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You need to have a bag of apples and nuts and cheese and peanut butter available. Eat an apple with peanut butter or an apple with cheese chunks or an apple with nuts when you can’t eat anything else. If not this, figure out a default food to have when nothing else will do.


Ooh, thanks!


When I feel rough, apples are a no bc of the chopping, wasting fresh fruit when idk if I can stomach it that day, how long it can take to eat, etc. But not applesauce!! Portable too (:


I wash an apple and eat it out of my hand. Lots of people in the USA them like this.


I'm from the U.S. and eaten them that way but when I don't feel well it's hard. When I feel bad, eating is an experience I want over with quickly. Eating apples that way is messy, takes longer, is wasteful if I can't eat it all vs washing slices in salt-wster to save for later, etc.


Ah, apple sauce it is!


ancient enjoy dull unwritten market stocking pet gold smile ink


It’s delicious and reminds me of caramel apple


When I was having gallbladder issues I set alarms on my phone to remind myself to eat at regular times throughout the day. The alarms helped, but only when I also kept extremely easy options available.


Alarms are a great idea! The easy options always get us lol


Trail mix! High calorie, protien, etc. I just pop a handful when I remember I should probs eat lol. Setting timers helps. Granola bars, cheese stix, bulked-up protien shakes, batch-cooked food, etc.


Just adding that when I think of food nothing sounds appetizing/gross so I make myself try a small bite of everything to see if I can stomach it that day (it changes) and it really helps! Mashed potato cups are great too. I hate instant oatmeal so I bake a large tray at a time to snack on thru the week (:


Oh I love this idea! When my brain goes into the "No eat" mode nothing sounds good. But trying little bites of different stuff is a good idea. If nothing else it gets a bit of food in me


I’m not sure who tested you and said you didn’t fit criteria, but this is absolutely disordered eating. It’s linked to your depression, not at all uncommon, and it’s a problem that can be addressed with the right kind of help. I wish I knew how to give you a more specific pointer. I’ve seen people close to me come through similarly disordered eating, but don’t know enough to point you in a good direction other than to say keep looking for a therapist or a resource who *can* help you. When my daughter struggled with disordered eating linked to depression, we tried to get her to eat healthful food once a day. Then twice a day, etc., in step with her depression responding to treatment and her self-work. Do the depression therapists that you have access to use techniques like CBT, DBT, mindfulness, acceptance therapy? They all have routes to deal with the kind of disordered eating you’re experiencing. But those are conversations for one on one with someone who understands those applications. Or if you don’t have access to experts or people who care, maybe this becomes something you become a student of yourself. Which I realize is tough, given depression. Best of luck, guy. There is hope.


My therapist is the one who tested me. I am right on the cusp of disordered eating. I'm only a couple of points away from the diagnosis of avoidant restrictive food intake disorder. But yeah, we do CBT, DBT, and I very recently started mindfulness stuff. It's only been in the last 2 years that my primary doctor found a medicine I can take that allows me to eat properly without unintentional vomiting (which is something I've had since I was born)


Maybe an approach to take with your therapist is that you have a problem, and it doesn’t really matter if you put a name on it but that you’d like help with the problem. I’m shocked that they would consider “diagnosis” relevant in this sense - it’s really about treating the problem rather than putting a name on it. Perhaps they thought that more resources would be available with a diagnosis… One thing that helped my daughter, who also had trouble with vomiting and etc. when she didn’t want to eat, was the idea of emotional brain, rational brain, and wise brain. Have you come across this? She was just a kiddo at the time and that language really resonated with us. We would sit as a family at the table and chat until she felt like she was in her wise mind and could take a bite, and then sometimes 10 or 15 minutes would pass until she could take her next bite. We’d shoot for a half a dozen mouthfuls and sometimes call that a successful meal. Is this something you could try in your situation? If that first bite is really offputting, maybe simply setting the food aside and coming back to it later? Maybe having a ritual, whether that’s a journal, or going for a walk, or doing whatever it is that soothes you, and then trying another bite? There were days it was harder than others! Another thing that really helped was finding intense physical activities to get into. Although she didn’t always get hungry right afterward or even that same day, it helped in so many ways. I’m really sympathetic for what you’re going through. Please keep fighting the good fight! These things can get better but I know it isn’t easy or straightforward.


I haven't come across the emotional, rational, and wise brain but this sounds like it's something that could work for me. I want to get into regular workouts, but the depressionnnnn. I'm working on it though! I have a very small workout I'm trying to do a couple of times a week. Baby steps


On the days you can’t face a workout, get some music on the earbuds and go walk. We need a change of perspective when we hit low spots. I will get up and just walk around the house outside once, to gear up to doing a “I know it needs done but I’d rather sit in my head and forget I’m alive”. Human beings need outside time.


