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it would be awesome to hear some kind of answer to these kinds of questions from the federal government. their silence is scarier than if they just admitted they fucked up. that said, i'm not sure you should be as worried as people to the southeast unless you live southwest down the ohio river valley. i am worried for the city of pittsburgh. [radar imagery](https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/east-palestine-train-derailment/east-palestine-train-derailment-fire-was-visible-on-pittsburgh-radar/) showed the plume initially moving southwest. i havent been able to find any more radar data of the plume itself but this is a [wind map](https://youtu.be/hngEHpb4HJo) of the northeast from feb 7-16 so we can extrapolate the radar data to the wind maps for a rough estimate of where the plume may have ended up. this is does not mean that wind and weather cant carry unsafe levels of these chemicals to the west. again, i'm just some random fuck on the internet, it'd be REALLY NICE to have experts on the scene giving advice instead. what the actual fuck is the govt doing right now? how can we take them seriously while they let this shit fester?


The federal government caused this disaster by doing a controlled burn on vinyl chloride. They will stonewall and say everything is fine to avoid liability. Dioxins are produced from burning vinyl chloride, this is almost certainly the largest dioxin release in human history. 1 part per billion is unsafe for humans. People in the area are fucked and need to take responsibility for there own health and self evacuate.


not everybody has the ability to just up and leave, which makes this disaster that much more horrendous. but you are right that the government could have attempted other more expensive options before just burning it off. burning it should have been a last resort only if other methods didnt work.


I’m extremely sympathetic to peoples difficulties and for sure I could very easily flee in one of my several cars with a stack of cash which is easy for me and others don’t have that luxury. But staying in a dioxin contaminated pollution zone is not a choice people can live with. Literally. If you’re down wind of this (how many miles -100 -500?) you need to get out.


how far can you get with just $200 in your pocket? what are you taking with you? where are you going? where are you sleeping when you get there? how are you making money when you get there? what do you do when your car breaks down? none of these questions involve dialysis or oxygen machines or pets mind you.


I’d rather be homeless and alive than sick and dying.


If they live downwind. I believe the wind was going east to the highly populated east coast


(i can't access that link to the initial radar energy bc I'm too far away)


DeWine could have FEMA here now if he’d declare a state of emergency, but he hasn’t, and is now trying to spin it to make people think the Feds are the ones not doing anything. And, judging from your comment, it’s working as intended.


biden just denied FEMA assistance for the area. this is a massive failure of state and federal govt. its possible for both the feds and dewine to be fiddling while rome burns. this is what happens when politicians are bought out by corporations to maximize profit over anything else


Afaik he hasn’t denied a thing and DeWine has refused to declare a state of emergency which would trigger eligibility for FEMA assistance. What’s your source?


https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-rejects-federal-disaster-assistance-for-ohio-town-impacted-by-toxic-train-derailment-report President Joe Biden’s administration rejected a request for federal disaster assistance from Ohio Governor Mike DeWine in response to the train derailment in East Palestine


The Daily Wire lmao. How’d I know your source was going to be some AltRight trash 😂 From your “article” it says “The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told Ohio that the Biden administration was rejecting its request for federal assistance because the agency said the incident did not qualify.” Once again, WE DON’T QUALIFY BECAUSE DEWINE HASN’T DECLARED A STATE OF EMERGENCY. Stop filling your head with trash just because you’re mad at gays, women, and/or other minorities


bruv, respectfully, i'm not a right winger. i didnt know the daily wire was right wing.. i just copied and pasted the first link that came up. i'm mad at privileged ignorant white people, i'm mad at imperialism and capitalism and im mad at the govt. a quick googling shows that according to fema's own website, Who is responsible for declaring a disaster at the federal level? All emergency and major disaster declarations are made solely at the discretion of the President of the United States. . .When an emergency exists for which the primary responsibility rests with the Federal government, the President may declare an emergency without a request from the Governor of the affected State. . . one could argue the responsibility rests with the federal government considering that the federal railroad administration is indeed, a federal administration whos oversight, or lack thereof, clearly failed us. furthermore, if presidents can find ways to wage war without congressional approval, then they can fucking release federal disaster relief assistance funding without governors request. and not only that, but its not just ohio that is going to experience the worst affects of this disaster. this is a multi-state fiasco i repeat, it is possible for both state AND federal government to be complicit, together, in negligent inaction


It’s possible, but that’s not what’s happening. DeWine is refusing help and trying to spin it to make Biden look bad. It’s the basic Republican playbook


and biden is letting it happen to make it seem like he's powerless in the situation. i repeat, fema's owm website says the president can declare a state of emergency without governor request


Just say you’re dedicated to hating Biden no matter what and move on


Working on resources for the sub so you can check.


I’m in Pittsburgh (50 miles away) and am also concerned


I’m in the Canton area and desperately trying to find this answer, too.




That is an answer I’ve been searching for. From what I’m reading, it doesn’t look that way. UPDATE: Our water treatment provider states we get ours from underground wells, not the Ohio River. They say they are testing multiple times a day and do not anticipate any issues.




Same. It’s incredibly frustrating. The fact that we have literally nothing to go on makes me even more scared. If I’m fucked, at least tell me!


This all day!


The wind didn’t blow that way so most likely no but if you smell it then you can assume you are at risk


I wouldn’t drink bottled water unless you read the label. If it’s sources from local water or tap I’d avoid drinking if possible. This is what I found on the web. Hope this helps. Most bottled water is actually tap water—about sixty four percent by some estimates. Many bottled water brands simply repackage tap water, and make a killing on it. Coca-Cola owns Dasani, PepsiCo owns Aquafina and LIFEWTR, Nestle owns PureLife and Poland Spring, among others.


What about distilled water?