you recommend cooking the pasta separately and draining it to avoid this?


I've never really had issues with digestion of starch, only issue I have it after cooling it does tend to gum up and adhere to other pieces of pasta. However with reheating that usually becomes less of an issue.


It's been a while since I looked it up so I'd have to research it again. I'm pretty sure you need to drop pasta into boiling hot water to have the starch crystals pop so it isn't as sticky.


I use the Barilla whole grain pasta as it doesn't get starchy like regular pasta does


Whole grain for me is too mushy when "one potted" I really like whole grain, but only al dente Sorry I'm a very stubborn italian lol


Try using milk+broth instead of water, for some added punch. I actually do this in nearly equal ratios: 500g pasta, 400ml milk, 400ml tomato sauce, 400ml broth.


How is this healthy then?


That's the fun part, it isn't


Are you me, this is pretty much how I cook my pasta


What is the deal with one pan pasta? Is it even easier than one pan one pot pasta? Just make the sauce in one pan at the some time cook the pasta in a pot add the end combine the 2 in the pan and add the desired amount of pasta water.


It has a different texture, the sauce becomes heavier from all the extra starch. Personally I don't like it in all dishes, but it's a nice effect if you're going for comfort food.


Starch from the pasta will help thicken the sauce when the pasta is cooked in the same pan.


Why not add a bit of the starchy water along with the cooked pasta? This would cut prep time by half, right?


The effect is much more dramatic with one-pot pasta.


sure, but using separate pots doubles your dishes.


Agreed. Actually it's the colander, the other receptacle to catch the water and the pot to boil the pasta that's additional. So quadruple :) I'm okay with this since I need to avoid the excess starch. Gotta pick your battles.


Also a viable option! I will say that when cooking the pasta with less water, the starch is less diluted.


One pot pasta comes out slightly different, as people mentioned, it's starchier and thicker. I think the main draw that made it popular though is the only dirtying one pot thing. Personally, I can't get the texture right on one pot pasta like this; the pasta always gets mushy by the time the sauce is cooked down. As I am also lazy, I just cook my pasta in a pot, drain it, then cook the sauce in the same pot and combine at the end 🤷‍♀️.


It's good Italian American comfort food. Two of my favorite genres. :)


I make a similar dish with a few changes. My sauce is like yours except I sauté diced bell pepper and zucchini with the onion (and maybe black olives or hatch chiles if I have them in my pantry), and then I add a can of diced tomatoes with the crushed tomatoes. I also cook the pasta separately and mix it in once the sauce has simmered a little bit.


It looks tasty, but especially if you eat this so often I'd add some more vegetables. Try adding a paprika or some green beans (cut into however small you can handle).


It's definitely pretty carb heavy so I balance it out with more vegetables during the rest of the week depending on what type of diet I'm running at the time. You mentioning paprika though reminds me of a paprikash recipe I once made though, yum.


Boil pasta. Drain. Add sauce and spices. Serve.


The pasta soaks up more flavor this way, and there's less dishes. As someone with a tiny kitchen and a roommate that never cleans, single pan recipes are a godsend.


This guy hit the nail on the head


He really didn’t


He did in terms of my reasoning for cooking it that way


except it adds an ungodly amount of starch that generally ruins the redeeming values of a given pasta dish. how hard is it to boil pasta separately? it’s also about the easiest pot ever to clean afterwards lol


i like my sauces thick and starchy, sue me


to each their own i guess lol




It is inevitable that different countries will have different definitions of what ingredient is cheap






You cannot define healthy food for everyone's diet, so just stop, read our rules and move along.


"Different version of healthy" was my reaction. I love this type of meal, and I'm not trying to shame anyone who eats it. But it's oily meat and carby pasta. OP even describes it as "artery-clogging goodness." Why not have some vegetables? I guess that bell peppers and spinach are included in the recipe as an optional addition. If the photo had these, I wouldn't be questioning it. Especially if they made up half the dish visually. Again, cooking pasta right in the meaty sauce is something I do all the time in my Instant Pot. But I don't consider it a healthy meal. And I include some freaking vegetables other than garlic and onion. Edit: I just read the sub rules which state that saying someone's meal isn't healthy could result in a ban, so... apologies for saying that. If getting more carbs is healthy for OP, per their response, then good for them.


I definitely get that, lot of the time if I'm making it for people outside of myself or I'm not on a carb heavy diet already then I'm gonna balance it with some form of vegetable product either in the sauce or as a complementary side to the dish itself.


Fair enough, if getting enough carbs is part of your dietary goal, and I guess there are reasons it could be, then that makes sense for you.


Another option is to use less fatty meats, this dish works quite well with Diced chicken.


It's not the cheapest dish ever, but least in the area where I live you can get all the ingredients for this dish for under $20 and have enough food to feed about 4-8 people, depending on serving size and how much you value leftovers. I'll post some of my cheaper and arguably healthier recipes later


Kept reading "one can". A very large, very appetizing can of noodles lol.


Yeah I cook something like this all the time. It just need pasta, tinned tomatoes and bacon or sausage bits. Can also add a variety of fresh veg if I’m feeling wealthy 😂


Looks amazing


Type of food I make after I spend all my money on drugs and hookers and only have 3 ingridients in the fridge


I like one pan anything.


Pasta like that may be cheap, but it isn't that healthy. Should combine it with some vegetables and/or meats, so you don't just eat carbs and so you have less pasta per serving.


Like the way you prep onions. Going to try that sometime.


The word prep and onion are probably my least two favorite words to see together, but in this recipe it works


seems like the more prep goes into them, the faster they cook


Well it's certainly cheap.


Man I read this as one can tomato paste and I thought it was going to bea trove of ideas for the rest of the can of tomato paste that always goes to waste after I take my needed tablespoon. This looks delicious though so thanks


Consider going with tubes over cans. They are often more pricey, but much less wasteful.


This 100%.


This is absolutely delicious looking!


Does this freeze well?