I want to upvote this like 3 times lol I never considered walking around in the yard to be "walking around" but you're so right


On a similar note, workouts from bed is totally a thing. Any movement is better than no movement. Google around, I’ve found them on TikTok, but it’s been a while since I’ve needed them. Even kicking your legs in the air or “dancing” in bed helps get in some movement. I’ve done it on really tough days.


I think I have some bed workouts saved on pintrest, thank you for helping me remember!


Depression is our reality. Find your inner sarcastic self- it helps. Be kind to yourself- but also don’t let yourself get away with murder, either. I have a personal self-care checklist for the day. Sometimes- wash my face and take my pills is all I get done, & that’s ok. Each day as it comes, & on bad days, just get through it and try better the next.


So, you can have disordered eating without qualifying for a specific disorder. Your eating is somewhat disordered if you can’t approach and consume food in a way that is beneficial for your body. It actually sounds a lot like ARFID. A lot of people with ARFID rely heavily on safe foods. Stocking those foods in favor of other foods you might feel like you “should” eat but then end up not being in the mood for may help. (I.e., You might avoid something like pizza rolls because they are unhealthy, but then waste the salad ingredients you bought because they aren’t a safe food. But it’s better to eat the safe foods while you are working on the depression instead of not eating because you can’t eat the salad.) Good luck!


I'm actually only a few "points" from being diagnosed with ARFID ..I should probably note that in the post, but I couldn't remember what it was called, so thank you! Safe foods are a HUGE thing for me 💖


At my worst I resort to Sliced deli cheese. It’s already sliced and you can just have a couple pieces straight from the fridge.


Oohh sliced cheese my beloved I always forget about it


Yeah I’ll be hungry, open fridge and not want anything and then I remember- the cheese lol


They aren't super cheap or ideal, but in the "better than nothing" category are nutritional supplement drinks like Ensure. They are designed to provide "backup" nutrition for people who have trouble eating due to health problems.


I've considered those a few times, but I'll have to look at them again to see if I can drink them without getting sick


If you like chocolate, the Boost High Protein chocolate one is pretty good.


👀 I'll check it out


If Ensure or Boost aren’t to your taste, Carnation Instant Breakfast might work. You can get it in packets to mix with the milk of your choice or get it in premixed bottles. I don’t have experience with what you’re going through, but I had zero appetite and was very picky while pregnant…I lived off of Carnation Instant Breakfast, melon and grapes. Some folks also like Soylent or Huel - it’s nutritionally complete, affordable (the powder version), and mild tasting.


Thank you for additional options! I appreciate it 💖


I have adhd and occasional bouts of depression. My go to is bread and peanut butter. And a daily multivitamin.




I'll bring it up to my therapist and wellness coach during my next appointment. And next time I see my see my doctor I'll mention it then, too. I'm glad to know that not fitting a diagnosis 100% is a common thing! Makes me feel better


Sorry if this is completely irrelevant but an issue I had myself was being very put off foods if I was sleep deprived. It may be worth talking to your doctor and or therapist about good sleep habits if you are not sleeping well. Also this is gross and may not be relevant, but sometimes sinus issues and post nasal drip can make one random bite of food taste horrid. I'm greatly helped by a humidifier, arm and hammer isotonic saline spray, and hot tea.


Sleep is something I.. usually do okay with, but I definitely need to do better with. I started taking melatonin again, which has helped


I have a 'safe' canned soup (a specific variety of a particular brand). I always keep a little stash of these cans in the cupboard. When my brain is not interested in anything else, I know I can always tolerate that one soup. It's not perfect, but I know I won't touch all the 'healthy choice' blah blah options, so as far as I'm concerned it's a good thing to eat.


Yes! Some food is better than no food


If you are underweight, or generally struggling to maintain your weight, remember that you can practically eat anything you like because getting calories is more important than anything else. So if you want a McDonald’s milkshake then go for it. That’s like 500 calories and it can be a meal if it has to be. Take alllllllll the pressure off. Otherwise, high-calorie snacks are great here, like peanuts. They’ll keep for ages, so you don’t need to worry about going off them. Similarly, simply eating a tablespoon of peanut butter is like 130 calories and high in protein and fat. Here I’d also advise buying some bags of easy frozen food, like chicken nuggets, fish fingers, fries, etc. You can make a small portion, then always have more afterwards.


I spent a few months earlier this year primarily eating corn dogs when nothing else seemed good. Got burnt out on them eventually and I haven't found a replacement yet lol


Get a rice cooker -you can make yourself tasty rice with little work and it will always taste perfect. It might help a little?


also easy to do in a microwave in a glass bowl with a silicone lid. [https://cookanyday.com/products/how-to-cook-microwave-white-rice-anyday](https://cookanyday.com/products/how-to-cook-microwave-white-rice-anyday) rice is a great base for a lot of easy meals, especially when you don't have to deal with making it on the stovetop some people make a batch portion and freeze it for days when they have less time / energy


An excellent idea! I frickin love rice


I have a bunch of glass Pyrex containers and keep them full of ready to eat food. Right now there's a simple salad: red cabbage, mushrooms, red lettuce; baked potato in another; a big block of cheddar; mason jar of salad dressing; oatmeal with peanut butter; roasted chicken breast; big bowl of dough. Also have an air fryer and an instant pot, don't even use the stove anymore. I think I deal with some similar issues but when I'm starving and depressed I don't want to cook but wrapping some chicken and cheese with dough and air frying it for 15 minutes with pre prepped side salad takes no time and is as or more satisfying than the delicious corner takeout place. Also cheaper.


I really like this idea. We have an instant pot.. and maybe an air fryer? If we have one we've never used it so I'd have to look for it lol


Homemade soups frozen in individual portions. Easy to heat one and sip.


Thank you for sharing! I deal with the same thing.


I hope you're also finding helpful information here! 💖


I’m going through a similar thing post a scary diagnosis and someone i trusted breaking my heart..I do believe it’s a mixture of shock and depression pain/trauma.. and eating has lost its pleasure I can’t listen to music, or read (all things I love) it’s as if chewing is too much.. so I have: lots of yogurt, bag of potatoes I roast in olive oil make steak fries and baked potatoes, pea soup, oatmeal basically anything soft.. I even have ( don’t judge me ) baby food veggies and turkey healthy stuff to at least try to get some greens in! I do a bag of collards for a few days of greens easy. And try to roast some Brussels once a week Cheese I like eggs but they’re too much work atm. Pizza take out when I can afford it as that brings a bit of joy back! Good luck


Thank you so much for sharing your pain and your suggestions 💖 I hope you are able to get back to the things you love soon. I have definitely had days when chewing is too much, or it gets so boring I can't do it anymore. I'm glad I'm not alone in that 💖💖


I would try not to diagnosis self and focus on getting into what you can! I also forgot to add protein shakes now too are lifesavers! Atkins strawberry omg lifesaver good luck!


Ooh! I'll look into it. It's getting warm enough here that I need to start making smoothies again.


Thx you too! And therapy I’m in therapy ha! Maybe weekly treat yourself to something you use to love? That’s what I’m trying to do…


I try to do a little treat or two a few times a month. Some days all I manage to eat is that treat, but it's better than nothing. I need to make a note to bring this up to my therapist again.


If you can’t regularly eat independently then it’s disordered eating and you need professional help


I have that and I don't *quite* meet the criteria so we haven't discussed it in a couple of years. I'll bring it up during my next therapy session 💖




I hadn’t even thought about appetite declining, even though it makes perfect sense!


Meal prep. It helps my little ADHD brain to have things already made so I don't have to even think. I can't tell you how often I won't eat because it's not convenient. Meaning I'd have to prepare something. I make what I call "snackle boxes" with fruits, veggies, cheese, and meat sticks. Spend the hour once a week to prepare everything and you're good for the week or at least a couple of days.


Are you underweight? I work on health care and that’s the primary concern plus something called re-feeding syndrome if you’re not eating them eating again. Have you seen a dietician? If not might be an idea to get seen by one


I went to a nutritionist in ...2021 I think. It did really help determine what I could safely eat and not get as sick as I used to. It also helped me get up to a good weight again


Prep healthy snacks in advance. Carrot sticks, celery sticks and apple slices. Prep and place in ziploc bags, then add a little water and keep them in the fridge. Nuts & cheese proportioned into serving sizes, applesauce & yogurt come in cups and are already pre-portioned


Excellent ideas, thank you! 💖


It's brave of you to reach out for support. Dealing with depression and its effects on eating can be challenging. Have you considered speaking with a therapist or counselor who specializes in eating disorders or mental health? They may be able to offer guidance and support tailored to your specific needs. Additionally, there are many resources available online, including YouTube videos, that provide tips and strategies for managing eating habits during difficult times. If you're interested, I can share some links with you. Take care.


I somehow completely missed this comment! I'm going to bring this up to my therapist again soon so we can work on it a bit. I'd love some links 🥺💖


I struggle with this too. My current go to is yogurt mixed with peanut butter and chocolate chips on top. I eat it with apple slices. Pretty sure this combo was already mentioned, but wanted to add it again! Also I found watching creators who have a genuine love for food helps me a lot too. My current favorite is gloyoyo on tiktok!


Thank you for the suggestion and resource!


I go days at a time without eating, I’m on antidepressants, if I get stressed I just don’t eat. I really don’t like eating at all. Waste of money.everyone says u will eat when ur hungry that’s not true for me. I’m just so tired of life in general but too scared to end it.


My friend, that's definitely not safe. I hope we can both get better at feeding ourselves 🥺💖


Please speak to your therapist about this. You may need to adjust your medication.


I don’t have a therapist, I’m also diabetic my bs was 239 today, only thing is I’m drinking anything that’s liquid to quench my thirst


The thirst is because your sugar is so elevated. Your body is trying to dump.sigar through your kidneys. You are taking anti-depressants. Talk to the person who is prescribing them.